HAWKESTONE In and Ill IIIIIII III II II LIIIIKp III III II IIII II prom IlI IIII HIILII IIIIIIIII IlIIIIL IIIIv II havc boon larcucll lifts In Mr Llllll Mrs IIMI in II 31 II III sIIgIcr ZNIIIII AIIIIIII cIIIIII11II3 IIIIIIIiiI IIIIIIIIII II WI IIII IIIIIIIII III and MI MIIII lwo llankcslonc lisuzillics 151 Iclsnu IIIIIIIIIII tlIl Ill III III 11 II II 30 my Ivv II III II 8IIJIIUI IN YIN minim II M17 fillId l1 lilIE lllIlIIhl EIIII 31 if iH Vglli IV III lily il II rileiw II lltli III nilIII Ilnllllilflf NELin inunhI my an Mid will 11 Ii II lllll IIII aim mroLILIli Ilic ILIIIII III IIIII ltI Iz IIIIIII IxIIIIIIbIIIs ivctc Inc II IIIr Jinn ILh Hm mi INN 1h lcI 110 IIWIIIH IvI IIIIII IIIIII OWIIIII IIIII II III IIO lIIIIIIILII and Moor lllillll III I1 IIIIIIIIIIIa II MINI II Ixil ll IviI IlllII vaiL 111 IILZ IITI XIII VII Ilia hm F= Id IV1 Mr 111 II iii iII IIlili all 1lIIlII IIIII fI Iulill MSW 51dI liIIIII ll firth III I1 II III II IIIIIr IH word Ialtl llllllVIlIY that IIIr l1I1 IIII Ill Ii iitc IIIIIIIIIIIIIIV HIvl Immn mmun PINVI II II INN 1Q II lvc IIIcI1I1 aII ll lI III II II IlI II QHIP II II zfcic ll llll IIII 1Iv III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII l7IIl III llll III 1IIl 41gt Ii shill II II hm gummu II Mg II IMIIIIIII Si II II lll III IIllulnilII Buller has IlIIZIIJIl III hump Ml IN IX SIIIIIIJI iIIII II III YIllli IlA IONS OISIIIMII IIV lls NI IVIIIHI lizllr IIf Imvlll III lI Ilvl Iran Mr IIII laziuz is lhc Hi 5qu III II IIIIIII III leilll carricr YIIWI lll arm IllI II II IIv VI II II II 20 MM ImHHl fllNlm HHS lhn hum Mr and Mrs 11 MIIGIHXI IIIII IIIIIIIIII 11 lic IIIIIIIII IIz llllIIllI lllrcd hirIburnc II II III II II III III II IIII IsII II IIIII III111 III hijiiIXIItllIlIITnxlufigiiu ngand Mrs Ilav McIlIIc llllfl dauim wIIIINI III IIIIIIII II HliIitn lllrlLfk homo from1 WWI Kl illlli IIIIIIIIIIIII lornxiur IOIKIIIL wchcInd Wk and WNW Szdm WilhimI lll Inc 01 III Insnu was IIIIIIII II Addison lcfl on Salurdav Emu md in RUM mnmksl IIlIllllll III IWIII III LII for Pakslcy to join his hunt chili MHC Hm IML Mi ycars IIII IEIzII IcII IIIIIIIIIII II Memorial service for George WV mm Vllli Willi ll 705 FPVIII IIIHS IIII III Null III Knox Church service 730 SIN Flmllllllly III 1i Im Shropshirc SIIIIII Vc IIIIII that Mr and Mrs Ralplr llodgson IUHIY IR cxlcndcd III Mrs NJMr IIaivlordlias shunII ins IIIIIIII Sufachcyhackmay Ivisiled in Midhursl at Ihc wcck 002011 who has lIIIIlI word llll Shropslurcs for pus becausedby sluggish cud Ill llll IINHl Ill IHHN ycars nursing jIlrI IIIII Ivcar ll Oswald lIII had ltIll kilchl in acIiIIII in Francc YlS llallowcIn Party The Younir lcIIIplcs Socieiy hold IJligIIIIuI llallmvcmi pally in Ilisdiuihlinzs IIIIII IIIcu IIIi1IIIIIl Iliy IIIc lll IlIIWI cIIIIlv Iiavs lll Iwould IIII up IIId away II IIII his IIIIIll Iud III11 IzIkiIIu hscp uldai Icl IIII11 Miss Jean IIiclIl111 Harric vis ich her aunlJllrs AddisnnJor Ihc weekend Mrs llodcson and Ralph attend kidncys Gin Pills help the kidneys to do full lime jOlll MOncy back if not llll 1155 satised ed mom funeral In Midland II CI QIII IIIII IIII II IIIII Ion Salurda lli lllO 1urc1 inscmcu oIII IIII orI III cI Is WWII 40 Mr and lllrs Wm Jonnell Oril Friday cvcnina Fancy costume of fire Incl IlliIl Il1crc IrIIII Is muln mm lia visited Mr and Mrs Ernest prize went to Miss Muriel Finley many fans as III prcavar lays ilaIHIIIb IMowforlh on Saiurday comic prizc Io llill Iowncs buy Mr ruxviurd llllIfI Ins IIll Ilk Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin couple prize Io MIsses Evelyn Crawford vIIII III IIII IIIIcs III Iand family and Arthur Dunn Shacklciou and Kciih JIllllISIUII lncaI SIIIIIINIIHgt IIIIS ycar IIII