Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1944, p. 11

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repr Surely citizens in supporting our lighting forces are 31804101119 some postwar planning Sponsored by The Barrie Chamber of Commerce 100033193104 BurNb 10151 new RALLY SPEAKER HERE ON SUNDAY NEXT Col Edwin Albert Baker llllillllg tional Institute 50 yearniigo He received his cd LEARN iiiiiiuinissiw BEAUTY CULTURE OFFERS AN OPPORTUNITY Oia WINTERESHNGVVVWORK WlTll C1001 SALARY This is Government Regis tered School where students are thoroughly prepared for examination FOR INFORMATION our MRS DERWIN 3962 33 Dunlop St Barrie 10 Family Regulator DRCHASES KIDNEY uer ESTABLISHED 1099 Consult independence can only iii tantrum ll HEAD OFFICE incr director of the Canadian Nu for the lllind has lie was born in Colliiis Buy Out ucation iii the luwiiship of Ernes Pu Continental Lgfe Representative Fully qualified he knows that your future nancial anppraism of your particular Life Insurance needs GRANT Kj MAYOR 150 Dunlap Sm ionic the amount town at the Collegiate lnstilute iiil Napanee the Bath Hich School aiitli Queens University Kingston from which he graduated with bachclor gliitltlllig C01 Baker served in the Canadian militia as commanding officer of the occupied his present pom for 23 51h Field C0 Civil Engineers until years 1914 During the war he transferred lie the 6111 FieldCompany went overseas early in the war serving in England and in Belgium where he was wounded in 1915 and decor ated with the MC and ClOlX le Guerre After returning from the war Col Baker was first VicePresident of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind from March 1918 until 1920 lie is Past President of the American Association Workers far the Blind and is Chairman of the Soldiers AitCOtnmissiOn for On tario He is member of the School Board and Board of Health of Forest 11111 Village lie is past president of the din inecrs Association of Canada the AF AM llis recreations are carpentry rowing and fishing lie is mem ber of the Canadian Military Iti stitule Toronto nA Edenvale RCAFiMechonic E1ectrocuted by Falling High Tension Cable Blown down by vjndpa cable arryingftm estimated 2200 volts is elieved responsible for the death ichael Pom illio RCAF Edenvale Airport at Collingwooc Wednesday evening last An aero engine mechanic Cpl the truckload of airmen to Eden valeLater he went to Collingwood and as walking along Ontario St whe wire broke away and flut struck on the back of the neck and killedhinstantly Constable Harold Gilmore Colliugwood irTestiged Coroner Dr We Maitlund pro nounced Pompillio dead courtof indulrris being convened Born in Italy 37 years ago Cpl Pompillio enlisted one day aftei war was declared He was resi ent of Toronto and was buried there on Monday with RCAF hon 01sHeis survived by his widow formerlyf Florida Bedard two children Rita and Michael=his par ents Mr and MrsJohn Poinpillio 0150 two brothers and two sisters Readand use ExarriinerClassitieds will be accomplished by careful gt FE INSURANCE COMPANY pronouro at with my of science degree in electrical en lDlED AT BORDEN AFTER ACCIDENT Pompilliowas at station dance at No SFTSCamp Borden earlier in the evening and returned withl tered to the pavementfllemwas Aeellalivehof Pelelbnrm Robert lOwh in about three inc es ofpboil THE amen cxasrrnsn smart ONTARIO can nvested din ADA Ba This amount represents savings of our people The dillerence between Bank Interest of 112 and Vctory Loan Savings of esents increased income to the holders of their bonds of over $8500000 or $125000 weekly This extra interestincome is spent in Barrie and is equal to payroll of good sized industry on Sponge 29 iPRtZE WINNERS IN KIWANIS VICTORY GARDEN CONTEST At Monday nights Kiwanis meek line the prize winners in the Ki wanis Victory Garden contest were and the awards made This project Was under the Agricul tural Committee and GRohcrl ll 501 or Square nouncrd the chairman presided Syiuioit vice chairman COllL mentinp on aid that approximately two acres of land was plowed and cultivated and divided into 34 pints 30 feet All the plots were allotted and every one was well rewardedl An inventory modem crlthatthe market valuel iiofdhe produce grown on the Ill1L the Victory the effort made mares waslfadltltl or $10 per plot corn mime Managing Director Of CN lllSllllllCS Lewis 5th Ross Allems lli for the Blind 23 years who is to be the main speaker at the Victory Loan ltally to be