Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1944, p. 11

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mm mm OF cucuunms 8lst YearNo l7 ARRiE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY givirEEii romllmlNiNMmOElOJIIONIIlINoloo rfutlllIIIIll0llitlllltlwilllfililollilItodltllilrlloll liiv 111111 15111 1011 5111 111 I31I111I11r 1111 10115111ch 13==Ix111LugsBURIED imperial ThurlriSat HOUSE OF ms TO 10501 KING BELGIUM GIFMHI 14121111 ikfiiitifiivifitif lt iwuh I1 IIIII IIII III III 121 As Ii1I 110 111111 izhumiliiy 1111i1h1f10hidiiitiit Hiillifiigtl 0V town awe11 vIzIrrzzvw zz will lrlfxllr 1213001 1011100 22 138701 11gt111 $1 15 Wtkalvnliaii 154000 Iitflllll 1111 li1AlI 1231000 105000 11 If in Casanova tllllillllUllH Show Saturday 1230 1111 lllllislll ll00tltl 2121300 ll mains oily5570607 51211111111111 111000 11112 lilOlllli AL II1I IIII II II Stalinr 11250110 111 1111115111E Beeton Lttiillll 11 limit MAGWCWCE OF 11111111lt1I1 11110110 1133111111 1111111111 11100011 110030 Vin1111 11110011 110700 CountyICouncd Honors xI11111I111111I 1111000 1y 110050 Worden Banting by 211I11111111111 1010011 =1 011100 rovsmg Will the that cm of wrist watch 1111111111111 1110 000 11 111511100 big with the map 11=11111111 110000 10131110 oflhclndicno if 11111111 1111103 111201111 happy Mad story walm with the love 1la1yDtlll llltli lllll itllllLlJ 111111111111110 111110 211011 1130301 111111111411111171111 ltilll 1111111111 1111111111111 51111700 50111 21 10230 11 I1 Alliaia JILUUU Iltljifltl 613520 W111111111111 111111I11 STARTS SUNDAY AFTER MIDNITE 1205 115ii111111 II CIVIC NOMINATlONSiMUSTANG pILOT TOMORROW EVENINGIS HOME FROM ilfiiiiiiiiihliliviilitlliiliilil the ltlnltll tniir 11mm ier ml 111 11211121 of the Barrie will 01 ll1l111i IrlII1IIl lion 1piri llll tJl Noun mi 1111 11111I11111 1111 iiizitioiis for tlii Luannin will 11111113 official 111 lill illtiwi ln ltltiVltl in the LilllJIV 311 Warden llaliizig i1l lit lili 11111lt loninrrmr 11 min lltllll 7110 to Iv lilt ratepay 1111111 in ii I21l11t11111 330 p111 llioxr iliim ltllll ol 71 11 3111 IlfI till Submarine WNW their municipal 5111 111 office 1iiiii are licv Dr 11 llll KNlll Lopperlintl215hingthc lllllll hone countryl 11mm lll added iiml 111 11111l1 Sinclair llw l1in lein 71 rignal that sends OUl hallring Wit 111111 llltillltlll 111 0111111 11111111111 in hmi9 rumii llnili 11 Mi 1l 11 11I in 1111 V1 11 I1 III II 01111111551011 lllt Inn 11 ll him I1 vacancy ill also be rerriwil on Public Speaking 111111111 111111111111 PlusFOX NEWS andMARCH OF TIME g11111t1l it the 1111111111 lllliiJll IllllI min uud umprmnnh int illt l111l1gtilliti lillill1l1ilv lluxls on the lonn olllitil 0010111 held in Aillhlull 1111 NW The date of the election ill lii mm 111 111110 11 the rill111 RLAIER Ar LV Akdmu Kuuum Hun 01111 Single 111111111 of The Examiner III1 1mm Kl IIIW 1138 iii Milth aritrei IE Cole iiIsWIIIII II II II II North Simcoc Potato Morc Like Winter 2511 111111111 urr SPECTACLE 111111110115 will hold the am 1111111 W1 Flldill 21 771 711511 lllTS 51111 SUMMERVILLE at IIOIOIFI 1kmch BurnOI 0n pcoS Hogs War VotlurgI grnilyw II nintei till p151 leeL 11h innin THE ODERNIZED Kw I1 41 the tirvt snowfall of any 110111111 II MI WWI PROOUCTION OF 18aiciiitiiiileigenilfillleiiSoil tlllHltl illclli till around be1n1 Have you