itOMOONIIWOOOOOOJJIJIIOINHIov VOWMWMHWenunouuaummm IE et in 45 KILLED OVERSEAS II MA TWWWltM ii il 11 tuw in 13 tl hl lillt lelnt Urutp til llxtilt 11 1L 111L961 ll 15 11 12 51 15 rre 111 are as to ll1l 31 li 110 lrf VuAEIEt me are is ten of 1lfllitl support in the him uid aver IV NVVVCIVDVGVVVVVVVV IndVi Ug VVPNV PUDL Vmgols own QtllAtijv wt in ill Milli ii Curio 11 lilssllfltll1 tilltfttl ll the De liUlJlrl Lttl Elias 111 112212cntof lidizci tllzl lax til l0 and Dick es VVVVVVVVVVV 11 111 1t VVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VlVVVV ViVVVV VVVVV VV VVVVVV VV rill st 11 ussrms lbmllt 110Rllttnit 1b 111W figures for tthl2 l11 01 there With lt11 cm several ll ill 13 rtiw tiHLt man $11111 AlsoltldiOs ltiisti to Vliiintn it flhc lfxliniincr pic 11111 tilt statei 111 illl ltCOC ts 13 ll1iilt luxh Illltlll for Centre Snucoc which ni 15 Toronto tfltl Liim lfttllltlx 0111 Dvlaxw GM elude 11 totlinof 1mm and lLll 17 111 trgitlslclltl an 1111 11 etlirtzz and etch section or school ar lctuziiiwa i11 tlll 1111s1 Function ld the rural niuliicipalltiot of lit liltlcis Ves 11 1d 1111 ilt to 111111 11 llln lllll Hill lll lllllvl lill 11 lll iii Allopp Clitfmd BANV Vllll altll 01 Which are utthII the 111111 lllll lllrfl uallli Illllt BARBARA HAL llRh 1L LLIJOI iilon 11155 AmH lSHIl Opmatinu expenses 19H grant 11132127 VUJllllr through 1111 IRINllNG 1m DVi fluid the will for current you Jillian VVV FVVVVVVV CVVVVVUVV CVVVVVVVVVS VVlVlVLVfgg BAH SV VV 15 1V your HTC 10 lilililll 11f liff Hl VV1 lv Hymn JV er nut3 111Vven 11gt 5911111111315 1911 glltll 51 11 nullno ho at 1111 POSTWARMVHS Cowdu UVVVV 13353 194 gmmV $301191 13 Mg lip lifp Viamb 5ngme VVVgWVWVViVVVV iitistze Cull ll Alp The following table illustrates the 19 llill1lil Vlll the nrny sank 417 EHllll cffect of the new scheme of grants armm 111116 in fix All 11 VlNLlNllllAiOlDGeorge in applied to the public lliools in 55 CW FROM Tllli SEA mint Mayor WV 11 Anni V1311 fidln $19111 1111 it ltllcl tittir Pugh FLUS 12 Vial 11 lV VVVVVVEVVVVVVV VVVVV VVIVVV VVV VVde from Vb VVVV VVVVVVC at lARTWlCIM ICE hl am 01101 lllll 111 111 limit WM llll liciiiltth Carter heroic lumlful of Rum llt Clifford Brown ll Allsopp 1313 VV mm EFF fltl Waiticz in Toronto 13 Allll P111111 gt 703 3772 tllw slid ltl llutlala 11 lp Hugg Section 11111 lOld tl1tlllt1 111 Mlol Peter Sinclir is exi 3i trim fell3 llV 111 tux11111 1111V The mm 1me ffiLU Um l115l13 178 77 03 rt it 11 13 is 1igt 11 Wmnw Hm 1012 VINPRV VVVVI VWH Hllil lb dw Im llll Ll H7213 33623 5783 lli itlitll t1 111 ll l1lll iniploycrl llt Leasitle en oug as mit SVHTVO mow 27285 91941 gt1V0ll 51 tum mm VV m0 Mic VV 90 miene itll Til llti thgltl senin in Bel tVN 11 131131 311113 13113 lm etween Knee and 11 Lmm MN will 10359 VVUV1l lam Dump 1163117 111 16 7H7 11 51111111 eltlct 111 Tnsellmlm ll 11 Mr siiiitii 111 Saint Hill 1111111 11211537 mm lt11 To FIRE LOSS VV Ml T1 81 ll Ciiiiidian hospital 111 to V0 mumg 31 1g o1V033V72 1V1 1331 luffV Vi VV England suffering with severe 14 098 will lmh ini 38 Hm 73 in one to 28 VVS hoe 1$312 111072 vitamii tnoil is 1271 12 1112 iiiltilt BAR if lnulhlcnw min for film he 100 MM 311113111 3311 11110113 MW 1055 511$ lilivi mUk Spam course mngmm Im170 20 52410 lllT In Wle wwwl 31 before goin overseas in Aunisi 1111 1r 911811 112 llt thivf Oliver Pittcrm ma 11 ll 11 