EgtyhoyrngI CANADA Trnznsmv FEBRUARY 15 194 AGE SIX niti AT rm HILLSDALE Market cuowouommomumomewd NEWS OF ELMVALE WI IIIOIII IIII FIIIIIIVI VI BI conuncndahlc report VLI aru l1lilll 19714 31 parcels were sliiiiVl7 rk 1M clean slate and hope at the close iirl this year to be able to say again1 we have completle our quota lied mss Snell1y was held in 1117 ii Itsent what We consider ver spit1m 13pm gm the following Secretary Mrs 13 MI humVI 11IlllurI wI NI 11334119 showsd 300d billi mice on hand to hcgin work 11 IIIIDI UIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIC mm lltultisill Kllllill 011 II II Hum Qutliing Mm husaii Mc 1i111111 Sivnig Mrs Butt 111ck111 Mrs BiadlEy 1C Smith was 1t7clccted president 101 1943 11 III III 7I7 hititifil truth of His hi htupp 17 73 than i7Igt III tr If II ttli iliii iii Title In II II II II III ii 17 in lidlliiiluii IIII IIIIIIIKH spun IIII I71 7I ierm iioiiirs II J1 ItII llt tit 17 it vi Vi 11 lrd 70 11 iii 17 HO 1111 Iliii 111mi Iii In 721 gt It ll II IIWILIII II 17 7I Ii iiicrc is no caxicr or quicker my ot Intnine your 77 our home Iniih uni third and really to 11mm 121 in 11111 buying 211 ADDJN litalibi lit iiouic Luiiihrr is rcaiiiiut tor ludv iiid siiiiyiu LIVLLHUU ii t1 iii lfi ii Jii I7 II licxy home taiilv lllSlElAhti throughout iiltlilnldlltltl 717 11 Mk Hl lIJ Him 1114 211 1111 ZiVn Tammi llml wiihtd 49 Im Vh hum II 77 17 17 Mdny Aladdin owners do the liniliiiiii ilitlllstiux Own your own home the ALADDIN way all 11H =i 1I IIIil tt 1I 17 IIIII iIYIilli VJ INN liI 01 NW iii jI tuxlom Tailor um Sudden II II IIIIIIM st17 Hi to wI mynlttlls thousands oi enthusiastic oniiris hate SW unitth CUPix 73 will ALADDIN lioincs lirouvhmit 11111114 Semi II1II II 7I II III II III III III III II 541I l1lii lt7i1 17171 it II ml new lts IHIIllULIUII Hum IIHIIIIH7 tut ht 1i 11 11 in 117 71 7w dcxltzm and llooi Lins troiii thitli to choose 1I 717A 77 7777 7d II 7IIiI171I 11t5tfi Small town HyilltllK tlltl unliciiieiit monthly lI 11 iIItI II IIE payments 31 oil1 I71 11771 7277 11 1V It it 11 1111 111 Ilfi COUFON how III SIM I7 III IIII II YIN p777777vr M77 IIIIII 11 gtI III 11 t177 17 1717111 mind In III IIIIIIIIIII II III IIIMIIIIII ledill llotHLIIIIIIIILIlunilliu III Nice 11d 71 I=llltliifl 11 17 lcihpik 71111 til III IlIIII II mi 17mm lIml hi 1m 77m III Ina llk IIIIHiul 1L 1ii1i 111711 ii 11111gt thlill illillk iEt liziltllkitti to 11 huh ll3l Junior tltltlt Heat 11 lil IMI II II II III I17I 141113117 are lit 15 otI II ln jut 71 III IIIIII IV II IIHIII ilI WVI lilIiIII llti lI 17 111111I III III 1I mi we Iii urn1 It 77It I5I i7IIII iIII II II II WI IM1I1IKI51 IIIIIII II IIIInIi livily W1 211 Hi their 2111 111 II 11 111 was lwn i=17 1iil 117 ii 11w II imlh le tizirxrlx Mr 11 11 Mix HW III II III I7 II II my III II III II II am LII III III In 7I II II7 iiI17 Ulr iliuIlI ottllI IIHI 31h lI thalliei runner 1IIIIII In AMIMi ii II11171I11 II III II II II 77I uI Hi 17711111231 Urimi 7s no 17 =till 1t ltl11111111 7i HI and tli ixLlll uui hiriil 113 121 ll 1u7i iiihtiiih Ilu itti 1o ttniiinl 1711 may 11 II Il tIi It It1 VVtViitlI lllI 471 lKHHEI 77717 ill13 1mm Mile 1111lgtr tiozn hes 111 YIN IVIl II IIIIIIII intemxi court 1c liliit 111 iitiili 797712 earthqhl 77 7lt gt IVIIIIIIIIII IIIIII WM II IIII IIIII III IIIIIiIIIIIIII IIIII iIII IIIlI IIIitII purity 11 1IL1I1I1I hi it 1111 IIIIVIII II IIIIIIIIII II 1m ImpllII 7a If 1327 II WIN III ALI ltildh mmil grinw im r71 Mn 11 in and Mrs 111mm 111271171 WW mw iVivoitrs cit1y lle 1lt 7lllivti 11 117lt llirl 11111171 the 711 Allied tin7 illll mil ltmx mil Hrs link VmiV 11 mm WV 1hr tamer iiazioae vl to 77 77 1ha7 Moulr lizlliu