Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1944, p. 11

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TREASURY KCEJBEZl U5 Iii5 IN COURT AT BARRIE Died in France COLLINGWOOD 30st GWEN SENTENCES lllIJ lit tin lva liI III lII IIIIJ lI tIIElII It IEII lllllll llll lIe Ina lI zllllil it lI lIIl llll Il Iw lllllll nll IIIIIIIj ln lI IE Illtlllll III III II li Il1lll11i 111 llll Izlh it 1II II till itl II lIiIII IIIII Elfilllllf fur rcasomblt lle liJlll lIerInincr lyll lIllll ROBINSON ll llrllr lId ll iiwliw lI iIIlIll llJlIllll in in lltlli and III II on in TIlli 1m ZlUl lfQTrustccs Ratepayers Mot at Alliston BIIIIIIIIIS RELIGIONS BU lluplnp St ll IIlt IIII lIIIi II In ll le lIIIIrIIl tllvrdi lII 11 11 ltZl the llll ilI ImI itlllll lIl llt III 1IIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 ilIIIII ii II fill Aim lIIlIIlIlIII hunt llmllit iIIIII and lIiIl Swill full llllllll of the meet IIIIilqIIIl Minn Ill llIf rllI IdIIIIlIIIl llli lilillillmillfl II lLIlII llllll cIMI Iw dill II lIlIlll of them seven million Itll IIIMM the lit1llllllixllt xvdhont illISllll IIl TILt xIva ilills the Till BARRE ZIIZm BARRY OhTARfO CANADA fllllll IliiilolltllllllOllID v2 EXAMINE Y1 il 13 EYES ll ll llll lilll lllISl Fill Utilities for llll npkuc any IIrIIlIIII lInsc leo hat grinding ltllxts on lTIlllldN and can winst brim in lllt pieced llflllllll ll SMITH REGISTFRF OPTOMETRIST ESTABLISHED 1920 Phone 12586 Hours to Sat 10 pm mlllOIJlOlNlJOIINvNA gchnsion Plan For Dominion Store Staffs IllIl lklilld III IliIIIIIl lI lillll of IL III Ht IlIl MONMOMOONOOOIOJ to oetlootooomooooowc ONIIOII 00 oooo iilm Towing Glider Planes lt GEORGE DLINUEY lIzII13I1 III htl lIlt gt IIIElIvIIrI we v11 iIiIIIeI ii hr the lILAlq Ilynn office 10 Iiblf CfilYfIl IIIIIIIlIEI III by lil IIllII IulI lull dI IpoI III mudId towIII clzn Tlt III IIIe4IIII1 hop Izmir lint lI ll lIIIIIII lie jIII 30 years old reportch Iv IlltilW Uli let 194111 Man lllII llIIpot Toronto and alterI II llllIll Virdcn rIIId Souris lc II lrIl IIIlt windz at tho laIIIr train IIIItIe on March hit to lllk enrt Mart 111 and born Illllrx llllll III Im Im IlIIII 119 no1 The L1 JIilTlilllc fHow to indicate The Lie in Cattle cszetul the Ippiicizmn cf 21 ALGLC IJ qu tl IlIlA Ill bl ml ly called blue Loire Ilelnl lI blond sucker Ifonrzd on mature cattle ltlley may occur Inn Ile IIIIl= in newborn sloci uInnliy on llit adrry hum 12IIf the Lech brIsl ml the llllLlIS and bond The llllllll lice aI II 111 Ikllhel Izll lnf the ILlil but IIIv par of the body Cattle lure lltIlIi For bIst results tzcLII nullitlf IIIIIli mum bIIIIIIl IIIilIL Milli You on IIlI Ilil Sllllll Hwy no concern way more prom IIII I21 Ill Iiti litkfgl xer ELEVEN vacate by Currie filth lIliIII IIIlh HI LIlIIl 2411 III xx IIIIII puts ll my 92 them all IIIIIIIns and llll llflttl lll lllllltlll Il gt IIlt that llllI glitz LllIIII unwed $011111 for IIIIII tgtlt Illl in El lIIIIt II 11 Iillllllilli by one IIElIIIII III Eten yuan between 1031 Ind lilil LIIILI but in IlII llllltll Club11am iIIIl lllflt1ltl by liIIII lltlltl IIIuiIalhuII Ind edumtion lId llttll IIIIIl Llllc for Ih Indian problem but be conzmenced early ll fore the weather bcconm tlltl llrealnicn to be effective Inndid 3cover the entire bodies of all III lznals and may be applied either by llIIInIl brush or spray tecIiIal lIIeotIIIent should be applied in lI= IIc ldaye and III badly llllfhitll lltltl IIIe ll IIle it Mans 11 women CIllllltlllfl ll illl tumInn IllLlll Ill v1IIIlI llllllllyttr ldll con II III iV IIIIII Slil YulIi llliill El lii lllll Ulllv IIIIl IIIlIIIIl Saul in BARBER FLGUB MILLS lno Idcts of the 10 Barrie lxI warns Air Cadet Squadron llIIltlll dance and party in the Due to the great amount of precision muleiiclwhichllio Bulova Watch Company is pradvcing