WW Ill T3902 ltVRSDAY FlfPZlllEllFR lrl lull 135 tftl ONTARYO CANADA ALLENwooo LOL Essa Council Refuses TO COMMEMORATE APTO TorPay Hospimi Bills 75 YEARS ORANGEISM For Those Ablelo PuI ilitool lllit lilfiit3tflt Lilli b1151 iiil ll lioliliti pubL llllaVhUtl Al on avltltlttltilll OUNT ST LOUIS Oamoupmonamomomd NEWS OF ELMVALE iill 114 ol ill lll 511 Lt brotn t1 liiilii pin litiiellllill illl iuthlrl of ill in lriil hi II II Jiltl tilin iiiiri11lt utiLlLlC ll tutztlit in liillll lit iii liruoii itttliig lilild 111 llil ii $1124 ll 1ii1t II IIIII II II Sunnidale Corners I7 mus SPARKttNGSAIFYING Li mmwmmngj Loll1nu1 liiltir Hind lll 111 Ltl lZitlIU lnliitiiii iiitl 1nd mug lj Illilltllli lixwplt tlttill ut LtL in 11 layn icu limitlntil HiNDS BEVERAGES Orillia Ontario itu 1141 growl4111 111 li 11 it iii ir COULSONS HILL tti i11nlil 1L uln kwylw man limo5 $14 itiA Mr 31 p111 thumb Mr 11l as Hit i11l lltt tithrl 3111 11 are izlll 1ne it ll1or liar 1ii hmm lid 51 it Kl htthtlAi Mr and it iuitl li1iti ilh hittt1lei1 kvri lli and L3 11111 Mi Mal 111 11 tr 1111 MiCrntlt llmALM 11 in ilwiw 1llilnfliillli 111 and lpi Uiiiilop of iiLl Hi 1l111 Saiiiiax Corp Britten 71W Qllllli7l CUH5HIIHHI In Life libHillel Imileum II LlllntiK 1l 11 lt tl 21 1l1 S1Ii1111it bib 14 It 1112 l111ui Erynt1 1111 it 43 tii l1 imid 1i1 LlifNEWTON nouns 111 111 MrMm1 prii tin 1i ylllnlint ll 111 It l1iiio tinm hliuiiir lot l3111t1 l1i it ill lkfltltllik 111 lnLi It Nlet Bin l11 iii1 111l lxltr hi lliiv1 11 Keithby 11 II IIII ll ISlIllldVHI lllL ll kttllllilllll dlltl tlli1li l1 SUI ILm 11 l1 tiii ltllirln i=1 FIXXIULWI llilllll 11 Le ilttillllt l11i1 ii 11 Aug Vii Mil REL My Vi in 1111n llll llllllllltl 11i11 gt gt the lritv 22 XL lumlrl 21 llliiiliil trill Pipdllh LI Li il 1l1 lltxriil li1l lulld ll1i111 MI III III 1L 11 Hiram 111 bipi Lt IgII II IiiItIiltIIlItlIlII IIIII III II II IIHIHH HIIIIII 11111 1I1I 111 LA LI Li VL flit it Ltll Mr and 23 11 11i iiidi 41 ill tll wt Wolf IIlIIIII1 tllllll iiitoii IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII Wivliuurii ii l11Iz1 iind1f iiiili I1 11 III ttlt1 11 Ilil tiite iiviiiotirt il iStABtiZHLti iuw tinLt le1n 2211 51 1il1t 41 Il=llill 111 Iiiil lt i11 tltl 31 11 louil It 11l flr ri z1i1l1t gt11 l4 lllliltt iii titanium1 1l li ii liwv Ili iii 1l lb il vl L1 iii lllll Ili11lri lliniiiil CRAIGHURST 1ilr1in Eilrillt t111p liuidiii l1 ttl litL tli Ltiltll ll rind Min Wiillie Show rzi ital him1 t11 lttiltilI Allrw firme 11 111 Ottawa has been thtnp lier llldlhl Mrs 1i1 111 llll 17 Km ii lt lu llllllli liniwliJJ 1iiil Cult Mi Itlil All Iyall iliililit fiiulili Silllui 11it Ili iiilbeit and l111i ll1il ll 1it Mr L1iii ll lLthrlil l1 111 lliiIi llL tho itll1li 3111111 ii llt1 llii II 111 tl111111 1lw 11111i111rpo iliIIl1 H1311 iiix Ah mle LLHHW tliitiJiiiid tor Last WMM Mr and Mrs Priest Vistleil 1t llili li Vriplos VilgwtJIV Mrs Joliioitin 5nd llllllllV and Mn Newton visited friends in M15 Swan Fins lrttltd Mrs llrirry lhilitlliti hr Week llitvtlx recently I1 lltll Ititll Xlltlll Slttulliv Edwin llielirirxlAon loroiito ES llll ltiitlgt an