spent the WOSllI in Ioronlo Mrs Gm Marlin Mrs Alvmllrcn rrvIIIrd Is KIWI vaIIIIIIIIr for Mrs Ruth Ellsmcro iHlIth8WL Han and Alvin Cox wore in cliargc Ibis IIIsIr 11 and mix ycar Illllll shccp Iiiavc thn IIIII1I by do vs III Miss livclyn Shack Mrs Thos Ellsmcre TilIon Lake Of Ilr Izamcs Ivsilied relatives at the vcckcnd lolon dressed as when and wolves IlIaII In any yo II welcome Mr and Mrs Phil forlunes Mrs Lawton and his sxperIcucc llc cars ll1IIIl11s Newman to our village having George Marlin loude Iillcr Ihc vIlI lllllllllf many shchI lll movcd here from Midhurst and lunch which cIIIIsisIod of sand crs and IllIIW vcrv IIcIrIIncnIIIl III wichcsI cIIIIkics applcs and cocoa Ihc infill11 will live in the llarl homo The summer crap from Canadian farms this II year has been something ofIwhich any agri culturalmation shOuld be proud feel that Icvcry person in IQanadaI will commend the hav accomplished But with winter approaching thimc has come when once again we are going to ask our Canadian farmers and farm workersfor their cooperation appeal is now amtafar formers antlfgzrxmn workersnuot needed onmns tns wintehrto trim themselves Ito essential work during the winter mam2s There are jobs layIa woods wttiagpflpwoo fzziad logsIofiall ItyperInundertaking any such winter time employment Janadiaa farmers are not onlyI guaranteeing themselch additionallinconie butar contributinggreatly to the allover canadiantaskOIfwinningthe war andImIiking irady forlthe days ofpcace WOODS WORK Wm Your nearest Employmenlrond selective isorvice Officefor Your provincial agricultural rgprescnfofivlt orficldmun or Yourplocal FarmIIProduciionCommIiIleeIor SIGN UP wilh any Converse represcnlingI pulp and papcrcompdny rand aulhorized by Ndlional SelecliveSerrvice Th Best lhinglo do is 10ng hackle the coinpany Iyouworicd forfbaforea The facrthathnyi farmer orfarm worker accepts esscntial with during the winter providing of course he can bc spared from thefarm does no alter inanyiway his post Iponcinnt iimilitarytraining andialso when rieded hevmayagain return tofhofarm IL IIM MI ME Imv F=A IlfF BARRY WAMIYFR BAIT nations farmers on The productionpjobthcyWTW IIXTAQTH IAYADA STROUD ILIJ II II IIIIIIIIII II If II IIII II IIIIIIIIIEIIij XI hi IZl1 IIIII ll Ii Mr II 11II 1III IIi Ill III IlIIIllIi IIIIIII l1cc III Rob Ii leaiiiim licIIIIIIIII IIIIIII lI Part IIIIIII hall III llIiI l1gt IILL IIc lIII II InIIIc lrcwlulcrial WALS lVll KIIIMIIIIII rmvlavz III SJIIcIa IIc III VRIS IIIIII III II rim IlslIIII III IIII UII 37 and II IIIIaIIIII III III IIIII llI IIIl Inc lllllll lll lw III III Ii llcalh of Mrs Arcliic Banks gt II Inc Inmccr III IIIlt IIIsII Arclnc liauiut Iiif5Il II chdav ll 2H 11 IIIII honI III Stnud III iIur IIUIII yrar Mrs II had In IIIIIIIICII III bcd IIII II1IIIIIIIIc as IIIII llllll III IIIIIIIII IllI bIIIIc lllc IIIII Irai IIIIcI II IIIIIIsanv n1 c111 at Mr honi va llcv III win 1111c111I1u in II1c IIIc cIIIcIII IcII Young Sccoml llighcsl in Graduating lass lI lillflI YIIIIIilz lll fililihl iv llillll from No A05 Winnipciz Is I1 Illl IIII IIIIIvchLs furI IIIIIIIII icarIIII leII IS only ycars of utz aloud schIud llILlefil I1 lli Ixams in class of III For this lil IIIcIIIvsII bcauliiul wild BARRIE BRANCH FISHER Manager llllilllllillll IIIachci as won as his II IIIIIIEs3IIII IIIs lllIIIIICII Mm I7dww WIILI xIIllllii sislcr Mary IIIIIII wryva um VIII MI IIII IIIIII IIILII arIIIIIIIIIIIIIzncr ers ico Young Wm I20 IN III 11 Iravc czi III inniicsz ll witness the Ilrlllllllll 171IIIIIraIulatiIIIn I1I IIIIIbcrI SecIvlr II IlilI Young Webb Allfllll 3i lrcscnIaIiInI to Mr and Mrs NH murmurg Ll ll Pratt and Mrs llovd Flying Officer Graham CIIIIIIziII 11 