THE BARBIE EXAM INER ha Ilfllf ti AlliOflxHAltA tr n3 PAGE EIGHT world $4 gt known itIlelal lilectrie lpplilnres as electric Ioastels AARRANLHIENIS lltc illst llttll unnpleted by Izllladian lLllLrlll lilLLtIlt to wild important irons entice Illakers heating pads and electric kettles new plant ill Barrie This the Iolllplllns clehth factory Ill order to meet urgent delllzulds permission has been will lie of the most modern design and construction itlllltul ll ill Vilrllmt Pm Id Trad 03ml llltlnlllaelllrc linlitcd number of household electric Building is to UttlllllLllLt as won llltlloiiltioll is appliances dependent upon the availablllty oi Illatcrlals received lIIIlll the itlltltllltl of Lonstrllttion it is hoped and labour that factor production might litgill before Ille end of illllllfllzlll iclleral lilectric is the ob est the elll Apploxtillateh lilt elllpllnels Ill be required Id Ml mu litcfllltl of electrical products In anada For over halt on yellltolllld basis to operate the plant and except century the onlpany has led III the held of electrical for few necessary specialists the entire personnel will eqlllpillellt Illaillltactullllg throughout the war period he engaged ill Barrie its manufacturing facilities are being largely concen Ille products to be illalluliletllred will include such well lfitftltlyutl vital urgently needed war production TORONTO wuwwuum HEAD OFFICE lscl IllNB Wills COMPETITION ISECONJITIME Continued from page one IIanspollatioll for tile 45 lllllnltfilt lll to take part ill tlle contest was arranged by the local Kiwanis Club The Barrie Board of Educa tion had offered to pay fortlinnelj for the band members ill Toronto but it was too late to find anyone to cater for such gathering so the young musicians had their dinner HMl 41 Stttlil Niall ii1lgtllii llllrollizll allallizctllellts made by bla tlIlldl late lltl llllllltl tIlior Wm MeNulty tlallllne officer Witt SUI ltlt17 nlgtt lltttt ot the trey alld Silneoc Foresters Stll Ht dieselvet Over last weekend Set ilonita an expert ski lllstllltltll limllflrk 51 lii lzavn lussons Illuwlllltl training to Him thin group of tile Itoyal Canadian Al llld Mrs Vlllltlellgtcek IE IololllnIV Cult eric CI OWMOH gt hisy he showed Ullttcd Slates Arllly sprnt ttIIL weekend here Mr and Mrs Illlard Illlis Lockt Iwood Sale are visiting friends here icommued from Mr alld Mrs Simpson Oril flcllon read was high but 272 of hit were Sunday visitors with the the books read were nonfiction latters parents Mr and Mrs John which was very satisfactory 497 ltllttlfimt of all books read ill 19 were juvi M11 itttd Mrs ltutldlck imtl enilc books which shows where our Ml Cndcrsml ltlldCti farewell party for Mr ulculatlon would be without the nd Mrs chon Jenna in Gm light for with friends Freedom zxActlvlties of Men md Women ll the NavyArmyAlr Force ll home has been promoted to imlpr railliliit and ski lllovies to 1st Llcut lit Vanderbeck has been Cudch and the same rucs UH Willbill my 51 Alum day night to tllc Foresters Last IllitS 1th Wily 1155th LU week he was at Collingwood giving wtlo are affiliated With the Grey 01 Il el llc tint aho lld late nd blmcnc Foresters Continued from page one Gwalng oak leaves JV lll tll te ILstlur at when er ferr ha burn on sc duty llltt LV it 3y ail 19M Him Win llama Tmmv ill K0910 OlnltleteS 1011th willle could find accommodation ff01l5i Hume Ptmtf til it lord on Friday evening Mrs It chch of 50 Donaldl Although the BCI Band gave the two thciemwlb the Boxes for Overseas The lady war workers met at Of 42718 books read by the chil Mrs Ruddickson Monday ev calllg and packed boxes to be sent dren 361 were other than fictioll to the boys overseas for Easter 5736 of the books were issued illi KingEdwaldantlJlrillce of Wales 119119 Adlms out WE Course 118 willbc presented with pupils use pilots wings this afternoon at four oclock at graduation ccrcnloily ill the Drill Hall of No Service Fly itlir311raillinngehoolllCAFCamp Ordnance Artificer on the frigate Montreal on Atlantic convoy ditty This was the first time John tilt and Harry had been together since DCCCliIbelrl9liiz impression of being wealthy or gallizatioll they actually held up the program for few minutes last Saturday night