11111111 s11111f11l by 1111111 11111111 llcgml 3511111111111 1111 the c1111 the new Will Saturday 111711 tn1p Bur1111 11111117 1111111111 M11111 cirnnnnrtl xllllNlNLl IA 311 Navy 111111 11111 serious zunp Mike 11411 1Kll 1011 1111ly ll1t 1111111111 11511131 season 11111Ei111 11111 licAF 11111111411111 rig1 1111111 115111 11111111 1411 111111 sms 111 Fred K1 lli1iilt1S with win 11111111111g finest win 11=1111 11111 5111 Viiii 10111 1115111112 11111111 111 If 1111131 f111l1ll 11 111111 11L1l lwo l=1111y lilltls 11111 W111 ill thlkl 11111 in St llVllllx 1112111 lijcrlt 111111 1151 1111 10 Sl1l1l 111 111st wet11 17 71111111111111 arrow the 11111131111111 111 Ottawa llAl 131318 1111 recently 1111111 111 mile Add 11 11111 1311111 Allah 111 Anson 1111l 11111111 3r 11111 misincii was 111111 1111111111 11111 111111 11111 1111 1111 t1211111111 11y 111 1110 11 111111 13111110 111 the 13111111111 13111 11 well fir1 from 1111 Burden track meet vti 111111 111111 1121111 111111 11111r111 i11o1 1112 1111 team is being hot Hliltfilflb 111 buy 111111 lotliti ronn quarter lo111I humus livery 111111 111111 111 int111111117 more or 513151111 1111113t 1110 of 1111 111 11 111 111111 1111111 papers 11111 be ill not like 111 w1 Snori 11111 lied 11p 11111111f SOMII OF THE CllllNlJlALI 111111lgtlus 111111 gt1111Cl flirtltlggh 1111 pieliiii11111y 1111111111111111115 exercises were 111111 Officer Ivan 11111111 who intciincdiate Pilot Officer pluyei 11111111 111111 121111111 phoned 11111 and lot ctfccl 11111 1151111 l111l11 111 lint 11111111 policy 111111 in the American Lea1110 111111111111115 and 1111 111111111iies1ni who hails from the USA land carried the ball for the semi 111e St Louis 11111111111 liiios in the Noithcrn NY League games should 111 11111 111111 fiuhzsllAC 11 Smith whose line work And 1111111 who plays 181111111 1111 111 good stead with Balmy 1111 Shore on defence 1111111 1111117111111111 11nd akwood in the senior ionru 111111 LAC Miles who cut his rugby teeth at Ottawa Tech 32111111 thcn graduated into long pants liwith anhine Air Force in the Montreal chosen 51111111 lJlLDiS 1121111 OHFU 111 Si iilziycd another could see 1311112113 was new 11 111111 11111111 11101 this winter than our own 11 Dytc FLU311$ lmvu players signed up llznms rcvcalc They start training 111 Port Arthur around Sept 25 and three Barrie Colts will try out111111rr11vime the Max Richardson and lIinms says he expects 32111 Jimmy Franks from Detroit Wings 1111 31111 11111 111511 1111 11 1111 named Mazuioticli for the iii11 1311111121111 Duran who once belonng late has been 11111111111 Schumacker signed with the Flycrs linnns expects to have more r0lt salts in handling him that the Leafs lid From the Sudbury district on his recent tour 1111p grabbed five line playeisLxcnrgc Blake young brotherof Canndiens 111c inhnny Baby 1111 McIntyre Andre Barbe and Johnny Johnson who played senior fiii1ilislt Frank 11111111111 is fir St Louis SCUUi in that are1 liici c1 are other players thur and the Wcst Eiinns have about five seasoned veterans who have other clubs in the 111511 two years while St Louis suspended play 1101115 to be team League allstar initial enthusiasm showu 111 the preliminary work the team shows promise of giving the other clubs 11 real battle for the honours made up of three and one Navy Force teams are Hagersville the Navy Sc rvice today Richardson 111 Clark The leaeuc Force The Camp Borden and St Thomas