IIIII MI II Inc homc of Mr and Mrs recently returned home from ovcx H195 hn an MILQ loI Illas iv Fersrr Sutherland 111 neighbors seas lias been posted lo Br11i 131 IVIIWVIIIII ZIIJWIPQHKLIII If II Inc lcnilI lane Wcsl hold so ICIIlumbia as insirucmr in RCAII ijewl IGNIQIIIHIMIEIII cil HHIIIQ lax wool in honor Cobain II Galbraizh mw Ivmd IIcIIIiII= of Mr and Mrs II Pratt and Mrs Elwood Nichol II Fachuic and Iicv IJI WII IIIIIM lIcIIvd bclorc Ihay 1ch the farm Io llarbcrl Lisk arc on I1 I111I11IgIcI1IIIII II lt3Slkl IIkc up rcsidcncc in Ibo village Irip in Northern Ontario IIII IIIIi il During Ihc cvcllinL Mrs II Mr and Mrs SlialiVirlS Ihd II SIIIncrland on behalf of lhJlllLlVC returned home after IIIHIC wMS fzicnds cxprcsscd reqrol II IheI weeks with friends in London and 01 MIFl dcparlurc IIf lthir lifelong neiglIIIormilo 11 bars and tokens of remembrancc John Aiken is in the General1 IIL Alli 1r wrIc prescnIcIl by Mrs Edi 5mg Iluuhcs to Mr Frail pipc to and lid uiillIIl Mrs Irail toilet articles to Mrs Mrs liililllllls IId Irs llllucrI Bard serving tray Mrs BoydI fliI II It Iii YIIIIMIIHillU and B01 Frail of Toronto lCpllCd Mgf Bible Society IIiccrs IIIII behalf III their parCnfs and Il1c IcIII ILIIIILIn III 1110 UP IIUlnCIVLF XIIIOSSIHS IllCIl LCpl Briggs Kenora isper 1de BIch Siclcry met for thanks and apprcclaliou The rc spending 1011ng his IIIImeI IIIII1II Itcx lullflll In maiudcr of the evening was pleasI hatLII IlIJII U11cd If The local aIIIlv spout III games wiih lunch Miss Irene Hammon VaseyI IIIII IIrs III iILII the IICYJII 11 Chm spent few days this week at III III III WI MCCICIIIIU McLeans iricl sccrc he on Ih Mr andITIMrs Sirachan and III the ILZCIII 11gt iinlGS scrip children and LI COCkburn Spam luresin ovc Il1an cId languagcs Sunday at Sunderland lic snowed 111m lnc 131le 111 lrf Mn and Mrs Hutchinson mi Wanna all which illIIsI MR and MISIFIed Simpson are children and Mr and Mrs IrIIIIIcIIIIIIlmI IIIIIIrIi IIIIIIIJIIIIILBItzIyIIIs lvisiling their son in Toronto Johnson ind Allan Spem sundly mum it 11 at ThomhluI In IlievIvIIIIOJI IanI Rcv D1cyer Pmt which II Severn is visiIing at Jamiel LAC Douglas ROberson DEbel sons Mr and Mrs IIalberl spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Norman Ford Beelon SI JudesIlIfA will meet at the home of Mrs Raid on Tuesday Nov 230 pm Mr and Mrs Brett and Roy Brcll Meadowvalc visited Mr and MclienzieronuSunday IServicc of Holy Communion will be held in St Judes Anglican Church on Sunday Nov at pm Mrs Wm McDonald left on Thursday 011 an extended visit viih her daughter in Niagara Falls Onto Mr and Mrs Halbert re Ccived word on Monday from their son Sgt Harold Halberi who has just arrived in England Mrs Jack Graham Ronald Tom and Victor Mrs Graham Mr and MissGlareHalberl or Alliston were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Bone Trinity WMS are holding their Thankoffering on Wednesday Nov when Mrs JohnSOn of AL zinEIIale will be the guest speaker 5nd daughterI All ladiesfare cordially invited The iollowing ladies attended at HealeyISI Ihc WMS Sectional conference in Stroud lasIFriday Mesdames Boake Jamieson Lennox Kent McQuay Black Westand Miss Irene Barlowg Mr and Mrs Harold Lawrence Malton Miss Irene Smyth Toronto anclMr and Mrs Bcelbv Barrie spent Sunday Scythcs Mrs Scyt cd to Malton with them to spend week with her daughters In last weeks Womensmlnstitute report Miss RebaSimpson To ronto wainncorrcctly reported as having been of the Health Depart ment Miss ISimpson who is dis trict nurse for the Ontario Society for Crippled Children is in Sim coe Couaty organizin the nurs ing service for crinp ed children The county supervisor for school nursing