THURSDAY OCTOBER EC lil aomomomouomouomd NEWS OF ELIVIVALE puomouomonomouom it Iz Hiltlt IIIIs lluxlmztd Ilangtruusi II from Uttlltl lt HILLSDALE rr Iit Intl lilo Sgt Dick Peters Safely Oversea Mr and ilrlt Peters hzm received Word from their son Sgt Dick Peters thatihe is now over SOUS he sent birthday greetuuz to his parents Miss Beth Graham Breaks Right LCRAIGHURST FL Knox Church service 730 St lohnsI 730 Foot in Fall Mrs Amos and Allan visited While THIS llcih lraham wa ends III mp vinngp IIHHIS stepping to the curl In front my the Post Office broke bones on her right foot walkingr east 11 and Staff Install Officers she slipped tilt the riuht sule ll now las Readman left for Toronto in Monday to take boat to the LSault Mr and Mrs Ivan Cairns Mid Iurst spent the weekend with Mr Mrs Lillian Mctfaw and start Ind Mrs ThosDunn Visiteit Findlay Rebekah Lodg Mrs Hicklmu Barrie spent few days with her parents Mr Collinvtwood on lucsdav evcnin nd Mrs Blueman last week last and installed the officers Or Wednesday night they attendee and Mrs lhIlhp Newman Beaver Lodge No tilt and instal Ilidlmrst VlSllCd Mr andMia led officers An enjoyable socia Ralph Hodusnn at the weekend 71 LLJatlonIasufancc Is founded Lon con fidencethe implicit con dence of the policyowner that the olicy will paid in fullw eudue This con denCe is based on the strength security and sta biliryngfiLife Insurance companies For seventythree years Confederation Life Associa tion has increased its luau lel Strength securitynnd bilityfor thcbcut of its policyownerst cation we HEAD OFFICE ASSOCiation ronouro BRANCHL OFFICE Room 33 Cavana and Writsonlilook r0rillia PERRY YALE Manager The tough That Sticks The toughlhatlhngsthn This is the kind of coughIitiisLbarId to sget ridof the kind that bothers you during theday and keeps you awake at night Why not get bottle of Dr Woods orway Pme and see howquiiikly it will help to relieve you oilrlbls coughing condition It acts prm tlyLand effectively going to the foundation oiltho trouble looseningdhe pli egm soothing the irritated air passages andstimulatin the bronchial organs Dr Woods has been on the market for the past 48 years ell drug counters The Mllburn 00 Limitcd TorontoWOnt Price 350 bottle the large familydiuiwbout timeaiaaimuob 60c It it ELM Address and Presentations large crowd attended the SU cial evening in the Orange llall Friday Oct 20 The early part of the evening was spent playing progressive euclnc followed by presentation of pen and pencil sets to Leading Stoker Frank Miles RCN and Ctinner Allan John ston RCA lhe addrecs was read by Carman Downey and the pie sentations made by Geo Fraliek Each of the recipients expressed their thanks in suitable terms Lunch was served by the ladies and those musically inclined spent whiln tripping the light fan tastic to the tune of Howard Priests violin with Mrs Grant Kit thepiano BEETON number from here attended the missionary rally of South Sim coe YP Unions in Cookstown last Bradford IRE BARBIE EXAMINER BAP ONTARIO CANADA LWLLLiLML tumsru NOTES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SIROUD t1 and the touch and tztketabl ll llFll pond were very ptpula with the younger set The 101 cum reader provlrd mach itlllllStlllfl tI Proceeds amounted to $33 The draw took place for the cnh and War Saviors Certificate the canary twill to Joe Martin of and the certificate to Mary Bell Banting ot Saout The proceeds 32773 were turned over to the Patriotic Committee Farewell Party for Iorlers and Fords Last Wednesday evening fare well party was held at the llllllt of George Ford in honor of Mr and Mrs Porter and Mr and MA Ford who are leaving this nrmthl for the West The time wasl pleasantly spent in euchre and