THURSDAY tiiTtiRFlt tt ONTARTU CANADA VESPHA COUNCIL CWILL NOT EMPLOY ON ROADS MEN WITH Ul BOOKS MmoitootnttooIOOJIOJIaodoollcootoviotlatcvalllaoa III III mu Elmvale Fair Prize Winners Mmka llliuh liiii lOnWIHIOKJOOOlIIaCIIolollllillroltllllolvlov olltlllll Highs II III II II Ulgiiligtults llutt iIiiil gt II III II In ii III lllllulel Itoi xltatntl I1I if llvultitllll Huck lllltt II lms Hf to ltl Bcallw lizm niitm Iii Phiiig Percheron or lirlgim it x222 irv xiiil Kl II III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII im the day on the right note Willi Kelloggs mount Rice Knight Children love the way they 905in IyyIII Il if Miuium t3 if rudder under is hands in it II il ll Ii II II II Le 1ici tilldi avour lv 1w Iv II 11 ILil lti lilflltl Et it out iii iiciuwl th lt ll liui tiiitit iillt lII II III ti lift it Hi iiisc ihmlrni IMI it Single Turnout Bttf lirarlc mug Iluulu mil lit lit iiiitiitiwtl wit fpttlJls it II II II ll tin LI IVI IiI lit in liulltll oi Jllll III II II AMI If Ik Hm lltlts ilckin or Alrsltuni rllll AlamoH til hit IIhr IiI It III II II IVIIIII IIIIII li1ilzslg fill lliirlis lJlIllJitl lillllll lI zUWMT gt Shropshire llonns it Hi II riml lr iln llxtttlh iltit hi it hi3 tIl ll Ht lymph bl Mitithtltmnx ii ii ll it gt OF llllI 1I iui iimi it POUlllleSlOV lace KnSPlESC Shorthorrw lull Sprcials lit guy lutpsrgw llJi If Lill iti ltntthliih iv iv1iilftitl ijI iitii I1 39 5qu it ic Illill lll llln UilllllltltiI lttiitcc lOO llcrclords EluEi Im Sit ii it lc in IVIiiii iI IxI EIIII Ask your rocerfora couple of packages of my Carscum mu tic oiipostil to lilt Ulitiill owr and lit irii 51 liiiigtiitt for itllll fltttth Ce Tomorrow lzmler lit2gt llim ti 1W mt gr mtl tip tinituiiis trw lillci tit lliiit tl illl it lllillfi lilil ll ti liit ltttl in ciiczzii liu Stine ii II ltr5ii llfil ll Ecw of iiiiIi tht Hui in iii7 11 icr tl iiVis tip lllvl iui it Iilirtric innci lilllllll St liiviic loiiiitii hiltits III n4 mm 21lll to tlttii ii lllt tziiiitiiit It Mom L1IIIII WI II HI Why iiiIv hunch tr fwlll ot Litilll lttl I4 it tisv limhw Illl iiiciit ilitic llic siil tXptlHlllllit LIIIII TIII IIIIIIIM ml lilHI Mil ImH Ziiictiii to take litittllll under MTV In xtI If II IhIIIIIIIIIII BII lilttl vl ll $311 lii it lilin Swuli lltli rivnty innitI HIV WWW 13ml lit it liiltll li illmlo HMlmm rm hfxm Viv HHlllly liiiilil lit ivrti illlltfltilll iiiil ll tiili pilw viii ltltl iilic Ill lil itll jllt 159 lhcrctnrc this rcsoliition is xrilty II HumpIn 1II II llVillilil llllti protest iiuiinst gtlltll llilWZli 1M ll Sii litllll tliivtoii li lliiiilti 1i iti lllt loci of lliilit llle rgintid opposition to true cioiioiny lttlilll NV illtilill Minor iii liliililiii Hi HUM Jr 3mm HI windmill llml itllmllml mp So in min IlzAiItlt for tI2 in IN Tum liitttiIirit ltilizlll ilttt InttiI iltilliqlxxltlI It tItl Ito liiwn II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ll