13 SIX BARRXE EXAMINER CANADA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1914 Iimrnrwoon monowomomomomumc iFinai Summer weekend lBin Av NEW LOWELL NEWS OF STAYNER 11233235231 amonomomomomo 12 IC 1km AI my XII II sacch 254am risiiiziiz Lit lloly l1111l1 dlllwiidld Klithrtivr 101 wSwiid wtfi hi twine II IJISIIEIAi 1IIIIVII tr hh Ilhg For as little as $2 wk In at all lL un 12m urrongr 33 Ma This Ilium liuml fmm iIlIiiUTl BTCTKIIi our lulllllV to LN 11 war Jr rv iI Ih or V1111 lll rrviin ll iimntlili J11ii lk and Ruth on iiiiiiiiiitm niiiwli ll 1121 01 II II II II III III IlrxxIIrt IILITIVIIL MB yuuruii Kll tor itll rgirs lii II I5 tulip Lizoch lllllllullln lorilrtuiliul lllls LRlu wax Achievement l1yj iiiunm gtillllI iriuiigvniciit I1 when incinbrrr of II HOIIIIIII Jun Bumidt HMOII of MSS llllliil lliuiw HI II EC math um um mt IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IM II II It II III jI II um iIIIlIII IIIII II VIIIIIIIIIMCS and mm I1IiI1II1IgII1Ii113II iniItI shown ilzll lint hit 1111 33 hick 15 such 1IIIIII CIHIIWJHIS and badIrSSXIIIZIiIlIcI 11 tut hin lttll wiih lll gmil Il IlI Insud iiiiilermiir IIlI rlt to the sound And third IIIEMIIHg my lIiI II lmw 111 WI The my IIIII IIIIII illiiistilm lliiuiii imi iiziptiiiiigi Mrs Allison thzit no iw uskvtl to giro ihiin 1N =1 511 lo 11 IH IIIIIIIH IIIIII IIII LIII II III III IIIW II WI SINIII SIIIIIIII lIII lIl IiIIitii 1I ii IIIoIiI will sill hviIuId loch uckI to In imiliiui mull 11 into VIII III II 11 111 moi 14 1ll 11 11 rtiuso n1h1 111ml 11ml n41 livers its If mi vi wh Mud III vI Htll 111 I11 IlliIliii 111 11 MIT MI hm git viltx 1141 iliIliI gt11 I111 mI IIIIIIIIII IIiI II II llllll Eli 11411 111Ilgri lc Hint IVIIIIM VI H39 iluii llim llic S111i 11121 ti17711 11 hhimut II qI bII 111111 mint 11I lit WWII H312 11 b14th 33iwi rum 1111 111 gt II lllt ii 11 IlIlIl Mi mnlmImI my Miss lIi11Il lumu xi l1iih Alia lloerrs 11111 lliii ltiv 11111It Ziniiihs lllllltll Dc II 1111 I13 II more llilVl ltIlllllltll ti 1111111 in 11I121iiiy hathilndiolz ilolcn 230 spent 11 Point tluiit Luim llinozi II will liwll in 5111111 Tllt iiiuiiy liziiil Zi lm NQIIII ilf IllIf1 has swim hm nun1111 111 1mm are glad 11 1m 351 fIIIfIIP II not iiptiztiiiiiit vziihtnl Ibv Alex tiiIbe around iii 1tl1i 11111 IIIIII ll Viilkcr Clinton Xiiitiwrs intn Hort injury vhnhm hmwuu Li lliizcs llilIllSt vaunted by Mrs SctIl Min and M1 11 III 11 ivr Gilchrist iizis purchased tho Iiiil Mr 1iicl l= 11I IIillon llItch proportv Alvx llziililwi 110 on Sunday liI IfII IIIllfIii 21 humml Mrs Smiths house MIIIW HIimyii IIIli II IlIIIIliiCiiT sunnmzmh Burn 11 ii Rut ross Shipva IIiI bIIIlIliIII lII II Hilill ltLIlII IIIIHI Isuwmw mum HI Rm rlt 11 lt uni it II III IIII1II11 It ilii FlllItIlllI iniiiiiiiIt liiil II 11 M111l1 lo 1ii1d1iii llltl inss If II lII iiiiiiiitiiwis Toronto 30 lllliln 11 11111Izis pvjuiiizis 10l uLilizc iiuiidkcrl 12 llt 11 llllhllhlllliil llHIf 00 pmmndl pmlmll blmxl IIIIIlleIIiIii SVIIflIyIlI fixture IquIilyIjIIIlil this itsi wiy Iv My 13iiliwiif in HQ in 11 lth MilkisourinosiziliiziiiliIloolllmust milk production in 10113 by more II iiiz lti ilil ll 11i Donl run1n 1d yrs boys units 12 r0v1tlc us Willi 1111111 to lllll gt II Iiiwn hm 12 mh II in IL1 lhglll 540 1111111011 qULlIlIs OIHI Udh Iamnlvw IR mil ts 1101S 131 411 bllyg utttl lLthll 0111110111100 and 011 Illey have 10110 1118 111 the taco 31 know htw him lll 11111 gtllll 10 onions