thRR ta V1lfT9thiCt PAGE Ftlf RTEFN Fonomouomamamouotd lMPERlAL LlFE PROMOTIONS wmmwm 11 Banting 11 table lamp and James 1111 121 11 11s and Mrs 5111111 111 11 111 11 1111 11 Sclt 11c 111 1111 11 111111 11 Constable gave 1111111111 the 111s Cmmmghan baskst of groceries part of the study book Mrs Dr ll brought and her hos11115111 MIbI R0 G0 IeIIOWI ISI VIce thlltflilltrt slipper 1113 we 112 11 11 11 ML 111 11111 1111 A111111 ll 11111111 11 II Id MII IUII IIIII IIIIIIIII IILII lull10 17 111cn1b1s 111111 1111111 itsm well 111 time 111 111 NodooIloooolqoooootccvccrot 3111111 SillltIllY 1111 113111 11km IIIIIII 1mm 11gtIpl1511 Mocha4 11112101 by daughter Mrs 1111111 111 IlaiIIigtI Wm IIIIf IIIMUI IINUIII the WA hymn followcd by 1111 tl0lll 111 111 11111 11 11v 1111 11193113111 11111111111 3111s 111 11111 11112le NEWS ELMVALE 11 30 05 939 535513 13111 for yVl IVCr no II II II and HOGS II IJ1 Bring ug Your grain vII II II be ll if II CONCENTRATESI 1AMuuw 11 Ik II Universal MI mg 0C llnCS I1 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IIII1dMl Jlm ItIUlIII tII WIIe received from verseaq Ims 15 III III III HI IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIHU IIIIIII IUIIII IIIII rIIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIIIIlIIIIIH Lll clklrlid Iucsts iifI Mr IIIlInI1Il 111113111511 the ladies f0 PMCQIS itllllIHlJ =1 11141 illttiin Il 11 llIli AlliNlIlIUV MAI113 Ec QIIIIIWlIinIz M1112 111111 011111 8111 sinokcsIlmd candy Mrs 11 Lvnil 611 Gram In II tjlLIH II II IlI l1 lbwlg ijIIIi IIII IIIIIII IIIIKIII ongratulations 111 11ci1d1111 111 who 1s111o1111g to Balltc lhlhIWWl 94 oz jar 11 III 1L 1155 Ntllly 111111 ll11v 11111r 111 was proscntcd wrth 11 W1 pm IVl Aylmur Water 11l 11 1121111 11 Mrs 1111 McDonald 11111111l hl lAllJI Nilill 111111 1111I 111111 1111111c 1111 Sailirdav 531111 address read by Mrs Boalae Mrs Catetli Ready Cut 11 Iii11 It 1111I11lt 311113 5111111 11 It 11111 11s llllI II 5115111 It lIi 111 111 Churchill 1111111111 CllIlllCllI Spears made the presentation 02 1b pkm 96 I1III1IIQIII IIIII hp 111 II MINI I11III1I1 IIIIIIIIIllIIIIIl XIIIIII 11 1llllIllIflIII WIMISI Mucung Mrs Lynn 111 thanking the ladiesI I1IlIJiI111II1H 1I1I11I gtE1I111I tun1 13111 IIIIII II iII II I1111I11I TI WIMSI mm III IIIIIIIIDI Dry invited them to her home 1or 103 PkJ 23c 1l5jIIxg RIIi III III 111 11 III II III IIIII II III IPIIl 1111121111 111111 11 1111 mmqu meeting when she gets settled rvwwvw TIIIMIIIIII1IflIiI IIIH I1I I11111IIIIIIIIIIIII11 Mil IIIII111I1I1III1I II III IIIII II Mas K1311 1111111 111 czccllcnt pap Mrs McQuay and Mrs MclIm ANN ISIIGIE 11 1111 ili1 15 I1 Is II p1 IT events mI IN 111 dll 11 111 lb 11d 511V en 12 111 MitaniI EpinmsI NDlll 50014 ltild 1611131110111 Londry W35 30lele till VTAMNB IN 1H 111111 Ill111 Illtll Ill 1l 11I lI1 101 11III1111I11II I111cl111111 11111111 Sliowci commit Mrs Maiels place on the War II VARIETY 1111111111911 111 11111111 1111 11I II 111I1I and 111 II INTI 11mka no gummy II III work ComnIIIIee Mm GI Remy IIIIIIHIIIIII II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIQI III II1I Ll vMPWJITlllItflitlltl 