Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1944, p. 1

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Sgt David Spence RCAF who expected shortly to finish his oper ational training overseas was kill ed on active service on Nov 17 in England and buried in Brooliwood elnetcry Surrey He was the son Mrs Stansficld Bloor St and greatgrandson of the late Mrs Lazenby Belle Ewart Ilis widow whom he married ill February was wireless operator for CPIt fly ing station in Quebec province Sgt Spence enlisted in August 1942 re ceived his WAG wings at Mountain View and went overseas last one 116 was born in Toronto lie was educated in Toronto schools and laikdalcaand chroy Continuation school He attended Parkdalc Unit ed church Surviving besides his widow and mother are his step iatllcr SgtMajor Slansficld with IlCE and two stepbrothers 0111 Donald Stansfield recently re turned from Italy where he lost leg and Cpl Shillsficld and his Fight for Freedom Actinlie of Men and Women in the NuyArmyAlr Fem Promoted Lu Hylng Uiiirlr Ilobcri T1lv11io parents 11 12311 lid llil cumul lteiums to St allurines floor ll Cunningna No ltl lrcnton lleliCtl lvriirl Cil 31 Borden 311 been 11 Cent Ir eiscas yew 1511 111 11 bent 1111 the ltCAl War lege Collic 1iii1vtli lien zonlo Fighting in italy ite llarvey Cfiarctte 111111 f1 1111113 D1129 Icsdes at 516 110 Ave lla joined the 1111 11nd Stalem 1911 nlelxi in M11 1010 lle trained Canp Borden and Tram Nova Scotih 41ml Will mm in Scr l1111 111 11 111 11111 311 trinhcr 1013 113 Charelte sent to Italy in l1nii1ry 111 and he has since been fighiii the 8111 Army He the oldicrivlio ri for the past two years Venn In Belgian Hospital Mrs Dorothy Carter Elisabeth 51 Barrio received telegram stating that her husband Supper Robert Carter of the ItCE prev iously reported wounded in action is now reported in hospital in Bel gium suffering from shell frag ments received in the left thigh Supper Carter joined up at Barrie Arlnourica in June i911 being sta tioned at Stanley Barracks and elctawatv1l military camps for overseas in August of the same year landing in France on DIav later serving in Belgium and llol land Belle Ewart Correspondence aunt Miss Lillian Lazcnby 1111111 Husband of Shanty Ba Girl Dies The victim of an accident three weeks ago when he was struck by 8151 YEQFNO 1111111 been 11 111 11 Ii Vine Scin 111 lrenien 11 Cap Wm 11l tr111111 liretiucloi lo 1l 111 mudle i1nieg after has return 11111 ov col the 1111111111 til Cliarefte was his life by going into enemy territory to 11 Cll and carry Ite Wethcrup another Barrie soldier back to Allied nedi c1l attention But lte 1ethcil1p He left gt Spence Killed overseas in 1C Ill llitilll 11 1111 ll Emir 19 1113111111 SW 1111 1111 11 lllll were Vitrilfwil 111 made up 101m 2111111 llLLi film PO 1111211111111 HAWKESTONE rm 1111111 11121i1 1111 11 Alvlmill ll111 11111 the 11i 111 11111211 111 finished 111 111111111 operatzoaxi as 11 1111115111111 111 11 llalilax bomber with the fanann ltgtltl Squadron 1111 Sept 31 1111 be cabled 111 11111111111 111 111111 eilec 111 111111 11111 leave and 111121 lrIll in buy1 lled the fonowmg my hCiVllllillllainl as 11 111i11111 1111111111111 lllsi 1111 Charcttc formerly of llllitVLf1l1V 11 11 315 Ald hide 11 hull NHL ll and 111 have been 11131111101 since tlnir 111sl opiatm 111 11111111 11111111e now 111111111111111111 the same latation 111 all their 11111111 ops 11111 11 1111111 was 111111111 Several times they came 111112111 with ital holes in their bomber 111 We as they call it Once they 111lsi holes Douglas ilclicod enlisted with the CM in January 1012 at Toronto ill tralncd 111 llacliine Que in To ioiito and Prince Edward lslandl and received his wine at London Ont In February Illtil he went overseas where he took part 111 numerous flights over Italy France and Germany llO M1lzod was born at Rugby