WW7 li tRead ht id use at ms TOLD IN INTERESTING REPORTS 21 BORDEn FAMILY WELFARE AUX i1 tii v7 if Wit WMMsswwh iiigay vlt NIJtt 51t ii lt1 ittfil ll Ill 17 7117 gt1 blAill lllla7 Mmi oliilcu ltltt we lltil ic lllli in it figtlered and found wormmt with whom the CHINA 77 of affiliated olitiiiiiiii much mdu till innitu tIHWH Iii lira information mint iluliluLJiiiLi 111 Ullllt ltli 7151 tritium i1115tl 7n7ltirir 77 ddmum mm APRICOT JAMH iiiif stun lltz5 CHOICE electoral 27 PRIME RIB nonsr Ifor 215dpt11tdlltl Many 11i tAun 1tt ll ii 371 Ullhe lxonc back to the same it mnvwmmm exeia riy Hllt1lt Itltllllt5 1ll ll ml ir til l1l$ mmmnum 10 hum 76 wme SIRLGEV41 311 be ll of about 12 rooms registered iiiifxpltrtiwi Sill317 mumlm 111 SLlltlii 24 Ipllllllltlld llwckwds 1mm mum all Hill 11 ll Il lit l1 IHLZ mm viir IllCll of 110lu Illlll 7A i7ii 137 7m77 717 71M illeiiii it It Ltlttlllt1l Inf Mrs Slieilii11lu tummy IMW Nllutll lip 77 MM llllllllt1illl ilti wilt viii an Unmowr 77 71A blnti ROSEl7ll7t511121 lltlob pr MUSTARD mm seem an nonsr 29t 1h 71 7H 17 01 71 1771 Mill7 01h Htciit need tniv in mm Mh777 777177 777 Rim lliairl til 77 1L lltotiies in 1llt1l soldiers and aim icidsIciid it llllll 11tl 77 7Mrs Jobson expressed attlireti litr 77 gout 110mg 1lllflltll77 can live conimita Idti an MUHWWK V7Vri1hm MM we 51 is but SOUR 77 7017 tum mkwsu 1m In wryuimnlh 1m Wm 777I777tlt l7llttillllltttllt7 151714 and to the lllt iliirnh m77 1177777777777 1777777717 Int enthusiastic members of tho ll committee Tilt Rodger Boneless SHOULDER Roast Il iinrner Young Mothers Club lt Viltt 13i IL to ENIJUVL tiilii4 for it 1ttltilltli that lit my Jllll MD 13 if it in iii ninthanon 7r tl Iii tlitx 77 in tti liill iv pr JitluYI Llilzllk it nituaiiaiii pita tttl Lu onlgtvnn t1111=tit1 Ht mil in if in than 71 77 777 777Yl 57rlmlll itll retract llillt icvl 1111 gt1 nun mulling hilltl it nr thhph 77tflIl gt twill Air in llt lift1 LNMV Mt 7+ twin tit thie 77 u7l MHHV 77 7L7 77 77777 77 At Allll fltiitttli1 la in ttlli it Itti itit1t1t the We 16 ll 1x til it His tfu 37 3i 7777 71 lll lvl ti zal 11 will Avt ll AUHEMH ii 77 73 1i li llaa in lit70 Wth 77 777 ll Huh 777 BUTTE r7 77 777 17777 777 I4t M7 7777 07 770 775 ct Mutt hm xitiii tie it ltinh illt llniiiiftiniif it It 1till1lr iiiv rm SUGAR 77i7 exici A7 it HHMnw 312 pit intid hi lt inti tgt 3h N7 77777717 pm It 057 4675 ll hi hm it tlt 7f titli 21 iiiivii ZUIHIHI 21H UW 1M it pSERVES 77 lttttl ii ilt 114 tiiiz 21va Mze7 1L1t 941 37le hr mm in HL N705 3338 ix 37 11 UHT thclfart Atlxliiat it tiA lilit hoziA lioro iiii mum it 7W ltt tun hm p7 in 131 tlltJ and him hf hm limit77 fiil il id Ill forces tetltzn 1iiit Stitt i1 th in in in 7t nu hi in ttft 77 3t 777 777 4177 7f7177 and 7177 17 77 17 77 ltt taint mmmm 77 A77 7777777777 Brand Ixi 7177177717777 7tlltt lfll1t1 illti llttl lliliil iiv Hnn llttls llt Allhlllii for in llliti Sxl 1311 3113111 llmtt otitt wt estiiiiitt nn tir lwldm lmtltwi of cvtral lioriitifiil hlm ll WW It