THURSDAY llcll and 111 ti if wore ill 11 blue c1e1w111h n11 l1111i1 1d tlll path hit Mel luv lo1 1111 v11 11111111lt 111111 Noinn ln zercptioi which f1ll11wed tirs 111121 bizdc relcunt blue 1111111x 111111 tricii lilllllil11il 1111 roses lhc 1111111 outlier 1111111l lit olil 1111 11111 lil1 it ill 1111ot31vr of lm 11 111h1tl1 nutrient 11gt 1t liitl chine hot 11dco111cof1111k 1oc 11o1 the 111111111=1 111p lr ilvn lliellliiii 11 11 the x1111 Mr and i1llu tl filoto1 211 M11 ll111l1 1llll Llohr llolibie ll inning all of lgtv31olt Mich l111l11s lizncn 111 ton Nil ML liwlu l11 lvlzs larc llaldwin of l11111 ltollownux the 111111wn the c1111 1111 left on l1111 l1111111111111 to Thunder llav the Indie 111li illigtlllll$ the l1oi11c of lit i11l11r At ithc 11111111l11111111 11f the1r fur11141111 the l11id11l couple 11 111 the lilltl were liw 111l liulll White 1111111 louzlli lilot tillllii and ll 11 will 111111111 to their re 11111ch x111 the bride and lions 1111 the 1st 111t navy c1 111111 THIS IS THE LITTLE HOUSEWIFE THIS IS THE LOAF OF BREAD SHE BAKED THIS IS The KISS SHE GOT FROM JACK THIS tSTHE YEAST SHE USED TO BAKE THE BREAD THAT GOT HER THE KISS FROM JACK At your grocers Askhim for it today GET MORE VITAMINSjMORE PIP Eut cakes of FLEISCHMANNS froth Yeast every day This Yeast ii an MADE IN CANADA excellnt natural source of tho Complex group of vitamins 13 ARE URGENTLY NEEDED HEAR11 Hffilan d1 1111111tl11 11l 11 111111111111 15 11111111 il ilfrlti Viki ll11ll11 of the brute thcir 111111i1e1 olcni1i1e1l at MANS Niohe Hanson Scotland lhc bride inrmcilv Elliaheth Shocrds can is the only daughter of Dr and Min licith can lalcdunii tint lhc 1111111111 is the only son of licv and lllx vl ll 11111 itit1lltlttf ltiriiirrly minister of liurtonl 111 lnitrd hutch ll1nd1lc iii in l1 l11ll1111 held 111110 of 11111 in 11 navy blue 11i1 1tt1 111tchi111 11111111111 11 11111 114mm t1l111 111 11111113 lillltfl lllllllL liar1i1 1lic1o1 lltll ilu l1t Situirlav 2111 11 l11111l1 1117111111111 111 oi was 11 11 lillv111111 ltcv li1ll1 cl 11111115 in 11r1111 Mirs ll11511111 1l1l11 31111111 121111111 11111 Mr tittirtmttqgiiiy 131 111134111111171 ll11111111s 11 The bride is itlfd ltu11 111111 1112111 1111111i11e1 lhouh l1111 1411 11 ll ll 1111111lllttl1tehl1j11 11 111111l1111 with their 1t1i N111St1lt1url 11 11i111111111 l1 11t thc liil1ll loelj 11 1111 ii111 tliv 151111 floorlcnulh gown stilei 1113 Allgt lllllll 111111i on Saf 1111111115111111 111111115111mi1 wk today by Mi l11211 111111 of the 111113 1111111 11111 11111 11111 Skip lhanch oI tlc lh111111111111t 11fA111i mu mm 1me v111 110M culture luo 1111111111111 wrc 1111 11 coronct 11f mum 1W1 5111m11 was 1111 and illllllll 111111 leaders pre ills1l111llrownilnrrieattended ii Mil1 lliiilli 111 1151 11 1111lmi1 mm Catherine l11i11111 Guthrie and flotielcinhth dress of powder blue 31 JVW WW sheer with ttii11lll neckline 1111r l11l1 1111111111111s 1111111111 ttlilll short sleeves ller l1c111ltlrclts v11 cafe of ti111c111111i were Marie of sl1ouldcrle11etl1 blue 1111 in 311111 1111 hull and Irene Walt crownless style with blue lace halo llach club member piesent receiv to match her gloves She c11r11ed ad War Sarina stamp lhc lnnl pint r11scs 1111 ll 11111111111l1i1111 lub units vserczi were Me Use FLEISCHMANNS fresh YEAST i1 yum bake at homeand be sure of good 11lmlewme brcad Always