for Ihrormed loner we have only lim ited quantity of Bulovu watcher We suggest you minke your selection today it wus found that how l1IIllltIlllll Tin 1115 had II ltrllt Iead zzud write Ind mIIII IIII able to do so but the others were not so moved Thus there was more llltlllly IIIIIIIILI the lIIdiIIn lnisv lllIItIlt who llIHl IIIIliII in IIIIt they lllltllll to read the lllll ln hirzilth the Indians stunned frozn lllllLll the same fllrt aw II dIi Cunadiunx and responded to treat much the snme lo 11 to lIncnt in IIIaIIIIII hIII in addition lhcy iIad lilf Iop full diseases They are not troubled wilhdyplmid but more hove tubcIu cIIlosis Nolhhuz lIlIe the medical and hospital care walt available In Ilndia as existed in Canada There iarc thousands llltgtl doctor and bnt one hospital bed 01 06001 lpcople little idea of prevention or caring for the sick Life expectancy ihcrc was 60 years but in India the lavclage was only 27 years In the rfield Iiihealth great opportunity SlEPHENSllNS FINE JEWELLERY Dunlop St BARRIE Am mumqw for service exlslcd and was real ized how relatively little had been luccomplished in this direction in India when comparisrm was IIIadr with conditions in Canada Following his address Dl Quinn answered number of queries III reply to the question would more progress be made by convert lingr the wealthy Indians thereby curing their support and influence Dr Quinn admitted it might be so but it ha never worked out like lllIll Perhaps lhev had more to lose that way One difference was noted lln this connection as between in ldin and China Very few Christians werefonnd amongr the leaders In lndia and great many in China WILLIAM HOLSEX President Dominion Stores Ltd tIilnIIinu ill the rate of three per cent of their salary to which the company will match the employees contribution and Contribute whal cvcr More is IieccssIIIjI to provide the pension At present employ ces of Dominion Stores Ltd who have completed 10 years of cIII tlnuous service with the company may contribute to the plan at the rule of three per cent of their salary but no more than live per cent After 13 service the adding their employees company will start cIIIIIIibIIlinII to the but there were more Christians in India Dl Quinn did not believe thcre was any animosity or resentment such as feeling lllal westerners were trying to folst religion upon them Many IIIdianslikc Ghandi were willingirlovacccptr and agreed with the teaching of Christ but would not accept Christ If health and living conditions improved what would be the pros pool for growth Dr Quinn replied that in the last ten years popula tion had grown from 353 to 388 lllll lions Asked if he thought there was any possibility of Gommunis tic regime being established as in Russia the SpCilkErTId he thought not Ghandi and his following had quite an influence but Dr Quinn thought it somewhat exaggerated With lheCCongress porty religion was politics Ghandis followers form only small part of the pop ulation The great masses do not could have brought the Conflicting partiestogether in India DirQuinn thought this Wasdoubtful lt ure III India and many containers care who governs them being 011 sorbed in tbelieowngrubbingcrrisrr tence There is much unrest stirred up by Ghandi and othersmostly man ufactured propaganda iiron rule in India was just talk The fact is Britinn has done great deal for India Asked if gtSir Stafford Cripps DI Quinn shoWed an exceeding lyinte0esting movie ofthe village The speaker was introdftceiby Kiwanian James Fergusonand thanked by Oliver Cameron At this meeting three new mem bers Iwere introducedBert Allen wnr Todd and Ted Twiss Jake Jacobi gave an interim re port for the election committee Out of the 69 primary bullets 03 had been used These showed Parsons elected president