dancing after which an mhlrex was read by Jack Marquis and the presentation made oi heauti tul 7tLllTlllel comforters to Mr and Mrs Porter and Mr and Mrs Ford and snow suit to little Kenneth Ford The recipients ex prcsscd theirthanks in few we Tuesday Trinity United Church Boston will hold anniversary services on Sunday Nov Rev Jas Dor rian of Alliston will be the preach er Dr Maysil Williams of New York City visited her sister Mrs Kearns last week and at tended thc funeral of her uncle Adncy Williams Adney Willizlms residentwof this place for number of years passed away at the Attistou hosI pita Oct 17 The funeral service was conducted by Rev II Hal bert last Thursday Interment in MountTegart cemetery Iottcn ham The Evening Auxiliary of the MSheld ing service in Trinity United Church last Sunday Evening with large congregation The choir wa composed of Auxiliary mem bers duct was sung very ac ceptably by Mrs Dr McKel IL vey andMrs Stocks Ttie Tspnku er was Mrs McLean of A1 1ist0nv Death of Green Alfred Gren highly re spected townsman passedaway at his home onCentre St last Wed nesday evening in his 70th year ltc taught school 44 years ago and retireddoeetorpfourr years ago The funeral was held last Satur day with Rev HHnlbcrt officiating WAVERLEY the weekend in Torcnto Joe Davey Toronto spent the MissesiDerrt Slept few days with Drinkle Mr and Mrs last week Mr and Mrs Drinkle Th dale NevvfrIOntario friends herelast week ill at Camp Borden hospital Mrs Brewn returned week to Toronto after weeks with her parents here isburstoent Friday in Toronto verandah to the store LGIVES BEST RESULTS town weekly in Canada have done it In 1943 thisnews M4 Fine Job Printing PromptSer vice FairPrices Mrs LElbaL Brown and Go Brock Windsor is spend log the week with his sister Mrs lLT Reynolds and Alvin motored to NiagaraFalls orn called on Mrs Henry Truagg visited her son Pte Lloyd Henderson who is Iagr several Mr and Mrs Hornsbv and twins Mrs Drinkle and Mrs Sals Drinkle has made improve ments to his property by adding front of the Why has The Barrie Examiner the largest Classified section of any Results paper had total of 8184 Classifieds tbi chosen words The two iamilic leave soon for the West and lltiltI community joins in wishing them all prosperity and happinesg in their new homes Presbyterian WMS Mrs John Ross of Creemore Win the speaker at the lhankoffcriu meeting of the Presbyterian WMS held in the church beau tiful with cut flowers Devotional exercises were conducted by Rev John Ross and Mesdames Aycrsl and Campbell Miss Beth lpt terson was at the piano Beauti ful solos were rendered by Mes damcs Bruce and Joltn Cowan Mrs Sinclair introduced Mrs and her message on Japan took the unique and interesting form of quiz by her husband on rs to In formative ansuets Many inter esting facts on Japan its life and people and the reception of the yr gave all new slant on the mission problem and the attitudemf the pcopleto Eastern ideas Mrs Ross summed up bright in ircruuisttgaoxt exampl Christian lifeday 1T ENABLES YOU TO BUY VICTORY BONDS THROUGH YOUR BANK ON CONVENIENT DEFERRED PAYMENTS 944aubuyinngictory Bonds You will buy all by day very generous offering was received At the close the ladies were invited to social hour in the schoolroom Mrs Sinclair poured tea from central table beautiful with lace cloth cut landale and First WMS ladieswere welcome guests It has been decided to hold the Essa annual Presbyterian Church sup per on St Andrews Night W0menlslnstitiite good attendance beautiful bright sunny afternoon and an interesting programme made the Institute pleasant extent in the hall last Thursday Basin ss iteim included War Fund reported 32 Christmas Iiboxcson theirvauy to