111operation Mrs Lornc brought in complete report to the WhIIe lI1I 111111 Mrs 1scroll 111111 MI PIII My MWWII IIII Ncilly ic1i11111111clcA swcct duct last detail for the auction sale Wh01ewmat 24 01 Phone Barrle Ismn I1I II II1I1I 11Il SI IIIIIIIIIIHS WIII IIIIIlII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIVIIII IIIIIIIII 11115111 DI SYN and 11mm Ken Reeve Geo Buntinu has amazed Cracked Wheat leaves IIIII mm IIIIII IIIII II I1 III I131 MIR WWI Hughes was In CIIIIWC III I1 mutts WA 1113111 111 5111 111 bullqu lli1l 11 111 WdlllUt lablw DEDUY Reeve WMvA 1111 11111 lllgtllll sc1v1cc 111111 Mrs Keitl Wed IIIIEISIdeIII OI me DISIIIIcII was IIIIIISI th cut an spo on ow can 11 II Th1 mm p11 01 113 MenuIv corlaoooov4 DistFrCt help the Bld0Cl19= nfl ve Blue qtpbasket ho the Branch help the Ins gt 111itruw was held 111 111 lt111111l 11 Imam LL dd 11 1w an l11111111s1111 91111 11111131111rc Smith and 1111111 111111 191 MrS BOIIO Convener of muse 111111 111 11111Id111 II TIIII IIIIIIO DI 1III II Iwm hm III III Henz Ecnnmicsthn tookcharge of the exIaInder Combination Grade 111w Ialltl IgIlIils 1I1Ilic IIIIrer IIII IIIIGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII ha Il 11 meeIIngI Mrs goha gave BI qt basket 112111c or 41s iwsz 11s un the car of wxllfer vegetables 2111f lal ofIPines 965126 for Goldeh Ripe 111 RumC VICOIIMNH DIIIII CUIIIIS 1115 discussion follower IllltlSiISTACM c111 1111lca1 was much Glllyrth MILLicensed Auctioneer and Mrs Horton on tho cooking of vegetables Mrs Bone demonstrat ed themaking of mustard plas ter to save cotton 111 wartime Th la hostesses Mesdames Putt111 licis 11 111 111111blcv Sac1 lovIcc Fcrrir apt1111 111 SllHlcA BUHLI Sdllg 1W0 WV VIIIII FIIIIILIQ 5111115 1111111udy book was 111k iby llils ll11111 Mrs Nash 11111101111111 groups Older lboys 111116 Baxtcr yrungci WI MINI MCCIHIII me in 111 1111111s 111111 1111111111 11111111 001111111 10 to Vlrs ll 111110111 0111 Station or Mrs 1lltr Hauluh rjI 11 5111 11111111 3131 8311 IlIl1ilIlttlSII II it EXPERIENCED D1111 Forhes Next Thurs 1vt II oldcr 11115 will 11711111 11111 11111111 pIMIIrl pjIICIIQ County 01 blmcoe RCId Smth ml and S133115 ICIlIIadaINmIIl Im235 rumww IIII IIIIn KIII with years of experience Frc Anothe corraspondem II it 1lI1Igu1lIIYIIixtithII lie11ctl1cli1111I Townline IIAnnivcrsary SI 93 IIIEIICIaI I7 SIZEI WT IIII 111111171 Iliihch was 1111111311 Farm Sales Specialt Anniversary services were 1191 II allow adj 44 77 11 irw 1A 11 To nime Presb 1131111 10szu 51m llamst 1111 shivmg 1111 am in For St to IIIILIII QIIIIIIIIII IIINIIIIOIII IIIIIII Iowa at NI urges Applylfl Tuners Coach Lines Church on Sunday Sgp 24 andI 11 gt1 II I1III ertoMe at 1111 wegkem IIGIIImIIeI 111 Sunday Sept 11 St 1011st otluc Barrie or write Box vervae amen esp tally in the evening The special IChurch licld very successful preacherwas Rev Mr Henderson 1s1 Thanksgiving and annive 1111 Angus 70111 anderomptjtrr Norine Grcnlcl visrtcu Mr 11111 Mr and Mrs 1111110 13111 ouiuovans LIVESTOCK MAN 1Irr n1 or JSI lmlIlI SillgglilIII BIAI $122335 fe 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CEvgi1ii15 