Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1944, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT Wye ins omomomg 111 THE FlGHTliLI FDR FREEDOM 10m itw 5T$lot titzit lit Barri Illtl ltilolzraiilc in hulls t2 Will II Ulllll Notes lllilliw st llrul um ls filtv rum killed 111 illiiiii lIcizl IleIIn tls lroaintioii l1 1w it of 1i and ll vi lio in piisonei igi rl ii 1I it til il llltl All llli IL ltll piigt=iner ot war IVII AMIV rii let to Iiie escaped 11 lt il ol 1i and lrlt brutal ll II since June lttli ti ll llc rtllltlI lltviit it Daley lllt1 tllltl 11 France Many wont Ii law to do their own housework no the VHtllll lwtzii tin over litii Iii hilly Ihttjlllllg Ironing mung so riiwiq nary to pcrii irii lllill loiiiliill duties pull iIV flllilll on llttt bark ltltl illlltl there wot IIo kidney Itllli lltli haul would be strong am will petrol exploded near him to leie hospital Doans hidIion iill hellI it till HM relief to art22k it lilit ltiiliiiy suf fcring WoIiiIii HttllT SAVES thlllllIli Hi earoltl llliy Saint Iloaiis liilliicf lill are put up iii itll tcnin of lit in an oblong ptnI liox iiitii oIIr lrllltt Fi till lllII or mnrk Mari twat on Hm lillt N11 saved lllt to of tlltt mllM xi llll lc1lti iurnelt when Dont except lure and get ltwiiis Th Milmm en lrt Toronto one wt FIHER gt sum 111 All WW MILD AND MELLOW II Silvcrhrooktlrst grade lb 37 lilllhllfltlllll S9 19 mount lllllZE fir 3232 25 ltllllilitlltlt 5MP 11 Libhv ttlltlldlth jars l5C CWTthin tillltltll 96 220 ClANT PKG 62c VARIETY Quaker large pkg 19C Floor Whot WylieVat Our Own Blak lb pk Cracked Wheat EllAl MM 25llc Crovincijrri STEAKS 01 ROASTS $thth to WING 45 PlllllRllllOllSE war FT2iRvzssuirr 11113 21 FRESH COHOE piece Centre Cuts Ib II or steaks 11 EREEKERS Emile 41 31 Waxed II III lb Now in THEIR BEST for Preserving Eatingor CEOkinl lli litxlx rthruin lllll ti lititv llt iI or ie itd iiml Find file1 lll ilie lllllltll reported 11 Iti Illi tli lr and Mrs lloy tllllilttl In France lllii tour1e tliatteii overj agging it ii rhtm lit Spr Ila loliii lolinson rlill liltll uilti lll France All 1s llli on iI has just one change 111 stall from the llltttllll tcrIII Mrs Patricia Lee of lIInIiiItis who is tcaehire the lliiidcrcarteii classy Spr iiiiivliii lii iiltKeIizic ItlI Eastern itliiaiio lit1 oiiIided lll France Ilrll lit ttin lt Lillian McKenzie le Mrs ll ll liecllley re litl not recently that their son iiIi llilliivckleyiiasiiliospiti1 lie in badly l1llllttl on line mri and hands when llllI llc er of Iatie ll The other teachers and lllllt areas follows and lil Miss Doris licariis ti and Miss Flora MeGrcnor and Miss Do iiihy lolli It 1lrs Mimica ShcaiUPurf Oi Armed 11 Mrs lldith Parker Mrs l4rancc Spearn the staff ot Victoria School where no Tltll lit the harbour TichiIlesz IT1 Iiii nui liioiiuli the iiiiit iriull hell combined room of grades ti and gand teacher of grade Other mem Ither of the staff are grade Mrs illtll Blackstoclr ti Miss Margaret Zilliller and it Miss Mary AIIdIew lit and Miss Phyllis lohIIsrin and macawo Warm IlAIIdrey Milligan Miss Vera Ly Iloiis kindergarten Miss Reta laili cr The caretaker again is Thomas Howard Prince of Wales School which is the W19 or RRRR 0C0lt 29 schools Morrison returns as principal and teacher of grade tiEu second room Gerald Sinith Cleansor WWW RE our aurora is we YVI tours WAX 145c 333e139 2Ylbtin22C 5111ciio =ng erri liiniipl iTlvIiia lr ti li it claw of over till new Kart lovirue School In our ill 31 lllt as lll eii All schools have been lll lrie lIl rleaiiiin up for the Iicv eini lititli Iiltllslltti and tiilfllt lllllllv The feature at lIiiee ot Wale he tiIIe new llt fence which car liistrl tic clio2i playground and lltilllli keep pupils from IlIIiIiiI on the lllflllil trew boulevard also lieiiiu lltl up illiitll the liltilltllv Knit Eduard School King lldItl School III llnidale llcll Is principal and lClltlt Arthur llcnsoii continues an the capable caretaker now startrnuiiig iuli on Jttitn year In lltttl position Vitltllla Stlititil There is just one chance also in Mrs Wildniati will have hliltlrklllltlll is the principal Miss lleVa Burkitt and Miss Prince of Wales School There are no staff changes at largest of the four Barrie public lll illlilil ltflfllll If iftltl