team is from llMCS York Toronto The games will be played at Var sity Stadium in Toronto Hamilton and London teams Air from linnnins 4111111 but of from lnrnnl and also 11 nd Local Girls Team Will Play Collingwood Here Next Tuesday with the Ontario last winter l3 Royals with record Of three wins and three losses in games played this season have arranged with Collingwood girls to return here next Tuesday night for soft ball match vThc local girls team played at Collingwood on Monday and won Gertrude lort Ar will from been 1111 loan to back decision with them Dickey pitching No SFTS 11111 tWO remaining Training Command playoffs last weekend At Toronto on Saturday the baseball team bowed out to TiGiitTis 11111711611111 nine by 114 Postings il1ave caused Camp Bor den several fine players and tcani has not had much play for 11 month F1L Walt Battersby who pitched for No SFTS was given poor support as his team commit ted eight Bordenfirst sucker had three hits out of five off Lefty Carton Tren On Monday nightithe NO SFTS lacrosse team lost in the sports Irene Store Thompscin Barrie nine lost one against the RCAF team from Camp Borden and lost to both Orillia and Wyebridge in previous contests Eddie White in their first six months of free dom theoccupied countries of Eu rope will require 23 million tons of food alone it is estimhtedI sprout DANCE Midland Arena Gardens Tuesday Sept 12 Presenting Stan Wood AND 15 PIECE ORCHESTRA orMONTBEAL ADMISSION 75c per person ACCOMMODATION FOR Tickets on soled1 Purkside Pavilion ellOlS ton ace lay races ING ACROIESATS STOCK JUDGING FreeForsAll 224 Class A3 red hm races Greater Midway Both Days ew Rides chLShows Ne Fun for everybody GEORGIAN DISTRICTS BIG FAIR Dont miss this 13 YOULL MEET ALL YOUR 011D FRIENDSI w111prov1de Games Cpl Val Richardson No Tlt remixe11 congratulations from the 000 MajorGeneral Worthington 11 111 31711 111 1111 Hun gt1 Ypl Richards1m 11s 1111 111th 1111111111 111111111 1111 the meet taking both the 111111 111111 the mile In the centre is Lt Bert McComiskcv Canadian Armoured Corps Sports Officer with two of his trustv aides At 1111 left is 11 Doug lilkey Sports Officer at No CACTR 1111c to the right is 111 Paul Quarrington who guides the sports 11 No If MTIL These three along with Li Tony Ttoli of No MCTR and Andy loinmy of Wing were the guiding lights Of the recent lrzzck and Field cham plonships Sports Feature at Camp Tony 512150 in Final For All Personnel For Club Championship Overseasstyle tabloid sports designed for the participation of 111111111 Day weekend at Barrie Country personnel in the camp have been 111111 concernng the club 111111 cham introduced in Camp Borden by pionrhip 11111111108 MajorGen Wortliingtninl CB MC MM General mediate and enthusiastic response fromevcry unit board indicated that NU Cdn Armoured Corps Trg Regiment was in top place with A40 Cdn Infantry Corps Trg Centre 11nd places respectively The winnin team caitaincd byi Tpr HTaylor of Chisholm Mills AWL lllClUdCd TPIS Dliltlfnrrie 1111 12111111 Dav in 11 close of Brampton REDavies of Van icouver Kingsmill of Toronto1 The game here next Tuesday Wm 1C McColm of Oshawa and Start at 645 at Shem Park manager McPhalcn of Powell River announced Archie BC contesteach company regiment or squadron holds tabloid contest of its own These compete in elimination tests to determine the team which will represent the unit in the finals The teams composed