JJS r1 Eiilird In with In Hillittrd 111 view 11f the 211 wrainc liilltil 11am in 11 1111 1ni liil HmmiI vmtw M7 hdnmll lmili NW mi T711 71 711 iiHlli 05111 71 tlllV MM hmm mind hm 11 Im aiiaiiiniv dried fruit and thZetnMi 7177 77 7I I7 111nm 51 111I111111711 211d l1t pithint hri ahlc 1o rcpmz WWI 1mm 11 Hall hi 1711 111071 Iiui 111111111 lat 114711 Int 1117 Ilial twinix himi117 11 ltih 111w lianlt Vsrilil loinnlo 111mm 57711171ll111 ptIIV hit 11 mili 3w bum IIIIS IIIIIIIIII mm Hm hub Im Sympathy ms 711111111117I enatin on Monday 11121111 in 111111171 1min mum titleitlIiInput tmi Domiti itIfI Jami tt1gtlgt 1111 mm Vtur illihiltti and 111 llillllIV cases extm gym SimI 1mm 11 is extended 11 Mr and hiiIsIot hiIFS ireno Jones birthday Hm Hitem Im it Damn SOIIIIINIIIIII who minuucd in Amman with the 0111211111 Army ilililtlii11Iiitit$ 111117 lacun made ihosc HinI 110W linuxon and family bnnnly Bay 111 This 10th pan by wmqnwm an AIgilt71ltn1gI in dlNOMDdlWOiHOMViif IUMIM iIIl IWkm Ill7 IlIWi V511 i111 1117 Itgtigttllgtibiiit oz The gynunhv of community the pupils of No was great prerant wastage lliilll niSCttI 111 workSokeeptllBunshuuldyouactntoug irot Iti 111111111111 111 11117 wini unruly twprwtlth mm mo 777 lt7 177 =71 72 mom inl I1lit1lli amnion is ven ixtendtd to iht sons and malt tl nan dim 11 in 11 IIii ccss am 1111 111 233503555131i213eiigiscgiimliiioisiii ml Vdomhirm P110311 UV 117W who have 111s brother Miss liidweli and She was residsnt of this llill11yi was raised for the British War to sanitary conditions 11 lilLiUIlIltS III Red ross oniplctcs Quota worked so steadily and tazthliilly tiltitlliltlli of Mrs lhns Bid for many years hildrens illlldI and nr0hnngtcs i1 777L1lv vI as Midi Ill din 1111111 111 1h1 cltoilu Th 7mm worm phwland in tin larger nnmller of lattes 1IIWIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III7 12 lIIIIdiIIIi11 the ivorluoom 11111 we are ame P011 61 Hammond went to Toronto MWdW Fit Sgt iiilrold Smith Ilcnl XIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIS III his IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIII 1hr weekend Mrs Geo ridgci lorontoI spitli the vcechrRi with her par fztits Mr and Mrs Gordon 17 75 Pic Stanle Ln 11 11 Id Mn and in 1111 016 TI rie spent the weekend at llarvcy Some ciirs7luo insured 111v hfc With The Mutual Life of Cripps Ntlmll COUlSOn TOIOlliQ Dd anada and every Ivearsinrc that time have carefully read thetompany MlSI Hamid Iwuikmshm Culling I7 90000 wood sited Ihe ms MI III 7m1ual Report herausc as policviodcr am mm tlel1101tfv7 Vi 11 r11 711 i175rinciiiii1hiillhihn Us 13 Nms and mm 7170 Heme hum D171 II home 1Tileave from overseas spehi 11111 11 pldtiliid 111111Iu1d Ilng gurcsms such do hilt cIrImIVIc EN days va MII and MISIRI 77 iill now w1a an to in as 01c met 411mm muILh leIng Ii it IIIThIe scrimtgm aInd hanlrIlIs will 309 am to my cpcnt en us 11 co ored si es in the United cmmchI sundayI ml 18I Take 1944 tor instance More new policyholderSIiomed The IIIII $163131 gmegwtgoim Christs II II Mutual Life than during any other year in the Lompanys longhistory The regular meeting 0112118 Pres lWMnglwnWaMlltmlc untied With me 01 Common ngddglwmldvqs purposeHirersonal7and family protection We own 285000 policies for valcgm Eigggforgfngoggmgi 77 irotcction LXCCCtllll 723 100 000 it is cvnicncelatthe Com an has Busch7After the busmess gt vcry lastv lunch was served by gained lgootl reputation through its serVice 21ndoutstandingpolicy results Miss Willson The next meeting is to be held March at Mrs $171854000 was paid to policyholders in death claims LILWtiSfOrdS 77 MWFEY DHCRWOI M1551 matured phhCles dlvmgnds and