THIS WEEKS 13st 6975 Copies HE 1111 Your ARR BARRIE errmmo CAiJADA liiLROOAr 1A 11111 up XAMINER Section Po 99571014 IOIIIIIOIOIOIOIlllllllllflIlilllllllllllllllolt MmlSlel Defence DEFENCE MINISTER Killed Overseas GEN MCNAUGHTON ii HOUSE OF HITS THURSDAY Ith 13115 Slit All 1133 7330 P31 KY SHOWS and $1 In edlcd on sl Ii 964 doncmg to mid excrtemenlsli gt 0V ll 111111 gt 11 11 111 111w111111v 1le1t1d 151111 11 mL 411111 1s lilgt 1r 1111111 min my fcner 11 v11l HK l1 111111 111 11 WWI Pl 131111 gt tr 111 111 stirrer 4111 111 lt cunt v31 12111 1011 by if It 11 1111 111 11114 111111 um 111 1411 A1 he merit to you that V1 11 utu1 111111111llv 11 3112111111133 11 hn11lti my whim Hum Id iii ii gti 1331 12111122 11151111 Muir 1111 11 Mi Ulltlllnldlltt ll 11 Hiln Hm wit HH ll 11 121 11 Niki unirm in 1211 iu11111m rlii11m11i 311 fut it Aimiiitudinuyuii 1111 11 111 pourw 111 wit H1 viii 51 01 4111 1111111 HI WI 2W WWW mm 111 iiiiimd idf 10 Mic Hi libel 111il111 1Uvl 11 ii iii 13111iiiwhiiziili 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Ditltilltttll ltvltlttlttl to 11111111 111 11 gt1 1411 on 1121 TARTING 1IES and 1M had given Wm bplmdu ME 11 11 11L11 mung 11mian in Wmlmd H1 DU lhe suioec 11121111 uddrr lt1tom worsens 11 111111111 ll Last Lomlcu Rho 83 Reporting for mu mm mmmlp lar 1111115111 11w choir to 11 11 1111 11111 few lilt imc MW Agnes lelon1 stilltd The pealier 2111 111111111111111 t1iill1lllY Wit ltN1HfMil 1H iliLiinlllt 11 131 11 11111t the amount from the 51110 of the 111113 111 A1131 11111111111t thou1111 i111 11 for 111 tiiktts for the two draws 21111onnt former 111111111111 11 11111 111191 Music wns provnled mum 11 lfioizczt 11111 i=ll Fragsz 532390 10 10 1111110 11111 Lions Club illlltldllNf orchestra toninunnlv Mi mil 1mle by 10 CUUIl llousc girls Tm C1 H1 hum 11531111111 vsus iilmecl 11111111 1111 111 lllmttl ill 11411 ft 174 56766715 710 dlftlllglJJid 11 171 Illfllliimiscjmilg ML hm the 81 Ciiitlgunms 11111s 1111111111D NULW 11 MIT 11111111 11111111111 ant iillitC UH lnrt 52111 Lonncnurn lsl1rl ltllklll 11 UIUM it Bil1111 11m 111 ll Wh =1 Jim otody love and dugaw I111 loug111 pioductd $7811 511 Club rm $220 1M Hm BUN Lima and NLth lllll111 sand 11111 111 lll gt messed apprecmmm for 551 Wn Victims Find This 1s the illllililb lumd 1311111 solo were Hi Lift in my mh bop and dredlllj lilIICC in the sole of tickets mimm rpwa bi 111L 1M 61 minivcry mUCh enjoyed Mi lliion FinanCial Statement 111 will 1011 Moml Rev Kent 111 111 Id Iltimwi Li M1 l1r 1111 11 111611 111 110mm HHUdl bidlcmem PIC31 11ers ol the St Cntharlnts c1111 loidtilillSS 111 1130an 1111 the 1111 Iciv 11 N1 110 SHIP lllll Bouih 13 tlctonv 910 all the 1dnnnis1r111ve work in conmun lle siid no fn remi 11 11 Duck 111 ilupts 0f 51333119 made UP IlCLtlon with the fund from war the soldiers we see on 11 ows M91111 1m 34100 31 ll 35 35 Streets are friendly 1111111101 21 331304553 St Patricksdunce 111w mks that mm we Ml imiimhix If$Tum $97470 omit ruffle 513749 Szilr Simcoe C01th COUHC are friendlv tanks We know little l1i1ru 11 the eve 411111 1111 loijnt r1 of knmmg MFS MCBIIdc $800 To Meet MONdO Jon 1501 the grimncss 41nd humor 11 111 11 til day roceeds 53503 Kiwa Kamivallmoth $134 Lion110111 Malnylof 011 boys and some 01 onr1 bu stoiipcd near the out lt 1rS liiVC Vone 01erse 11 811 talent money $9745 raffle 104 5m gmmlu COIN im mme MW Inqdbvrijmnff in mth 11 Bltldr 111 11 0113 furnltlHC $7830 101211 ill mqunspi In i1 over the 10 the mm In 1ni in MW 3453319 Addlng 10 this the bul it IL 1d nee of 347105 from 1913 made lhcre Will be several new 41111 no out 11 mt we hard 11111 111 he knocked Duck