and was 21 years of age in July 1911 After attendingltlon public school at Rugby he enrollch at Orillia Collegiate lle look an acl live part in sports playing lugbyi and hockey while at school Prior to enlisting he was employed iii lo ronto with the Goblin Company One brother Donald is at iioliic with his parents For Great Gallanfry 011 Friday the following wire was received from Ottawa Dear Mr and Mrs McLeodr 11111 writing to say that all ranks of the ltoyat Canadian Air Force join 11111 in warme congratulating you and the members of your family on the honour 1111ddi1tinclion which have ceinlrtojiilli soli Pilot Officer Douglas 1111 McLeod DIC through the award of the Disting uishcd Flying Cross lliilqiflolllb having been appointed to com iiiission for great gallantry in the performance of his duty while serv inr with No 1132 Squadron of the Royal CaliadiauAirForcc The citation 11iiwl1ich this award was made reads as followslhis Officer has completed numerous operations against the enemy in the W111 course of which he has invariably displayed the utmost fortitude courage and devotion to duty bus0utsie171c3rm TEX as he wasabout to return to his RCAF station at Patricia Bay PO Hugh IIoblitzcll died in the RCAF hos pital there according to word reaching his father Frederick Ifoblitzcll 447 Oriole Parkway To ronto Ml for Egliutoil The young pilot was 21 He was an only son After visiting his wife formerly May Spencer daughter of the Rev Canon Spencer Bowmanville and formerly of Shanty Bay whom he married in Toronto last New Year Eve the young flier uastaiting to return to camp when bus struck him He was hurled some 30 feet but after three weeks hospital treatment seemed tobe progressing 51favorably Vuntil hailed relapse The body vas brought to Toronto Vfor burial 11 VGratuities to Service Personnel Thousands of fomier member ofthe RCAF or dependents of do ceased Amembersawhethcr they knOW it or nothave substantial Warz service gratuities due them from the Dominion Government All they have to do is ask for it and although it is nearly two monthssince this was first ailV nounced less than 5000 of an eligible total of upwards or 40000 have made application The gra tuity also applies to discharged members of the Navy and Army 1111 de endents The name Mount Haven has been reserved by the National Live Stocl Records for the exclusitle use lot Leetch RR Thornton in nu the purebred cattle bred on his farm Have you renewedyour subscrip lion IVV istcr of National Defence for Air OronBoy Decorated Po DOUGLAS McLVEOD Son of Mr and Mrstcith McLeod Hawkestone 1t0 whomliasbeen VV awarded the Distinguished Flying 194344 Dec 14 Mar 18 Cross 22101111211th FORTUNE You say Gibbs is now an in vestment counsellor Yes he traded lot of his money for experience and now hes trying to reverse the processV Single copies of The Examiner cents At all newsdealers or this ofce 111111111 111 tl111l 1109111 11111 1Llhi 117643 1111119 SitltCtl 1111115 sans $1971l0 1111111 11111111111rl11 11111131 Fall Fair building original cost During the past ten yearSthe Company has been oper ated not with the idea of paying dividends and it has not paid any but rather with the desire to let our young people enjoy good clean sport at as reasonable 21 price as possible The net result over the ten year period is net operating profit or $27098 The Company has not had Drum every year and artificial icc probably wont show prbfmgyery year but the average over period should closely follow the experience of this Company Artificial toe willnot put any mo any more days into Week but it will make it possible to uSe the available time to better advantage glance through of DecemberandJanuary only cv 13 111111 11i11n1 11V Mayor 11 151112111111 Sinclair 1l1el11=11 Reeve 21111111 ilarl ticllaiiiitloiil Deputy Reeve 11111le 111iti1 1111111211 Earner ll 1111li11l Aldermen11 