ll THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1944 NmWq 9363 rm BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA mammauh Ill God and continually lab in incl rt Pu llsher THE BARBIE EXAMINER SERVICES be tlzc ally help and stratum we Luna LLMBER OF Ilcl know that we Chlllr3 up rebuttal Thundny Morning by fl Weekly Ncnsrlpc $tlllia in il and longr last make this my Bug Bunny mm Wurn tII ids iuzltl drum and peaceful place 31 livw hf VA Ir ill which to live MMMREl SUBSCRlEZiLIEQS Irlinicslurs Brother at Central Unizml uilCIKl IKNAJIJ wch 21 338 GI Bun at The congregations zit Central Unit lcl Church Were led in spccizll pmy hl$ Cctitimlml 1mm race onel invrcwisn fir moire mrraura Am 55m urn gle LugLt not l3 all IM IVU Allied Victory nod for lasting pcncr Wm illill the world The minister who ln our plcsctl mud we qi tls Hundwl lgtl1 till ulZl Llici LN 11 IK in SV rim tlmvpeople that if would ask for if AM my it BIND hhh UQ ill3 lm loamy we must hold nursclvcsl lltxlec Ll vlrlll ll2lllltliillllll Wrun Scp minnnii onion or utii Mm sum Show mm mm THEY lil Kath up Apt Ii ElIlIlll1IIJII1I IUHInmIv II Owen imp III IIIQIIIIwId my as III duIIJHI INTI Wltll tilt Hid uz tlll Will 110W ll slight NOllltL Jump IJVYIiliyzy our lipxll illi Ull WVdW llvcsln the Life of God rind rcmuln ii thought mlLll urIll be Elivtll to planning luli UNIW on oi pl if IIl II IIIlII III loyal and ullrdlcnl to lllgt lloly dcI ll Ill gtll 014 ll lllclllorlill to honor tin mcmory oi lllosrl ix rvk My on Wm il Hem INC 150m Ullr mild will llliig llllllllrli Nll littltl 01 Hill HULHb illillitt51nllrll ritual occupied SIRIIUI4WK on unmet and mice on our bchall is fitting and it putg IlliIlr no doubt limit ill oruulmcd gullgi in on nnnmr or rncrf MW new Gwen Emlmmt llnlmllimu mill WV 110 hill blll ill tlrr llllthtfi tlltlilil ltl illlcx lllllVllltil olnlcit prcacllcllthc Silllltllt lil tI med I50 lymph by in flu Wm yaw thrift In TUIUIIEU In Linn SIIHIIKII unmxlnd an Itil II lI lIlIl in Ill ltlttlllih lesson Incl llil IlluoliIIutE II II it 50 Inn 11m llfliltl or dlill lhutrionomy lln plcllcict on no dlllldlt flUllf snoull ll lIllltlllIlll lll lll Lilli atolln lo cunt lll o1 till in 3m mm mm huh mm As mm 5me up or way that buy would lppiovl and irrl lllt lnlw lJttli strippcd of their tllts nnd olllcrI tiyillll in liltlt llic lziinl or life 11051 So the Lord alone did lmdl iALBttAllll we itQlilllllltHl lglstl llcll ltbillltltllltl But this lynu nc lHEHlZlJllC lllll INo lJtI hint The prcochcr said that it Mum and 51 on RM We hcnr much upon it lltlltl world llfltll 50 mm by n1 I3mm ml rm of prime ulnl innnllslurnnz VlllIIuuo mm Gm would mm 3mm AdVIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII gt this conflict is UVtl tan world ulll br lllsllm5 pvmuy mm in Mimi In ntllIIlf in ll It illl ltllr 5p otIl at IlImlx IulIIhIPWFNIIlLanndlnn Vtllxl Ilnr Ayn It lMvx cssllll II II illu on pll lll up illi ItLll In it liltst lwmmUnI Wlldt lllikl it in lilllllt iol lnlllIlll ixnnplls Illln kind of llltll ltil nulls dump Um IIl And mm WOW may IIIIIIII we Should Consul buy and girls will 1W 155 illll 3mm Ll Plilliilll which he llilltil in it to lczivc the ways of cvil for the itt Wally Who Will llt lilllifll llSllUlllbll 101 lllilgurukr ill town and both wcrl found out ill km ilnnlv llnnrll nurse mmwh ilicthrlrl lugiii in lt lc tcs lllll mace and llilllllts comc fol In 1mIgIlnlittm101 IIgrl XIIIILE in hl HTML 115 IL ihsl 1m Hkl Allllllllllidlt crxiccs latre hellfing m3 If mung Tim 11 undphpnnl HIpIiv1V0w lt on Mildly tlltlllltk oi tilt mum Dames hm young wintry sonic of tin ll lltll lNulionzsl Ila lllltl 1=lHl llllWl 10M vm QMh llig pmpki my upposcd purity lillLl to main boysnndgirlsruncollcrcuutr11nd llzlllltllllllflplump