Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1944, p. 3

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THURSDAYSEPTEMBERRWEWM T3886 BARRIEOIWWQCANADA PAGE THEE II fer lt zr me 3i ll nattr zI Ihllhl l2mw IllII 33 kl toF tttltl ruiitixnl in WW tttiltrn HV lt tlll iH It 93 52 313 II II II II II II II 11 it III II in Ir a3 In IIIIII ltrrlor new at tho Lloyd Mccklcy tumrut Parlors rccentlyJoratcd at the Corner of lappcrton The use of SUM mu VIMI in mum urnmm 1mm II Mills is Intuillilcli nzot Lflt 1va mill NM Bunfmh omitH YenVitamins art indecd llccwrliliy if illc hlanau Illdllililt to lttlli pinion 11 ll fuel to remain tund up Vcly trw of us nlintiliu lilcle tllilzztc ll ol lint latilcr lllZItIl be guldtd in our CllOlLL bylcotl minim litinc the mid ol Slltllylr4ll3 lcsulted in large rind varied range ct Vitamin Products cdcll Hltltl liI lirl ill hi Drug Store has of sulllbe kcpt up with lllc lnlcst litvrlopnlrnh in llllx tzrhf lull in ti II Ir LulanlItItcncds oltlchlr gttockw1tll the iLlIZllellUll nmr Hm yum Minniu My II on in lcallon in tot lr uconumlcs which llld be cited lur llifillll llli sntludell in this no of II xlmum love mu To Firlo New Parlors Lloyd lilitl riililxllX lttltlls ililYKUtililJlltlkll lilt to flnl in uqlllatil1 ill ldlllliillltli ltltl rrlh busilch ollzcl loll llImicllcc tll trillitc lllllzl lupptrton St and Inn lllx tlllllll St lll Suggestionsnnd Bargains for the Balance of the Week HOT GOOD NEWS coon NEWS WATER PAR0L at your The Huian lllt lillllllll llalziliwl tlwlll ll lilLi You 0de dwggig ALL fumml onion In on lslr 5L Smog Mlmpniv I1Id MSW InlaluvfIIlo ITAMBLYN STORES 8037 tlu lnnlll ll liltlt lllttli SM 68 in 532 by I3I HM fguniwl duprclx 3332 V7 CM residuum rm1 r1 mnmwn It 333 BUN NEW AND OILIDI FAVORITE PICKLINC RECIPES 33 Special Tm pm has 1M new CDIOIIdCSSI 20 MINIMHR SM GET YOUR COPY OF 6660 NEWS TOD WWW 01 WWidt Im WW 5W ourwmlmnml 57c IliIcIIIIthlIIIIIlIIlIniIIIIlnSIIIIIRIgIIuIIlgI Suntorched 11000000 andmy1311wimhhmbeIUSI rjLlmx ilulvpcndcnll or 15 one large ilStitllllllIY by nouns of intcrcon WHITE ncctingl doors Th0 IIIIIIIIII IIIII II IIHII III II III mien hwyo UH ii WALTER STECKLEY UNIMEN1 II born in Whlicliurch lIiwnship thlicvr cumarc Prin Ind York Cluntv in 1907 21 id civ IX1llImIm In1tl WA his twang at lliciinud 1111 gt Allllmmf millfmw unmiwl public ind high schools followed llddlgin fimnL IIS tEROY LLOYD by year citme Univcrqitv Or To it Ii around llwcl niiilliniliriiwiiiiinl fill Smlth Studio Barrie ronto In January 1929 he cum II menced 11 0C lncr CV mamm in fml Wlll lmn director sing lllgohtsgg iimoar mmwlgh this Wing fltllll elevator has Percy CLloyd theIseniorrmemg Richmond Hmwm which ht com um Vitamm Potency lJttll inslzlllcd her of tlleIflmllSta7ntheotom am pm equivalent In Viramin family rllilc the lltllltlll coll thins thc flnnzlcl room laundry was engaged for nine years Ill Feb ASOOO Int Unit potency re two rcalpoontulu at high nude Walter Alexander Stccklcy 41 nu Intlrc ruc uru ctails TownghipIHesewedhiS