AXAUA Brother of Sunder Bros aQiCiioois fiifgltEUPEN FOR eatiiiirwiiziiit iiiwiiitourui filiCONSlDElt 1le lNClNEliltllllt Buried in England 80y Scouts Resume Mcciings Next Tuesday Tiie letu it viiii ii1iiie of this ltlllltE ttiat llie laiiewav lioii sir11 lurllilWl oar HIl feet vile and litlll Ilici oiincil Illtlll to tirade iclte ai ltlllitlr will not ltllli tool iclzoti the lane iiiiltt ltl tin inoiti lIe li lile lillll power tioIi icloii Schools furnace passed illHlkU00111110 lltlll ltllltltl yo tilll loin is iriiew at the IIllll til the owl inn linililiiiii iviitIion llllllt the town liziiilf itllilllI ttaltiiltliiiI id tence 1xli lltttllltil til it Ilruiiiii oi till faulty iii an Jiniiitc tililllll reminds tanner from Iiii ozf of accident lae lillltlill llllllll liawviv tllllli lvtuih lasirc lni=d lrlttll team IIIcMiiit tl lhilltlll lwri the ix ll ill ltll ll stll til lii tlltlt wIliiIli ltttlll It was referred to loiii Solicitoi llI will have ij law prepared ylti Hut tlltttllillI and All it ll Scouts Imlitt year iiiiitii il iyltllll Ill A1151 131 of Tpl lliiss ill il lilliliil veaz service overseas lle lliiei tiiiillieis are litI on new SIWW liivrls iiitioillzcwl Alli liarii Gray was lillllliltl tllIHINll lie employment of an to talze the levels and lollltlll Iiijiizecriiii 4t approved by Inicil to date Salvation Army As tl with the Queens wII llezli live errice Seaman liarl on tieI lorccs work ili tllll Iltrli tiltlaliii Shirley lydran llltllLild wat ordered to be in illvrl the Shit lejs extensioni laInc viiiiive trees lltll her property wtcrred lo the kolis oinmitloeI was also one from Mthlati tries on Dalton St red llltlltlri atioii my IlII llviiiied lll taintt 11 life lieiirtitl Scents Main lJzi lawn rio Issistini Ll givir Willa to pttc caiiipziiszi Armys Wlllf fiii tin tliree ii1iiIil ltit lle exprcu itllllt illllllttdi Illtl spiritual atmosphere llltllkSIlll lltlllgttl ill the Club uliiii Ie provided by the Ariin rherevrl fer the Armed Forces iic lwacdl to lioyi iway rllirl reel iii ho Iona have such line giltgiiztiit 3w lhe lilIn ltyltlrtl lllt Salvainiiifliits means mucl 1iiiiltlflroiii home perhaps for the itiine and they appreciate ll Wher Sl olumbkill alt teacher of lIaiioleier there is human need the Sat and Vocal The registration yesterday was ll7lhandn pupils slieht Arnyal wiiii Willi iVlllllll AlltlIV extends lulpni increase over Several new pupils are pres Stevenson prominent Mon ent from Western Canada and lortrcal business man has been re lelected Chairman of the ilixecutive The school building llllSlCftt new Board of the Boy Scouts Associa year therii Ontario with the following staff grade Miss Margaret Henry Miss Ruth lCaInpbcll Miss Nora DeHart 5l Mrs V2D0an Miss Hall Must IRhoda Young Miss Eleanor Channen and Miss Verna Wiccl Miss Jean Goodfcllow kinder garten Miss Kirby II The Opportunity Class which isE carried on at Prince of Wales School for all the town schools is in charge fof Mrs Gerald Smith and the Household Science class which takes senior public school and low Ler schoolcgllgiatc ptipsqsiaught by Miss Thorburn The care taker is John Crosse Mr Morrison stated thaLllIis year the staff have fitted up room on Barrie Collegiate Institute At Barrie Collegiatelnstitutc Girdwood commenced his twen this termMissAksim Miss Gore Mrs Pritchard Miss Shear and Mr Higgins ah ha we FRir 25 parish Runs g39 PORKsauutusssmtt 33 FOWL ferrite 31 COhiblerigtaincihafgrade lbs19 iiIfRed ogaWhltzlahlalaga lbs II Canadian No1 lbs annulusunits Luger 19 Impbrted Iib lish and History Miss Lois Stevens BAICominercial and Latin Miss Madge Shear BA Eng lish French and Physical Training Mrs Joy Pritchard BA French Miss Ilse Aksim BAL Latin Miss Enid Coleridge BA head of com mercial Department Miss Evelyn Gore BA Physical Training and Junior Mathematics Miss Hughes BA Commercial Miss Ur iel Kelso BA Mathematics and Physical Training Miss Jessie Hunter is the secretary and the caretakersivagain are Mich ael Kennington and John Macleod St Marys School Miss Norine McKennaJ decorated during the summer tion This is Mr Stevensons third lterm in that office gene McBride is the caretaker silt THE SARJEANT COMPANY ammo llllli 1331 El lllillilfll 1944 emf1 II NEVER has the chemist meant so liranlloid