was lionn ninl whorl it will found IIIII in healle lllilliwllilbuilding lililhrluUDIlSUlllll ll llillllt lllt llltllt llrt Wllttlh lllll IotllootoaiIootlozooollIlooocolnum1r4IIorovul HVwVl Th HIY llllllllixl Ww no ill Willl llllll llll 355llllillllili lnllnlilnslclczl el ti and ii oclock lll tl if Ionunud an itl llll uppll no ll OI Wily thcll not consider the crcctlon of lS WV gum Uh Iu ma 11m Umyi ihvld lalic nllnlllls of ploplc join SEX EDUCATunl tllc tirc thicvcs And no lnnftcr how much lli lll illc sllcclnl lllilycr for victory moncy man robbcd of his tlltS hus llt can get lit llst if lllix tlll 1L tlltS lttt 110C lblzilll Iriwny Looks lulwI lltKll llllll by iltl llilz lgitzrcssirc ilblt ltpldlt tllUSt Stilltll lnd IIlitllllllllli$ innc ilccn folnl lnhhor The answer is cd to llritltht fiic loot muscs tlftllliltllgtlll guild Flulion go hand lll thc lllllllil The lesson of such tours as above lcfcrrcd II II II III III III III IIHIIIII 111 um rr Mnuuonr or prc lli lill our in ilLt is lgt vitfl nu int 15 ml 01310 Like Hm Envy the can lcnlion lluf iillas ltlllllllPlKl for lid to the friendly rcintinnrhip hc grrzll hymns wcrv mull God If lxmilblo that It mp Holy 10mm lilo ttlI to rcvczll to us that the lucrll nations which lIlftkPR for tlllfltl hrip in arms post Lord of our mm memorial building llttml with gyms tub 12000 nuns ll vl itl ulnarlive mm 01 illllIIIIllIlI III IIIllIfl IIIIIIlfSIIItIlItIlIlulIlIIII page IwI 2nd New tlIlllIl wan InIIliIInlI II II Mm II IIIIIIKII lIlIIIIIllI tIlIlIlIlllI lIIIIIlIilIlIIll rooms swimming tanks ctc lnd pcrcllznlcc public hull Thismzly sccm likc big undcrtukingbut town that can inwst ncilrly million dol Ilars twice your lll Victory Bonds should havc little difficulty in such an undertaking All that is nccdcd is lcudcrshlp to put it across BY LEWIS MILLIGAN Fltllltll Work thinkinl lo lirlnz Lipitulislilld WIW lllil Ml lllllWl Ill I1nhmhuld All4 domcmlrg lbnut conditions which could in cs of sex instruction are being lilvcll bum Ilwmmcd if NV hm Md llllilflllflllllillit pupils at ppmxjmumly 11 you belief iii the iospcl illcy ollcc ml scrvircs luf alumni lll senior schools of thc momth IWcstSlltfolk cducntioncommittee as They visiUIHHIOQI hum iln integral part of general health me momqvw Wm mu luclonIFm some years now uscrtcd it calling lllSlilll buildinzz We believe mt lose Whose mlxmmy we are 11 gilliillwl ill Night mill WllU liithS tupltulixt gtltll IS lllc cause of llcll lllililltPFS ill truth and conlllzfcund tort of our salvation UHl It IIII III II II jionoringI rould 11311 to part of guch his NIH Standing on the StrvpL night is IIIII Md that Sunnyle the only 0ch mil hint RHHuml and uglndivrsIlIiIilIKlOli SLIIIOUSIleVL Jul ht ln fitllll lllt llljl klliil thcy Ililllllll llilYtl memorial mm Hmi optimally if rm Lil03 an in curc if Air Voildcn really wishcs to of llrist iliwj illn lltlul ltcv 510m lollt lwttclIlly bculnnlnil at tho I4A II Sparking at party lnccting ill iliStllVll the coils of this and lhc if it lioudcn llltdtllOtl the sermon lllllllllll llllSlllllillli Ill llll lullll goml Thaw II Hams 13 Album loronto lrccntlv if Volldcll ii fund iltfl wzlr lc will filld thcln on thc tcxt will lift up lilillc 1fmm filvlhugkfi St Bills lxlmlllUl WW EN CHILDREN DIE lilo Slltll Overnight Chief 0f PUHCO Slewarl Cl llcdcrul Llilitllflillc sold The Lil lhc politicnl doctrines of Karl cycs unto thc hills llo lllLCd his tiligltodsctitIvgwmeiflorglgif the World The tragic dcntll of children iii an English rcconnnmds that the parking lenvcs the tires Cnpilalisf slcin llttl war In Minx upon which thc lclollllloll hcarcrx not only in offer tin1r pcti mum in help cut the Osage linm Iwjv community wilcll military airplane crashed close up