for each Ward Ward lwll Lcislinian 7111111111 Wright Grant llioi l1b 111111o11c Clifford 21 Ward UArthur Pugh and Brow Ward iJ Currie llyrnc Anthony Decarie Ward liC1cil Robert on Craig lidwin Vllzoii Charles Robinson Ward AlG James llaiiis 11115 Cowan Ward SW ll Allsopp Goodwin James llart loueher lacclainationsl lublic UtilitiesR Finley 111111 llerbert Robertson Board of EducationMrs Clennnens Rev 11 Sin clair Capt Wlleon Mrs David Smith acclamations WQWW Ill MINI IUAlAU CIRCUUHCNS 321311111111111113 1011111111111 01 11111111111011 01 i1 tollilgiy mealtndl 111111111111 1111 111111 lJ1l 111111cy v11l 1111 llnxnxlv 1111 tliili111 iiver 31111111 11 111 9111 11 CANDIDATES WHoE lHAVE QUALIFIED 1111111 11 Ulifl 1141i llafll lily Hill 1111 11 lill tunre 111d l11lf1 511111 11ll1 directed 1311 111151 bur 21 v1111 111 education linlzsoittl by 1111 lItteil111111 ofior1111to U1iivc11l l11lVv ithlt their 1111111 11 llarriv 1111 the past five years Capt Wilson Capt Wilson ll father of two children lleni rho nearly Mlicuil 111111111111 baby 111111111111111111111 11111 He attended public and 111111 2cl1o11l in 1111111111111 illidghtil to loionto University his MA lie was graduated and practbcd with the illclignlloii dcp1111111cl1t of the 101111111 311111111111 lie also practised law of Aurora 111111 5111 coc before joining the Active Array Capt and Mrs Wilson have ililtltl their home in Barrie for the past two years since the former has beei claims officer at Camp Borden lfQ YOU CAN SAVE You can save many times price of your subscription by read Ilave you renewed your subscrip ing and acting upon the advertisc 1mm V1ig or le 11101113 in The Barrie Examiner v111i1 11 1111 111111111 llll 1111 1111 llatil li11111111 111 111 31111 lnndls l11111111 111111111 to 011111 1111111 311111111 c2 lll lluth lie won from law anotidl llall Here Are acts About BarrieArena 18861944 In 1880 almost sixty years ago citizens wall the welfare of Barrie at heart contributed or subscribed sufficient funds to erect building in Barrie to serve as skating rink and The building was moved to make room for the Collegiate and finally 1111933 it was destroyed by fire At that time the Company could have been wound up and the original subscribers could have distributed among thch selves $13290 However the old spirit still lived and itvas decided to allow thcmoncy to be used to erect new and better building if sufficient additional money was subscribed by thocitizcnsof 1934 II Wrightsubscribcd $13000 other citizens $5520 and arrangements were made to have build ing erected ash relief labour project VSince erection Depre DEC clation Reserves monies have been plOughcd back into the building and today the estates of those old shareholders of sixty years ago WQH Wright and the newer shareholders of ten years ago are Willing to donate building and equipment 00100 ch cost $42927 to theTown if the presentday citizens will signify their willingness to still further improve the pro perty and carry on When speaking of cash values it should The personnel or 1111 Form 1110 not be overlooked that 1111934 in addition to the relief labour proud olyuur sons Ihie service rc drawback 1111 standard labour wage was 300 cord With khldest personal rcc Vi be gards Signed P0111101 Min coum cam my not the records taking the months shows the jfollowjng picture Season Opened Clochd 193435 Dec11 Mbr15 1193536 Dec 21 13 193637 Nole 21 Mali 11 193733 Dec11 Mar 14 193339 Dec22 Mar 22 1939110 Dec25 M21228 19404i Dec Mar2gt2 1194142 Dec 29 Mar 14 194243 Dec14VMar20 The buildin replaced todayforqnythingdi re hours into day of Closed for Mild Weather gDec 17182126 Jan 910 Jan 4710 13 28 29WW Dec 10 111 15 16 17 28311131 Dec 1310115 Dec 25127 Jan 10 ll 1025 26 Dec 19 10 11 20 2122 23 25 26 27 28 311 31 Jan Jan 19 22 23 24 27 Dec 24 Jan 20 26 27 211 rsOn seven of the ten yearsit will be