llLILIivni ulyr 5115111 1112 htli EXlelil1i if i1i1IP1 cl gtziiffia1f llil llllNllIl SICIS lurc liiicIi hand printcd bridge sets These arc Irish imports Special valuc $495 LUNCHEON CLOTHS 52 52 printed luncheon cloths in colorful designs $250 $3911 llilllC LlNlII Natural britlcc pure llrinecd cotton bright Card Table Covers Quilted chintz card covers With box edges all standard size To Mallte Her Christmas Merry BRIDGE AND LUNCHEON SETS 313 square with scrvxctlc Fancy ctiiltoii material $198 $298 RAYON BRIDGE sers lti rayon sets in colors of yellow green blue and lfll LINEN BRIDGE SETS Flowcicd linen sets with lllflllfllllll scrvictics Jol ors of green blue gold rose and red Fancy gora MADEIRA SlIIS SETS aiiety of patterns and color IIIIc lhicn Ma 0010 dcira embroidered bridge sets limited quantity only of these $895 TEA rowers Gay printed cotton tea tow cls in large assortment of patterns 49c 751 sets of Irish lincii $495 Dresser Scarves table Fit mm $150 Bath Towels er scarves with fancy lace edging Beautiful bath towels and face cloths item the famousCallaway Mills of America rose turquoise 22X 44 $1911 $1001 20 bags Large Colors of green peach blue sheer 16 26 Face Cloths Make your selection car lst stocks of this item are 36 l0$1 imxaiy fraiflauaea cf7 t5 5515342 KK Hgl Angora Mitts $298 $3915 wrirrii sunnns scarves hcmstitchcd and fringed ends $100 to $250 Iterative generalizingIvalancelocaleslsaIislaitIaisveraciociceweuwauw 1ji1f1$jionestreet BARRIE 131513345 HouseCoats Heusecoats titiiiut 11 and Mills lZll We have large lltl oi woiiicn ll Iliiislied Wool liovts IIitl Mitts smartly IInliiozdrreo with fancy stilth tt if Wool lLl Childrens Wool Gloves and Mitts inc iiill IItiiegc o1 itiltil and 5171s $150 $200 $300 All Wool Brushed Wool Housecoats Gloves and Mitts Madl II llllllrIll all viiol iIiI An inexpensive and ye lIcslIIIiil iiidutiful plaid tliinittus Very dicssy and yet sci tllllJltlltltlttl Iii wool units In writ 01 89c lllllt llllt cloves and mitts Assm ois red lilllt sand useful Hill $100 Wool Scarves Wool Scarves Straight wool scarves in Herringbone weave Many colors to choose from Wool Squares Sheer awool kcrchicfs in all the colors of the ralrp bow Fringed on all four sides $225 $2933 $100 $125 Silk Scarves SILK Rnrns 1in ll colors and runs Vzaii Iroliiitl ll if $905 Wool Fascinators style Hun Shetland wool iascinaiors Good large size wich $395 of ctrlors Wool Scarves Stripcd wool scarves in Brunch Coats and House Dresses Gay colorful cotton print bfuiicli coats and house lijcsscs Many styles from which to makc your selection Sizes to ll Black and White Pl In $11K llVlS SHEERS size white Printed silk crec with Novelty Roman stripes Shoercrepe scarves White with black pattern or blacl with white pat tern $198 honl Scarves In and flOlfll Wida pat 1711194 01 floral lml terns on pure silkcrepc tcrns $150 and $325 Large size chenille bed spreads wcll ICOleIQClWillIChClIlllO andworkcd in Ttodovciyprtc rmsr All the popular colors Size 90 100 $15195 $1595 Both Mort Sets Well covered baby chenille bath mat sets Largo assortment of colors $350 COMFORTERS Ski Jackets English gabardine ski jackets fully Curtains Rubberized silk with attractive colored patterns 111 black green kasha lined Colors red rust tur quoise gold and royal blue Sizes 14 to 20 is All Icllllllz covered Comforter At $695 $795 $9195 $795 All VSiItiiigWoolliflcd yodtniorierls 35731 Two popularstyleytoch00se from Semielasticcuffatthe ankle or the popular downhill style IKasha lined I7 throughout Colors Airforce blue navy and rustsizies 14 to 20 $495 $1150 ac legroomimicrowavemkuhumhwwhmaelstrcizccieraware 26 frqlasf 01qu We i331EiizigIKEVEQiZgipr r21