appren war 1938 he clinic to Baltic to II lnIlnsllIIthIsI aIndI litIIUPanf hIleve tlccshlp Willi Verncy Ilaypt lot become partner with pom CI III cod tr mi th MIC mm 37500 IIMI UNI M11 the requlle tenhjam where he learned cabinet Lloyd in the Lloyd Funeral Semi 50001nlUnih VitJmm VIlinnIiin 5000 Int Unit 000 Int Umn mentsI of modIern funeral home making as wcll as undcrmking mm menuy Ced 1t 47 Fill 500 um um Vitamin Xingu 50 IU food Supplement or some stlIeIsSlIlg convemence and cnmfmtllhirtyfive yems ago he became when St Laterium mm mmc 50 emu zg am 30x Box or 1007 min homelike surroundings As ruidcnt of Barrie an present bus cmnged Um StecfkieyI 900 83 0II L4 SOYIIIILZ mo 21 50 12 we II work IZIIIllllIIIillIlIIllIlllItlllLllH l1llIrlllSS was established in 1923 when Mr Steckley was married in 1933 WI 051b Buy In Mme mm WiElffggl 1139 10 Alma Agnes Cherry 0f Gmmley fir SQUBB Kepler Malt Extract with Cod Liver Oil 75c scons Sgdyt Regular Price29c Floclric brain indulna lnlss Osccil Rcidehad Clrridgon Soli Tlgychavc 5IIIIV1IC UV EMULSION Wml 133 312 mm ou v1 mm instdlmn MW year His son Conrad was asso I1 Frossts Neo Chemical Food LU 245445 Hm $30 T290 sllnll ltilcclrilt lrgnn modern lylpCCiiltcd With him or ve 1Y0SI Ml DEE 3113531mlsixxiivlgi Mn Mw War to Take 13 ONEADAV 7d illiiliydiiaviiiember 0f mm be played no ingrown mil 239 Neo Chemical FoodCapsules115225500 C0D Vin Wiltlilil llIln inIiIil slnnll churchcsi 10 huckeyI NOW his Chief exercise It mu OIL VngMlN no urgl lzln nn lparfnlcn For the last cars Conrad has so piano lillilfalld qllippcd ionm will the Sci Camp ppm 39319 lg belfngg iiiiiiiif Kim 32 239 Ayem 89mm Tablets lI5O3I75 5998C renninqu thc nlc rlgnrnn toncx WW Recently he was given IIII Hllnl olpsbo EILC LISLIIIXIL you COMPOUND II gt is lnell cro orln nun 33 fr nIInni llltlIlIll lll pluclicullydlschmge for reasons of healinand onic Lodge Barrie sings in the Meads Brewers Yeast Tablets 50cl00 MALT TABLETS IHIISL cm opcrn lull the is nowwithGeorge Montgom 7N EXTRA Olr of St Andlcu llcsbytellnn us rni plunncll originally tolery Elizabeth St Church and IS IIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII 23 In HOIIIIeIS Mamevol 00 and VIM HIIIIIIII III VI gu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIlI IlIIIlIlIilIIaIIIlLzlfgiluggfluf LloyIcIlllIaskenInapychanges SeISswn VIIIIIIIIII 51 10 11 mes We uibbs Adex Tablets lOOZ 39 lnblllb CUSlOlUb have the days of his apprenuceghlpI Re Loo so innemu the need for such Thm wok compmtively 9m Fr Cummwdm 113131 51 capital to start and carry on But Squrbbs Adex Yeast Tablets 1002 39 DOIlEIIIUIIlt minim impracticalimproved methods have necesSitntI II 77 Illlessrs iflnyll nniIl Slccklcy stated led very considerable investment AbbottSIRenta Kaps 50 00 I1 EFFERVESCENT weary of ort has con mode to plo for equipmemI There has too been AYERST cat in vide all the funeral llomefacllities great changeinIembalmingI Now WOGVBQY COD LIVER Wt lL hlight beleiulled by the the studentmust serve two years C1 Norplex Vitamin