lio iii Yiiiiz iwii v3 lllI 31 lt Mim AlN lhat Etc lcrk write to Mujor Lv Ric Krispiesnoregisteredlndcmnrkof lill Wiicil ltlltill ii iiicll ILlllh IIHH II III WHI III III it tiicral Ulillllillttii onimandaiit the hello untpaityufanidaLimitedtnrns deliciouthzmtofoicnpoppcd me iith tviii lm llpAHmll Mii ill Im Irwin llorticii lliaiiltiiii him for Ectianininii SHES tintriot iltililllli Lw All Mm Lb ml lbw gttllKl rcndcrcd bv mcn sutiplicd Sllllb llv Ivan Vawv itir mulfiilmr inllbplll Inflrvwglmn lltlllill itiltll mm zuiip tn Ixtiiitruish the bright WAN SMAMO Mc IIIIW II II iif ix cr liIiIliull itiii II II titHi it ll ilgtlilltllihHII AH IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII Ilw limtl slIl it ltl Shot lt Vtrll numb mm min Iinigill01teii Toronto at Ni and Mrs Dobsons Nov lllt donations Ulilll ArmmI ink ni Wm My Ww Ullinllllltlmml llltlitUKC the minivcrsnry wrviccs it Utopia ltorllCIBINUS instead of lllili1 ttiwl ilIt lhunlwhirp NiS AHHWI WV Irmn 13mm 1mm MD loc South raiiiicd pearsgt4 liia rlicicas Uneiiiployiiiciit litUH Sunday fluteIll of John Walton arc to be liiltidid Hi It is irllttl 1m Imlhlmli Ll trnt lIilLar llciirdsaii W5 Iil will ll loc gtiiiiicc so far as the lowiisliii Mr and Mrs lid liownrd and This communin extends SilittlYC there ll titttilli iiillllitl ltllllH lluwaiii litlltli Elliott ll iliittll iiiiitilicll AMIUS 51 mm Sympathy to Mrs John Walton and plevomt ll l5 lllt tltillull til lllllilt lrlt lnt tiilitttlHtl is only liiiiiihiigz as Mrs It warm we WWW Icc Mrs llfltlliIL ciiiictl iigtplictrly cvcrIv pcrson cmploycd on mi with fripmlg it Stoutivill ltnmily imd lltlll ll lot iiiiilii Mrs inc llihaIs of Vispia arc ftlIlllll In Ru CH we in MR 555IIIW ciiiicil lllil lllt loc tlS tiirnicis sons or farincrs liircd and thus qwertx lurid lcc litltlittl iiiilliain Mrs loc liilll lovmmu CHI all bcrcavcd iii the Ce dcath of John Walton who passint away on Saturday Oct it Crown Hill chliorns ltliitc llli ltltmphcll lictl lover ioidon tc lis oitioirK iitii totli litArthur Vciiic licaitlsall tltl and Mt loitliiii Sitiiii tiratit liiioth liolit irahaiii Jllllfb and Mrs lliltlitll Siiiitli hirtltiii ltlillili Sweet ltivci WINS SCHOLARSHIP livcrriiiic is iii Ilic tuncril li Mdltt in Buchanan sin ti VI chliorns llt ii liiol llLtl iriiplitll lcihtirii tatnp SlIHh mllld llmllf Im AIld llme Illl0l Ht Illm Vittd to ittciid was held oit Monday from late luliiiston mir lac All mt Smith iasphoir lilttrlliltttlltlll lnsuiaiicc DepartI woukond qu wow Mi rmidence omCl Chm lr ll lltltlldlldlt MU rmw my gun Inns itiiciiivtrslittiiiit llitlii ttlt dcicIriiiincti that thLIy are one POW NHM BM moment in mm IIIIV stone has bccn awarded mm of in or up It lmh VI Iv tHJ iliiil lilttlll Jltll vl oc Noni to iita iii tXLll tie lie Ihininioniioli ExpenSlve Repalrs itllltlIilllt los Sriiiillinlliilirimp Smith ttliltltl