11111171 2111 iitlttiiilV VV =1 $05 In 1039 86 198 HIV 111 111111 this infonnation it the iii Ni lllC dlli in lilletion lie was llp Alcl lilliil lllttlilllt of the five dehrrtmeiitl 17 gt VV Iidlnl on his lllUlUICClL nhen llMlli 111 t11 club looms 1t Lick he was followup Suddenl Councd AppOinlmenfs 11 HHV VM VtodhmVquVLVVVVE VMHR my lt swerved in froiit of him and his Made by Mayor Sinclair 1ltll1illltll hall answered to callsl mlllCyClC llublled lllo Cituii lllllmil ll 13411011 Period Ill CY bad compound f1atllllci ti MWMDERSON lmmml in one let between the knee and l1lnWISE ii 123311 11 llltlf shitlxll lg dppolmu ntmlSMiLL510at hipV VAM VV VlVVVVV VVHVCV VV Olllll T313133 VV VVVVUVVVCVV SgV LVVVVVVV Ame memhum than 5mm approxVet 1VV lV tssioiiV 111V VVVVVV in iccis the brutachare lindcpendcn found that the Christ Ltlmml lllCSttlly tlcnlng wereVt ti annually 1110 Elections Plus and bmm lloilmcl We we mm mm VVV many and he as follow 1llttiitlil lllllllt resulted in the 15m zgvday lmvcv report mm mo stiited well lllCl inNoveirnbor villi Board of Education StewUlllftit hein returned for 1943 as bOlCS DNglas illCd lo 195 19111 11 Hi tollowx lt nu gllckmn mqu It 0nVhl Ml dlullll lllil ll ltluhlltll rim 05 IllC thlllOleJ InomunwwtrlofhlwilNOIIIOmil 0x an knitting niccly andl he is hoping VV 10 VV Mr Mdvm WW 1151 11 Ncmumn and as er or es cop ea so VV VI Flight SIXUWA NeVCClnCIdCI carnes on liliim able bet leave lilllllllllle 15h howl imbcnmn ml Iv wan ljillllllv ism oconmnlz iin Food merchants were handicap 111W Billlduw BO VlllllilmilClllCSClllH liAb and YOLlVG MENb fillT it lumped by lack of certain Christmas gm Chmlcs LWCV SlCCCVLmT llllmfl dv 522 V0 2411 to 337 50 Own0 OVCIiltllllotllllCS such as currants rais Mrs Allml CXCCUUV COllllllllec Cilll iMONDAYTUE$EYVVEDNESDAY lid an dtglmmll Gin Skins peel ininccmctit Cranberries Park1 BinHt 11 31 0111111111 and MENS PARKAs PLAID LINED $1205 s16 50 as mp M1iiltoil ireo ioiilcdi llllll St wart members MATINEE VEIESDAI 230 Pall were at the c1 etc but nobody complained VV VVVV 193 Ire lgo 09 Jewellers had an excellent busi 303m 0f llCIlltlle Wisdom the annual dinner was held in BOYS LEATHER LLMIJIE 591100 u5 $5 db slmb and Malconison trcaptlic llistcri St fmmc 11 ness biit they too round shoitage 11 moms in 101 to tllc $12 2581 went over to d1 lJ BOYS PLAID SHIRTS size 11 to Normand VasV June VVVd VVVV me cerium MCIHSV Fume managed ponitcV ant unit to slit V11ettii1 uith 20 firemen in at Coed Grant Mayor itcntiance Guests at the meeting MENS and YVS WEAR VV Ch 055C an 50 terwurds In July the brothers had lVlVllllllldls blgl VwVlllV Vale Ellilyeefll he Barrie Chamme of COVVVVVVCVVCCCVVVVVVVVVVVVVV of VVVC FVVVC VVVVd LVVhV Www the pleasure surmise meeting ugonsn and 051153 are Reeve George Clark DcputvCommittce Aid ll illsoppg ln NormandY the Green rens wear Slippers too were not We Clllnlcs Chmc ml Mil1 3w Lloyd saw scmcc 8150 Balgum at all large stock R055 COWHH GreateSt Star alld Houani He Said had beenl Hardware merchants benefittcr as once wonderful experience but he 11AAgWSMANOFMANYLOVES 1did not care to go into details OnCIIihztlni$Cllh alighosrtlzlfsmlz Show Byoro Fa Edon 53 the intoestin uveni he rm Tomes COWS brought withI hiiil Gsman Items formed gms and were um rum mluul memmg of 0m Agr mnwmm 053mm ms acceptable 01111111711 SOClCly was held