Complex Tablets l00l75 OIL Tred mundyr with aqualied embalmer and pass main an examination after which he gets with mm dung Phosphate Ii Airman Kinnurd Jnldine Bee his diplomalandlhls licensei Under mm from page we CrcosoteI and ampo tad 55c 119 mnI who is on active SCViceIin Eng present regulationssaidMnLloydI Frank Ethermgton Thompson III ensign Vt 45cl lbw mot1m Mr Barrio land has received omotion be the public receives greatly im garage alterallonsysw Work 3mm els gm 100 If mg now nilight lieutenant proved seerce hllnse Mgm Iools 57c L59 Sidney Woodward John Stim shing rooms $200 Patterson and II Emma ffriEifmf=rfslt PM MI ThompsonI Henry St gym Qllunng garageI frame bundimI asphalt III roong $50I workI hinge III JaSI RI McBridI Cumberland St III cedar shingles over asbestos on 2m 49 Reg 25 19c it Llrssuor2rgrllf LUX SOAP 2forllc dwelling $70 Robertson car II penter Davidson Toronto St as phalt shingles on garage and ANACIN it TABLETS For the RIeliet of Pain house Insul brick In wage and repairs to chimney ThorliDSOn II carpentry Pilkey brick work 23 Willard McDonald Jane Std arshingles over asbestos $250 7L Latanvilleconttaetor Mrs Elrick Eccles St cedar shinglesover asbestos $60 Liscnmbcarpenterf Walter Bullman North St new dwelling cImentfoundation Insul brick siding asphalt shingles OLD DllTGH 2hr l9 SUNItJGHT SOAP for IELECIITRIC LIGHT BULBS 15c20c III mos new color rocketing 00 amen smart III ngertips and lips 40 Bottle 196 All INAML 50 $230 WI BunmanI connactor lluck Lipstickml Natl 30 80 Bottles owner 65 43100 hm MansefGoss Centre St dwelling AIvlew of the new MinshallElectrtc DIKaliandIltsroomtak nrrpm cementfoundation insulpncnsid Rzliuu izigIasphulthingIES $1500 Man Iscl Gosh ownercontractor Mrs sWalsli 38140 Maple Insul brickysiding $325 Hicks contr ctor Impllal bit 00 BurtonAve wood shingles over asphalt $175 AllandaIeyLumberiCo Russell Parr Centre St wood thoIhall oIfI the Lloyd Steckley Tunerpt Parlors mm MM 39 CAIUZEI lfyil 15 55m 506 ATTACHMENT SETS 49 svrmcr LENGTHS 20 8595 We asphalt $5 139 aliLumbercmtw iDOMlNlON 35 CAPS loo FERMZER MES Fertilizerxbagsmay again carry mm vulturan Consri 50 em Otto ZZossLsmo lprinted matter on both sides and WW VADHESlVE TA in more than one colour on and 55 040 leuaIISiIe 49c after July 31 1944 the Fertilizer Administrator announces Form eIrlIy under the previous order the ltIradeI mark or other information couldmlenbgbulprinted inbwckin odours ononeI side of the bag only mt provision was origin ally intention to Iconscrve rubber CbINICAlI THERMOMETERSWOOI rnlsuzs 219 Ifdufsrnucrs I25v40c CHEMICALEOGD m5 II SlonnnonnszMcn Tues Thurs Frld from 830 am to can Wednesday 830 amto1230pm Saturday 830 amto1030pm neg 15o at inch prin esuw were then in Dimve WM Fgggfgaimmlgggg For SW3agijfugmiwt 3m mwwactme or the howseems toIbeadequate the restriction has been removed View of the runny room on momma mam mmuI stealthy Funernlilnrlorswlttr its corortabldohhlrsIindicestrolm II

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