tiitllll gt IhI AHWNIII II III II 1II11I1I1I1II11 I1I1I1 mm unkh Wm 1mhSIImhI LLlllldtUl milk and otOlL oi oilici ol 11 25 10luLllOn 111 111111 help lt 11 constipation luIll iii Il lll littllll IIUllHIHIEI 010duus CQUlecnt SllortrlgCS Lllld tlle filtt 11 111 47 IV mu mmdml II HIM LN liclincts anddmn L11 mClS have done that It takes two to lllILC VLlllS to to it Now Im magnicent JOl llicy have increased bring call into milk production done with harsh piirgativcs that lIlllLf IIiILlLirI 12 llillII1IrII it lt11lt ltziii lltllu 16VIr1rlsltoniml to IIIIIII IIIIIIIIV Ifiiidlm $122 IWllUI 5me It mm the hm III 111 It Mrs Snorter Toronto is Visiting wu Cm II 11111 wriii zill 21 ll lliiniblys ALKBRXN 01le iiziy IIIva wt 11 VI 1I Iv MISS Amflyi Himmly Spent moi IIIII I7IIlel QIILulIltIlI Hroqucuon the KL our Armed JIOICCS mi 11105 IHOIIICIIIIIIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIII1I1I1 MIIiIllltIgtI IIiIsIIiIiIiIItItaniIIl13081101111 With friends 111 Brow film 1011111 1111 milkproducts make heavy lcmunils lI iii 11111 Ck mu it It til gCI ofbulkin 1111 1211 mi KELLOGGS IIfhiiifl I561 ITIIHII It 1331 101101 Mrs Knccshnw is spciid lab mm um more because It has theretorc bccn nircosstirym ALLBRANtvcryluyasaclt111l0rin 5mm ing few days with her sister in Theres more money to spend by riluomllgi bV SUhSKlllS several hm mumm and drink WW 111l Lie s11 111 lot Stc Mime New Townm awful 1lnnin of Wher RmvmmIIIMIL RAN I431 11 I115IliiiiIiIilIIhIiiiiiiigtiiloIoorncis IVIII Mm Harold wright and Ken NbC qre work Il Ila Im Qt 1LT delicious mth Ccmu1not 11816 IguLsts Visitois inc always nemI Barrie Spent Ia day mstumok II 111gw1 controls to illOil oui milk sup medicine Get ALLBRAN at your MEX Lwhhm has purchased the at WmI thdhem tilingch loud habits and ply into ClldIllllClS most suited to gmch immiy sizes Made by 315 Up1y LOW M1 ziiid Mrs Mutt Knecshaw llttltJbLtl loud needs our variousloogl hoods Kellogg in London Canada the Cuiiniiiuhuiii pmme Mm ind Ronald Mr and Mrs Ed New 611 MI and Mrs wan EdneyII III 111 Wm Kneeshaw ind Istbci span 9m Percenlwe hW Sillldilyztl Ciimp Borden the tonal Canadian milk supply is used Iv his TAKES as htMist 70 OF OUR MilK 943 TAKES 10 OF OUR MILK 11 2227 Because md milk 15 re an M9 1641500000133 Mrs Alex Graham Oshawa can tionists as the most easily Egrglg C8533 Sbanggalt ggeeslprOduCtgn 1133 ed on friends here the first of the th Mg ml 1011 D0011 Since week no mg as Ben allowed to Interferg with the war Anniversary serv1ces Iof Guthrie its saleI Today Canadians are drinking Cheese isaconcentrated food rocluctu Prcsb tern Ch rch Will be held 1k II II ion ISuyndaynOct III at 11 am and ml and greater percentage 0f eaSy Shlpped and Stored hat ls one GENER ATIO N5 mm supply 13 being consumed I113 reason Why we send large quantities to HAVE MOVED Visitors 11 their hornes here over 111d nullthanever before lluld milk Great Britain to help meet its pressing the weehend were MISS Cathernc II lidsthenghtolwgybut dontwasteadrop food needs While in the last year we ex and Annie McCuaig Mr and ers of df Tea dVOUf lhul Gilchrist Mrs HIenry and Porte 01110 every lVQPOllndS 0f Lheese Ihoids ihe Preierence Cpl Alex Graham we made our production has been so of Ihree generations Gumggegzgclngiws meI III FI Increased that we have left for CloLSElC D617 at Mrs KnEUS Camerons on Mn use aleIlt three mlllll pounds year done muglbe exha dayI Sent Miss Catherine Mc more than