noted that the doors had to be locked on the children for some part of theVVChrist mas holld35u Inadditsion to the above February has not been without its mild spells and March cannot be depended upon at all VArtificial ice would make it possible to open with the beginning of our Winter season and to stay open later if the prospects seemed to justify doing so and to plan the Winters programme with certain amount of assura there would be ice for any event planned 20 nce that RIE +EXA NOVEMBER ill BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Tnoiisom Surplus $294764 For Barrie Nov 15 iMoyor Donald MacLoronl lSoys He Will Again Be 1x 311111 111 111 v1 up 11 1111 111 WI BCI 232 Ad lug announced as soon as received Please do notcall The Exam iner office phones as thesewill be in use receiving returns It is probable that earlyre turns willbc available shortly after eight oclock The Examiner will also pro videa bulletinservice in the window where the results will be posted as soon as receiVed gt 311111111 EXAMINER OFFICVEVHQURS 900 to 5315 p111 WEDNESDAYS to pm SaturdayEvening Open 730 19200 MINE 7000 Copiu Pages to 1121 1880 Three Contestants Seek Mayoraltv In Intensive cCivicVVVEVVVilVection Ca mpaignfgz ADVANCE POLL FRI AND SATV AT YMCA ccvc uchonon Tells 1111 illtl llrctioin 1111l s1t111111 milil pin in 11 pull plumn Voters Hc Desires To Serve as Mayor of Barrie 11111111111141111 111111 1111111 pin lVlt 11111141 111 1111111111 Inn 1le rm Min 11 lt1ltrl duh 11111111ri 111 Klan111 11111 11111111 f11111 llin 1l lir thnurd in 1411 ltllildllnu 11111 1111 1111l 111 111 llnmnt lrnul 1111 1111 all other 11111 11111 pulls 111 111 1111111 1111111 1011111 111111 pm 1111 n111l1 lls1 llllilH 111 rue ll l1 iAldermon Sinclair lQualitics as Candidate for Moyorally of Barrie l1cl1ll 1111V1111111 Illl llltllANAN 111113 ll 111l1i 11111 la1l1ie1i 1111 13 111 1111 1111 Ml 11111 311111 11 lI111l 11 T111511 111111il 111111 1111111211111 111 11 11111 11 rd 1111 Mayeis 11111 411111111113 Vcl 1111 1111 1111 11gt11l1i 11V 1111 could not111111111211t111111f 11ici1 11111111 o11 quarters arcii lYl1LliilUE clint 1111111 111 cic11111 111111i 11111 11111111111 threatened 111111 hr 111 l1111i said 111 had been 111111 111111 two 11 tin1 r1cietecr were v111111111 1111 one 111 1111 11111111111115 but 111111111 lllille1l that persons approval or n11vie1i3e Referring to taxes 11 1111111 131111 lllll were buying 11111111111 for ilitll ever before 111111 thev b1 crippled by higher 11 111 to the fine 111111111 11 condition of the 111111 111 1i1l 111111 1111 $51000 less arrears when he 1lil 11111 1111 11111 111 1111 11111 11 1111111 111 children would txarzt 11111 I11 llvl ll i1lti 111 liil1i 1c 1111111 llllll people 1v1 1111111 111111111 lltilll 111111 1111111111 131111111 31 lngh and Voucher Othcn 11111 NHL 11111 11111111c1u1111 11111 111 1111111111 added iiilcie 1111 1111111 11 bylax 111 11 112 11111 211111011 Sniclan pol1 111 favor of tifleial ice for the Arena and luxnlb of debt lin Wn will Ull 1111111112111 for 11115 111 be handled by esince 1030 The Mayor referred 111 1111 1111111 1111111 1ifllc1 the 111W stressingr 111111 in wa anxmn l111111c desirable llltllislit to Bar and stated it was at that time 1111111111 111 111 he 5115111051011 hnnhcr 111 Cominch llltltlrltllx is 1111 1111 1111 the 1l1111 val in or THVE EXAMINER WITH THIS lSSUE There 11 111 111111 lnv 11111 11111 11 installing 111 rtcd the He added that there had becn mote done in 111 iegaid iii the llll year than in theigmvcgg 11111 lcgcliberl 511m 111 1111 ipresent sewers 11s deplorable llc that 11 311111 11111111 pel lane111 down each year Mr tro11gly in favor of an incinerator iand labelled the town dump as 11 breeding place of disease In conclusion he declared that he had advocated tolin improvei tax reduction 111rcc for 131 chair three sections in this issue of The