ltttirwl 121711 iiiplcitiir 11 WWII 115 llltS in Hllmi ppm WIN WW lllL ttitt it nitit lh 13 wlClltltt possible repixp 81 LA io 77 77 7llll7 hi ah 77 77 7V7 at 217 77777 777777777 7h W77 ltl tiU ham imh Hninh on 77 777771 7717717 fl tho 717 it to out mm 27h mmmim 71777777 It JM ROAST it it tlill tgiu 11 uiuu to lll ziiratluui 11 IN rllll HUA Htl tmuhg llgt meal the cl In Alltllht 51111ltz ROAST itlttlt fllt AH fare muicil of Tim ii HI unit cave 1111 lllgtiltithiil remit Mrs Ricltwood onicner of lllt 77 71 thought to salltialii Rt BY Brand Clothit iliad boon rcaulid 111Hijlllllllk Cziiibiimuiimis Chili Since LN my TI LC ecu lt thousm tlttllllllttil in Barrie n1th that the Llub lxfmllfi 77 at serum FOWL Grad FUHWFW 7h 77u7uu777777777777777777 rAlllitltill hi hm 3717 77777 Hm 5M7 175 77 77 ipiiroxnuaictv 121 NIEKCstJon Lu Addwm 14 7h M7 PM 77 777 1hth Smw 77f 7777 7777777 771777777 of Miss iilhanis MIDCIIIllOllGClti 77 771 ill 1b MAC Itt ltil sirm 77 at thouairrier hospital who felt gt out iere wa need hf come no of the rim for it was mgNSON Si C1101C ecu seen by this Mm mothmbtmiwl liivziilable were time Approx BOLOGNA ill23 saintiisriuszicr it st suugAv 77777 105 30 117imllT T1117 ltic totCt illllteestdieiidltiibc lglmFu Rug trolls to the muck mum 11777770 77777 70 lCLLHt ad 7777 77777777777 or It littlllh and in mm mp 77 17 mm graduate l7 87777 21 uufufuunu asmhcmi 777 tath Hit 78777l77 7777777 llllllgt70 tspetirdly In lecoinincndiiie 0111C itillidhllli italiorleliinilms 243717773171331 linking We checked or al Calls or chm lull mdei 110mm nd he113 llitiaf alkalir4 10 plaints iiiiiiitlii=h thli hm mg them mm some or the lmb intEASTLAKE CHOKE MiniH autttmdeLnIt gp land in WC UN 1011501910gnancy Which are apt to AH 11 nRA mp mun 1m lsmrmth out hunch lltht RITUALmick ivy sifted nitii our NV occur with ounir mothers hav in 7777 ATOES 7v their Mbkssawnv my trims if ttvforooLinenm Smoked Perk Shoulders 29 7777777 77 77 1Illt tsp lemon extract Ringo raisins drain scissors Work shortc lOWClCut ne with lmy gradually adawtth apoon until fluffy and ink with ii spoon my While continuing to Gradually stir in siftetlmmcn 93125 and blend spoon until smooth Ad lnRrMients heat with blend Bake in greased NlSlS stir to pliant sum for hours 011ml The ever thlllhll 1tillll1 0i and fmnlhesy and with 1071707757 tthe committcn litm mm 77 757 mg and cookin ljjflihiedllltli townit intense heat which some mic tglfblifftlttiid mm minor am innit 13107 KL1L wui DiscusSion of such SlleCClS as mlhxlOELRs 911m ll tit 43 MOTHEa PARKEHS COFFEE 17755 runny MUSTARD FLOUR Ela ltlliltlMllQlng to7dn7lo do 7wisii dict help in the stlcction and pre ho wrihngly pttlalioll of the babies clothes and tor weather 1lilC7lCllQ1 the work the importance 01 well balanc at llrip innit lhel put 1101 ElN LAhADA lv Lqmpment simple CJanaon 77 17 l7723t 111 11 319 Regular 372 Visits lifesize baby was borrch mm the hospital dummy Course 77157770 their mummy and D777 777 Mrs tobson cvircner re prevnancy