11 11 11 11 til 11 11 I1i1tr11ih 11111111111 t1 11r 121 111 itili 111 11 31 11 an 1w IL 11x 22 11i il111l11l l1 1311 wklorry of nus In 3111113 cures ill 111 til 1l11ii11 Ottll11l Clun ll l11il11n 11 ltii1l ill ltlflil I111 H1 1111 Illlll1 ul $11 Ht 111 tl1l1i W111 11 11 1111 of 1i til 11 will l11nl Iii iiir 1111 W11 111 I11 1111 11T lit1111lf 4111111 11111111 111 viic1l uli the next il in per hl ll ii ll mm 1111 111 11111141 111 1irou1ii 11i1ui the 1111 ns1n11s in the 21 111111 l11 wt 11 ll Mili li7izir Ii Kl 11 r1 LH 111111 111 1110 twirlcit We lvi1lRift 11 MUM ImW 11 J11 11Ilnothers hadhem 1111 11111111 l1 tie 1111111 lltH 1111 ltil won 311 ii ll 11 1ii Iilwl illi liidLlJlli iil ll1ll11l liiilts lllll lit Hill liiil Ltd 31 xidkilgil Til 1111 rl 11 11 11 mp 10 next11Hun 1suo Summon 111111 Smut WW Hlil To Mr and 1cllii1mli1 to 11 lltmte1itltliillllt 951 ll Wickium 111 l1 lzli Ill 111 l1 llltlilt oi iNtIl lllwl Illillilill Vlirl illilllili lr lites 1111111 Ill ri til ittIl 11 uul even an unusual ill Vicliii Ni iillillliifi Illfhine of his 11111ltu1 liu 311111 111 111113111111 11 111M 01 hit to accompany delivery If the 0111 $113011 1111 irons 111 iiie1luiiu 1ruv llliilii mo mili Mimi Cminimizilmm 1bi 1th gt lli iiv iWimp Innumomblo lifticultum lllFt llirllHill Slip13 iiiqu WWW when nextofkin clinnsm their ul 111l1s1rmililkjlinoti1vg1Wu mil ml ll it it HI lili ll 311 Ml lt Wis llilldl llilmnm Ull joy tile rmlilinn oi ili lilo lur 11f Bil iscliufwth in HlillW 911 nd her friends who culled section doing lluiillllt more ti1111 War Fund lluehrc and llnncc keeniny nextofkin 1l1lioes up 1111 very within1ch lllllir 1111 mp TL lilo Iiil1ll in lllt hall on lrirly When an 11cc1s1on uisis uhcie mum with mp 1I1lllm Th family has moved l11vin no iti 111F110 11111110 1113M 11311 dress its 21 sure stun 10 Spell llhllllii Eco Vlcathrrill 1n1i2c mens to lill lite Casualty Sltillll Tim lllliilldV lllif ill 115 In one case 11 young lziti llntlzlfglimt Ilil iliil lliililll ilniils1 due for llllllV service enrlv in the will ml war enlisted under his brothers lrlllfnlllnmhfixth glilfn mm Ill dale his motile nolcls heldv the lucky 1llfl 111111 ztlso enlisted and both procecdcd Tom 31111111 overseas In the meantime illeir father mchd several times witn reports hun 15 wounded 11 the curl out giving any notification of 111 of the action llut in the menu no nddwss and durum CHOUiDHimp ho my 1w mkwmmimnr Itruncc one boy was killed and anter In the enemy Or he niny other wounded The Casualty Seclchuosc 111 iuuore his 1Illlll pick lion had two soldiers of thc mum himself up and no b11k 111111 utum namcv the same nextokin and and subsequently he killed were unable to locate the father In the lumuliuw hr has been lt look well over it month to coml listcrl us wounded lh1iori1innl New Straighten it outTho rumor mm mm Hm hr how finally tenet of the casualties urthe chcclt 111 tl11 11111111 hospitals paper didnt know which of his and in fiulnin zone there are sonswas killed and which wound runnyAbrinus to lit lhu llt is not blc 11 11 11 11 01 mht Cl llilnw seas and personal Visit to the as llllFSlllL nl 1111 lll11Fillllllltlil 1Casllalty Section by the luthcr llllzrwd lhls nally lmncd nm But mth Tjmh mm 11 it ll lml do mmances 1101101 uncommon happen Emuic9usreports often originatc lin illellllml0id ill lilo 011lllll liilOll TIM ill llN WS 0i BMW lOllOllllllf 21 casualtv In the field and its illllilf 1rc1 read the Bat igliilel ltllihlwglllltll 1101 Cllfllilple r10 Inxninmcr fpllll 3111 and inform 01 500 in ldrworll mic 1mm rm CASUALTY Ainti ODE new 1H nw SECTION 1111121210111111 or 1111117011113 SADDEST 108 lb OTTAWA Royal Bank Aopointmcnti Barron Peace River Visitors llcre 111 ml Kl 1111111 liji nt of K1115 li mm yeir Nov lag renti cr the Anglican hrrlt lu lrm in charge of ll purist it tho Ponce lilHl ilkC1 liili llCV and Mrs II it Weill when they