against tllc curb thus making it in will IolltIinuc in hIrccli war it is dry lllcolics of thc tttl wcrc lions lltfIlllO ilchllllollC ofIGrncc foridly spinach crop before itspoils Read and use anmlncr Classmeds in their midst aroused widespread pity and ficult for thc thict to remove the tires on FIIWIFWd1 gm lilII l1lIIIIIVXILwI flIr IIILINTI3 1Ittgl Wt lavc iisln lcncc on wwl uni iL icllili in sympathy Ironically nothing has been said tllzltSlduI and compelling IllllllIlO work on the people mt lhc WWKM come Halo his Im moi hmmulm God for n11 Esruusm aboml some 240 Children in England and 0m Side wmcn plus mm full New 0f the curtil in other uord when lions llllllCd is the first principlc ills llltHPlIlltlS by dcdicutinl thcln Wales who were choked to death by llph schcs art llldsoul to His scr hcrc in Canada The class hutrcd vicc pray that nll of us ill this tllllllldLIFd by MGIXiSmill GU Churcll ill colnpuliy with an army The Chief further advises that if any sus Blll Capital WSW is 1995 than two hundred years old and ACompetitIAdwSor therla in four weeks ending April 29 lastFor truffic we have Socialism of Marxism as it is of Socialism llril lll mw mmdmd fuller BrImSh Lmldren IWhO pmlplfs no high mi bLIImgIt lllcrc have llccn wars from time funny grew into ilzltredof cnpl of pcoplc Illltllllllliltll this land andl have fallen Cums plevenmble diseases mmcue UK p055 web mg innncmorizll manly of Which cun lillist England lndIthatIllutlcdculjln othcr plnccs may tnkc our cue Wmby ofyour Condence Hitler was lllllli from uhlriahs llcncdictus ill St Skiifdln all bases of Life Insurance Service every tccnfh ccntury was one of the most ruled by the some Marxian Spllll Lilltcs opcl lhzlf Wt being dcJ vfllusc children who die dramatically called immediately II II II III Co ml Lfe II Wm pm 1115101ng ems in the nx in ct ery lo in Us ivtl on Zic mm our 011 CPICSCHQIVC Compete CW bcordmg t0 Slamsmcal 199mb there W610 history of the world and it wuslnnd the havenuts in society and clllics might Mltf llinl without sulrdnr able to advlSeyou Wisely 1le cases of diphtheria In England and period during which capitalism liitlcr deliberately fostered that four in holiness illld righteousness males during the four weeks mentioned spread its influcnce over the whole bitterness ill the German people before liiln ull lll days of our DOUL 101181 cent 01 dlpntherl Cases tOdfly are The trees planted some years ago on the WillIIVIlIIIlIf lilwllm Ii TITS gymiff1f Iiiii illiiil Lilifnmtillrlitphgtl i0 is cx orn ion nil in ml itll II 14 Many the patients wh recover sand lOt Lhe we Kl the LOW ue coloniziltion So far from causing mczlns ofn Socinhst program he llIIvllll llliS conflict on our hands HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Let us dclcrlninc on this Notional Surfer serious complicamons making line SllQWng If the TOW coun wars thc Chief concern of Capitallimmcdiiltely turned the social hut DISlkICT GRANT MANN this year Arc our tears to be confined tOIwork the police tclcphollc N021215110uld beltinucd for generations The nine nlinntcd in war Thus Rem11mg aircrultm enemy mlSSlleSv cilOI some other responsibch body would ism was to avoid them and to sup rod of his followers to thc spllcrc Day of lrnycr that it will be the infectious diseases take their toll in dead and qdopt v1 policy of phnting some trees every press the ageold tribzll conflicts of international politics tic told programme rhcu final viclory is maimed The difference is this All the valor year it would be we worm the me and in lndlaIAflIlczl and other coun them that GIeIrmany was one of tmn may won 11110II1t l50 Dunlap Street Barrie and Skin of the med 10mm and an that I1 tries which it desrrcd to develop the haveriots