llhlllt riieiialust r1 fev days with Mr rind VII ACuritinenlil Life llepiesenmiive is fully ipiJlitird through skilltui training and year of cipcncntc in you uiiinil iuiiraii idvite Mrs McGuire in new Illldttil itzt Mr and Mrs aIliin Searii 1i iriiiliu Air irley llnYt lJttli tltliili gttili trim li1liIIl l1 of weeks out Mr tlltl My 11it our ltiiiziiimiii 1041 gt1t 1i Mr and Mt Alrii mi Irit iliiiz1 1I11i otlniiship 1l lor Lucy Smith and Waite li illl liimrile Womens liifdiliiti lilo and on July Mrs ltoy IDWllllltll and rtizliiien lrgt ll1i lllI1l out it 1211 Ullilttl Ill iiiriiriri1 lti tillia spent the weekend untli Septenibehgrwi pgili lltluli her 1111u lClnivale friends li A11p1 111151 iie wax Itllt the Attll in Ilrlt Jennett Vasev A111 llell iitiill lilittlll11llilill loiiirilo litiniiville and liner and AllcttWood 11nd Mrs iii1 laiiie gtent liiiiiigy the item and 11 t1iibrind have been in mun Elinvale 114 gtl1tllillll lttliltil thrill Minnie t1111pe Windsor ln 11mm 11 pimp couple of week vil1tiiii liliilllLlI lit theNvl11ii Lou it 11111 tti1 11111 1l v1 11111 the American ilt tliiliilt it 53120 to the Iemairow 1Iltiepl11n1 1111 Ill 11 Janet 11 um llilll In KllllVLtli ii lrltl lilii 11lL lllh llili l1tltie Andrew Slie tiu Salinitarn in1I xiu 111l 111 tttE iiiiiiiiiiiii ttFE iiiSiiiiiiicruiiiiiii iltAl urtixt TOKUHIQ Eiit11i GRANTKMAYORltliIlJa l50 Dlunlop Street Barrie tl l11rn IIItIiIni laini lvt Lltltl Apumly gonad Company 1i t1 friend liitt ougchliiiiI and ill Mr lllllill lllltll spent it who 11l1 and was conducted it I1A dothIM lnltlll when many iii1111 11h111 lli I111 rh11i mtt 1I 111 Lind with HIMH 11 Ili ind Mgr ll lIliUHlthiItn 1ei iliirll people itindeit ilxn llle tilr routI ltllii II DIIIIIHI II My Imd MIR II II gt tiine Vlllttll rind lrl MR UHSHWHNVlll WII IIII Slump lliiiilrilirin IIIIII lIiIiIIoo iill11l 111 11ml 1111II lii 1111 ivligtIIllinI Hill 1oioii 11111 servici held in SalvaI liie 1ltii I1 15 rhotlud 111 not on l1lll M1 llll illt lit lwlp WIrrcilwplgniii tn Army lirnple lhi was von II 1110 iIiaynic Iin 3ll IM lllliiljldhmd Mr r11d Mrs VI llltlilllllf rindI oilpinmillyniidisilily lean on antler from lltlllzl you know how sick and Pom121 Mrs plumpk MW p15e1t iI1 11tilizil 111111 11 llLIirl lur 13min ism13x 1srti1l Mr irio Walla they WI TL 11rtiilliri1L 11 Miller Col Jiliiith iti llouliiii i5 Wullill Mr laud Mrs ltobert 5m 11 Alis LBuinirin at the ieclreinl EJUISi lg Boll are an outward indication of impurities in IfCOIfIhILI mm 1111 115 made in Mount Pleasant ttllelgtltl 11 ill liilvtmhI nsm ftllll an get more one another croyis up to hike its plum and prolong titlillvl There were iiiriny heriii lit the tire ha IIIEIIIIIIE IIIKAREIllilkllglqimtt ffw nliinp 1125 boat to the Sun for the nglllIIlInngltwy Al the tanning and poiiltiimg you can do may not stop more tut llillLtl 1biite item gIM ughnqc lWilltll llr Sun II IIIIIIII OIII II PI HIIIIII MIIIIII IIZM MN wk IIIII IIIIIIIII IIII MIIIIIiIIII ll liii liody Wit broiigtlit to meat lii1n Oil Filter will ylylmml it wh 1mm sww ll lm Commi tiltlttl font thrones sisted by 5i p1rtsreiliiios