of SIX men of the overl seas reinforcement stream partici pate in all events two points be ing allowed for each man who at wtains high standard and one point for low standard Gen Worthington Officially opening the event explained that the sports had been planned with view to tying in directly with routine training for overseas scr vice Typical of these were the miniature obstacle course race and lthe alarm race in which each man ran 25 yards put on and but toned battle dress blouse and trousers then ran back to the starting point Other events were running =high and broad jumps distance baseball throw lGlb shot put 50yarddash low hurdles through vault and forward roll accuracy soccer kickppushupsaand team re Uponthecorrclusion of the meet Gen Worthington presented the priies to the three winning teams andcongratulated the contestants fupon their excellent showing 3111111511 for vthe eventilwas provided by thefA33 CACTE Band under W01 Fowke 6111111111111 Exhibition 911191111101 21 23 FRIDAY Sept 22 Citizens Day JUNIOR FAIR SCHOOL PARADE STOCK woo Free Platform PerformancesBoth Days ANIMALS JUGGLING FOUR BIG hers Sept 23 Farmers Day srmnomo on TRACK Road Class FeeainggMoie Wheat ToFerm Livestock in the United States mlhotos from The Think11111211111 OverseasStyle Tabloid lA Smith to Meet Officer 1111111311 with Liluln 110111151111 and only Commanding The initial eventwon by 11 51111111 11111111111 Mr Smith completed Aug 15 doom an im also defeated Roy Merrickto bring him into the semifinals lonv Sasoi 1111111011 ltrcd Norris to land alsoin Final figures on the 1115 core31110 semifinals who 111111 previously defeated the 19 fending 21111 champion Cliffi Brown won from Fred Anderton No CACTR in SQCUHd 1in 11111111111 reach the scmifinal round draw was my and Smith won 1110 bye Emaich A110 overlalzingz an early lead Siiso tnrric was two up on the 14111 111111 lionever Curriesirlank Bowman rt Ca Cooper Cf SUCH1 1111 11110 1le 1d 53150111Ck Challans Jack Beauregard lWlil on the 11s1 hole Saso now as been coachingthe10Tderthhbestteamsmay miners Smithmineinun71111111 They won two and1be selected for the Conimands McDOnald Toronto NO 23 Sgt Jean Finch Winnipeg Camp Ber4 Iden Pte Agnes Mathewson Ed monton No 23 Time 10 Secs CWAC relayNcwmarket Camp Georgellllhsc LOW VncouverrT Wing Tpr Height 11 ft 1115 High jump The feeding of wheat to live stock and poultry hasexceeded the gust of wheat for human consump ztion in Canada during four of the five years of war and during the crop year 194344 animals ate twice as much wheat as did human be ings states the Quarterly Review of Coarse Grains This conversion 10f wheat to livestock feeding has been Wartime development of note not only in Canada but also During the five years before the war the average arhOunt of wheat fled to livestock and poultry an nually in Canada was 32000000 ibushelsagainst Ahuman food org 2amusements of approximately 44 DOQJOOD bushels In the crepi year 1193144Uhuman consumption of iwiheatis expected to total 50000 two bushels and the animal con sumpthmhmbre than =100000000 lbuahels There was urcathitcrest over 11111 11 511111111 11d strenuous 111 1111 1111111 l111l111 Currie next weekend for the championship ARMOURED CORPS TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPIONS lOOyard dashCpl Jack Life Toronto No23 BTC Tpr Reg Holmes Toronto N0 CACTR Time 1113 220 yardsLCpl Al Stevens Ottawa No 23 Cpl Jack Life