before the war Cuaig Mrs Duncan Cameron and ordinarily good If Miss Florence McArthur were in 15 Try it sk your Li chargesof the meeting after Iwhich liA K55 48 OF OUR MllKi grocer for DulysTea Mr Jack addressolzd the lIadies It mos OIQUAKB II on lndia At the cose the WWW MW In the rstvthree ears iI meeting Mrs Henry and MISS ONEPOUND or 111mm consumptibn in 135333 Snir bull Dorighy Cameron served reiresh se zition Ians by OF OUR MILK men Presbyier YPS Takes Service was esta 11$th to prevent too Much milk going intovbutter at the expense other important milkIprIoducts and to insure fair share to everyone The rationingtof butter was inuencedrv Iibythefacttliatit has less nutritive value than some other milk products and be yery inspiring day of prayer was conducted by the Young People of the three congregations on Sunday in Guthrie Presbyter ian Church Roy Woodrow cit Central delivered the address on The MartyrdomIIof Faith Others taking part were Norrfin Graham Florence McArthur Murray Cald IMore than twice asmuch 152 million lbs was used by Canadians this last year as in 1938 74 million lbs And yet there has notjbeen enough Whatehus it all gone Itfsan important we and Catherine Graham MurI cause wc getaI generous supply of fats or food for babieoand there are 50000 more PM ray Caldwell sang vero beauzig thief fDOCIlI equwalent Other forms of them ayear Larger quantities have fi Iv iliiiiiaIDehai1133553132 smgiigliiveim habite on to areas where fresh milk 18 not II IeadeIShIiJDiOftilIiIrsHTiim lelfild 59 and to eh Emml Pm llctsl availableAnaneerceshave added new I9 325am rtIaen ebyI Misairicia Ed surf at utter 13 putn1to IderInMs In spite Of this our exports of ICranQId TheIIzIounq People UII the Red Cross of psrlahniz agency when prOduCthn Britain der the leadership of Mr Jackinrc ofLIwarparcels euahiofI FOIQSflt to reduce the fouign heWgtdn DESIGN ARE NOW OBTAINABlE gtI to he congratulatedomtheir fine which Isaiah 113311 rationilrom tuneItotime maintainedafrmewmlevel IN sinic isms FOR ihtended for last Weekl ESSENTIAL WARHME SFRWCE MIisIsdgleanor Cgchtonleorogto sune II IfilialSllhilltlc 131131 yin 103 ANIQTIHERMILKI incoipoaicdiii Dunlapsa Cffelelgelfltgdi333ng IIIII II CableCordIircs Butir gr TAKEIABOUTII oOFOURiMILK Imeflbititjrg 32 IotItheI MuskokaI bakes last VI InufaIctII Ii 139mm MuiranrllJack Muirivisit ii ureovloeereamisrcsric 1nmore milk Milk II keep taxing 11131 Itthe eddfrientg in Torgntoilastt wlgek IWIMtIIeVelbecause mnkkis headed minufactureof Penicjllgifigsgrlgtgg resent see 1m1 ii pcrossswitclyour tires 22er giillsy emoye yup 18 wartimepurposesICaSGm aImllk bYDIOd occasionally keep Miss Marion Pigclt Toronto and MllkPOWdEI andCondensed Milknre Elli5 lid is u$ed inimakingglule for aeroplanw them properly in Frank Bell RCNi who toolgwgart atedandaboim in DDay Operations visited at an have your tires Robthhggdwgl 185 wegkhl 11 or 35s Iand Nit9161 Mumenter 990OFWTHE MILK FRGDJCED IN CANADA ISVCGNSUMEDHNCANKDA illnedles spill5 18 111 Schoog cans Junior Cass amns II deli htful art last Tuesday night Theige werg ablout25presnl Mrs Blackstockilediin manyenjoyable andnhighly cntgrtaining games dainty Jonah was servedxat the wutoch mfgiedx voile IllIIlglki nan rs ir or in as MWRS 0F 1111mm hItumtlirgrouutsarla man wnmlmn PRICES or Shes Jolly GoodIellow JREDS FiNE lhl the career as public schoo eaithr at IIUttersonnext weeki mm This mouth Iggnclusionof which Miss Ruth