over IA brim CM myILLLlLllrthlLiqul him hm Ill IitLHUll WU sum ll Jam Rmhmm NHLH lopml the system and just when you think you are ill of in iron lgt uh ilvilm My helm in SCIVICE roll you lil Millinllill llllllc Vriie tor lt ti wiu 1l Mrs in 5m i111 11 inniun liii lttlb it Mi 1111 W11 thointm lomtiiii Mr and hits loiiie Aiihei iinzlt II 10 hel Iovcrconie lioilstoii should Enrify tho blood so why not give lllk MUM In pimp wnm 55111 1in and M15 Jean 113111 Joiiilai that old reiahle blood medicine llilrdoc lilood Bitters ii lirltllt to show descriptive to der to ADAMS COMPANY UMIIED 115 GEORGE stv 10RONt00NT on him us TRAQTORI lilitl llii Sparks 1111edr1uuhie1 II llilll on litoliir lit liltlll rain Llntgttrn1 one lton SELHibI OHUWIII imuHWrsI ialu I11e2e 11 1eiit tiigt tlllttt lit Andrew ol leiirivzile Amtmw igtlliIlitIl the occupation oi llitlllll Anilici ol Calgary two 313wa uilil lnx lather 1i11tn tnree tLtp MI mvuhcnmn 1211 He was Illkltliffl on Ilttllllill1 Mm ll inn 11111 rlrry 1111 12 V1t1il niemln 11f the Human tritli Ullt Church and belonged to in lloly Name Society In politic he liAC Ernest ainpbvlllx over the ivoeleend iviilley lgtltl Field ristoii ltlgtl Mr and Mrs Ney and Mrs llttil iroolc vere in Port McNicol Sun The Sylllllllllljyygl the village iiav Mrs Croolie remaining there extended to the tmlv of the late liii Weiit llllgt CllllS IurieiiI whatit will do in helping you got rid of them Thousands lmvu uzcd it for this purpose for the plush it years Why not you The Nilbuxn 00 Limited Toronto Ont Miss JanlI and vrilt rilil1ii lie tt tllllllltil the lllnle tiiiline iliil lllt lill1tll tHIii 1I ltilil llt ltlltlLiC5 Church llietpsti1 111 Sept lti rind attended by large gzritlii r1115 oi ltlitllViS and llitlltlk liiieinent lllitii in lllclplul eiireteiy he lililllilll err were ilie Sibiialil lliun iill iirild lleil1oliinibit Martin Lil higher and it it ll1tlllll lhere VllS ray troni llie lIhn vale Curling Clii and nunreroii Mass Cards from i111ritl1olie and Catholic friends rind relatives He leaves to mourn the to of loving husband and father in exile and one daughter Mary tw b10 titers David of ltltoil Elmvale lance attending veietlJr1vul lloul uhan Detroit Mrs lloulriiirin Home and Mr rind Mrs Grunt lla honey toionto Mr and Mrs Driiilt and Mary Kearney liiih rie Mrs llorner Orilli Mrs Sexton Barrie Mir lorpey daughter 1toiiie1 lli11ei11g other friends from Bronte loit Cieditiilliii PtllLlilltgi Vliitlmd Waverley and Meilonte rBOLiLtoLLHEAD ilittiidod tor instWeelit George Wlialen Buttalo spent iast weekend with his uncle lei iiimniersmi The property in the village be llongingto the Lynd estate has been iSold recently to Jesse Copeland ImMr iinitlVliszlllux 3r lrong Branch and and IV ll Bax tcr Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Duncan on Sunday MrsJar1tine Miss Helen Rich ardson and Jack Grey and Ml and 1Mrs Brooks attended tlieBe switherickGroves wedding at Lisle on Sept lit rindJohn oil Relatives riud lllilll froth dis rrnd daughter Grill Mr and Mrs AI every motorist knew all there was to know about lire he wouldnt need