total of $4 80421 From this $3 10 mesy Hilly mUle than in thi lh 10mm lmm 1101 ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY 1111111111 SATURMY CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230 PM mil31410 ocrmv 1111111111j 1111111111 11111111131141111111111 cannoncountervailing PLUSZNDHIT fw gBOBLIVINGSTON andSMILEYVV Ill In Pride Of The Plams 1180 UNIVERSAL uEws MONDRYeTUESDAY4WEDNESDAY REGULAR MATINEE WEDNESDAY 230 PM no mm munmini DUEB uninit 141111111 1163715111111613111111 coLuMm prewar lt with son caosav 1m manner was paid to the Barrie lied Cross Branch and after various expenses amounting to $89071 were taken cure of balance of $10553 re mained to slurt1943 Salvage Report fa Mrs Warren Wilgur reviewed Vsome of the chief features of the Salvage work and cordially thank eduall who participated Over 30 410115 of paper was collected through the schools Total amount Shipde in 1944 was 218 tons and 1121 lbs equal to 11 box cars Returns from the various kinds of materials were as follows Metals $3801 paper $202780 rags $10314 rubber $390z filial $5598 bones $205 bottics $4281 miscellaneous $3096 The report of the Entertainment Committee presented by Mrs DF MacLaren dealt with some of the chief moneyraising events put Officers Elected Mrs Chittick presented the report of the nominating commit tee and its adoption reelccted those who carried on so succeSS fully last year These are Hon Pres Mrs Turnbull Hon VicePres Mrs Chitiick Pres Mrs MacLarenVice Pres Mrs Empke Secy Mrs Underhill Tress Mrs NettletOn Committees are to be appointedatthe February meeting 977 Short speeches were made by MrS Turnibull Hon President Mrs Empke VicePres and 15 Flynn andMrS MacLarEn President and VicePresident of the Barrie Red Cross Brpnch All complimented the Auxiliary on its successful year praised its members for the work they are doing in prdviding funds for local Red Cross work andwished them centinuedsncccss 0nly0ne Day 3W1th Minimum Above Zero Coldest Boy 29 Below During the past Week the Weather man gave us real Winter On Sat urday the mercury dropped to 29 below zero and thewarmest of the day was below On Monday the dropped again registering 11 be low and 14 below the next two days And to make the winter pic ture complete snow fell every day as it has done since the first of the lmonth Maximum and minimu temperatures for the week Low High Jan 16 Jan 10 14 Jan 29 Jan 10 Jan 27 Jan 11 17 Jan 10 14 110 Have you renewed your subscrip tion tempcrature rose to ll above but In 1151 previous your All councillors have been elect ed with the exception of Stnvnrr 1117511 him speedy recovery mm 11 hltli 01W Duck 01 DU hns resigned and another election will have to whereievve Bcsse be held The iiiiporlnnt business of me first afternoon will be the election of the Warden of Simcoe County succeed Warden Geo for 1945 to Banting oijsso PHONE 3735 06117 RC AT is TWEEDS MELTONS AND ALPINES or Men and YOung Men We invite you to see them $2250 $2450 $2750 $2950t01$3750 WINDBREAKEES for Men $550 morass Iiis 51212524 to 34 $395 $495 BOYS HEAVY BREECHES to 10 years $195 $53 $395 SKI CAPS all sizes $125 wnr 1110131 or who does know what it mcuns We nre pleased to have him and we proxperous life Owing to his injuries Cpl Rodgers was not able to reply Ken Crawford and Geo Munroe were then called to thcuplittform Ken read unudgggss and George presented Lance Corporal Rodgers iwith wellfilled purse The audi STOP Loom rrsrcm ICICLES MAY FALL YOURM DOG MAY BITE YOUR HORSE RUN AWAY 0R JUNIOR THROW SNOWBALL We have one policy to cover these and many other accidents for which the law may hold you