to be award1010gy SMOKYD 77 mum some 77 ill lltC77Y71ltll71g Cllllllll the complicahons of wegnanc SlLVLIS It if ii 110515th 3271 NUTRSM Baby Cereal its29 tigtf blOKtLLYS or BRIGlltS FANCY 77 roMAro JUICE 15 About PliCilN RASPBERRY dAM 3111 l5tfi iii but quite realistieand 10mm stration bath was given The girls cangct help irinmk ing their own nighties etc hy having the sewing machine nah Lv fitfink in sues able um PowDEn Tm During the past year abou lEGGO BAKING LAINGS EXrRACuorCii mlhers have attended 77 mcctings held every other Vt iicsday afternoon here the bcr coming at one time varyh from l5 to one Eight of the gi have had their babies in the two months Mrs Kirk tcaeo vencr spoils the membersmregula ly with her homemade cookies The chiefeoncernis how to con tact prospctiVe members for this club Interested members pleate attend to 571770 lunfatsa nil lon Jiil FLOW Ggil gauge 2351797 itaZtrzitiaa 1mni talifnriilawNeni Seasonng fctt tLC SUKIST SEEDLESSV hit tiCcS in cari store selection sizes In choose Irami ElliactiLtfy pinCd 7magnum FROM FLOltlDAJlRliSli ltLKlSDf Dbz JuieeOranges 2347 MawleSyrup Buuiiivu or CRown Bruno 777 Corn Syrup tit 23 GOLDEN 2171 Rooms Supervisor The Rooms Supervisor Mrs Moilcy7Elliott reported that apart from the usual supplies necessary the following work has been done Rooms completely redecorated iii July necessary repairs made to upholstered furniture cupboard built for janitorssupplics covers appliedto radiators inforder to protect decorating we are greatly indebted to the Army Servioti 44 Corps for their generosity in mark mg these additions possible Flinn rimismva CAEBAGE Solid Green 11 Heads Size new libraTTdAtS installed in De FROM ARIZONA NEW sunsoms cembe through the courte5y770f itiJJM citiiiivilimitmay simsoNs GREENPASCAL olivi 10 le DE 71mm Juan 77 ber of welfare cases These Were heaeti 35 mp 471 39 snags fromgunits not having any auxL or 70 A7 01 One of these sizes available in each Stare ldry sum Azz RCAMC How 1ROMTPIXAS wwswusw NI illgpsyrngmeers RCEME Ns CALIFORNIA ICEBERGVIIEAD LE ese cases were 48s titls Elven as BEETS lb lettuce Jlml in EssacheFWlAere fOilfld HECCSsaryV by gm 23 $1787 FRUM FtliilXNEW seasons Childrens Christmas party Grimm NO mm W7 Approximately 369over five Of ageregistered at the schools The CBFW Auxili 77777777 7A Vary called 15 COOKING meetin on 179 the angnual Mairijsz 10 yirrElfiz Has N1 BRITISH COLUNIBIS OK hel VALLEYFANCY lgxrA FANblgl chndren u0 cs 13 fathers wo year pLAlN Or PIMENTO ONTAEIUN119 forces any of Atlractivefy Priced by His Dozen 71 gt overseas or 77 27 77 names 6517 children were me 77 aui lid 77 ONTARIO No Grade IPANYII 232 under five years at the We momsThe total cost of the PAWIIIXSSIlDPS ACOMBINATION GRADEGOOD conduits was $33751 an avera Child report of this very succe and happy event poured in 4n BALDWINS41b25 COMBINATION GRADE Barrie Exa ONTARI tA it Bwt 77 hat reclatlon 0f the aSSIStance RUTQBAG Basile ROYALEAN ad Cu an bucEm BRANCHRI srvoda