JClllz11ctiI0lll Slilbtllp lhone your Classnied AdielSI til 11111l1l marl lie 11111 11f 11 1111111011 llltlh Ullmll and Neil 11 III II II II bombpm toblust Tojo I1 zlciiml career Illli the ili1lll211 11 MacDonald 11 II II I1 hhmoymwni Bradford Heads of Donaall concluth lili 1iIllllli Ili Elihu Winners of Contest Itll and IIIillllllllIllh lnr tilh 11 1x 111 I1 11 mud by HENRY HAWAWAV Produd hV ANDRE DAVEN There will alw I111 nomina W11 11111 in the Public SinaililiiI tioiix for larnr llccri D1 II 11 were 15 OlilHVsi lI Joan Cuttll Monday Dtttllllltr Ch VI Matinte Minimal l0 p111 IIIIII 15deth BI Jumw UbIIIUHI II 110 11211111 11 Twp Mary Young 111111111 II II II YOU ANI r0 bf 11 AGAIN laul Blanchard Townontio ll 11 dlh UH 1110 I011 I11111 11111inin ii Marilyn Iuriicr Allistnn Carlumu NW In III II II II 1mm Cmmmng VWM1 MW klIlill 1111 511II p11 III 111111111 11 till gill llhll iiihlil tillilll Pliliit 1omir1 mm AChieVGmBNfDOY lilgtton shin of baking IiFour lnChes snow In Bcrie Dec ihlarhct Saturday Nor 271 At Borden Yestcdqy ii A1 Dance and euclill Cthlhltwn MARJORIE OODWOKTH lt TOM BROWN PARAMOIUNI lFriday Bee when the INortll OlCheililI MIMI Admissmn Funny Things Happen CIl Nlagara FCIHS runs SiillCUC Potato AelliCVClllOIlt is cums lp if IVOOOIIIOIOIIOOOOO orrIotorINroomtcpcorttorott0 nearly covered 1t Camp lllilil1iti0ll 1113ltilllillfli ILLLl LANE foul inclnxx Ah 111111111011 e1111 hIwn vIwI II tato Acre Project $60 in prizes II Ilnfontnino IntorInCdintD Igtr0j0C1Vi OotlIlnllllllOllltOllO IIOCIIOCIOIOIOOIIOIICIOlllll 11 111 11110111111111 111i in 1111111igt1111 liii i$30z Barrie BestIlotate Acre lro II II II if Ijelt ST Tuber Unit Project 331 min lli NOW mmum eiltii Air Training Hall was i11 mi minimum illllllllI FOR MEN YOUNG MEN $2250 $2450 $2750 to $3750 Senior Potato Show 3340 lerlcins 11 gt11111111t11d an1 till I3330L3gigging Dr Fltlit Coiillliliu was 11 launcher NUU 30 3111111111151ch $1950 $2250 Boys to 16 315 $995 $1411 BOYS HEAVY BREllCHES 16 yrs $195 $300 $395 10304130 noon Discussion on Seed on learn 1111 DDny and he llalen 17 33 BOys Windbreakers $395 8495 Mens 3646 $559 $795 WILF TODD 11111111111111111 II 11 interested in obtaining good seed ll Hill lol 11115 1m 11111 WWWWI is llVElilzlblC INCLUSIVE lmmv vlmI HUIWW II lllllC lolle Wolves came town out M1 of the skies on him but he out jrt521ra1ilrif Read and uSe Paammei lebblllCdS II NEW AT CAMP III III 11i1ll1Lllried them and escaped in it the clouds On 11 tiier rec iiaissance flight tlnciuvnllilogw LinI 17 ELISSA 1mm INSURANCE from to 11 15 up will them t01 tine 1111111111 111 has been appomted conimand 11w TO BE HE 3111141111111 11 Officer of No Service ater during the invasion tl Flying Training School RF THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF PROTECTION IlstII CoIclInaiIiIeIIllewhlo iieIrcIISIntIliIlIe CamIb Borden and is expected II NEW SPEAKING ANIMAL SUBJECT AUTOMOBILE BONDS BURGLARY FARMS It 5dle 1101 UIML to take over the station next 0x 31l1l met up with any of the Monday He succeeds Wing and COLOR CARTOON rum PLATE GLASS LIABILiTY 11011111 when 111111 11111 Spitfire 0011111111111 11 wen1111111 PERSONAL PROPERTY FLOATER Olliy ICCCIIil lIClUlllLd from Hoti who has been posted overseas liirlItlie lCCtllllllgtlllC0 p1lot phil GC Harvey is no stranger led an important part in