and that all ofthelr is very lofty programme to live lmoml expemelI and establish as peaceful sources social troubles were due to the up 10 know but irwe solemnly Lt Parents can dov ammo prom Chldlen of commerce and industry IllslVe notions chiefly Britain and mike this commitment of our lives against the 019009 0f war or acmaems 3530 Britishers the World over rejoiced at the Peace and frcudmn an unsululely Russia WIWWM WW mated with warfare Bub loving parents can great honor Shown to General Montgomery Scum the me and pmmessll antIevcr Iszly be the faults of andShOUId protect Ithell little 01195 against in making him Field Marshal The writer 0f CupililliHl War lends to deCllllft if bi AK preventable diseases for Which Simple safe Of London caning in the Financml POSt iittillicsiiiioilIsiiiipmid asliiii if llrzgdum uld indvyllrill gd immunization DIOCEGUTCS are avallable pays this fine tribute to him No Wonder slavery It was me Capitalist com and dimmerclal progress It rc Barrie has long been tokoiding as pre there is nationwide desire to pay tribute to tries who did not want and who ignites the Plmhmhmd 11 ventlve against diphtheria and as result him He is the biggest military genius DrO were unprepaled th9 959 was all wild tilt ciliii there has not been case of this disease or duccd by this war At least that is what we IflthlBIIIIEQC 332095 239Zr2fit1130tsifEJ Shy Iilgused iginatlng in Barrledor twelve years chcral think What is more lmpOltant that 15 What Worlds greatest examples of tile and become 561051313355 and greed townships in this county have taken Similar is thought by men who serve under him Nat Capitalist System and they have butby and large it is motive of BIRDS gt aClIOInIagilIIIIIlst IIIPIIlItIherla but thIeIe IIImImy uraIlly they alCIIbmSS 1131i W130 1351 lg IdltheIcIlIiidlethIeucll othel lor mumc pa 193 provmce 1C 1m 008 mm 21 p11 OVEI an ere an 5I II munlzatlon has not been practised not approve of what they call his showman CIIfIerscaml gainwllnm wggfmsincgt$1112 comm III II Our tears for the little children who died Ship But the fact remains that likeI Foch Umted States have not been icauy and mommy 1ka fm they and were maimed in the crash of the airplane and Napoleon Montgomery has become perpetual war these last hundred both flout the idea ofprofifs and If cannot bringthem back But we can pro symbol to his troops and when they are or lems How 15 it that Canada has they are motivated by serial and tectchlldren agamSt 5835 Whlcl kl and demd t0 allaCk they Ieel that Monty knows 88 swallowed up who mnels Thrift is tllplebarrelled First theres malm juspas surely as Violent acoldents as what he is doing II WW personal security Those who have savings accounts know he value of that backlog The late William Wrigley was of personal nance The Flnanmal P081 True this is only part of the pic vim tendon sCanad going bankrupt9 Can lure We can go bankrupt by let oncknd ng crac express ram rom ew WCarry our public debt n3 OUTSQWS be fGOMSMY led The York to Chicago His companion from in me of mmmtmu Secondly gWesentlng so Here are some of the basic facts real tesIt IIS Whether or not we mm was curious to know why the large it Proponion of Canadian families our er 93pm nerdebt March 31 sue polleles that will actually stim um ma hate continued EBARBIE EXAMINBI mBmIIIXAMINII he 1944 was $77423 comparw With me pmdumm and mamtam or to spend so much money on ad arena tremendous actor in Sta 12mg logs enhance the national income also vertising his 510ch Sept 1919 Se 1894 Th Our net debt today is 28 times the 10 veryIimpmngiOH Wm Your gum is known allover country economY nanon IS on as pmrwar figure We the rest W0r1d the world he said why dont Am the county Local ews ms strongaslts