Toronto N0 23 Tpr Bill Dale Brampton No Time 243 440 yardsLCpl Al Stevens Ottawa No 23 LCpl Gerry Mc Kendry Winchester No 23 Tpr Art McPhalcn Powell River BC N0 Time 534 880 yardsLl CplH11bert Sullivan Yarmeuth NS NO 23 Tpr Dick Lambert Toronto NO Tpr Cliff McColm Oshawa No12 Time 208 One mile11jCpl Hubert Sullivan Yar mouth NS No23 Cpl Val Rich ardson Toronto NO Tpr Cliff McColm Oshawa N0 Time 3145 milesLCpl Alistair CamI eronrwnodsttckaB NO 23 Tpr Steve Vrabel Windsor NO 23 Tpr Peter Kingsmill Toronto No Time 1632 CWAC 75yard1dashPte Ruth Borden Ori ia Pole vaultLl KelownaBOL NO Tpr Bernard Valin Arnprior No Tpr Hugh Taylor Chisholm Mills Alta NO Cplr Joe Rossi Port Colborne No28 Tpr Reg Pewhall PerthI NO 23 Height 5ft ins Runitmg broad jumpTpr Bern ard Valin Araprior N0 Cpl Carson Timmins NO L1R Moffatt Calgar Wing Distance 18 ft 10 ins880yd relay Newmanket No ICACTR Time 143 440yard relayNewmarket NO CACTR No CACTlt Time 482 Medlev relayNewmarket No CACTR NO CACTR Light it1111ofwarNewmarket NO CACTR Heavy tugOfwarJNO CACTR Orillia Newmarket light tugOhwar vtteamD McDonald Longtiu Bruce Tumbull Kennedy Kirby Sanchez Brown Coach Sgt Jack McDonald Hanover No CACTR heavy tugofwar team1H Madge Green Graham Rea man Leguerrier Hynrek Pasquini Harvey Coach Cpl Dixon Charlottetown Qynn fBell Telephone is torched 11 new building in Orillia and 11wa Readand useExaminer 0111511161111 adinlexchangera 12E PARRIE EXAMINER BARRETT ONTARle CANADA PAGE FlETITEN 51111111 119 11111 CLUB 111 111111 With the BOY SCOUTS Maul Activities imwmrd uniting 111 21 night lad 3311145 C1211 11111 1111s a1 tlic best show 111 the 111111111 111111 111 1lr gumml 1211111 lt31111111 1111 1311111 511165 1let 11 111 ollnr 11111111 1111 111111 111 llrtill 11111 Sup11 11z Siltrl 1lll 111111113 w1111 12111 11 olgn 111111111lt 31 13111111 C1111 11111 1111 11114 laiiwli with 31111 111 11 6311p111 on 111 nldell in chart Ritldlll at nlhcr 51 111111011 1111rrn 11111 81111111l=1 ll lr in 111 sistid by Mrs Stet2111 Solo1 The Scout Leaders and 1111 111113 111m 11111 joint 111111111 and have 111111111 11111115 for 11 111111T1ll111 liiil will be t1111i1ll 111111111 1s 111111111 111111 1111 boy 1111111 of 1111111 11111 Ztlt find their way 1111111111 1111 1111 1111ks 111111 twelve and 111111110011 w211 jom th Scouts lliiIii s11 Clock JLlil 11111el and 1111th 111111 tlzri 1111 11y Sept lttllilt 1111 111111711 L1 lull 11 111111 piltlnul Milliis Tin111 151 finally l1Ullv 11111 14111 111 hrlulv 11 1111 111111111111111111111111 71s lciry hurled llic 1111 11111 ywldid 111 runs 11111111111 for 1J was 1111111111dc1 111 by 11111111 11 111111111 pitclie Montreal 1111111 1111111c 11 1211111 111111 111111 towaid 1111 111 Bullets 39112 sewn clean 111 his 11112ve1y Coach lloy 111111 gln reg1111113 1111 in from Camp gcei 111111 stop Glllifl on leave 3111111 base for the visit 114 D1111 who in picarmy days was 11 1111 yist with Detroit Red Wings 11111111 one too 1111 batters with three safetics and 111 111 111111 111 1111 711 11111111 11117 1b11111 finished lnrnbull 111w Bell 11111 Cllnllllllblutl flu 11111 111111 George Miles and Fred Nnriis 111111 two each for Grillers Alter point along for six frame 1w1111 naiy 11 run the soldiers really put on pressure 111 the 7111 First 11111111 went down easy but Clnillam jscraichod 11 hit and Beauregard 11151 through 131111111111 flied out and there were 1wo 11111111 two still on the sacks