ltooliiIIi that outstanding much to the world as toilsii lle abilin which has safeguarded hou iS indispensable to our IIr LlttHl saidtoltanadian lioincsagainstsun health and comfort because of the rain wind snow sleet and fire scienticrmerror he provides lli Inttord Roof is easily applied and Sriwrlirnull71km has licctt lldtlilt will not curl warp or split ll will of Brantford Rooting for nearly itI delight you with its soil warm beauty years liine materials skilled vorl source ol cnduiIIigI pleasure at niansliip and research have gltcli very reasonable cost on llrantfnrd Asphalt Slates Insulated Siding hit your local dealer for information and prices For sale by in ill ltllllltrtill enlisted in lIIIiev Hind ill llllilliltid Robnson of and pump iiiip thrillrid rlw 12x parents three broth Bccion Dies of Wounds NWI Am NIliyuriiilttlltl out two sisters licrn of Toron and tll tIVrlVlt oi it 11111 llii lieu of licelin ate the ini Illietoii lorldl lie is illilll ii 1hr i1 lino iifllttl1ill itlillthi suivning Hill received Wtdnestiayllecum about Iiile eii iii the llizid titil of the death from wounds lieit an littliitl llll school llwblnson Illtitlttl alter and correltc Arvztizg Gordon in FINISH ERY SURFACE the second floor for use of tanI ternslideSf tyIfifth year as principal Therei are five new teachers on the stafJr This is Goodyear Synthetic Rubber lire Goodyear dealers have it for eligible drivers only It is the result ofGoodyears forty yeursexI erience in Iirbuild bodyears speciql izecl kripwleclge Jijynthelic rubber gained through un ceqsing resedreh ond testing The complete staff and subjects they teach follows Girdwood BA Mathematics Heath BA Science CockburnI IBSA Physical Trailing and Sci ence Fisher BAI English History and andllusic Arthur Morrow Mathematics Angus Ross 13A French and Music Shep pard English Histdty and Art Nzl Synnott BSA Geography Sci ence and Physical Training Gordon WIIIIleIIigLiInS BA English Geog raphy History and Physical Train ing Miss Florence MacDougall BA English and History in the Middle rmd Upper grades IMSS Laura Young BA IrEngR ing plus The new principal at St Marys Separate School is Sister Gon zaga from St Pauls School Tor onto The teachers are Sister St Jerome Sister Mary Bernadette and N650 Sister St lIheresemueweds Sister Its the knowledge skill and experience which go into the building that make tire great All tiresexceptfortread look alike But wise buyers never iudge value on supercial appearance alone They want mileage performance sufety1hut5 why Goodyear is the popular choice in tires lTseafbut h6w thbse materialsore used that make tire great IFoir exampleivgll fir Jireacomuin the rhostrmportam essential ingredients Bar 660 ingredients ofall the experiencee wand research that for more than 28 therst choice of tireWise motorists performance rst in safety Let theIexpeIrience of the maionly be your guide If you are eligiblefor new tires use your permit Iwisely for valueproved IGoodyedrs Rubberized lilo Rafts de BUlMPweam VUNGWIJSI another planesaie forced dovtIm at but Bronttord Rooting Company Limited Brontford Oritario MIDDLINGS 155 per 100 lbs lAlllllE FLOUR MTLLI Goodyear believes and rightly so that it isnt so much the materials glinwbberbcotton steel and other Irgering skill craftsmanship rats have made Goodyear lhto and underthe read of every Goodyear tire go the factors their ptovide the wide marginof superiority in Goodyeors thefqclors that make Goodyegrssrst in mileage flrstin troublefree TYPICAL Priobuos or GOODYEAR RESEARCH Paktred is neIxIv Goodysar tanks for war lanes are Goo year exclusive devel wat paint at provi es 1de qomyenr save another Educ of opment replace ordinary flameproof nonskid themes Ofamrews When Good ear resenrchWhen inner tubes provide posi weatherresistant floor lyer pierces thtank five blowout protection and deck covering for Sea These rafts inflate the puncture is automatic If blowout occurs the ships trucks rind aero ally sealed to eliminate LIfeGuard carries the planesIthmgypotcgw II ill 5C45Wih Chcmical the hazard of fire and less load allows the driver to 11711 ciVlllan pres where gas rlcusgd byarip cord offuel steer to safe sure stop safe footing IS required

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