Allvi iili HitlllIli 1W7 monomonomouomomo RCAF Corporal Given NEWS OF STAYNER It Slarkm THURSDAY Utlilll ti lill PAGE NlNg iSimcoe Firsts at Cahvilleysuhow ouo==aouowomo==m likllttin it Hominid tl tltl lti ltil lZ lllill it liilill lltiin ll tllitl it ltli Ll mu illirvll in illiiilty ll ltli liliilil liit tlliitl It till lit ill ill dulx tliitltnz 311w ll erIt ail ll my Kli Hi Navy ii vi when It illll tll liiii1iiitipil lllll lill 1ilbtl litll iKi Hi $ili unit Milli til til the norm tl llll Illtt ll lt lzli tlilmi tiilx ll an Mi ot the family llgllllti tho liulililiuatcx iii tuitlirolllin lltil tttlll play Roll ot liiv orplilal ltlllll liltt lit lilillluolilt ll lllttlllll ill the lliil tilllliiil ir lolll Voilllilx Iillllli pod llltll lli lllllllli the tltllzini ol the Htllllt at tl luit tltioll ill thine dlitltcr ot illtl llliili llritixll llllll tlnlld Ill ltilll in lllllitlx illillllt 17lt and uh has it itdtlllll ltllt in the llloltlutioii make illl debut in illt pilliiil tlillli lrl llllll liiiii the llllillili at it Do lllltiltlill llilm tl illai iii ti lllt lllllillli lllt llliltlllll rs jtlt4l lillll Sill ltl ll liLllltlllii iltli tviiilH at the home it li lroiiu Ihurmlny AlillSllilllLl lllpi 0d llclitilliill em Cltlltlllltl by Mr ltilt ll ltlillltii CW and illcr received to tllt llt lllt dllt Navy ltli School ill We titullli buy another dll llitnly Allotllci chapter lltill twK book trite lll No Ceiling rezld bv llhlicnce llilitlitllln litl llzlltkhllilr Cltlrt ot the illireliiiiz lhuiiksgivlin Visitors illl ll ill spent TWO MINDS WITH BUM SINGLE AIM Theyre going plac Father and son young man and grow ing boy they each and contented life They dont want to They want no one to they shallvork what they shall eat or wear All they exp the freedom to exercisetheir own self reliance and to work among their BANKWTO ALLANDALErl Stevenson Mgr my moon only NKERS T0 lie IJvJJE but it tl lltitltlv in Sunday lilllill objectivefbytheir own effortsto how bigger log forxtheir firesidepto carve iglhms Out better living for themselves and litllosethey love to wrestftoin Canadas vwi free opportunities iriclrproductive lit till lll tt your 21 til ilt 1c lt lll llulll illldyllt tiliii lt4lilllltll ltl lllll tillitel litlit lllt Ulii xiittfi tll llltil Ittltl lislilli ville lilt lltllll iiiill ll it liii tIttt il itllll lgtliliil lil lliilm fillililzlwfu ii lt ll it Wolvlll liilllllllt liil ltl limilw iif ti lilid li llliitll illt ill litt Illllgt fillidllrli on till il illilillclx SILUHI lltHl HUGS liclw lilllilt lt tut lllil litlxtd and aid tor Neil lvl in it MM lull in itl lilll lllliili lil Snake oil llitliu lll lililk llt till ltii litli itlm liix li 1ilil gt lite it llil lllliil lt llzt ill lltl liltilzl Ill tt lll lit llitt llt itll tiiat Ellr in tit lH untitled llill ltl ltu Stio llttltt oi ill great llllt iuhilll lJll ltiltll iliziii tuiiil iiiltlllllitl lltllt not only iil liidizl but itll llIi lll llt lltlL do not drink much llttle and water should all lillltS lithiii often be supply reach iti lltcud and use es these two follows with that mutual aid and prot that springs fmm the free inter play of initiative and enterprise sported by competition have the same just iris 2i tradition with The Bank ofiljoronto t0 participatein the sirens of individuals to improve theitiilot vi With friendlyuiexperienced nuncial mollycuddled counsel With loans to bridge the iell them where banking service available at every branch thisBank Continuesyto assist Canadians in attaining the common objective of richer andfuller life iv lilo BARNESH 1R Nettleton Mgr ect of Canada is Incorporated 1855 tau slouliucrrutwoitu All ro R89152YEA Ktlll tli lllKILZU tut ll enjoyed and lillmt Eltt ll latlo able in llltl illltl1ll IiIIl ttllll they may llttillIlU ill with the ileut or to hot to out lllouztti 3illi iilllltn That is why 3l1ll5lli vlliiiriis llltlillil till llll11lt lll lllt open is illipilrt liii one little tlicy like tll llillli if ill xuiniiler Classifieds ttl illt Ltilllktl iitill ill lthliim lllwely meeting to close traditidn with Canadiansy witbtyioil behzllf ofthc Thornton difcult periods with comprehensive Thinnas Childerhose Front St Or of the bedrooms and he made till hose is puttingjt in the bank today Gordon chairman of the Wllll llKltll till the lift iniilll pliHl by Terimi lllll in niriil lli illlltl lZdltlltl litlt lion llid lie illtil xlit tllli ill tighter lltllll0ll ill an lliiuliwli Centre Vespm WJ Holds Good Meeting August on September lfl lll SLErldllittl iiisltlilg Ill ll llllil ilt lvvi Mrs tiliivoli sll tturl tlt lli lli lull tl lilt jmui tulllritt radio illillilallll Mrs Rodgers