lurzibnll might have got through b111 1111 11 bad break Douglas bounc 11 11 lick 211 11111111111111 110 1111 11111 lertli boy 3111 llitrrie Scouts The 3rd Barrie Tinoi 1111 unlitd after 1111111111 been 1st Barrie 11111111 1111111 Douglas led iii 331 1111 lil 1th with rear 1nronnsintro111111 and 11 is hoped that the bars Rlll 1111 111111121 back them 11p and turn out in 1in1 sons 11111lit1l lately vat1111111 by Smmid mm nid brinl with them the knowltdzzcl THmi 11 31 1he gained 111 151 Barrie under 1111 Leadership of SN Welsman 312s iAvlcs 11211 staying with Mrs lnc 11111 1111 fir livr 11 111 11 Toronto Mrs lidlth 1111110 11 Doner 2nd Barrie Cubs Mr and Mrs 111lt Dickey Carli me JW hm During the summer 11111111 ubsl of 2nd Barrie Pack with their 10111 and Marv 1111 311 11nd Mrs 11 Riddclljourneyed 111 1111111 vian Camp on Ccortzlan 111W 111+ their tcnl they spent 11 cry bury Mme 1nd enjoyable two days norl the camp buildintI in uood c1111 dilion except for visits by porcii pines The camp site is 1111111 over tr grown with ferns Three Cubs of 2nd Barrie 113111111 111 Trapnell Alvin McLeod and 111111111 01 Collard have qualified for and horn awarded their Swimmers Badges BOWLING ON THE GREEN Esucked one infield 11rd 11111111 11 L111 Sunday yinsis 11 111 1i1111 led one down to secmid 11nd Perry lalmust had the ball in his hands but it look 11 dirty hop and tipped off his lingers going for 11 scratch 1111 Two runs came Altl slammed the sphere hard Bell smashed to centre for one basegmd lled Shea banged triple in deep rieft lligc Snow Wilson first sac11 1111111 Oshawa Clean 1111 and that was five runs all told Perry retired the last batter A19 put together hits byDOitgL 1115 and Bell plus walk to Wilson for two more runs in the 9th but sonn loose fielding hurt Grillers Stanwycks lads were down seven 15m not 0111 They got two rinisu 1ne1r last batting to avoid shui out Miles led off with clean single over second Dyte fanned for the third time butThompson lived on Bells error Norris smashed hit lo centre good for two runs but Bertrand tightened 11p and fanned 11nd Wingrovc Mrs hey rc1 gt 111110 from 11 1111 11 1113111 home After that Merl 11 111 515 11 hls 1lyri 11tnzncd 111 Knncth Toronto 111 111 Nltlgitlld Falls NY Centralzi were recent Aiiiim visitors with Mrs Baker WMii 11111111111111 Martyrs3 the speaker at whacked 0111 111 Baker flier Womens Institute meet5 ling 1111 Friday 1111 11 latstanc WtlLllllc The many frirnds 11 Rev Isaac will be soriy 11 111111 he Ws taken suddenly 111 Saturday after Mr Frank Tester Duiidas conducted services for him bathj ayncr 11nd Sunnidulc Corners on Sunday 511521 oublic and continuation grinds opened for the fall term morning The teaching continuznion school remains unchanged this year but on the public Kathleen Evans has taken QOver the duties ofMiss v11elen Glenn who has deft to join the Toronto Thompson and Ellis Take First Money Holiday Tournament Twentyfour rinks competed inlmon the tabor Day Bowling lournznnenti in In the Barrie and Allandalc greens ponsored by Barrie Club of morning showers caretaker Ward Cole had the greens in excellent condition At this time of the season competi tion is keen and exceptionally fine bowling is the order The outstand ing exoeption was Alexx Douglas vho$aanotwledJoM64eanMaehlug 111 Douglas paired up with Gar rettand played wonderful lead When the prizes were given 0111 Allondale was out in front on 1111 Bruce