held in iheltoxy Hi llieatrc Sunday evening Oct 29 ROBERT MUNNO Robert ll thllllI 31 assistant metcorologist at No SETS Camp Borden died Monday morning Oc tohei1nflerhaiug been struck by tractor the previous Tllllldlly The young man was walking long tliewig1d beside the hangars when tractor comingfrom be tween the hangars knocked him down He suffered badly broken pelvisfroctured ribs and punctured lungs He died in the Camp Bord err MilitaryHospltalr Munro was very highly regarded 110 had been stationed at Camp Borden for the past gtVthree years Prior to that time he taught public scliOol near Pcterboro He was un married Broccoli BlOCCOll is one of the vegetables vliich shOuld be scrvedmbre Often hallcup Of broccoli will give you lImOSt days requirements of vita nin and morcthan halfthe 1vit imin Cas veil as some B1 and val iable minerals To cook brOccoli lietit in bunch and lace stems or water andcook from liftenfto =hirty minutes until the stems are fender The doubleboiler makes convenientsandman to use Cool the bottom of the boiler and turn the upper part over to act acaa cover Broccoli may be served with butter lemon butter or with cream aucc Chocolate Sponge Cakes egg yolks tablespoons cold water teaspoon vanilla 13 cup sugar tablespoon corn stealth cup pastry floiir23 tcaspciou balc ing powder lit teaspoon salt tai blespoons cocoa egg Whitcs pen the egg yolks and water for three minutes Add thcjvanilla and sugar and beat one minute more Sift in the dry ingredientsund min Ewell Fold in the stiflly beaten egg whites Fill buttered and floured muffin tins twothirds full Bake in nmoderatcoVenof325vdegrees jett there where he has since resided is now moving to Toronto but would always cherish on Barrie net and tlons fellowprisoners shops Brown and Page the tjudgcs follows lst ll 1llalmer 2nd All Coekbiun 3rd Chepcmilt 41hl awarded the prizes Palmer and Mr Chepcsuik turned their prizes into the Milkiluiid for main Sn Page reported briefly on the recent Achievement Day iro llie Kiwanis Club sponsored four of the projects Grain Club Potato Club Girls Garden Club andl lr Swine Club The Achievement bay programme was success inE every way Twelve boys Moore llonored Moore charter member the Club and lreasurer for many years who leaves Barrie next week to reside in Toronto waspresented with an engraved silver servmgi tray The presentation was made by McConkey who referred to Wes Moore as anoutstanding cit izen active in every worthwhile activity inyBarrie since 1908 In expressing thanks Wes gave brief history of his fe born in Welland County on farm and had to work as boy going to school in the winter only At the age of 18 he took up telegraphy and in seven years rose to be station master He could see no future in it and decided to go into the mer cantilc bustncss He was fora year in storenear Hamilton then back with the Railway for three years In 1900 he came to Churchill purchasinc the store thereand in creased the business 400 while In 1908 he camctol Barrie The It consists of KEEI PRISONERS BUSY German priSOnersotwarinterned in Canada are not idle Vegetables grown in internment camp gardens frequently supplement standard ru German bakers chefs and butchers prepare mealstor their IncampWOtk internccs make furniture clothint anduothcr useful articles as well as prcpming shoes and equipment databach and rurwiinrinirini tfornboutntwenlynurtures WhenJowingtirlltng Replace the cut content circle trOmtbe top of circle Gardens from North Siincoe are 1Vhistcek Vin Guelph pailicipatiiigju the inter1 County judging competition He was recollections of Barrie Kiwanis OrChcstra came into being Monday night and delighted all Hardy pianist HrNorris violinist Wilson guitar Perkins cor Smith accordion 16 Degrees of Frost And Thunderstorm In Weeks Weather The mercury dropped to 113 on Sunday night for the coldest snap of the season below frost being regisltntd tlte lirrt four nights of the week in Illoirlrry night the temperatuie rose to Tvtl and there was lliilp ll1lllt1ltlll wita peiutures for the past tlva ttln eii ir frilliiv 11h Low fit ll 31 2t lti iii Ill 30 21 20 iltl id 116 Oct 12 i2 Single copies of The Examiner cents At all newsdealers or this office WHEN YOU NEED cALL BBSSPDAXIIMLW or4165 at Night dJ9MIN10N mo irritant LEfrUs EXAMINE lle ANI FIT You THE VERY LATEST STYLE We also have facilities loi grlmling lenses on the premises and can replace any broken tense Jnst bring In the places ROBERT ll SM crewman OprOMmIsr ESTABLISHED 1920 