dependable it has been Canadas favorite fresh Yeast for ovcr 70 years MEN and worsen to save essential food crops now ready for harvesting itastefully dtu of Lladioli and cut flowers ticdlML and HunY Lle and mill TOMATO PtCKERS Aug 15 to Oct PEACH PICKERS 111191511151311113 minimum of one month until theend of picking season now APPLY AT ONCE IN PERSON OR Ontario Form Serviceforce Parliament Buildings TORONTO 1111911115119 Date Available st51 51151111111111 Those 111 Are Past Middle Age When men and women get past middle age their energy and activity in many instances begin to de dine and their general vitality is on the wane liittle ailments and sicknesses seem harder to shake off than formerly and here and there evidences of breakdown begin to appear Now is the time those making to help maintain their health and vigour should take course of Milburns Health and Nerve Pills They help tone upand invigorate the patient by their tonic action on Rice 501 abox 65 pills at alldru counters sst APPLE PlCKERS Sepigisio Oct 20 GRAPE PICKERS Sept 1510 OchSl lleihrido who was given in mar Oneway transportation paid those who will work Return transportation pajd to those who remain Pleasant outdoor work with good wages and an opportunity to serve on the food from are avail able to hundreds of men and women of Ontario VIIIIHIIIII innIllnhmmpr AM vouimssR ron ruitoon Sugar FolloWingthc wedding recep Nuptlols at Glasgow of Local interest litlll nd Mrs ligirlston ltoc arc niclurcd at reception attcri 1Thrce Midhurst Girls 111 111111 11 1111 11 iij 1111111 11 11 11W1n LCfflflClCS 1At Achievement Day 1Ill 11 12111 al1i1i 2111191 vellum 11m 11M 111111 sot11 snot 111 111 11111 11113l l1 Ti11111 Il i11111111 l1111 tl1w1111 the 1r1 31 111 1y11 111 till 1nd 3111s il11 141ll liihj have 1111111i1zzs 11nd the 211111111 do cot111 1V1 1k 11111111 1111 the i1111 111 111111iic her failicizilllll1ill lll llll 1H 111 111111 2111 111171 Mirihurxt dincsmg Ulw ila1111111l1cll Hughes Hamilton loncs ints tipto Date no the 11111111111111111111nd the lirl1tsl Club in lil1crtai115 11nd The ice llrowu the brides brother hotly Members present were Mario 111113111113 111151111sgi11prysou p11111111lt myrtle 11111115 lhchna ed the wedding music llcllt 34 LWW llllli 11121111111 llllol toe ccrcnr 111 1cce11t11111 valf 1hlnurt 1ther111e was held at the home 111 the bridesiiit 1111111 lutiric Gwnnnytn 11111111tr the bridesmothnr receivillt111 l1lt1111 Ruth McLean in the guests in tile blue crepe lfliit McLean Ruth Adams llelcn din111 31111 11 1111311110 of roses lutuldanis vliizcsiug Mary Davis Uto 1ft1111 guests were present from 11i1 llthc 1111111be1s exhibiting but lomiito 1111d llzuniltun 1l1sc11 1111111 11111111 Fralick Marjoltt For the honeymoon to MuskokaiCooli Mrs 1111111111111 Nov and M11111 Garden ll1i11dc it McKee lVlincsingzt 1111 brirlc 1l11ncd 11 lynoclt JwccdllCilccn Clark Guthrici Bernice Mml sud w1th matching brown E11SUllMllilllllh sories and 11 matching corsaec of The Midhu Club gave 1i skit 1111l in theirretilrnlvl11111d Mr11lay lre11t supposed to hci Ne took up residencehn Stroud ewcn at 111Tled Cross 111eeting lhey received prize of $1150 DAYHOLDSMNUHELL For tlie Will41 programme the 11111 111151 11111151 Church 13am Clubs planned as follows F11llP111 was the scene of 11 very pretty wcdi licl Dmsmii Ul lllllcGWV 111m A1131 211 11141 