Thompson and Harry Ellis won first mOnEy with three wins and score of 51 plus 13 Stephen Garside 21nd Alvin Bowen were second with two wins and 31 Nelson Magee and A1 Hanna took thirdwltli wins and 49 plus McCuaig with Bartley first year player you fourth with two wins and 47 plus Mills end Show Score innings Thus Tony 511110 played G1A10 27 11 Harmony 22 AIQWLOS Douglas 3b Basil Bell s5 Ted Shea 2b Snow Wilson 1b In spite Tuesday Stuff 111 the if Flory Bertrand Hill IfiUnyPTFy2ballTTHlTldS 3b Bowenvrf Miles 55 Dytec Thompson cf Norris If Mills Ib Turnbull Wingrove 2b UmpiresiLeonard and Miles lGrillers W111 of Softball Finals iFrom 13X Bombers l43 Pownall Perth No 23 Lt Jimmy only three wins enoressioNAimacaroni First plus The finals of Centre Simcoc Soft continue Thursday and tomorrow 111645 Following the first game at Shear Park on Tuesday Barrie Harmony Grill hada lead of one on the best three of five series having defeated RCAF 13X Depot of Angus by 148 ThelSX Bombers had terrible off night with eight errors the worst show this usually fieldingclub has put upall year in county RCAF or Camp Borden Intothe bargain Don Mc Master was pounded for 18 hits and its no wonder Grillers piled up 14 runs On the other hand Wes Perry 81 lowed 13X only five hits and had the situation under control at all 1he6th with one run an two 1111111 finish 1711111 players led Grillers in their battim amultSteve Hines Char lie Mills AbBowen and FredNorris eachiwith four sa egotthre Yrun tingv ad ball League tonight Tom McCarroll with Ed Piggottl Barer of Midland took fth prize with one win and 46 plus Everyone had real holiday out Barrie Branch Office Elmvale BOYS ESGLADSTONE CURRIE MLSICLEPSONS smooth Successor to CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Owen St Barrie Telephone 3175 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyanccrs Notaries Public etc 17 Owen Street Barrie Branch Office StaynerThurs Afts Ross Cowan games iah Mum Bowman LEAGUES 16 Teams Commence Town League Bowling NextMonday Night Atameetingbn Thursday night inBarrieflannefyofcefteamw presentatives made final arrange ments forthe 1944715 schedule sea son of BarrieBowling Club Six teenteams are in the running this year and will begin at 3111112811 two serles sphedule onMondny Sept 11 Owing to the fact that the sched ules are not yetlprintadTbowlers fare asked to note the following lineup for the first week 715Underhills gt phohe DlxiesUnderhills Barrie TanneryKnights 13X DepotOrd nance ExaminervOlympia 900GarnersSmiths Dairy Co paceNo SETS Corner Clipboard Clarke ASLClarke An important item at the meeting was unanimous request from all teams that rule be passed to pen alize players for going over the foul line Arrangements have been made with the alley proprietor for place for an umpire and fouls willbe called just the same as in city leagues At theend of the regular sched then FRANK HAMMOND amino BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie feties itheiriinitialbnte tpi ng them up stead 11113th Edithxh 11 11 11 1151c lano an er onlwa Clam they can Wll Money To Lean Ross Block Barrie 152Maple Avehuco do better showln the next two garmes both on the same diamond Winners ofGroup in the league they have generally got goodbat tingand elding through the 5131151311 Scoreby innings 13X Depot 01 00 032 Harmony 02 XM 181 13XDepotBamV Reid 31 Don McMaster 111111 Neil ss Harvey Chappeldf Johnny Bugala