because they had no music strrndST Forconcerts in Bar St received cable recently to the effect that FS tRayo chtch ihas completed his tour of operations aid cinccts to be home shortly Ray signed up iiNoT leZfauc Overseas Borden Group Captain James 91 iMidlllSl BOY WWle TWIN llalvev the commanding officcrreported f0 dilly J0 or mil3 in use handmade Wtlldcn whomb dmmi nlwmhs Donald Adams RCAF arrivedl stands However through the kind met to the Wide interest in mm Hm Werseus looking halal following year llCillitIllCd at lori onto Ottawa and Mont Joli Que eladuatillizin Jan 1944 I10 want and hearty llis friends and rela tves arc pleast to have him home again will officiate alld deliver the ad illlChS to the new graduates most of them being members of the tiny ness ole Toronto collegiate batlliil9 Wiil CH0 ltd the l1g055 the BCI buys and girls preamp our forces history books were most procectt without too lllllcll delay in demand 1200 being read with er and Mrs James illuman Midllurst received tcleglalll that their son Pic Everett Iluelllan II In overseas in March the same year iiiiiilillhdliLliinigiiuIllliniiidwil llllAAlillanilliiNler ML and has been attached to the Tiger it hmis tmimiffiibmimphy 501 tllilvlw IVES BEST mime 1105mm for shod limeramlu sqd Anleldm bmthct weigh against Barrie last year Inlhe 113 Even books of fiction show then back to his unit February 10 Army Ski Instructor Ilcrcs Keetch recently graduated ill the wantS Heft mm mm mm the trend toward hiswimll iopws Why has The Bume Exammeri they received qccgmd telenmn Sgt Ck bum RCASC it RCAF at ML Pleasant REL mulletems this year or rlid not compete and two of our Canadian writers the largest Class1fled section of any at all Barire was the best llIIVEY have written splendid stories of pl town weekly In Canada Results is now on leave at his home ill Stratford Ont hands lastyear and the best of oneer life ill Ontario The Building have done it In 1944 this news three this year The prize won ill lof Jalno by Mazo do In Roche and paper had total of 8184 Classifieds eludes handsolllpphield and $50 The Higher llillf by Grace Campl marsh bell llllmlllill when the liberty of at whose 3W During Batikaekl we had people is threatened books are ban LOOKED GOOD TO IIIIIt most interesting collection of boolfs pied very early ill the campaign 1Fir3rcfnnid was It on display0ile table was all Call It is inevitable that the public lib 1latdlzlzlidlhgtyjglc to lg speak piece at public gather adian books and the other special rary must take all important placei ing and was seated with groupIChildlenS CdIIIOHS ill the postwar world and plans the Tdulc An meof other children who were also But life is real life is earnele Slimlld be we Ulldel Wdy 0W lOl stating he was wounded inTcliTinl instructional cadre of MI Tor again but was still in the fighting onto isin Barrie this week Ill con linesi Pte Rugman had been 5121 nectiou with winter training With Tactical Air Arm Capt Grant Alexander wife and baby daughter residcvat 101 Clappcltoli St Barrie was the Calladall From It In $23113 whifh Webifm to shine histrlonlcally Nancy these days too and people are b0 INCly Wle 19 Challenge CQmGS 193 110 however was not quite at cascasking for more practical books it will our servicis Libraries canJ not meet this test unless grants officer he spentscvcraldayswitll Canadian Spitfire Wing ill 2nd Tactical Air Force gt member of the Canadian Armouredforma tionghe was billelted withthn Grizzly Bear Squadron Capt Al exander belonged to the Greyand SimcoeForesters reserve lcgimcnt prior to the war and after enlisting for active service llewas stationle at CampBordcll for two years be lore goinqcverseas Astony of his work with the Tactical Air Arm toofhome decoration and relloVat ing oldjfurniture building pians for both municipal and provincial are without her parents and after new hordes and landscaping cookinCFGHSOd We are Odorlg much wriggling and twisting ill forlned her teacher that she want ed to see her father and mother mg sewing talc all tique and many luxury but unimportant instrument The weatherwise teacher prepar more in the shaping and education of our ed fora little difficultybut at that Books mwe competed with arm youth for