Peop anaaISt rl ty Cl The gures are $8 842 270 000 you save the mimth of dollars LorpeTDIJcs reerIts gootd seaIi fIlassgngIlirs on sterilizer Lillie son en ly are mm mm 11 la owing to envy sea Zens 0rd It eh count Is soun Hanna compared nth $3152559314 Religious TGQChlng 920 Spendmg on ad SOldierS parade in Midland Miss turned seasick andmany returned ry vertlslng Thelma Schram was thrown ftOm by train as bOatdid not return till position and strengthen ltS international During 1th firstworld war our debt increased Over five times bie tvlrl IWBIB and over Seven times between 1913 and 1920 In 1913 our per capita debt was $4118 Wrigley pondered senond hm asked How fast isthtsrtrain going About 60 iniles an hour re next morning Boys Treasurer of County 18611884 died in San Miguel Calif Officers of cie horse and her neckibroken She died instantly Gilroy Bros Cookstownh delivered 122 bushels of clover sed at Beeton and re Not Starting Here Until Manuals Ready standing Thirdly thosdjvingsgentrusred to this Bankg iu1919ilwas $13955 in 1920325284 Religious educa ion was due to tied the other Irhg official estimate of the budg strtin the pixbliuschools of the Then askedWrtgley why Mm ThOSI Rog IeVg PDfeSbgrvgIngggffegfe P8 are pur Ito vvortrl to create new wealth ell damnfor the present scal Wilde ml Tuegday sept N9 they the railway compmy 3mm Wl Office 1150mm in memi Snealhi DlTeClOTSi DI WOOdi Jaiouslyvloanedto responsibleresource 3793 Filo M511 3111945rindicat5 thing 15 bemg donemmlwhe IBfilrle movelheienginimdiltnthe cry of their son LieutXGeo Stanley Sneath Ff Wattle Joerrchard 49 mvel 0w mbmen Rogers REC Elsmere Lewis WI Orok Jas Coutts Geo Caston flu efrPHSing men and women they ourpet capita debt at that timew be$996235 The average rate of interest on tundd debthas declined from helplcreaternew jobslnew incomes new Bumlnctivity to build progress and proSperityrforIall Finlay Jamieson First Monday in Septmber obserVed as Lbor Day fOrfirst time in Can ada ReVnWmMcKee PIS In specter died from typhoid fever Simcoe County Briefs lUMlWlSllslnPress Cookstowu who went overseas to become acquainted with the Eigceiizftilwggs Sigrgszisgb Bible whileofreedom of choice in WI BI Tudhope appointedato suc religiousmatlers will not be Cm ceedzhis father the lait Tud talled Through the course Chll hope as ClerkTreasurer of Oro drcrrmvibecome interested in the Helen Quai1II4year01d daughtrlof Mr and Mrs Thos Quail Con feature on the curriculum until such time as the manual being pro vided for thatpurpose is released Morrison Principal of the Princeof Wals School statedlo The Examiner This is now being printed and should be ready ere church and the Silriday SIchooI zr ourlredomlto earmasurplusand to save hymn 1914 to 5022 05m long II II sonic BarIriIe cloIIrgyrnen where they WillrecelveIfu1IlIer and AdjalaI instantlyokmed when the IIbElSShEE cogespondntrep1l y+itiSanlimpominr3factOrigICamidas unex I9 of paying IntelElston our havebenrglvlng religious instruc= more complete IeproSltloIllg of re IteamII attached t0ItheI wage on rag gun es an we are covered with dell celtd7 living Dot none rdInyII ngionaldbt this war increased 214 troll inthe publicschogls on IFri ligioustruth which SheIwas ridingmmzaway times fromabout $128gmillionsfor dbls afrmI The active Interest IAb00klet cantalnlngwdds arid andsheIwasihrown fromtliwag ivwmgf Hayes 39 lime d9 youztliisyonmiglit mumwprmei hymnsifMFChbcl rynga gone On seat Rev IHaifihaitoQbe inductedl as Presbyterian rlifiiistu they tralieIshowfl in devoting their timclo this fsth has been much appreciated byfthc Bdardc Two PeriodsvWekly TWolhnlfllour periods Ia week willberdetfoted ito the subject the periodsfglthrrtbrbegat th opening or all thclb30fv