by ac clamation The hope was express ed that as many would vote on the final ballot SAWTOOTHED BEETLE The sawtoothed grain beetle is so called because of little projec tions in the thorax which give that section sowlike appearance It does not Conflne its operations to grain but is found in variety of milled products It is very active can penetrate readily into IIIIIInu years continuous circulated largely by youth The charge 01 IIEIII Mess at the Barrie AIIIIi billy IIII Friday November 11 lll cvcniniz of dancing IIIdI rxamex is being planned followed by liciln refreshments To obtain IId IIIiwIIIn cacti Cadet Inultt he accentl panicd by his girl friend The party will be under the patronage of the Officers and their wives large of Ihe Cadets and their 311 friends is anticipated and all are lIokingz forward to Inns cnlt jIIIIe evening RlLLIA GIRL WAR WORKER LOSIJS LEFT AND IN PRESS 17 Caught by the left hand in avdic press that she was operating ill the lleywondWakefield wnr plant ear 1y Monday morning last week Mlsu saga Street Olllllil was rushed to Soldiers Memorial Hospital in critical InIditioIIvllCrc an opera tion was necessary resulting in the amputation 01 the unfortunate girls hand at the wrist Miss Bush is progressing favor ably said Dr Baillie Inter who is the attending physician in the absence of Dr 115E llipwell The whole hand was very badly able kerosene emulsion lfhc ingredients are Soft soap llard soap Kerosene coal oil Water Isoftl Mix the shaved hard soap with 5011 third treatment may Any of the co IIle dips may be ust en in the ptoporilon IIIIendcd by IlIcInnIquutzurer or II cheap effective lunnemade II=IIIeIII be usch fillmi soap manure The premises should then be thoroughly disinfected includ ing all utensils used around the In fected annuals smashed and could not be saved he said Miss Bush when removed to 01 illia hospital was immediately 01 erated on by Drs Albert llarvie llipwell and Baillie VM gt the and IinIlyl full0Vlflgf llt JIIl lClli II V4 IIII lClIIIIl llllilll lli pin lllfll Amour mm 1101 IIIaIla II IIIIInIIlIatI tubes and In th market for hot water to dissolve cmnpletcly Add the kerosene Iind stir viequlllxl ously until creamy emulsion produced Beforeusingatld 91 ion of water Immediately treatment of the cattle land litter should be carefully Georgina Bush 121 of co hotrmHmoud from me building 111m pf Feel Chilly Sitar to Sneeze shortly counter and or Syrup You IIIl lEI reliable remedy to lIIip vIII IllIppIIiIIIeIluIt lllII ZIJII lltllll Ill lIII lurnilj ll BELL UTOPIA HILLSBEILI FLOUR 81 FEB iiiflllfi STBOUD OLIVER WIESBN MlliESlNG mamIranian he IIII Ir II lIIII llw llvl JIlIl IltIIlIve display PIlll IIl Adlcls lt llzlilI lllllili ln llIIIIII lhe ligtIIIiIIII llIIll 141 iII II jIIIII if lil Hose Starts to thin Ivlvl Il II Illfilllll to wl down into the lIIIIIIIlIidi lllIIIIIIlI 113 elusl 111illlHillIIIJIIllLLlIflllunllVllfll lIIalIII III lauuls IIII lillv li lIl ill IIIIIIIth pimpan Ilul II IIIl II1IIIIIr llIIlllll it has lIIIH on tho the IIII 18 II llIIIIl ltllllillll Ilill sltlIiIIIII tIlIIl be ll viii mum IL about thnws 1H llllllll 130v lool lIuIzllIe iIIIlI lllll 3i liIr llllf Illllll I1 Toronto Ont assures Comfort and 3ch during 76 years of experience IProyfiincs Products Penmans CfftSltlShlp in luslrionlngr IKnittcd Products has been VLILIIIIiIcLl No scientic ignited in materials or IjExpcrt tailoring ind sound dcsign UNDERWEAR1 Constant watchfulness over every process of manufacture has resulted =iII arcchnical skill that meets the enacting demands of Canadions in all lug ssuGC thatextra measure of comfort and style which inVariably distinguishes Penmans Knirtcd Ikinitting methods has been neglcdcd Knitted Products fHOSHRYT OUTERWEAR Mu

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