Other 13ent5133tyearr bemzhttmg and Mrs Thos DUCkWlrih individuals and families throughout Canada My policies are still in cerg ffggvfgmigi 50 Miiify 112 and then values are consttntir incrcasmg Ihe assurance of security f01 Ijmogflc the CARI 71gt the future that thev truaiantec lVCS me eace of mind Little Bo Jimt in Washer 7I DI While77Mrz Arthur Duchworth theamount 12nd out lVV the Com anv 111 19441 received was fit he 35111113 Monday their young son Richard nt my shareof the divuicnds orprennum refuiidsas substantial reduction in some way go one hand into the 77 VV wasmn macm and had one in him of itc1111nnnf$93tltltlt10have been aid in diVidends to ohc holders time ke fI 13 77 97 pt 0f addresso 7777 whincc the Mutual iafc was first organized in 1869 which means that the II actual cost1f insurance has been rcducedhy this amount HISIIisiawarof rapid movement0verseas multmusl YOUR pARCEl MUST FACE 7777777l alsomoted 7w1th7plc7asure7 that7T7he Mutual Lhe invested ii lt be handled many times before itijeuches your man If heavdy in the two Xictory Loans of 1944 andthatalargepercentage or Murlel 77 77 THE RIGORS OF WAR7 71 Barrie you write wrong or incomplete address it may cause the assets Which total $S000000 is in Vttu and Victory Bonds am Mr andmrsI Bart Leonard am Ir Id IN III III II II our rcm sun1ew1 mterested these assetsbbcausethey beigng to usthe policyholdersgI hollarayJigggigiuicgnngggdrggonlg II weeks of Ideiuxin spiteIof cllyouIrPosIOIige er CIIIMI ion II IIPIQI eII III IIIousIunds motel damIrewesenttbasmbi13wibehindoungumnm mini at his home here for hi3 IIIIIIBoglaI gypsy 51019512eesld911ver1t YOUAMJWERWi77777PE1l97d9w579 finme hlf9 fhngShlIPGHN 17 71 20 7VWWVWV0 W99 VV Dome Edwards Visitei7hiSSS 7h7h byf9he5 PI Mes mid FM imnlpm me yderswm tP 845331et01 now at ompanysm Con Ctmg ter Mm Grey Midland over Sheilllorfi fonds Puckygur urcelsi VVVt I7 III III on III 17 operations from year to year so carefully that theSArETvof my insurance thIeIIweegngI haIdSIIII MIIIIIIIIII 13 wine clearly or prim full address inIblock iggigw 77 II Ii I17 rs to cuners wrci in severe 77 19 lllltlllestmnedi fmd $0 ECOHOmICRHY Md eimmly that the earnings of isspendinga7 fewI days with hel Makeswe the address is comm many delaysete vsd7 ye envy paper I7 7I sister MrsxA Lennard With strong twine 77 theCompdny give me my insurance at LOWEST POSSIBLE NET COST Mrs MayanCamp Toronto is mm 51 Mn VlSitingI her daughter MrsI 11 30V if you are writing to wounded map in hospital Oversees g7 II 1011 see life insuiance to me ISI personal thing and myI EaiIlIrflIeeyb eiznatIhihgicIlIro Inth II IWIIIII Ie COMPLETE Mum IE ADDI II WWI IN In Company reports on Its Operations forthe year mean more than present Mrs Lorne iCarrutvhers Tuesday HOSPITAL in large letters on the envelope 77 evenina Owin to adverse wea tlon of guies to me they mean strengthening of myIIprcsent aIrIidfuture Iher magma small attendanceI sccuiitv and that of my fellow policyholdch and our dependents Next meeting Will he held at Mrs mm Pownauis The womens $51th met at DON TS for SENDIERS Dom Pack Mick oergber grffn Eggaiewaesngi xmdsIDont rem foods that am rpail Dont send Ind HIchfllegIIpigiggg Izggchi IIqIIzdrnicrtIIrtons or glam Dont forget to afx rom er was given by Mm ChasI RobimI plated customs declaiIrIqhan Dont grgeIIslggIe boxes I7 and the 1103 was 3M7er by tbey Mashaoily IV DImmg 70 andI some iltliOIIiL 99 event 0090 9d Wt 112 II Three qutlts were donated by Establiiihed 1869 members for Redcmsa ISM lunch was sewed by the hostss I7 and Mm MoConnell bvhe authofiy or Mon 72 mummy it POSTMASYER 917nm mm Have You renewed you who IIII II II III II II