liable See us before it happens MALCOMW INS URANCIQ AGENCY BARRIE FUR CAPS $3150 MENS and BOYS WEAR 55 Dunlop SL Barrie cheers and 21 tiger for him fendin Buudreau John pniiitd out that he was 13 nnc he argued that the others idifl as much or more to blame fur the trouble than the accused Croaxn 1torncy Frank llammondl prosecuted the case for the Crown ence joined in singing lorriies Jolly Good Fellow and gave three Lunch was scored by the ladies followed by dancing If you wont 2111 the news of Barrie and its trading urea readThte Bar rie Examiner $200 year and worth more TODAYS PRICES HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Cooperative Packers of Or1t to Ltd Barrie BACON IIOGS Dressed hot weight On rail Grade plustederal and provin cial bonus ifloduy iOnc weckjago Two weeks ago $1700 $l750 $1750 Three weeks ago N111Grdc No Grade CATTLE lBulchcr Cattle Steers up to $1025 Butcher Cattle Heifers up to $1000 Butcher Cows when the value vzis$116337 we $1250 up to $750 Thing happen when l5year old girl lenvoi home to work in madhcuselhing that separate hcr forever from those she love most aaagzxm Vanda ZRTOIVll SOT PLENTY OF MlllTON STARTS SUNDAY AFTER MIDNITE 120 BRAND NEW FEATURES 2ND HIT rsleeves Ghost 11110111 smurf KENT SMITHJEAN 1110013 1111111 111111111 TESSA 3111110 15 Harold Peary Marion Martin Richard LeGrand Wm ORILLIA PERMITS 5124854 CroydonKOrillla Building Inspector reported that for the first eleven months of 1944 the value of building permits issued was $124 854 This is $8377 more than Were issued for the some period in 1913 Nci thcr figure however includes the WWW 99 wartime houses erected in 0r illiain the two years at an estim atcd cost to the Government of over quarterOE 11 million dollars YOU CAN SAVE You can save many times the priic of your subscription by read ing and acting upon the advertise ments in The Barrie Examiner 12 GAMES muss EVENINGS 815 in 0ddflloWs Hall downstairs 25cGOOD DOOR PRIZE FJ Bologna Bulls up to $600 VcalCulves up to $1400 Good EweSheep up to 140 lbs not Wiinted 17 TheBzitric Branch of the CanadianRed CrOSS Society gums toils membersriml citizens of Barrie ahdlsurrounding district 11 Burks $1 1955 than market 193er cordial welcome to attend the EGGS Annual Meeting to be held at pm on Tuesday Jan 16 Citthelerary Hall Hg pdllets fullleIJortofthe work of the past yearwill begiven by CH 17 the ExeculiVSw Noiriinations amt election of the Executive and officers for the CHICKENS year1945 will beheld Grade GradeA =and E7ATHR1NL COLLIb secretary Milkfed Minded Barrig lbs and over 31 29 15 lbs to lbs 23 lbs to lbs1 27 Under lbs 26 001 1N0W Fowr Grade TO YOUR TNSURANCE PROTECTION Over lbs 22 LOWER RATES BUY INCREASED FIRE COVERAGE ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE Sup US AND SAVE Eva115011 COMPANY 95 Dunlop St liwmbs off truck upt6$1150 lbs to lbs Under lbs 20 Old roosters 13 The above are dressed poultry prices and are subject to killing chargeof five cents per bird on chickens and fowl and 150 on tur 21 Telephone 2419 ht present timc keys for birds delivered alive to the plant Ducks and geese are only purchased dressed head off Un finished poultry not being gggcpted OMWFORD co INVESTMENTS TORONTO MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE shrub BRANCH MANAGER 13711111111 BRANCH89 DUNLOP ST TELEPHONE 2445 thefrodd Where necessary Also pledse use crontairiersjthat one It is very hardgoing for the menwlththc heavy snow lie Garbage imitationf We Ore astringentcustomers during the winter months to cooperate with us in shovelling path from the sideWalk to Your assistancewill be much apprectatpd 11