theisdhbol day The Iinstllictlonlwilllbe given by 1193 to $274IrnillionIs for 1944 st 01 our debt takesa reduced chat otgoyeriiment income In up debt chargs took 2519350 gov vmnentrvenues Forfthe19441isI rtheyitook106i criuse 01 the vast gains in our lil income from abbflt$49 nations inlliaatosss billionsin lindenan operation in Toronto hos pitalg IFarmcrs complaining of alIEleIe hardlytimessgas prices were lowII II though yield of wheat andf oats News AllowTow hourlydcllibl lilac or lat years IJzisMIartln nominated by Centre Onofarmerfatlew Lowell threshw SlmcIoe UF0 COuncilI orders gdlnerly 600 bushels of wtleat foreclosure on mortgage of Canada from 141 acres Average costs and Gas Producer Cos plant unopera fees at County taxlsale about $280 will also be provided The course was scheduled to Come into effect tor Grades II and11 on saints and in=othergrades onel at altimebs teachfers guides are availablfor distribution Theteachers guides selected for use ar adaptedfrom gradd series 50 guides in use naduSI ca tacit to on theteacherbutllocal schboibonrds in England for some time known Id ca incigsgIAnd art byliregamow may name elegygnrmxumgm prepangmg tlve IfoIrl sevngal yearn Time of ElmvalefIMidlatldIldcrossematch pauregrare committed to agrariyvdemmlnanon toIgive manualandgldniaannulment BE assessment changddm tqqturemmvatecwrc holidayu Dillon designed to maintain the thlllstiutltioni in pince ot thehahad the advice and coopera4 Splmgto Fall 9990 Peafl Dali Shlpuljent of4b1nck berrieS no incomelat continuoushlgh teacllr tion of many religious leaders manf BrenlWOOd Vlllted 1056s fromWyebrldge Yacht regatta 16 patients 01guafdian5 are given throughout the provinca The tersIm toWn on returmngfrombvk hold in Collingwood harbor Or mwmst ofxourlfundd debt is power loMtharawvuien children coursewtll be provisional andcx seasI He Went across withlhe illiIavdoclcrs report more contagious 157th Eli and served in Trance diseases among children than ever perimental during the firstycar of operation At the end of the school year revision is planned based on IexperieInce gained during the teaching The instruction includes at open lindana The interestls paid rronl thotlnstructioniln may object paottheirtaxabl to it Any boatdlottrusteES desir Mindlvldual canndtan ing exemptionImayllecelve it by orIvr fyiudothr gbvrn virtual applicatlmtotlleMlnister otlEdrmatlorr Ateacber tar rea son maybolexempt from teaching thegmescrlbedimurser II Thetlcourset prescribedto in surerthatdhe tanningwill not be with the 38th Em Mmbers in the before Midland youths reported Barrie Branch of the IGreatWnr as in thehabit ofplacing wires Vetralas ntlmber 150 and new presswhrsidmvalks to triprup ex names submittedleveryiday Mrs cursionists Johnston begins tour in NOrth ing reading oftlieScriptures and 011 PTOhlbmm M81 3m GeorgIFiiir ColIingwood aged repeating the Lord Prayer 01 Cllmlv Mr and Mswall heyhinetythreefyears suCCumbI lather prayergx pp 101 11 Clifton returned from oversaw Iealearly on Saturdaymorning Aug rumoured anitiariiichatillmrr lintt at Summitpassagegdihani be read igiciiigiici lle 6hdiinluriesSustained Wet eh re goiup dailyand syswmatclly to be dveverlingwhen hwas struck BAmmmgdwu wggmmbymgm rmhtherlaS llvblt amdl chosen lrom any list adopted by IIApLIlINlliItmIIwI Imp l+g IIlfISON MGR ryrllbtcyciewhil=icrdssingHuron II mm lint it illecdpartmenr WmmlssiOnIanliWwmdeavmalor aridstrti neatttle ptlstotfice He mycmnlar air Br meritorious work on tiltfletd gdImv mere and MI m3 Kpltal In publicschool chm no l3 inkNIA IAN Irio It Havevyou renewedyourmlbscrlpf Where had bentakIen following itipr wwillbeggivencppomnf tlmtIlIIH l2ka Read anduseExamtnerIClasil Ithe accldentg ILm BANKERSIIroL5Emll Ilirisllifllo