tlltlllllIlelSllllS municipality of piittiiitr in files at ml MI from am MM Wl largely mended Nhh ships value 3400 and is now in Arts at University of Toronto Ilc is an Oiillia Cl tziaditatc Grenfel WA Gienfel WA met at Mrs Garnet McMristcrs Oct with 17 morn licis and threc visitors proscviz Parker Kclscy and laughter Ella Smith Stllllt from czicii piirtv cvery llliltli Vllm Ml and Mrs Alli Wm Watcrson lo saiico Mrs tthr ll any Work on the highwast Illll Mrs loc Smith on cstiiiizitcd cost oti$65 and also iiirs loo WI lmonard llotitli mustard piclttc llitttiic cliili laiitl lotatocr llilllgtlrlj SDKIICU ll lltlll ll opclantl Tlltgt lilt lillttlll llwht am his llIllt Conserve your prcstni equip ment mini Oil lilier ill help kce your cquipmcnt on fsllAM life of the motor Install Fram and get mori service from your tractor or stgtionuy engine Yritu lor descriptive folder to ADAMS COMPANY LiMitEn us GEORGE st tonomo oNt Siiiitli Mrs lnc lct GARDEN PRODUCE ltthitcirillrs Joseph MI HIIJERSI tobi Cupcliincl Mrs Shaw rcd Mrs it Smith How II lard lreiicli CauliilmtrnMrs Siiith Mrs Jim Lee Carrotsw Lcc Mrs lhurlow Sllttlillgt lir las ll litchio for And liercas it would appear MN Dorothy Swill luiunto at $5 was received from Mr ind Mrs SI Shaw mm It HarardsI my this ygmgl Mr and Mrs llobsoiis Mr Stewart towards the lltI of Stintlard llllthlS licst layer that the amount of Unemployment ind Mrs Bol Turner and Mr andtthe church Vllith VHSIlPimi1ltl EllieAlis Shaw Mrs Joe Insurance colleLtable in any one MIS Flmili tlublll Hid lllElllOT The HEXl Kneeling LIL MW ll iiiith 77 77 FLORAL EXHIBITS Annuals li iiaiiictl iiictics Mrs Aiirlrcw Lawson Mrs loc lcc haskci astcrrMis lll 1th soii Mrs loc lcc cosmos collec lltillll Smith dalilias begttt singlc lJlHHlllr lis Fwd Drysdalc collcction iiiniial phloxvMrs An drew Lawson liasltct gladioligllrs French African inarituildsMrs Shaw itrciicti inaritiolds Mrs loe Lcc Mrs Andrcw Law hoiiiciiiatlc hiciitl ronto at Mr antlMrs Victor llow thcioh iIv after day heaping lMHI 31 lAoiiaiti lliioth Miiii MIMI IIllll gull illtmllmIliin Hullsiin aids Mr and Mrs David Zeugil Plans were made for the annual oil iliysicallyamivixitilyciun 05 PM WWW 1M yew Mt Emmi 1lllmmll HI1m Ii lw ml loroiito Mr llll Mrs congrevationil fowl su er tic 11 Msawspumruiuwsnwp liiiitl liolit iialiaiii liitiipltins Im lll ll ML 11 lmh 10mm mom Inl hm VIIWNG 011w imi humh3 pi AWM hauls hits lengthening the lW Sillllll Stilitlt AMY1 JW sum mum Mk on mam 3155 per 100 lb BARRIE FLOUR MILL Talihatie Sin ith French BOOBAlix liic icc Mrs Smith Robt Cope CitronsmMrs Shaw Mrs loc Siiiith ParsnipsW NWNOOIONNVOiIiJIOOOINIOIlOiIOIcOIOIllelltlllotolwllllivlTH Swo CMHWJIIS Thur 12 land LL low Mlr loc Smith Onions Mrs liiclce lloward lrcntli Mrs Ritchie lotiiiitiies Mrs Loon Umm Dyll$ Swill Cl son pansics collcctiniiWMrs it IPIgtM FfI 5mm Smith siiiizlc pctuniasAers