were climeii ltlt1iil ll tita tilritcllti Al The for pziLkull illliwu laixza titty tiliill lli HtLlirliJU lild tllllll1 tor the tiilrtzulv bow Htlldt ill lilt liiitliilll it lllx itl convention 11 let given by Mrs liltlnii illil lllly llile il113lltll illiillilltl lutill itl lullii tl till particulars lit the llaille airliner invitations are to he sent lt dilllri iillli llld ulldles lilrtituiest tfncl tlll Novellliicr llltlillll rent tlll Rtlt tiull liy Mix lllolilpoll Members spoke on what radio halt meant to them luix contest conducted by Mrs ilsoil his Courtney and Mm llermall vlile il winncrs filtlgbllllll was Iltlltll luv joycd iilCSlttlllllS brought lll next meeting will he Mrs zlklcvlt Oct 15 one W7 later than usual on account ot Area Coill czltioll Augtuit lllllllflll Tllitre Vtrlllli Womens Institute wan held at Iillv home oi lVliigs Kenny lelletullu St Barrie with over 30 illcnltlcrs ililll Visitors prevent Several letter were read from tilt boys ill Franc1 who recently received illtil Arrangements were made for uniting it Itlrs Newsons and oil vcncrs weic appointed for the country stare and the selling it tickets for the quilt at the litll Cross rully ll ingiglillllllle which was put on group 6t ladies troin tlillilltllll Institute depicting the Gthilquid Week programme of the Vtl llll as from station lliNNti supposedly representing lriillc ilrllllrl istcr Mackenzie Kingr and Dollollli SCVClltl ladies formed choir illilli sum Land it our birth ullllnl IllClilty Own llczu Land turl was very lllllll enjoyed it tll tiK ptaylcttcLLibcl and Label and display of groceriestlliil $8 wouldi buy today compared with the very much smaller quantity ltllllllt5tll for $8 lll 1918 Mrs Ed Partridge head of thc VPlB lor Blllllt was present and passed lilvolabll comment lVllSuL Willgrovc and Mrs tlellzn nick thanked all those taking part Willis Smith replied vch ladies Lunch vus served Ft tbc lulvnund it very pleasant tittcrllollll was brought to close soLuuul niruinlrrlslr THEFT 0F $1000 Lust Wednesday ltc Kmlilcttl Cassellilun of No 26 lmillillil Centre Orillizl visited the home ii illia which he bud visited bOitllCl in some way he had learned that there was money in chest in our excuse to go to that room He threw the chest out of the window and it struck car in the lane The noise caused Mrs Hitlptt next door who was Hiking in lltt clothes to telephone the police and Chief Carson and DeputyChici Burtchael were in Chitdcrlhosct house before Cassclmun lludgot out to take away the money ill the chest He was arrested There was $1000 in the chest But Mr Childcr so it will not attract any more visj tiers and in NI llilillzz lhlli up on iltl pic ll lllt1 iiillitltt tlll illll call ttri titlllil ll iillilnill ililt lll lltlltit slain oi lltzlr truiis melt jgiapctruit illti lillmil ligt inmce czar illttlt vllt lll ll 43 lil tlwlell to lli n1it IIItiA lix lilil lrillllllili tllllil Hiplattnlix Willli ill Hell tA ll poled ln llll lixt not llltlt lm ot ilt lii the Ilit liiuioi til 51 AWFUIHM llll mr intmic riilt illtltl liu iiltl lgrilttil Hill ll ltiltlHl llrllr llx MM tilili iliz lut $llllluliftl llliill WORKER HITS SIX MONTHS liili tire tilett lit tour bllxw iw wt Mill tlil Hill 230 ittl ill llll llt iii=lJtl of lltl luieille ltillllv ailll was tlllld turlty ilt iittl llllig llt iiilj xiilili tll xiiin ill llliil liil iwilt ttlil ii liltiuelii Kilidilln zi rltli mud on Friday The accus Ll llilll llltligt ltilllilll burl iilltt liliitl lgt llt iilliwwl lil by tilultoii iiillil Illltlnlilitl ItlnJll ltlliiie Frank km llllliid lune was prosecutor Zlill iliLliLili illl lvlt nl llll Lilli km usually lll lilllLiil wash the illu lrdzni nutter lild soapy licil gtlilgt it the lltil lit the citrus tlulls tl lllgzllucJi the colour lle tililll Llislllil wiliil the 1m pnllull 51min liver all open blit Pcpslkrltlutlilreglslrred trJIlt margin Linulxui lrl ul lrlpml llilmnll Limiled Eilt llt stroll iillullliitzl water ll3OTlliliD BY Sillzglttftillltfs of The Examiner lrnha At all llctCithillClS or thisl iji ilk llt lit lift li itilll rtllll ltlilt the lilL bttulll lilo ll Ontario Im5r lire11 dillairline tallc alii Wvw mWarxLnwa flake choice yarns deft workmanship skilled designing Add to these 7C 777 Jt years of experience craftsmanship attuned to Canadian necdsentcrprisc CVCl ready to adopt cachtricd and provcu advance inproccssing and the result is PCtllllllS quality lior three generations Canadians llavc putt11cir trilgstiin Penmans name and lcluAnglctrademark Thisievcrii milletcasing demand isiybased ion the complete satisfaction that Penmans quality assures in Knitted Products vtfitted Produce ourelleAR