observation to Camp Borden llc was 10 II GI MI iwork that enabled the Allies1toi rated tile as an instructor in from to 500pm Kmcc 10 Arnhem per to the 1918 nu 95 Dunlop St Telephone 2419 lli1llti0ll he took illiCiUItS aloxrli Illclrxeililirm iii Cairinhlliir 1i FREE to zill11dumrcn up to years of age whose fathers are if itlie rocket coast of France He don from Pearce lbcrla in anv of the Armed Folocs at home overseas or casualties Potato Production and Potato Dis Will be out Of town from bimk his him WI Em ii 01150 Control 130110 4301 Iactiou on DDay 1111151111111 lilylnel Al 411 11 11 Visitors are welcome Anyone Nov to I11 Mintanb 1511111 111 did 1c1111I IIIU NWOIOMNOOOI 1i 11I =5 1111151 and was twice attached bl potaloes will be able Q30 see what 11 irmmnrwvy 11I11=1313 13431nn 11 vi AA Lompltttd 110 501th t100 will In where he has been In command itheairl or one tourof opelatimls ol the Flying Instructors gt Nd is now home on one months SCHOOL ilCillC 0f ilbstllCC Since WC Wolslcud lctL ICONT SAT 230 IM INWjii Wk Wing iPKnmandcr Ni THURSDAY EVENINGS 815 LionsHEAR ALEX mu Mini vluer iiimg structor at the static has been aetin cominamin officer also 13 Oddieuows Han SERVICEDIRECTOR voilusteaasucimiledamui1 IMPORTANTTo secure your tickets School age children registerat School All others register at Camp Borden Family Wet tare Auxiliary Offices 38 Bayfield Street over RCASc Bus Terminal 13 Registrations MUST be in byThulsday Novcm ber 30111 1944 ADMISSION BY TICKET ONLY nmgtnAAA1vhi Captain CarlingKelly in WM In ownb AUSPICES KI 111rmers 01 the district plownrg May the latter then proceed match winners and members oti ling overseas second time II 12 GAMES 250 GOOD DOOR PBIZE 05pmmcd 015mm CI 4096 were Wests club 01 3M WWW EU 21 m1mm 411111gamewagon1 11 2122anointedzham21 99ngywuwwiranpvmanyipiyiwuywwwwwifu rmer by providing the eXtra la and bin required seasonally llDlllllllOt JOHN CARRADINE AWisE MAN TAKESPART OF WHAT HE HAT1i Wlllwle 00 MORE BIG HITS YOUR INSURANCE Premium 15 W153 Am MUCLMW dummy 01 thei plowing matches were introduced 0111111111 Farm Service Force told MON TUEWED investment in PROTECTION SECURITY 1111 1111 iMAT 123011 II vI MI II lt RICHARD GREENE II Min urns EVELYN Aims 930703 TEMWEIJE REMAINS I1 11111 11111 11111111111101 s1111111111111 and GME SONDERGMRDI ALWAYS PLEASURETO QUOTE 1111111113 IIIin IlVlzotin IISIlarncl1 11111IzI1lViIllB VALERIEHOBSON 135011 Tie lllllCIClll10 gac or II 11 expem II II II 111111111 Club NOW 25 at Pm1 I15 airc resented Stewart Pae ll Mr 41 DunlOi St ihoue Juli AgriculturalIlcpresentative assmt ed by Lion Les 31111111 11111111111111 1I I1 QTWWNW Wyot Agriculture Committee The I54 ON THE SAE 311 members orlhc Cull Club are Al The former roller drome on EhzabethSt between Mary and 1ng gilngbbgingzgvgmfnias Toronto Sts Renovaited and RedecorqtedI it alum1y CaldwellShalllrIBzgE1101 on Vrigl Barrie leiti 211 cr INVESTMENTS MI shanty BW IIeondIICI che REST ROOMS LUNCH COUNTER iIIORONTOI IglIiIflpIIlvgrgbgliggiIiIii1IIOIEI2111ieI1 and MEMBEHSVOFVTHE TORONTO SHOCK EXCHANGE VRRIE EXAMINER OFFICE HOURS And Bel MUSIC BY 900 to 530 p111 iIatzssrs9rmgtgacIglaingggncm FLYNN BRANCH MANAGER WEDNESDAYS to pm 13111111111 BRANCH89DUNLOP ST TELEPHONE 2143 Saturday Evening Open 730 to 900

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