came licetni Into Mr Hill ivlti 1r1 formrr f19ltlll1 nt iiic Penm luioi 117 the churchs work over very urge arm ill the 111neet 11134 about no years ago UTOPlAm Ilirry lllllf spent the cilt end with friends in Toronto LAC Cliff Varco spcm inst week on leave at his home before been postad David Ilollcy Toronto was weekend visitor with Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis Mr Citnntlcr and Mr hnntlcn of Newton Robinson wiihllir and Mrs Gilbert ilIcMnstcr LN 11 and Mrs Dee Donald Mclllastcr Hamilton his home Mr and Mrs Alex Denney Mr and Mrs los liffin Illr and Mrs lIcctor lurnbull and Jean Mr und Mrs Jacl Ellis and Mr and Mrs Geo Ellis attended shower held at Alliston for their cousin Mrs Wilfred lloimcs Ida Ellis daughter of Mr ifid Mrs Ellard Ellis ot Lock wood Sask Shadow Social Quite Success The Shadow Social hold in the school Friday night was very well lelCIlthd and successful event and provided plenty of fun Jus Frances was in charge 11nd also sold mat made and donated by Mrs Sarah McCunn of Coiling wood formerly of Utopia who is enjoying good hcultln her 90th were for Red Tuesday night your Proaccds Cross work WAVERLE Pic Alvin Reynolds Brantford is home for short time Jack Bannister Toronto spent the weekend with his parents hcrc Geo Brock Windsor spent sev eral da lustwcck with his sis 1116 an urc 1991i Jm day newlywedsw Mr and Mrs 0rv11le T17th have taken up housekeeping in Waver lry Allan Thompson Toronto visit ed Mr and Mrs Arthur Dyer Sunday Pie Gopp Veterans Guard of Canada trom Monteith is home on furlough Bongratulations to Mary Young who was placed fourth in the pub ic speaking contest held in AllIS on At tlierewnt convention of the gubth 10th teachers Centre inspectomte Miss Bessie King was elected pmsrdcnt 311 not ram and Mrs utcmon Ir visited With tholatters Wis Mr at1d Mmseynolds withammudi1vliar31siinli3 around London and writer Cpl and1MrsMaurtcermeynolds Playing Cards and dancing Aylmer visited Ltho towers par entsJast Weekend and given aucpnsc muutty 1th ytwine presented wt 11 lovely table and mantel lock The evening wasspen1 in mum11111 Mrraud Mrs Ray 8112551 and item from Holly t0 ligmgi Monaco nd wee with her daluer is slice 1r WW 30111 Mrs men 1111 rma Hieng Marmara in To Geo Tell 1w Barrte and district the downtown 31111 leaving for Labrador where l5ll1v twini 1111 ll 12 l3 11 1iiizlf11 11 interim 11 from the com to Powwn New lOI Civilian Drum 21 111 lg 21 limii hit liirll1wim liir or ii hbiirErfLo LIT il l11 iiihi iim 11 1E 11 l1u llt Ihi inure livid 11 ii litu Oll lYklu 11 jiltl 11= Ltlrs llt= ill V11 Ilil Nelson isit11i lrii it in 11111111 Jack Iiunthuil 111 zneti rillil fer iii iii in Toronto Miss Kilillli1llll1t s11 slt1nr time 31 Mi 111l Iiirhri 11111 vls Zlrs hurles l1iiox imval with her hrulur iunts Miller Ionivny Iicrliulntlc lion 1t his home Mr uui ilr lllllltlt uul Ilillie tilirl Hz liuiuunll loiiiuui uih Mr Thus liruwic Iilis ll 111 end Miss llurnlicld and Mrs W111 liiiiil1l1li Mrs litis ll Arkscy llll Mrs Vin Dunn lili11 with Ir Mr 11nd llil l1lll WWW Mrs lllgtil lgtlil II llzirrie last week Knox Church service Johns 730 Cliit Bull illhlluntl home for rccir sick Mrs Newbury Mutluwzi spent last week with Mr and Mrs liiil Miss Abrrhurz loriitto spcnl the weekend with Mr and Airs Addison Jas Fraser loronto visited Mr and Mrs lirri xislon tor the weekend Mrs Brolcy and Judy liar h1s liccn lllll 730 lll WI ti y1i11ll Si rt gt8 iii f=l 111 i1 11 mirth ciiui 1i lie 1111l1nv 111 illzxc lrcasurer Appointed it Rolyi sin his r1Fhnfil ltr 111l Pi nmn mu 111il U1 11 11 111 11 tl iron 11 l1 Drilling for Oil ll Hours Daily l11I lltill 1ll1it ifll fuu 11f ll i11i 11 1llt ll1t lill IiiiliiOllE wit l111r1llizn1 powwow 111 lIlei1u il Ii 111 il1 ulxnll fl ii1 ii it ill Wm i1l Mrs lllii=lt lhuw 31l Lu 11 11 11v Ilitit Il shunt 1i 111 111 it 31 lli1lli17 their 1i1rts it re in