service is Miss Margaret MncLachvlan stationed in Barrie Death of Mrs Henry gt Mrs Henry passed away 011 Sunday evening after an ill ness of several weeks Mrs Henry will be very much missed in the community as she was always busy seWimgI knitting or helping in any way sherrcoulcl with the many demands or the present day II TtiniiNyMission Circle Trinity isslonI Circle met at Miss Louis Speers on Monday er ening with god attendance NS and John Robertson Bram ford are Mrs Robertson Womens Institute was III II It II IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII =1III1Ir III iIII NIH III III II IIIIii IIIIIiIII1iIIIrI III IIIIiIHIrI lllrLrlIIlll Ill IIIII11III1II1 lill vI IIIIIII 12331 IIEI uililirg 1i ll11 rII IIIII IVIIIY IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIIII III III Illllilll your haul1111 Il1r lI mail Filr lII Iraqnwc II RIIII II IIIIII II IIH IIIIIIIIIIIVI IIIIIIIIIII II III II lllllllltilIi1llltL 3w iII III cxplairrzllIvIi111pIc IIII IcIIurI IIv you can mahc chMI iI 1211 draw luoucv panIIc IIIIII 11le II II IIIIIIIc orders clan all llI IIIII l1 ivrilc to any branch III IIIIII 11II Rural liunl of Raul IIII our li1ILiIIll IIi form IIIII IIIIsierhIc animal IlIl II II IIII Iti IIlvanlngIIIIInt buy III vIIIIz II with 1hr IIIanngfII III IIIII IImII pcriwlwhich follow Ihc chairmanship of lhe bu ed lllll IAISBI Cl Ill IORHlaISIIBIISHID ll their moiher anger visiting WJ Boxes Packed for Overseas The October meeting of Ihe held Mrs Bests There was good ai lendance and many articles suit able for the boys Christmas box were con uted f0 nag IEJWA on at Cockburns on Oct 1410 pack and mail the boxes The next regular meeting Will be held at Mrs Harry SlessorsI on Wed nesday Nov at pm Topic Social Welfare Roll call will he answered by the observance of two minutes silence for Remem brance Day Mrs Dunn of Prices CornersDistrict President has bean invited Io addrESS the meeting Refreshments hostesses MrsH Bonneyv and Mrs Cockburn All ladies of the com munity are invited CLOWESI Recent visitors Mrs Roy Hurst Oakville al Ken McLeans Percy Healey Orillia Enjoyable SchoolIConcertg The Ipupils of No 15 schbolfgavc concert in the school on Friday night which was well attended and enjoyed fllhe program was given entirely by the children and lhe teacher was well repaid for training them Gordon Shelswell occupied the chair Al the con clusiOn sandwiches and tea were srved and nearly $800IIIWas real ized for the weak of the Junior Red Cross Members decided to organize themselves into an Evening Aux iliary brief report 0f the Sec tionalv Conference was given Mrs Black had charge of the wor ship service and Miss Irene Bar low took the study chapter as sistedI by several of the members False Rumors of Escaped Prisoner Last week wild rumor was spread around the village that man answering the description of one of the escaped prisoners from northern prison had called at home in the village asking for ioodI Apparently the provincial police had heard this tumor and werc in the village making en quiries Upon making enquiries or the people where the man was supposed to have had his supper your correspondent was Informed that itIMIIs absolutely false IN IIIEtIMstIInqu Ih gamesrIom Ihe work shp gufdcmor the gordge is 31 simple and inexpensiye withEdison Mazda LompsUsefulmonyl inn Idoor endgouldoor applicolions 74 no 45 IVProiecforHood Ilgmps Igive unl It usually brighl concentrated iIIUmi IIIIIIE worrsnr notion The less expensive Reector IFIooId Lamp may be used indoors only Ask your neorest Edison Mozda Lampdeoler for luriher deiails IIIIIIE EARIIIE tum sz LAMPS CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC co IIMITED