II voicesgpggial praisg is given 10 Ib II IIII hIS lISLIaIIQIIRabIII alIII lI II 11 IeVery deYIduaI mambe Crime II lb 110me manne The mm 11z mlxedhmr for the Splendd Why ISSISIEIII ISq WI CreaIIVl Fortunate mead is It LirendsIIIng ham aamhgms IaIIdI II IFtEsh 50111718 lbl BQIIIII MR and MIS Iili JimuesIli Sku fesmm iIIIISSOileIIIICIXISEIIIJy13911120 41051111 31 horntdn UdIF A3110 VY hiltl ei Era LI ley an II Msz Evewn MCCmn the organI and ready to gwe Chmc organISII excened heISEIf II FIIOIIII caning IbI IIJargc congregations attendHi both your benem at both services The choir was 410511222 tscrvices The church wasIbeautiw WHEN THE GRIASY M1155 that act teIhniqucs mndem under the leadership of Cora Fresh whole orvhalf Ib 11111 decorated with autumn leaves clogs your drain pipe meets up optical science bett assistedby NcVilte J3ml50n II IIIIIIII gIIIIIII vegeIIIbI and IIGWII with Imam Lye WWI gone The SessIon and membem GUIIII IFreh IbI ii crs including large basket of 3511 InnoItime watrs mn congregation express hearty ap lovely 11130301 1008160 by MP am ning freely againAudremem mambo to an who 335mm Smoked Side Sliced Ilb Mrs Ben AngusI her drains It cIeIIIIwIImYDII zggeschOIrIIfor the beautImI star pour in artsfut strenrtth Iv HA onceaweek Mutfh Walse 13095 10 11105 Iwho WHOE III III III sent 111 so Imany flmal 0f elmgs on re tau or for decoration of the church The piece shoes oors spotless Without hard Lord blessed the event with fine CHO1cEI31LVERBR1GHr gt scrubbing to Mme theroad weather is undergo that the piece Centre cuts tnhnd M123 detIrllt IIliIIIIIer afraalilIdesythItrayhigytthIIlaIIIlgI FEIIOWILFaEIuIIy or sclmce OfteIIIQEtinIII the gahexcgglhg lb or cake lb men wee en ome on on Eng EXDEC INS am the tin so mum 10 Ilarold MuthEWS Clea Sweetsmemn 1101138 Member Institute of Chemist Board IFIInII IIIElchIs FRONHIJS 111111de515 30231152 In Im extmay wuk Miss Alldrey MEeson Toronto without break Opticians IrelangI bSket 01 beautiful flowers Was placed in front of the pulpit and dedicated totha memory of the late Mrs Jas Cunningham is spending this week with Mrs Gordon Knecshaw log your back Ask for Gilletts BGLLED 11m ruoars 251 Licentiate College of Optonietry Ont II To all those convalescents who need some kind T111153 Batieman Who hasbern today Use Gilletts in solutions to get do 0316 to stimulate and build up the weakened Meaty 11 wowoiild tecommendIMllbuina Health andINerve P1113 visiting at Bells for couple 73 Dunlo St Phone who was faithful member of this name 290 TheoeIIIIIIIIIIII IIIiiIdIIIIIII pIIIiIIIII mm V1151 returnm to Tommo 7N1 lam EAST OF POST 07 SEIEECIleianIlIlIisIsholllIlIauRZehfillomg II II un wu er 5H wk badeIyggrgumfgzw Onllmem Sundm VISIWSK at II BenS 111 Mm 011 Attendance dally9ta IEdytle Cunningham for 011815 pills stall dmgco 1m werIe Dr and 11812011 ea9 Saturdar 910 Vic 11 Jrr Ede marka1 on the On 1113 and Mrs wmI Hm Appointments madeI for Tell it well nd $8 IFOI 11 12 no 11 111111111111111111 mm 0111 agngBggIchlgmalm and Mary WIN III 11 mm 31111 1111 1111101111111e11111g1111e11 dons throughI Tm Barrio naming 1mwmmawuNommummmw