the expert services ofa GoadyeorDeuler Hed iusl buy alive thats all But its well to remember that even the best tiresondlubes Goodyears give still greater mileage and liner perform uncewhen properly ttd to the rims and regularlyvmaintainedand serviced If you axecliglblelo buy the new Goodyear synthetic rubber tires und lubes heres fad worllikiiowing Every Goodyegir Dealer KNOWS HOW loqpply them and how to maintain and service thematght from the minute your car starts to roll on them In lhe past few ygois Goodyear Dealers have given yeomun service to Canadian motorists tDuring sthe Jobber famine lires havebeen kept in servi by the pppllcalion of new methods new kills and sheer hind work The Goodyear iDeuler aIWays has been the rightmcn Io sknow AheIguurdiun of tire miles Themazing lir performance enioyed Copper is needed ifor ftelcphoiie postsihle to But it isalso requirctl for shells pldiieb Iconimiinicationa egiiip merit and other warsupplics This is true ofunany another telephone LL7materialIoo We of cxrsting ITheres just alternative Until fI Ivictocyyywar needs come rst Withzreserves of telephone eqiiip in cairnit merit at low ebband almost im II rigidly conserved picciaie their problem Odour malinLpeoPle as possible ramming afne replace they must he LIo all thoseapplinziiits tiholoie still tipziitingloi tclcphoncIscrvice no can only sayvthiit we fully up partno are making maximum Ilsa ciliiipnientlo serve as We sliallLlieeLp undoing 111 best hihe telqphouelequip inent obtainable lm masonm 11 1A SMITH manger The United WMS 11411 WellandMis MCLQtIlliltl charge of their September meeting at Mrs lilt chies on the Hill with Mrs Hip theIpr ram Mrs Watson conduct ed thTWorship IserviceJRcv Mr Laiicuslcr kindly consentedito tutut the Thankoffering services October 15 MrsBLteinunandths Siith eitlandwerenonid delegates to at tend Diviional meeting in Octo ber Mrs Colbert favoer with piano 5010 Mrs Watt witlmiApupcr on Christian Stewardship Twenty members attended Pete Saigatik and family spent Saturday in Toronto Miss Jean Carruthers spent the weekend in Toronto Therewill be no church in beitt on Sunday on account of Bethesda anniversary Mr and vMis Lorne Chapman and the Downer family attnuded thefair in Collingwood on Satiris day III Mllld Mrs Kenneth Brotle auditiony spentASundav with lite and Mrs Tuck at Thompson ville Mr and Mrs Dalton and Mr and Mrs Tate Toronto spent the1 weekendct the farmers summer Ihome here gt Single copies of The Examiner At 311 newsdeaters or this canto office has but proved what Goodyear has long maintainedrlhdl with proper cure new =titeI conhe confidently ekpecled to yield outstanding mileages Asualirerexp your neighbourhood Gondyedribaalgr 11 buss on loIyou abunetsocgrqed througlillie nationMilt experience of gGoodyeac jIhenets 1ltialmcan longer life and hilor vperiorrInunca from your tires Juan synthetic Gdgdyenndeulershaven iLfoi eligibledrivers only It is 95 afiGppdyeartsforty trailer 1111 yearExiiqrieiicinmilbuild 11in pluiiGodeeutl spelul lied knowledge of cyanlull L9 rgiuhbcrjcgutnedihfoushnn Iagingresearchhndtesting