ttllill llooth Mn Joe Smith 5mm MW Andy 1wqm ml chetuhlc Marijiiwwhlrsloc Smith IIHII1 11mg up rpdp IlIIIIl ILWIlCIh RUM Gmhiml Smith swcct peas Collectinlihlix HubJaid StllldllRtlgl Copeland gmitlr mmiwLulc Mrs Siiaw Howard French Stung VIPMA IIIIWQIm 1e ml hie ljtllllllltlllsiMl Joe Smith Ilt171 II hilqul Mrs Shaw Watermelons WM 11 Frnchf him Wm lihngmo Sfmth MM Shim trciiicccvMis Laivson Mrs loc DligilfnsiMls Joe Sulllh Lee house lLiiiiiiilis ii Ilim illi JM ICQ Siiiitli house plant in bloomer Collection Gaiden PiothiccMis Fwd DIWNdW MD loc Smith FRUITS itcraiiiiimsMrs Lawson Special By loc Lee for best ox IIXIEKIINEEE SIEIrItImn RigE hibit of floiv0rsllis liawsoii Copeland Wealthy Robt Copclandi LADIES NEEDLEQRAIVFW Delicious Gordon MCAlllllll Snow Fmcyv lpl3lls lllllrllw Root Copeland Mrs Joe Smith pll hikMrs R1 Wolf River M2 Joe Smith Nor chm OHUOPUW SampleMrs them spyI Gmdm McAmmn Rom Tllllllt best five articlesMrs iCopclzind Mrs Joe Smith Russet Illllllllw3 bun SLlM5 Thll anbt Copeland Mm Joe Smith low bedspread any kindMrs Pewaukee Gordon McArthur Mrs VIlmllm Wham mblmllh II lhuilow Mrs Joe Smith Tal culvelilf Chlls com 11 nianx Sweet Gordon McArthui mlefMS htltloh be um lRobt Copeland Mrs Joe Smith ed lUllMl Llhlrlm AOV FallApples Robt Copeland Smith 4W memlmwM ers doeSmithrobthopeland LIAUUJI blipMM +Lll AOV Vinter Applch RnbrI Cupe low ladics lingerieMrs CTliL indTMrsfnUTSmnjPum ln wtm luncheon VGI NEE1T1 Idnn McAmhm Cmb ApplegE dale hooked matMrs Tin Spence Mrs Joe Smith Mrs 10W lady funcywealerMrst Thurlow Ritchie pieced nullMrs Thur DAIRY PRODUCE low Mrs Smith best pair pil 111 el rs the Smith Mrs Leonard Boom Tnurlow bath towelMrs iMrs Ritchie lbs butter lb Dlrsdule Mrs Thurlow afghan 2prinSMp5I CI RitchieI Mrs Joe Mis lhurlow towel fancy ISmith Mrs Leonard Booth 155 Mls Fmd DlySddlev Mls 13 Shaw tattingMrs Drysdalc woollcn mittsMrsC Ritchie MisthleeHovesMrs Screamery butter Tipping IIbectgtlly luteilorw best suerin iRitchie churning Thurlow Mrsme Smith Chasm Thurlow Iva Grahmm Edgm field setMrs Thurlow Mrs IlBeardsanI MrSI CI RitchieIHEIi WI Culvert Italian hemstitchingMrs Spence VemrB Risa Mm tam Shaw specimen hemstitching ard Booth Mrs Joe Smith Wm Mrs Thullowi Mrs IEH Shaw bed Sheets handmadeMrs Normal peacetime exports of eggsfrom Carnada to Great gnequrg CI Ritchie maple DS Shaw Mrs CfThUIIOW Britain ran about 1000000 dozenour total for 1939 syrupMrs Drysdale MrS loei NORTH SIMCOE GARDEN This year believe it or not our exports argnior likely ZSmith BRIGADE DISPLAY WIIIIDOIqugTIoh SCIENCE bopntinSiIrInpsonI I0e1b JmdatIiI Ji Yeti 6memd 1I if 1E ibgif fah tototal 75000000 dozen in powdered form We Willth ling inIrs Ritchies Mr ifctiorIiIIIgarden ggoduqeRogaldt eonar oot rs 09 mth renc awrence aw air ar the same quantlty 15345131113 addecl mill10115 brownbreadMrs Leonard Bocith red Rock chickensJohn dozens 0f Shell