ll 1A THURSDAY yr Jid lL rllx 35 ll AA rw Mr1 Elmvolc Trade Board II IIIIII IIIII L1 ER P0 VISIl to Borden lupinng lmplwgiy Ht tllitlulilt II llvluvnuk Auglh in I=1r liom hiliillltS Li in Kalil llllh Oink III If IIIIIIIII1I II ill niui may gcxve pogglbly II II 10 at 1111 SUV 51 gt iulxd mg tuna 111 Milli ltl5lllt5gt Ftlw lAi tilt and 111 lllJi IIINHIII inu lvl niitrtostn Lh lir lltisr til ledzVullry tour all Ill NH ml UN l11lll on Nov Willlu 1li 11m receive in mm tinu II II lililllllilil Id ImA Tl 4111 lill Am IM II awuyr i=l IIlVWC Iwr III II It ltlltli 11 III WWW IIHYV 113 ll II IIIII tiny Vi HI II II III IN II lit II II II II II Iij JIWWE III 11A in iii lIl lIliI 15 lM Il will 33 III II II II Hi Ale III II ii vUrv1r 11 trimI it II III It lltl I11 101 lt IAl II 1511 ll4 illllllll 11 Ill ti== II Ilii Ill VI Ill IlIlII11tIIIl wam II IIIII IIIII III mil llliilll IL II II II II II II II II 23le Dwh whysl 11 tlir ii ll 53 lmr 11 tlw llzwIl 11 all 111 KIIIIIII IIl IIIIII nmt lhlil MIMI lilidli 514 fff Ill ULll illllll IIIx IIIIIlIIlIIIIII IIII Mi iiI 1111 HWII 3f II WEI ff II II IIIIIIII thiirn li nl II Iril IAniiz Ir II IIIl and in ilil tlAlIIllAtHl hit 1111 11 ltll= thrixv Ix Am lgt In HI 11311 111 on Al rltl MI Ii mm III IIIIIIIIIS hmmm WHIII My IN MI II WI mm my iiozII1t ll 1instixniux wII Ili NI ll it ti lilIlvflIllIIliI II IIlIllenIIh ll It IN 19 Hm hulld lll ii to lil TlVIHIS hil ii 1I it llf III III 1III 11 IiI IIIl It IIII IIII tIIlIIIIIIIV II LIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII II bmIIIII 11 11i11 IIIIKIIH IfI3I1I iii II liIdfI immir 11 II IN llIIWWW I31 ll titl li inl lr 211 115 in 11011131 lliiit 1111 NW Hf Yklv III II III II IIIIIIIIIIIIII III 1II IIIIII ItIrI II IAIvItI IIII1 HII riptnoiistiwitpil 111 Isho III II III II IIIIIIII iIIII IIItIII IIIIIII II IIIIIII VIIIHL IiIIho lyfIIitiItiLfilil IIIniIiIlIrIiInsI 11 lll it II 11 11 11 11 11 115 111 110 ml llllh 11 l1 will lHH hill li and instructive mill F001 ST RES lIIVIll lAill Lott1 mar Il 111711 III IIlimI 1mm CW 11l II lIIItIIItQUI mum MI II II IIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIOII by Au An II SWUll lAi 5115 llWA Mrs Ritchie domon hil ll on custard thriller IIIIII NI xprlw Jim if will 3113 ll3 HWI II IIIII II nngrvigntmnzrl lllII gt11v ltIl Innns ItlzniiIntILhIniI III IIIIII III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII1 1IHI IIIIIII IfIIIhigtIiIIili 5i1tICIIiIMthIKI II II II MIMI 11 1II IA II II II Ir Wt illll P11 iv Ill $1 ll lnl ll IIlMI numt S2111llll11 AM NW Ir mml limb 10 1i7l II III IIIIIIIIII Wm Ml 11m 911ch WI would ll be pic expert lilit lr11ni1ls 12nd 1l1nl tlsi1ltl liliI Slllllkllilml IkOlltlUClCtl yur lllll HUN lltillkl 1h illVillllilClli gts lllii lillllr hm MW 11 inf 1h MINmum hIIM II upmul I1nI lunch was served Phone Baffle UHV mo ihyki inn1 lilll1tlt 11111110111 lr il4 lizmtnrtl 11nd MrS mll 11111 Iin nlwvriptiuii liy rmd III Nun 190mm be 1mm In RIbLLL 1N1 lllhli Mgr IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII HIM Ii IIIhIIIII YIIIIIIII llllilIiItllxiiifxlillgljlilxlnlltll ii 111 Palmers 111111 lnc 11111 livnnimr fowl 1111 Mi WING 0R Sunniddle PORTYPHOUSF II Wii AWm iwwvi Amw XI MW I1133K$923533ifflfllelfnm 43 MC Giicmm LEdenvuIc hm mm 1511 no dg1te Mrs 111 11 Gilltn WM Bum imam 50 or My Fle Ml IllTl MCNVH Sl picnic lb Borielcss rolled It 1le 5lmdly ct Flvi Schll 1nd Arnold FTOMS I1I$I5III lihrnilf spam mgweelif Fresh Ib 15 Fresh ll 31 Jena ihcirpmIMI hanks will audIMrsI Charhe CmluIh II SilVClinlgllt lh 33 01s Barrie visited with Mr zindl Slcel Mrs lns McQuuy on lhulsduy SIIVCIIIIIIIQIIQ Mrs Edt Patton and Clive til Lb Il II III III II lCnnkstinIvn VisneIId on lllCSdtly IOI II Ib 9mm slI Wiiii iwrth and Mrs Humid World1 ui rm I3 Chirlie Cllllllllnlx