on Dec 153 rrlncronnec 10 Druggists had 11 excellcnl llad 19 the Tow H3 Thc 5le TORONTO tfhe Russwn cdlnplVgn T315 he gin toiletries and were fortunate i1 had successful year and showed 21 Frem one Vu un ergloun securing fairly gwd supply The Judgment for the Town of Bumc cash balance of $74650 Ernest MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK LhCliANG rcncr patriots Sales 8150 Named cailyV was given for an injunction rc Crawford retired after two years younger brother Tbaon Smllll ThrwmyW mariner ing Arthur Tuck from op as president The followingoffic 82ndYeor1rNo to meet the demand on Coats for or 55 Dunlop SL Barrie to were Mayor Peter Sinclair and The Council representatives ers were elected Pres hop or carrying on business at his Currie 1st Vice 1110 Reid 2nd iremises on Bayfield street Costvaicc Bartholomew were assessed against the defendant DirectorsJnoV Woodrow Victor the Supreme Court seale ROSSV 0V CrawfordV Smith Camp The displlle 35 heard in County bell liarold Walker Mel Crawford Court early Last month and Judge Earl ReidV was Storey and Ken Harvic withheld his decision Gilchrist at that tlmc IziaymllrlectorsMrs Wm Scott The Town had sought an llljuth Mm Rom Ha Mrs Orton Cum tion which wouldnurestraiiimthe dc ord Mrs Victor Ros Mrs Mc fondant from carrying on business Arthur anywhere in Barrie but this was not included in the judgment Tuck had counterclaim in against the Town of Barrie seeking $15000 damages for harm done toV his business This action was dis1 missed with costs against the dc1 fendant iiating junk shop or second hand FLYNN BRANCH MANAGER BARBIE BRANCHTSQ DUNLOP ST TELEPiiONEV2443 alias grapes was fairly adequate California walnuts and almonds were again plentiful although lllt price was naturally higher than ir Sgt Wilfred Homer former years when European stocks were filling the demand Slightly Wounded ltaly Stationers had good sales toys Sgt Wilfred George Homer Bfland games were in demand Tobac 13334910n1y 50 Of Mr and Mrs conists were short of cigars but sold Eggfegliggevoge dLoiVVicIVIVC V3251 more cigarettes of which there was He is 23 years age fa supply He enlisted with the RCASC in September 1942 at Toronto He received his training at Brantfordt and Camp Borden before going ov erseas iniApril1943 Sgt Homeri saw action in theSicilian campaign and has beeninhis original unitI the Royal Canadian Regiment in Italy ever since the invasion in the Mediterranean in July 1943 ELECTION NOTES 1n Collingwood Mayor Scrannage defeated Frank Patl terson 1002 to 419 For Deputy is serving with the Navy on the East Coast xedqursfns WWNNWMIWMNOI MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY THEHOME OFGOOD INSURANCE FOR FORTYSIX YEARS We thank our large list of Policyholders for their gener ous support and promise the same careful attention in the future we have given in the pasta Aliasesrim MRSKEFFINGTON mwumwmiewumnowwmb WARN CiAUDwE RAINS SENSATI n1 warm ABEI RICHARD mime GEO moonsmuons uORDm anVeek of Storm Below Zero But Once Over Foot of Snow This week has been featured by another big storm particulars of iwhieh appear elsewhere in this is sue Snow was falling heavily as one year passed into another and total of fullya foot has fallen in the past weckpnojt day passing withoutsbme snow Friday was the coldest day of thisperiod the teln peraturc