the would ofhe future lnoment Nancyspi0d her father and amems for many years and it is Sig mother inR the audincc and beatific smile overspljeadherface gt lllere they are she exclaimedi for In And dont they makn handsolne all crimp615mm trig In conclusion Miss McPhee thmlkedtllesmfiand Library Board for their cooperation clfcmauon Report 1944 Adult Juniorrlotal score of 186 out of possible flushed group of 40 Nazis out bill He in 5th platcion 8th C0 nfnne house and shot them up A39 C1 COmtE home from badly before they escaped An Northern Saskatchewan where be other group tumbledinto ditch Total 43332 42 853950 was employed by the HudsonBaybut Irish Bren gunners raced to Junior bogks 497 total Circa Co he enlisted Nov at the agelboth ditch ends and stealing at Class bOOkSI27WU 03 tOtaFClFClla of 18 His basic training Was lakdtrlck from Jeriy shot down the tion Juniorclass 361 junior en at Orlllia lditches It was an example of Newmetnbersvttt adult 243 jun great section leadership an of4 for total 631 2546 members on roll Mags and Ref 2742 2121 4868 Vitamin and its me stretcherfor other foods too If you bake bread homeddnt risk any failures Use Fleischnlanns frer Yeast It has beenganadas favorite forever 70 years because it gives such good bread every time Ask for Flelschmanns fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label At your grocers SUPPLIMINI YOUR ll bydulng cake ot Flame Throwers In Italy flcer related and lions share was InSCNMANNS fruh You omy day This froth STWatson of Dalston is mention given to such leaders as Watson All PW Iouluan excellent tumallow cuminparlour ed in feature story in the Maple of Barrie will WW 2V Mos 2148 3588=5736 MP VWMIM Leaf published in Italy and he is ltgt given credit for share in slim1 Read and use Examiner Classifieds 398d and use Examiner CIQSSiIIEdS CANADIAN GENERAL HEC RIC May webc found ready and willi W33 bmidCiSt 0V9 the CBC net int the Germans back few sen 100 philoso 131 14 145 lwork lastihursdig evelllng tences from the overseas Army 200 Reiigiog 136 293 429 paper follow Forseven days Gordun loutts Makes ltccord as Companies of the Irish Regiment ggiloslggnc Rm SW of Canadaeliks other Canadian 600 Useful Arts 292 1643 935 bake breadnnf use Gordon Coutts youngest son units alone this front had been 700 Fine Art 252 238 490 Ms Av COWS busV killing Naiis Aided by 800 Literature 10m 948 1998 Elelschmann FRESH Yeast hem making name for himselfismmnn tank Crews and 19 900 Ht 230 962 2162 as rifle shot at Utopia Centre throwers they had made lifehell 910 T1 orly 740 3746 4486 You ll turn to bread especrally these days as all llmp NB Recently he broke the for the tfnops along the Sonics 9m Blidveu H35 1812 esselmal highenergy10wcostfood It Supplies threeyear camp record 1831 with lvkes Cllarlie Company merit Fictiofgldp 35221 27268 622189 RESULT Among the community weeklies ff Canada there is no better ad II vital thallium one mother crops up yourlulled All CO vertising lncdiulnntlll The ll Mr and Mrs Morris Toronto Painful Pits inlltoils lhcrcauseol Much Misery If you sulIer froin boils you know how nickan IRIVEQUIBED FOW Phone 4335 IlliflifiltAY Yf miserable they madeyou feel Bulls are anoutward indicationTJI imp and just when you think you amtId of coming To help that old reliable blood medicine what it will do in helping this pillpeas for WETwhim 094$ to take its place the past lu new zonalint relml lflcilric illIII all IllMir lliII floor Iune of rIIflioxiumlely 3000 qumc feel will be funded or be mIIi of he former aqriulIml groutls luring Brilllord Slrccl To allow for Itolimping of Me life building will be to back several hundred act from street DEALER LER TIRE sERlcE 11Clapperton iSt Barrie life is and prolong the longing and poulticing you can do my not overcome boils you should urlfy the blmmwhym Burdoc Blood Bitterua chance to owji 816m get rid of them Thousands have used years Why not you tted TQWPIVIQM MARCH 1945 Canadian General Electric to Build Modern Plant in Barrie Will Manufacture Famous line of Household Electric Appliances ARE THE IROOIV Examiner Big circulation high reader interest and effective dis play conlbinc to glvcbcst results Read and use Examiner ClaSSIllcds vV oat it for 16