soldiers overseas clear receipts of plowmens ban qut $9020 salvation Army col lection for this community $106 53 plans made for the November War Fund party Mrs Form gave gt splendid reportmf the Area convention held in Barrie The programme on Historical Research included Roll call answered by exhibiting something that belonq ed to grandmother talk by Miss Orchard on the motto found in Dent 327 also clipping from diary June 1822 of local in terest and someoitems of 1824 from the York County Almanac by Miss Orchard talk by Mrs Sutherland on grandmothers 0t clden times and today item from an 1840 Toronto Globe by Mrs Wallace poem by Mrs Thos Rcy holds Grandmothers Gnrden talk bvMrs Goodfe110w Salt Risin Bread items of 1850 taken from Robt Orchards diary by Mrs Leonard by Mrs Small on Thanlrsrzivinz vocal solo bvars Sprlng ommittee VOctcber mectingcf the Wometcl Grandmotherslchair old and flowers and lighted candles A1t to reading town turn ltt Atll II JAH HI HII III NEWTON ROBINSON Bur In InhiIll lp iv LlrI ltrcntlr Victor Loan ILIIIlrr Wm Ivtvlti za III III IIII 11 wt it Iftttftfl llt Iiaft 11 II ALllrl Klllli rut the droid It vt RIk Illtillt lltlull Illlit tram the II If II III liarIts tlItttllI liaI IM lt It MI 11IjI III Iltf ill II IIIII II III IIIIII IIIIIII IIII VIII II II II takeI it 11 Li Il LL ill lI AL llllt mil iIIgt forumtr II and II rexuhx tor it III II III II law It Im li iii aunt to Hi lil Iii vl Ltlt Iui Mr II Scl hit II IH to new IIIIIltI in itut uad Ilis Noun it MI AI II IIIIIv than lt III IIII III IIIII III IIII III II IIII II HIIIHI ILHVHI Ito ti III III II III IIII II MI IIIILJIIM ll ii Il llII on elm and IInIUIl wl II II III Ii mm In lt mu Iin ti lonn Itannne IIt IIIIIIIIIII III III II III II IIII IIII IIIIIII IIII III IIIIII itflut ii and Mr II II II II IIII tlttltl4 In Mees IIII IIlI In ll hrIIIImS AI lltI II II lcltlyIltil thinn Iro KI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII II IIIII did nI lllt II INI III IIItl II IIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III it lh lll Li LL ltltxllltk Jim 1le llllL NilUH Ill lLll ll ll the lam IIII til verve III Ill wpmzlw tit of lllt Ithe lttr liltlh iII Er HI II um gtent tIlttllI1 ilw ha lac Luau lmil lt Mit II IIItIliII nn IIJIIMI II lll lLl ill LLLi ll ie IL have l1 lootmt Illll their tIuoa IIIIH IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III III III II III IIIIII Ii ltilit lw th II IIm IIIII ill emtemi 1xitrizx tlltltlttl Aux III huh court In llt ii Itoln lairsiII llll llll Itlltl Ilrx Haltin ltltlldttlI and all to Iu nzxiI nlt Ilso puu1pltnu MT ntl li II1Lv lt lit III II II lLI thy Aurora it it lltI11tltcti QII II III The Iixjnmizwr Mutual that no will ha twrn Izt 4I iiilizllnvllll it llL in ILIll lllltll Iltlll no on ll Alllll lH gtl cent Inwawrleztlerr or this llelattte ot those lutl vho lir IIMF lvllvllil lllllLlJ lHn IIIliiwlllt mri tlIllvl Lll zllld llm lillll lm llll lLll lIlH IIl ltt lltt ttt lItItl Ill MI wag hit St 11v at luluIIr lint lt aruuaell Impp1 WI IIIMIM II II Ulml Ml ll llLlL Lu ll lv Ml Lvlulr llliLiLlll Ll Wu lumn unit It cu in 161 Wild ill lhItuw Vic It ltttlrlttt it llII It Ittt thine zul lullt IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII III INIIIYII IIIIIH in ttIvt Il Monday It IIn In le IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII II IIIIIII red ltIl0lI IIIII IIII III III Sthul year llltltol next tll IIII TLIIIIIIII United WA Itt let 1L gn tl the lll lllJ VII WI Dr tlllllll vlll MI IIIIII III numb but It to tut or HI ltltlthgtnclu PW NPILI INI IIIIIIIIII my IIII1kIIIII United Church met it Airy II II III IIIIIIIII II III ml lilllHLlllllL SillllmL lllllllllLthltlt of lluoldRumble lltAF MJIWLl Illl Blown latiuu PW