panning sci phone2m Momma are 10pm Out quite heavy lull of rain lem lGETS WINGS in BURDEN At the first indoor Wings Parade since Spring Course No 104 gradu iterl as pilots at No SllS Camp lliordeii last 1iiurszday afternoon lAddrcssiing the cl and large as iStllllHtliit of visitors lelstezid commanding officer said i1o not relax now that you have reached this line stage of liiiiiiiiig Keep on your toes and when you jnie needed for operatimis you will ready You are to be posted to 1various places and assigned to dif tcrentjobs but keep up your spirit1 and be happy about it lie spoke of 1115 continued favorrl able war situation for the Allies and hoped that the Norwegian boys would soon be able to net to their homeland if you never get on operationsi he said to the class you have nev ertheless graduated as pilotsandl ilial should be great satisfaction Try to do your part as commission ed and noncommissioned officers and realize juslf what that means The entire Air Training Plan has been wonderful success in everyl way Especially finehasbeen the itntlill0ll lllldr comradeship built ianionicclassinaicsf Fiiltoberl Moynan llC padre ladded few words of advice and Lpgiyer Eidht members of the course who played on He ion soccer team vhich wonthe Camp Borden championship this summer ivere given crests by the command ing officer and the Sports Service League clip was officially present ed The Ceremonial March Ilast was led by sitesmtioriaami witbW Welsteadtakiiig tlie salute WC Vincent commanded the parade tand LAO Ian McCuaig was in chargeof the wings party lhe honor student was Norwe gian AC Jungaerd Wings Were pinned on members of the RNAF by Lt Mikkelson Am ong the graduates was former lieutenant EVerbeke oi the Middlsex Regiment British Army 2Lt Brigg former RNAF ad ministrative officer also became pilot former RCAF grotrndcrew sergeantmajor W02 Lock wood Toronto was another gradu ateas were LAC Mohan Midland and LAC Plume Vancouver who had residenceinr Aliandale while he was training Afterwards refreshments were served toythe class and visitors in theAirmens Mess All graduated with the rank of Sergeant and some were later notified theyghad been commissioned BU GARNET ISLAND Membersof they LondonBoat Club of London Ont have pur chased Garnet Island on the east side of Lake Coucblching about mile oil the Rama shoreyftom the estate of the late William Thomp son About three yearsaggwmgme bers of this clubpurchasedfBirdz Island situated south of Garnet Is land and short distance off shore to the northwest of Fern Cottage They have erected several summer spend the summermonths and have greatly improved the property ARMY SHOW BEHIND LINES Spitfire crates have formed inn whitikeshift on art with Arniy Sliow detachments behind the lines With little facility for moving equip menl the troupes travel lilil nilrl seize on anything handy In in up props for their show lrurlt plat cents At all itewsdealerr or this empty 1l eat01 own office forms PNNWWmMNIW plates 117 amps 2year heroes on Bird Island where they PAGE ELEVEN icons promptu stages for the laughing sniping dancing ll1Cliilullt young Canadians Single copies of The Examiner AERYMENS lilo GLMTEN FEEDS AND ALL KINDS or can races AND Maple Leaf AntiFreeze smear msrntcr C04 SERVICES Phone 4220 Barrie RUSSELL PATTERSON Mgr Beat the Shortage BUY NOW TIRE CHAINS Emergency strapon tyne On or of In mu Lars 65 Storage Batteries THE UNFAlLINGPQWER 9133 52siz57tsm SUPPLY FOR ALL CANS SgEFtetrffiea1133 MOBPOWER Service 15 norm nurses and REPAIR Mam v74 ramsna complete mm to all nonrowan Armor cuss 3pm and hfor all makes heaters Cisoswltoear 23335 15 name 1095 Morromasrsn ANTIrnaEzsEihyi amonkyowsr is dggiveb155 hydrate base Gallon can 149 mix Specs or or PEWFILL ANTWEEEZE lellcd Admyam Mame quantities of this permanent no main available Gallon can =3 nonrowan Armor onus plates special for Ford V8 wmnsnrsm neraosrrns arm shields withclcctrlralelements Four 53year guarantee suction cups 193 MOBPOWER Saber Serum 11 plates for larger cars qt$990 Standard my horseman rms rum in 11m long 2year guarantee model complete 23 areas stocam can even csuornhnr mgr snmm secs can ium no Burrowsnnrrmnnzn lor all wlndows doors etc OVERNIGHT moms HEATERS The best engineered 0an most nracn orn snnvwno FREE OF CHARGE IN 0113 SERV 10E rains lilnlt DEPARTMENT Super De Luxe with switch And Hot or and Winter Driving Needs ASSOCtAT STORE ii Fulfil Iii FOR OUR cmv in

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