Examinerbe sure you get them all They are jampacked with the news of the town and neighboring coni munitics The second section is special and contains com plctu reports of Slim111 ounly oumil doings at the Novcm her session It also has two nagv cs regarding the Barrie Arena 1111111141111 perusal of these is something should definitely correspomlence and other gen craVl news is included in the special sectionwpagcs to 133 Another feature on page 12 is the mlvertiscmcnt sponsored the St Louis Missouri lub will one and three couv tain all the regular features and news 111101111 caelicek by The Examiner s11 fav111 previous 20 years Concluding asked for support on the merits of his service Mayor MaeLaicn 11150 sags 1141 of 111111 Sinclair 1111111 this week 11 COMING EVENTS rather than over the pint four years Bingo every Friday night 111 lcmcm gion Ilall Owen 91 811 sliarp 15 games 3131 gt 219 Club bazaar tea and s1 homemade baking Burton Avoilucl United Church Saturday Decenti her 11111 Sale of homemade bakingr and novelties Auspices Centre Vcspra liBblby the Bumm 111111aftcrnoon tea Wed nomination meeting in 1111 Library nesday Dec St Georges Hall Aliandalc auspices Glad Club 30 40b Rummage sale Saturday Dec Central United Church Schooirooin doors open at 130 under auspices Wohelo Class Commencement Exercises will be held Ihursday Nov 30 and Friday Dec at is p111 Good pro rammellltickets1e served 4748b Cherry liill and No lllnisfil Christmas concert Thornton Or ange Hall Friday Dec 22 oclock 10c Danc 48b Hawke every ranpayer Country CLARK REEVB FOB 1945 BY ACCVLAMATION 111111111 10 of GEORGE 1174811 Christmas Market llock Sect The only acclainalion announced returning officer llall Friday evenng was George Clark for 11cc rlc for 1913 given to of Ban Mr flail 1111V1ved up from the office of Deputy llccvc 1111113111311111 111 311111111 21111 RESCUES lull Reeve Clark referred to 1111 three nomination said he was gratified to slcllie hall crowded with men electors pleasure at the honor conferred on i111by the cit ens of lizilric VV Mr Clark spoke lli 11Vor of an incineratordor the spring of 19151 supporting the previous nights and men and 111 He 11 pic scd fin was plV liayniond 171611111 27 Welland ltegilnciil wounded in action in Belgium Sept 17 his wife Mrs Dillon Ave llumber Bay has been Cpl Kerr now in hospit England waffEFd imllel mitted to serve wounds in both 11112111311 fractured leg and bullet wound in the left hand while firing sixpounden in ilCCCITllLltei tu hfsnvlfehe wrote After beingiiit was lylsupport of mebyquw favoringthu Th town taking over the arena and rest of the fellows who were 111 said he felt the elderly taxpayers network of Vslit trenches only four would support he bylaw feet away couldnt come out to get me as the shrapnel and bullets were flying zzbove 11161 BobrCaehL ed his arm out asfar as he could Igrabbed Vhis 11111111 and he pulled mo bile hiSVtrench Id have been Brahwalte rapping at the Vlearly Gatesif it hadnt been for him Soon after that three 1111111111111 The Bob and said he was Coin and 25c children Jileen CII132 Dance Friday Dec stone Hail sponsored by Oro Fed eration of Agriculture and Oro Red Cross Proceeds for wounded sol diers overSeas Admission 35c4849p Euchre bridge and dance Le froy Community Hall Friday Dec BelldOrehestra Lefroy Community Fund for ov crscas boxes Lunch counter Ad mission 25c advised Iroweds to 111 beside the Sixpounder 48b oiAL2401 FOR 11 ELECTIONRESULTVS For election results Monday nigllt dial 2401 Three tele phones willbc available attlus number and the returns will be lzuava 611101le 01111111112 move for artificial ice in the arena Referring to the garbage collection he said he could not see the town age and Ray wanted us to pull out Nevertheless without him going into the business The 1945 Reeve commended the Chamber of Commerce and the Lions