ind Will ukq mo nu light that mu maul Htllvly mm the Clc vigIwd Mrlnd in Me FANCY 02 unltnmm utl ho itplul out into Illtllillli vilch Ralf IIMongay bnlsrCM1s ns An tony nn ross ill 1l lurid on Sunday Ogilvles lgcA Mb PIYIPIBI eds ofcers III quI PYPS THCSdnyJ 16 meml lgie Do you romtmlwr vlitn Ills lujtsty l1nIsuorI20 Vl listl this quotation Incas IIwere vprcsionih DOEIOlIltllnalI II xIIIkag iegIIqueys 1335 cakes 11 mic IbyMiltS Jennie Thompson Ht Ill lnrllpi ml ll ym Im The following officers were elccl lln hand of tlml That shall tu you lwttrr tlmu 10d Hon Pres Mrs John Mor MI 95 II ran Pros Archie Culham lsl or Ill5mm ll W3 glliccPresq Jenn Bates 2nd Vice 11131 LineIggI cnrpsn 43 111191 Ar he It was Christmas lOIiILMInIlwn hr mtltlt llmst Imus Immortal on the exillfs giggling IIJIIJOIEKhYCBIAlQST if Igg ii II II II II II 55 Qua 9C 0mmin pkg evn ol the tlzirlmst writ ll 10 mil llltlll is WHO mpriltiiu itoc conveneis Worship Bob PW 113311425 Fellowship Marie GiffenI kg Dnnktrqnc and lor yours we knew no vulory today the ltnth lint Sewich Kathlecn CumMI DU II II am 11 9A ylruthillhc lhanligiv111qur at all Ullm minl Wu haw 101110 to tho fw II VIAI7I AA tunr wiwn 1w 1111v continui lhul Initiation fir WWWW MWr ANN PAGE 90 wont forth mll linilimr tho llllltl olGntl lrml NSvlvestcr who lllS been VITAMIN g4W7 quite ill 15 improvrng nicely gladly into the night And He led mo Iowan4111111 dhd Mm Harvey Ammo hilli and tho hronkingolthrill TiillTliTliifli vm Visllld Overt 10 IWCekend White Wllole ancnshoe or cracked Wheat The people of me community II are indned grieved the pussinn 24 oz Vlwn We Could son no lightTidntllll 110ng VVlwy Bmls illllllSll 51 Collihgwoods distinguiSheduand L3V9515 IIIC Inns Vc CmIIIIIIII1IIIII WIHI IIIIIIIIIIVIIIUIIIy BIIIMSIHI um mmmd Vimlmy II mgifllililzmlgcgnlded ClllZQIn D1 DaVid min Will the Third Virlor 1101 llWt rlctilztrml lhzil eilotluntr matter3 gleal Weather for Emmet the full work done but theIdry soil is nowliul Nitloryl IumI hognnto lilV the night and we lilClxtfl the utmost hm dryrplowmg Some II rcpnit wells lrecomingdry Form Attack With more 1l11yll0ntls hnrnms 1n bitilylhronght hailing of Irwinc onrnow nearlfeemdny II 17 hut untidy Prams bid 31 live complacency that harlto hr 11101110111111 inallm llllEFllllt lowly110111 tho Stack are one 100 mm andI III II II 1w success that it was LN Sim iv11M 11 litriiiichwlclydJiSdill armies DEXTER APPLE r2lJ iirlllltt II III 50 01 from West grams on nearly eery faum Does II 11111111 tense ex NM 1011 in 111111 11 11 ll indicate some lack of nfidrznce Maclnth CONSImeWH Ii at will 01 15 ll 11 41 Still he mm mm me monk the BL Our guide has not lulled us Our past offorlslmvo hoon rewarded WllIll IllI75 Ifngverysnl mm cash 01 EMPLRRI 19 gt WI WNW md ulurnlvwk inllwdqunoltsgn OI will thevendors sale balls l0 Florida Seedless for you lollow onto the tluylntnk Buy one inoroV1clmy Bond than litfore 51 NEWTON ROBINSON approximately me 25 31111111111157 LETTuFErlTlMeId Iceberg III 5111 rumor It lprackaqe Mrs Geo Harvey is spending lowIwseks in Toronto Mr and Mrs Vernon Connel spent Sunday in Islington lthIted1 Cross packed23 boxes BUYVICT0RY BONDS The SARJEANT cojLimited 139 f0ivimecbiiyS avgrseiis 1w witek am 19 me Zlel Canada No 50 ll CtrnnNIrIiIiIs brother in Hopo IYIIHOW $125 Mr and Mrs FI 1I0ughbon and TIONIK Mr and Mrs Cave 111016er to Ottawa for the weekend forIV II 4i 101 wuritraanm munsew Ms Casliey Toronto spent the my opmon INSURANCE yorrrcn wee end and Miss Wood Brant VS 21 id cnd MUSTAR 2M1315m 51 Bunion Street 31 MO MS 15 quantitinf marcha to Bteedon Ipperwnsh and Velma of TorontolRuth Noble Glndya Houghtbn Izmd Lornu Len non of Toronto nt thoweoka and at lihiris liv homes Oprrrlcrt bx Ihc smut Allnc Iluclft OLD ll WI EFSE