11 331V11ge1abl1 Summer Project l11n when lrizz le11 llhtchellHSlCllllg lmlSH younger taught j11fiir audhlrs Fwd 11111111m mum in NW 11nd Mrs Archie Piter Stayner Lt 11 52L Mivm 11105 upland lV 1s Charles Calder Fair May 111Mr Ha Mm $101110 11 Deer lslandle Sgt and Mrs hwm wmmpeg Rev Simernon Mitchell and Normani cl 111121111111 lmd 11111 buskctglshaw and son Murray Elmvale Wm pmk mm Mute mm DUN IIlllL Tnoi 11l11n Squadion Leader and Mrs Ul 111 of 139111 The wedding music was played LL Wlne by Miss Elsie floughley Duringr the signing of the register Missl ALMINJHANEIT was the setting for 11 lovely wed riau hv her father wore floor lding 11 SilllidtlV CVCIllIig Sept ill at 730 oclock when Lorna lillll own of frosted brocsled 1V1 Jcnnett dauvhterof Mr and Wllllt satin Willi sweetheart neck Mrs Jcnnett 58 Maolc Ave 11110 and long sleeves fer floorI Imam veil NW Wm in mm Barrie was united 111 huntriage to Pli ficcr wrth white cornfiowcrs She car tOf All RCAF Ison of Mr and Mrs Wilson Al rico 11 sheaf or red roses fern andl 1ka breath lien Winnipeg The bridegroom is HCl 0an Imendlmt Mm an instructor at the St Catharines CHHV IB milimn luwmly My flying training school The Rev 71 floorlength gown of pink sheer JKDGW pcmnmm the cemmony with shoulderlengti pink vol caught with wreath pink 110w baskets of pink and white gladioh ers She carried Orchid gladioli T116 bride who was cnarmmg 111 rwmmd babyS breath pale blue wool suit With little feather hat to match and carrying lhe roomsman was LlClll ll tmy deep red roses With wlute rib Gilmv camp BOIdn The 1iShmsbon streamersgind fern Wi iven brothers of the bride were Sgt Alvm Mitcheu Hume and Sgt 1n maiinbe lry lie1fatlie1T11e mit ron of honor was Mrs $11Mlldlcll RCAF MUUMUI1Cl11uticr 11f Barrie sister of the The groomlggift to his bride was bride himrlcmlBfmuty velvet mid heartshmmd locket and on princess hncs with not to match chain to thd nintroirofhonour 1gladioi earl etrrinrs To the or man er The groomsman was Mr Fred VAAAV Au Viu 4x AA litom vnoiic 1111111 momma SPICE 11 191 1111 Church wwBellcvillc Mr and Mrs Craw THE BARBIE EXAMTNYR BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA 1111111111 RATION COUPONS VALID 111111111 311117111177 1111111 s11111 s11111 c11 111 1111 am nmttrtgttt 11H r1o to 1111 rashJinx 111 211 llilltlllllllllllllliltI llllllllllllllltltlllli LOBEAW COTTAGE BREAD 711111151 l$1l1Nllll tilt Slllill VINEGAR 1111 1111 Plus 1311 lgt1111osl 1111 1111 WHOLE CHILLIES 11111 MusrriiiiriTsEEol 1111 runmiclTZ 1111 CELERTsEED v11 DURHAM MUSTARD 111 GROUND ciNNAMON 111 JAR RUBBERS 11 METAL JAR Riuos 25 12 GLASS JAR 16335 11 30 lMPEltlAl PAROWAX 111 lngersoit Cheese saex WHEAT scars 11 11131 RIVER carom 13 MAPLE LEAF CAKE 11131111111 lli llun 111Lu 1l1lii CUBICS 13 X111 llotlte 241 Nil 321 BEEFSTEAK SAUCE hitc lioln hilat Irachcd Vliczit PICKUNG 51119131155 39 litllltl1l lll NABOB COFFEE lllt Pkg CATELLIS MACA RON annoy cur or SPAGHETTI 141 14 1219 1311 101 151 MEDIUM JAhs 11 $105 JELLYmmu 49 llitlfll LEAN SHOULDER CHOICE SPRING LAMB THICK MOLE FLANK 0N LAMB Louis 331 rvq Kidney ll Suet Out LEAN SPRING LAMB FRONT Quarters LEAN MEATYNECK 11s lAlllB Rack 11 Shoulder VihmNniicnrv LAMB Breast no1 1l Eideau 31 9c Libbys Prepared Mustard 3c 11 JlONlIGRAIHZ WWW NWT $9111 ilf1lll1 sang At Dawn 1717 WW Hrwl hurch was decorated with and carrying bouquet