clubs for the work they were doing for Barrie Speaking of the bus service Clark related that resident of into the Council Chamber ill very unethical man added that the Council could not delve into Kiwanis and 1943 and Glengarry Highlanders Wardfli barged ner Then worth more LIBRARY llltlili CROWDED F011 NOMINATIONS Alcleiltwn 11111 11111111 for Want ll1f11l il lasiii1ai Mayor 1111 1111i ll Brown quail were Wilma 1111 Walter Ilaibcit 111111 111 3111131 i1111 1111111111111l let 11191 1111 1i v1o V111111hf1cd were Carrie l1ie and Anthony Decaiie Three 11111 1111 qualifth Leisainan lliliiLU liar and J1111i ii 111u1 lllllllliLd for Ward 32 Cecil Robertson ll 1111 ludlili 1111 111111 Caaiics Robinson ubitlvNiclollz 1111 Cowan 111111 lli11li Lower lid 111215111111 111 Ward there will be three 111al11lldue 111111le liar 111111 flor Cowaa If iCaizbis 11111111111 in another ward lhrcc qualified in Ward 11 Igtl11pp Good vln and James il llart lhnse 1111 running arev VV 111 15 Craig Kightley II Longiieed and Ivan ClCllililCilJ The only two aldermen given ae clanialiVons were in Word ivArthur 1111111th were II loughecd Mrs Cornish Allsepp and II Loughecd Public Utilities There will be 11 contest for the 13111 on the Public Utilities Com mission Finley and Herbert Robertson will contest the scat left vacant by the retirement from office of James Dougall veteran member of the Board Rodg ers did not qualify Board of Education Nine were nominated for the four seats on the Board of Education 111111 the following were given an ac clamation Rev Sinclair Capt Wilson Mrs Clem 111cns and Mrs David Smith Olli ers were Frank Dobsoli and Neil VV MacDonald tlo former members litlrs Rodgers Charles Alex ander and Harry Love llhc candidates wholwere nonlin Med and were present at the meet ing addressed the crowded hall as follows Dr Sinclair llcv Dr RD Sinclair chair 1112111 of the Board of Education spoke first He stated that plans were under way for the improve ment of thework and said an agri cultural department vras being cou sidercd for BCI Nell MacDonald Neil MacDonald said he was not 11 candidate Finley Finley for the Public Utilig ties spoke of his previous public service on tlieiCounicViVl and Board of Education and asked for support on tifbasis of his servtce James Dougalt James Dougall for the Public utilities referred to his previous 19 years onthe Public Utilities Com mission and asked to beagain per Robertson If Robertson for the Public Utilities spoke of his service on the Board of Education He urged Job Gunstone Job Gunstone said he was willing Turn to page six please Had Bullet wound gt 11 131 In HollandActlon referred to Sgt Bob Henson Shanty Bay Wrote to Anten Mills Correspondence Kerr We had quite time moving Ray out as Jerry was using ma chine guns and mortars to advant Braithwaitc live at Anton Mills Wewere in an awkward spot while serving in Holland received Cpl John Braithwaite Toronto whose parents Mr and Mrs John 11 bullet wound inthetmch The all bullet was removed in hospital went well after asiretclierbearer in Holland and he is1 recovering got to us Cpl Kerr went overseas in according to cable received by his June wife in Toronto He has two brothers Pte John Braithwaite signed up IVWith Frank with the Stormont Dundas the Victoria Ries in September con1940 He spent about yearin valescing in England after service Newfoundland anda similarperlod in France and Clifford serving with the merchant navy crayon want all the news of Barrie and its trading area read The Bar mans private business and tell rie Examiner $200 year and With his parents for several3138131 him how to run itlt in Victoria BC Overtvlo years ago he went overseas andhasvselvb ed in FranceBegiumandHoW He is wellknown in the Arden Mills community wherelier titted bidreVgoing to the city

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