ngSas shipping once moreisAavail UV JOe Smilh MLS Dv Shaw med French IN Iv II Itrmt breadMrs Joe Smith Mrs gg production Will necessarily stay high for some LegnaiId IBOOllIli Mrs Shaw tibmeyyetand that meansIIthIerIe are PROFITSITO BE LIEeIIlSliarIiiayeIogilf his EIN gt aw rs 0e mith meat loaf ADI II II Ritchie Parker House rolls shunGAIN EGMAKER IconcENTRATEheips puii egg rs Shaw Mrs Leonard records out or the unprofitable li2 egg per year average up Ito and overthe moneymaking 200 per year total Let SHURGAIN EGMAKERCONCENTRATE show YOU the way to profitablepoultry feeding this coming season iBooth Mrs Joe Smith Iancy buns SlillltGAINEGMAKERTCONCENTRATE MlS Ritchie Mrs Leonard Sold by Booth Mrs Shaw apple pie ers Leonard Booth Mrs Joe Smith pumpkin pieMrs Joe Lee Mrs Leonard Booth light layer stun mm mm nmturom pursuits rimcrmt it Moore flhffeed tokeep one cow is Sulli cientfor half dozen sheep For considerable part of the year isheep require no grain 59 illiliousgmamf empiric Biliousness is just another name for clogged or sluggish liver It is nvery common complaint but can be quickly remedied by stimulating the ow of bile This softens the accumulated mass the poisons are cairied out of the system and the liver and bowels are relieved and toned up Milburn LottaLiver Pills quicken and enliven the sluggish liver open Iing up every cliannelIhycausiug Ifrec ow of bile and tlius cleansing the liver of the clogging impurities Theyhrcamall and easy wicket Do not gripe weaken 01 gibbon Your nearest Employment and Selective Service Ofce or tenscritter SERVICEIkULES the SAME As LAST YEAR Asgin 1943pulpwoodfcuttingmis still classgd asilan essential War induStry This means you can cut pulpwlood and retain yourptatusas farmer if youalteady have postpOnementa andIprovidedvyourabsence willnot affect wintetproductlon onthefarm Act may tosecure your job in the bush and returntothe farm in the spring companies are alieady signing upWorkers forthiuseaIson YourprovinI agricultural representative orI fielclm Your local rm Production Committee or cakeMrs Leonard Booth Mrs Joe Smith saladMrs Joe Smith ers Leonard Booth angel cake Mis Leonard Booth jelly roll Mrs Leonard Booth Mrs Rit chie Mrs Joe Smith chocolate cakesMrs Joe Smith Mrs Leon ard Booth Mrs Ritchie muf fins wholev wheatMrs Leonard Booth Mrs Andrew Lawson Mrs Ritchie doughnutsMrsLeon IIardI Booth cookiesMrs Leonard Booth Mrs Ritchie Iee Jam tartsMrs Leonard Boothrrs Ritchie Mrs Joe SnIiith butter tartsivMrs Rit hie IMrs Leonard Booth Mrs Joe qBitchie grape JellyMrs Rit chief canned tomatoesMrs Joe smith Mrg Leonard Booth Mrs canned eastrs Mrs oer Smith La 132m SlGN UP wilhIcImycanvasserrepresenllng pulp and puperiJcompany andqulhorizad by National Slecliife EServicerITheI best thing to 131on back for th company You worked forIbefore Mrs Joe Approach KMARA Director of Ntionql SzlrttIiiJl Srrylcl