of white 111111121111 the soloist 11 Compact 10 the groomsman and ushers tic clips Vefd of owing The USPU and bar pins ii610 LAC Karl Jellnell RCAF Kingston brother of the bride and tion was held on the lawn of thc LACKelm Banting RCAF Eden brides Dzirents vhcrelthe brides vaile cousin 0f thei brideicf Look for our trade mark Red eart on the package The Milburn Co Limited Toronto Ont my inotherdresscd in 11111 figured Aareccntion Was held aithe home crepe and white accesspries with 0f the bride 78 GiosVGiioi street corsage 1f Orchid gladioli assisted TOiOlOs Where her mother receiv theyoung couple in receiving the ed WFilrlnga llaVy crepeless and guests 001sage of red roses Among the 1h1ec5101ey pinks andwhim guests wereMrsDorothy cochrane wedding cake iced on pillars cen BUTfall Li dOrnano and Pie tercd the table where abuffctlun 335 Sillh Cami BOldCh MT and cheon was served to about fifty MIS Jde Kennedy Mr and Mrs guesm Jennett Barrie PO and Later in the evening the young MrsAllen Will residexin TOlOIlft coupleleft for points south The bride wore blue tailored suit with LAND OF FREEDOM brown accessories On their return senior 11051055 at one of the they will reside at 39 Donald St canteens was dutifully putting Bame visiting Australian soldier at his Among the beautiful wedding 9399 Agd suppgse shesaid gifts Was substantial cheque from brlghyi that the firSt thing You saw when you got to this country tne grooms parents who were un was the Statue gummy NO able to be present at the wedding inaam Guests from distance were Mr 71razThe New Yorker SELECTED ONTARIO GROWN the soldier said Alca PRESERVE NOW Do Not Wait Too Longtiv All districts now harvesting The season will soon be over If you are prescrvmg we suggest you get your requirements NOW fONTKRIOTUMBTNATION GRADE WEALTHY APPLES CALiroRNiA JUICY Selected Quality Mam1 CALIFORNIA VAL iiCIA ORANGES Size 200 if PEACHES sREARs PLUMS size 252 Doz CALIFORNIA SEEDLEss GRAPEFRUIT 191 One of the above sizes in El stores QM Size Size 80s 156 LAlVllASONS smg+111coisuss Tin Szc gt 100 Don QAuuFLwER alv 11Large snowwhite Heads Graded and Priced according to size ONTARIO SELECTED Green or White CELERY STALKS SELECTED ONTARIO GROWN Heads ONTARIO N0 GRADE COOKING onions ONTARIO N0 GRADE POTATOES wuss avmmnw usn ROGERS Marlo lirum zul Ti lure limo Sugar for HEAD LETTECET 23111 119 Graded oletic 1111 13 27 21 SelectedQuality No it Louisiana YAMSL 19 CABBAGE LargeSolid lb Ontario No11 Grade Wwashed CARROTS If lb 150 10 11 ovarian one ioomeu 511111111 QUAKER BRAN DUGTS 14 ct Pkg it or lkgii 13 In Him 172711 2511 151 QUAKER ourx FLAKES QUAKERIconu FLAKES LOBLAW allocations co 11M11Eniv nvwwww list lI1ll MARCH lt53 11 2ng 111111 11 ammonia 111 11111111rc11 ll li cm 11 sueensno cvs11x 11 row com attained BEEF illllll limi Tlll 11 32 llltlll II 25 flllllll Hit ilttisa 11 SEliiili RTE noses aai hlFlllftl1 assessors 1111261 IZllilll JSLHIII Edi diftgiud 23 2g 1s1 women liillill amenities Sll LIZ LIVER 35 nr PALMOLWE 191111 nawss rigours 11111121 CHAN SPEEO COAT moon mix SlilllllilelT sunpfrowosn 111s23l cansv 551111 111 54911 StMl Ivoav sign Largo natives raiders fears Fine or Medium Ground llb Fla Attic Medium Ground llb lkr mum vmkntgxiupnfiwwwwicgcw 3136131 our be 1111111111 wvvwvvo rains11 213 24 24c 1111111 Zlci l1l liottu 111 Pint titoz Cats 13 an mom 11111111 19334 my