xi 11t1 111ic tili l1l4l1lti lun1 ln 111 111 11 11 lfltl 111 inking course 11 fl11111111 VHNUW 11 ii licnrx Hun131 2111i Ii Iurv 1111 it loriu 111 flU ll ii ll gt 111l1 tiltcidintr th Iiitin will ii llliilitll cps1350 11 11111 e1lltli11 rne 14111111 lilil nr mxvrn lit11 conipauiml oi Einixr hi litlt is niece or 311 Henry twist rituiiir lr1uitv Mison ircie mil limili lltti Mrs Ios Innox Aloiduy eren lie huti been ill by Miss lrcne 131wle anti 122 11 llr unis in ills Irs Kent lhe slutlv hook ill 11 11 conducted by Mrs Sprite5 iig ll 1l1ll1llln11l11l and imk the fomt of quilt fm li 11111 Hummer mm mg Mm Htnau 111 11111111J stories of in mission iron iil Sunnilru Willi T4 urstlxrs Mill rnl PROOF run run mm mum 131111 wily rir llzuric Ilxamincr On Saturday Nov 18 Chas ll Draper had the misfortune of losing np11y burn iii Lot 16 Fun Tiny by his it re ii 311 11 1ilUl llil lll 11 lll111 iiwt 1i11iill 11 11=W VA on l1i1 ili WA 11111 Lcwm Loom DELIVERY gr CHRISTMAS DA il viivii POST YOUR MAIL nor will nun DECEMBER 19 Thorium illiile li lrri ll hitt mm 11 11111 111 11 lmIrUu l1 11 liiIJy 2i 93 it 31 11 111 MP ll 1111111l 11311 in ms or 5va Ihc ligtlli1l service islhf1 um sin1311 1f just iificrl section of any 11 Cunnilu in l1lii11i llilil1ll1i1li Kiln int town li1 1i1n Iiuflei i1 111 Results lillil this news lllti lzissifiedsx Read and use Examiner Tlnssliieds iiiE rie areqsnuuliuu wiu Mr arid Mrs hiowtorth Miss lloru lienulc loronto anti Douglas Fraser St Cznliuriuzs1 called on friends here 1i11riu1 tin weekend 33 Glmldchildrcn l7 treat Grandchildren Mrs Ouch leaves on Tuesday for Toronto to Round the winter with if ng 10 up unri WW SHANTY BAY Sin Elmer linhbcrt spent the weekend at his home Misshigtom was the Mrs Arthur liuhbcrt Sgt Biggs was home for few days The Womens Institute will meet on Dec ii or Mrs Wilsons Intended for last week vi Gunner Vinu RCA home last weekend and is now stationed in Camp Shilo Mon mm KILLYLEAGH guest of Harry Osbourne and Bert lind dlesion Bobcaygeon spent lily at their homes heron Both seem to be enjoying their new occupa Oil Mr and Mrsledllcivson and Mrsco chson motored to To ronto on Thursd Mrs Hewson Sufremaincd to spend the week Inthe city Recent visitors Becton Fred and George Eidiott Big Bay Point Mr and Mrs Iltos Mayes Toronto Mr and Mrs Scott Shorpe mo tored ito Toronto on Stinday ulc companied by Mrsu Warnica who has been their guest tor the past week Friends in this district of Miss Marjorie Eldelidge Bethesda are pleased to learn she is making satisfactory recovery frorn herme ccnt accident Mr and Mrs LG Ireton and Betty spent Sundaywith Mr and Mrs Newton Besse Oro day and Friday in Orillia visiting en Wm Giulia held successtul sale offar1n stock and implements last Friday Geo Keasl has received word item htssson Frank who has been living Saskatchewan for the rat16 years that he has sotcl his m1 and intends moving to Qua two to snake 1115 new home priml fordfswctte Mr and Mrs Tommi xvii Mrs Ircton spent Thursei usExmegfClhsslqdz 11 is theicharge toteither iEEsinsurdnce as developed through more than c1 hundred years has proved to be one of the greatest of ill iOlCOS ior human betterment It has enabled millions oipeoplo lo Liixjiiciqiinereinm 1111119 solvesodthirianglh 11 WWI ihnii cmd imitative mmmo NA umm liliiilliillcil 7813i rt iirrtnrh Oltire litl Dunlap Street WENSLEV Barrie District Manager dierllaiz Willcpermanently MothProof your Blankets Garments Woollens ctc against Mothworm Damage You will not be botheredwithihispest for many yearsI when your materials are treated bypur process Prices are very reasonable Telephone 24713c1nd have aphian Merges predefsnuy Dress Suit Overcodi Topcocrt orlforWomenis Woollen Dress FOR SPECIAL ARTICLES SUCH AS CHESTERFIELD SUITES CHAIRS RUGS CHILDRENS CLOTHES ETC PRICES ON REQUEST WENUSERVICE CLEANERSand LAUNDERERS 74 ELIZABETH sr jammy om