IIeIkL illJl who were unarmed luuue UH lIIIIItI lllllil itlflLLWllx Rumble tthflltllilt ll Llll llwm ill the UPC tnnluithti the name wt IIHIWI MVZII DIOIIIIIIII IIHHIIIM II IIlhc Law of Ithe lxmlzdomz lbw 190 III MIIIIHIII III llllLllllLll Ml Himm VltltlV loan banquet in Orlliu NolillylLl N5 LlLl unit lgt nwte Althalter lw llllllmi lmw lllllLmll Wednesdav uieht lion HF llV ill MW llll Hill tormerh It Sirtad ILLt Illlldl mmi ill ml My ltIokeLtluanIL1 the Vttlltlti llll9llllLLi Ilm WP Ll M3 lLF Alienkty 31 llltl her parent Air and lr ll Ill MIlII AIIIIW MIIIIIIII MI MIII lttt Mrs Bttll and MIN Maw IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII III IHHjI III BlilLll IIct LMirtin Intl ltx llerh Smith Film mm Wklll LlLlilll rt and Shoulder lluttl Mrs Iltoa MI II Il IIIIPIII II week VISIIIIIQ III IIIIIIIIIII to dath Itad by lhlllIIf Mt OII IIIIIII II HI III IIIIIIII ml MN ll Mlmm llilw rod Hamilton Mrs Marlin re Im Will llll tour ul haw llilltl In see tlL returned home after Willl IIIIIIINI III II mIIIIm tumor was Luvcn by Mrs lohn SIIH IIII WWII llltrndS 11 KililWWI Wiiml MM MIIIIII IIIII DWI ston Plans were made for the 035 Tm and Twmlm orl loronto Spent the weekend mm ml 9W Innislil Chapter OHS hcln Victory Loan Off to mod btnrl IIIIIII Mm WI III DIIVIIIIIIIIII IIIISSIIIII Novemboh IIOIIN inch WIN WIN IIIIIIIIISIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII lhe 71h Vrctorv Loan not oil It IIIIIII IIIIII MIIIIYIIIm IIIIWIIIWI be Invert later lhe 102 hostess SIIII III IIIIIImIIdI IIIIIIIIIL MCI Ii IIHIIII VII II II IIII IlIOHdIIIIKl III IntIlIII Illl II lItII tI IIIIWL mIIIIIIOd III TIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII IIteIII Mr ltl lll Mth IIIIIIIyI In IIII IIII III IIII will tuitiullll lbl winter months 01 decorated In Hallow color5 noon Fill out the 19an mull Had it your applicationit Is mI your Bank it my Bowl for you mman You say youwdnt toLLdo all you can to helpCanadas war effort Then you will keep you can iYoquTIiic the obl tion that we at home owe to our men overseas You know that stoLCks ofLmunitions which our ghting Lvmen need are beingdcplctcd and must be replaced Youknowr that more munitions must LgoIforwardLaud you will Victory You would like to bcLablIe to buy more bonds you say Well here is how you can do it You can buy mere vbondwith money as you gain bank will loan youth and your home Bonds to help pay for them liiVlLWl mentx in The lldlltt lfxzunmer WI II 12 II All your Job prIntIut uecdw can he oII HI lt 2010 3615 11ibItlifi NN fresh YEA ll IIIttltL lt Hllll IUI In tt Til Hart 057 ill Im Ilkl Llli iLrlt lav to In 5p II IxI=lt ci It my it aCII to tqu Ear Lt rt illKI Iimminx ltne Icll III rating taken of llllIxIlll titsh least every 111IIIIHIIIII tum ix In excellent natural moiet III the II ttIlPltW grllttp IIL itJlllilu YOI AN SAVII You can care many times the VMl price of your subseripimu by readlt ll ins and armor upon the alvertirie IYI tttll LI1I Ili pram In efficiently tilled hr The lunner You have Six Month to Pay the Bankctr tbe BandsTI Inlerert tJe Banis Horn Pity tbe Ban2L Interest on the hm AILInd any is railed artr on money to do thisand the interest on the bonds will pay the cost of the bankloanf Allyou have to do is to Sign the lcttcrLshowLn here whmoit can get from your VictoryLoan Salesman You make rst payment of 10 or more when you apply for the bonds and pay theybalancc at any time over period of six fbths LL You will be doing an importantwar job II do this Yen will be helping you country mid backing up her ghting meal IIYouWill get number good too that will benet yourself You Willuhavcmoney later onwhcn the war has been Worryto do thingi you plan to doemoncylto improve your farm cantons