ranginglfrom below to 13 above that day TODAYS PRICES Hoes CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by VFirst Cooperative Packers of Ontario Ltd Barrie gt PHONE 3735 BACON HOGS Dressed hotwelght on fall Grade plus federal and provin cial bonus Today Onc week ago Masquerade carnival at Slljolldi Arena Thursday Jan 11 good3 prizes good music Admission 250 BrainsViser $1750 $1740 Reeve Dique beat Mc The pieVious weeks weather was 95 11 ltDermld summons 9305 915 BC vlTwo weeks $1740 The Bylaw to wide for issu lgjldwlee if 77 Club Three weeks Ego $1740 ORTON AND MILLER ing debentures to the amount of soWs ll registered onVVVthrec daysVDec 21 5OQH0lle9elleral7lmlmgWeadingorthctwoWJrN4l5LMEDONIEW No1oiade $1250 32311 majggffylegf 112 mgleeeks are as follows High Low No Grade $1200 UPTO FIVEOnTs PER WEEK De 21 19 384 274 V1 mum 922 VVVVV our Vvaatse Electedonme VBVVVV VVVcnslzruV V0 $1025 YOU ARE SURE TO HAVE ruN Iciecvequ EI991Va1gtCV 21+ 211 18 ireaonicfrownsmp over the 1812 Cjmjzeeigj to $1000 EVERY NIGHT EXCEPTVVMON un91 ors ea ev any 24 former Reeve Arnold Han 208 Joe Parkeruzoq Wm 25 lThere was also cOntest for BUtcEel COWS up to $750 tililll 203 Am 1d Boloona Bulls up to $600 Ed OLeary 26 the Deputy Reeves chair and $13 00 milletBallltlillllErliinlltlttgllilhclol well 139 John Lawlor 95 27 this was won by Boyd Miller 133 wasgep Up LITTLE HALLsWE gAVE TWO 28 26 Hill ll on 11 same 11ng mm jQWgWAVSAggm 165 will 10399ngtggiagmb up to 1411 lbs 4101 wanterd ODDFELLOWS AND can BLUE Jaileeiesvgrzlztlinaoz 30 hlrlhnrllfmil mono Jambsvoiwck 12 1051130 YOULL FEEL RIGHT ATHOME ml ADDED HIT Deputy Teve Richard rMcv 311 hadnreviouslyyoll anacdm Bucks $1 leggnpfrkfl va ACCOMPANIEDVOR ALZONE Queen 537 Patio 457 an aiion as follows In John Rey In Councillors VV es Morrison 22 nolds Charles Swaile and ED HX 138 MAN 524 McLeod 444 Fred WW 12 42 Ayers AIllll2tsn 23 cise 368 Geo Berliner 335 Jno Agt Smith 280 HS WED NIGHTS WE HAVE QREIGHTON Notmmhafp peopm were wwxms WITH OED TYME AND NEW IJVresent at thenominations for the cm 61535 EVERY OTHER NIGHT MODERN own of Orillia VV Mllkfed MilldedB School Area17 310111 had total 61b5 and We 9431 29 gt receipts of will 59 including VVVV lbs to lbs 30 28 f7 bValance 06 14287 from 1343 aVridl 11 t2 Viblbs OUR FACILITIESV THE BEST VV PRINCE or wrinis SCHOOli Is VISIT IS SOMETHING Atthecloseof theiiiolnhiatiioni meeting in Medonte Chas Swaile who was elected by acclamatlon passed around box of orangesv Over lbs 47 lbso Underwt lbs Old roosters The above are dressed prices and are subject to killing charge of ve cents per bird on chickens and lowland 15c on tur deVliverd alive to the 1111411111 11qu 1YOULL WANT TO REPEAT rigONJIllESDAYrEVENINGAANUABYJW Subjects Drmsmakirig Household Science Cooking Show Card Writing Bookkeeping and Typewriting Motor Mechanics ll Classes will meet every Tuesday and llilloomaidonll 0w TUEWED EVERY FRL VA surplus was reported in Tiny $4235 wasspent folrelief and $23 402 on roadsand bridges 2191 MARYBETH lllRDllllGHES EYlllll keys for birds 11 Ate SouthWaiEdratepayersVmerit eVenings to 830 plant Ducks and geese are only lgheld in Oil 13131 only 16 Pedple purchased dresaed head off Un tmdedV eight of Wm we cam VJOHN woops Chairman VJ Monnlsou PrinclpalV nVshed DVVVVVV VVVVV hem 8mm HUVV V1 at present time didates and 3111110 women