Stan Ens Mess1111121 rt Tum Warry 111 Doug Marshall 2b HarmonyWes Perry Steve Hines 3bGeorge Miles so Fred Nor ris If Charlie Mills 111 Jack Dyte Ab Bowen rfHer Jack Earth 21 UmpiresEll Crawford plate Cpl HowardLeonard bases DONALD MacLAREN 31A BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Moneyo loan Masonic ple Building Barrie JOHN WOODS OPTOMETRY STER AND SOLICITOR Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Phone 2661 HF BARRI 2131311 rele VETERINARIAN mammmn 111111 SURGEON DR FLEMING Sophia St Barrie Phone 4541 FUNERAL Dinncrons LLOYD STECKLEY Thompson cl The YMCA buildingin Coilingf wood is going to be the centre of what willlikely prove great deal of aetivity The Navy League of ule the top team from each of the two series will Ameetyin playoff d2 for the Reeve Trophy 149 All your job printing needs canfbe fciently filled by The 15111111111111 12 Clappertim St Phone 2203 By appointment SMITH C0 Established 13119 FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANIJ EMBAIMERS Motor ambulance in connectlou OPEN DAY AND NIGHT W130 Canada has been given twenty five ynrileaseon the building an its main use will nowire in con1 nectth with the 10ch Sea vCa Corps Dmomowmogom cum NEWS OF STAYNER unmoumouom0aom 111111111 122w 111 11 Earthquake 1111 1111 An 11 11 gt11 Statue 11 Death of Mrs 1111111111 blind111 All it 11 11 11 awn 11 11111211111 111 fcuadlcmil 111 111 by 1131 ll 1111 1111111 cemetery 11 111 111111 111311111 11 1111 W41 111 111v 1111 1111 11 1111 1121111 Colt ffrcnds lltlt 11 111 11 buy Webb 1011111111 511111 1111 wee1131111 111 11111 Wm Mgr gt Mr and IT 1111 111 511111 1151 woe Edl111e 1tl11l 111 1s 111 111 111111111215 r1111 31 pin9533 the 111035 11 11111 MI 111111 111lt gtpen 1111 111111211 has r1 1ZQL KlS Mt 1311 Miss 11111 11t 111113111 11 mi 151i1cl limit1 L1 11 the wmdiu 191k01111 11 1mg Mm Mr and F111 1121 1311 we l111 Cred p111 111111 11 inch 11111 mm Hm Maw Mrs Ralph llsvfeld 1z Wm them 1111 Kitchener Blzickb11rn md Sm Margorr LAC llcrnce lcssor 11111111i 111 2311 no of Mrs are always SMOKE SHOP SMOKE SlllLIllS rnrrns iinoizisiis BILLmnns school staff Miss dwevwomom ACCOUNTANTS CIIIROPIIACTORS WELCII ANDERSON COMPANY GEO 11 3151 BLRNSDSC Chartered Accountants Trustees etc PMan DIUHCSS 111013215ls Crown Life Building 59 Yonge 51 Electric Radiu Hydro and Toronto Mechano Therapy Cook Street Phone 3194 LEGAL MEDICAL BOYS 31 110111 ters Solicitors Notaries Pub VICTORIAN ORDER OI NURSES 11c Conveyancers etc Money to loan at lowest rates of interest 01 from 230 430 CIOCk eve Ed llce 13 Owen St Masonic Temple Building Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic nesday Application of nurses ser v1cesxmay be made direct or through Telephone 24151 JESSIE BRYSON Organist and Choir Director Central United Church and MUSICAL THEORY all grades including ATCM Modern Methods Studio 21 Bradford St Edmund Hardy M115 8110 Teacher of Piano Singing Musical Theory Org st Chen master of St Andrew Presbyterian servatory of Musicand University inMoNEY IlfCALOAN BOROPRltJOIINSON Associatei Of Toronto Conservatory of Music and London Eng College of MAYDEE McAULEY ATCM Organist St Georges Church Teacher of Piano and Theory 115 Bayfield 81 Barrie 1101311 1BARRE 93 DunlopssptometrjstPhone Attendance 96 phi Sat 99 pm ROBERTB SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 53 Dunlop StPhone 2586 Hours 96 daily Saturdaystill 13 0STEOPATHY nnwm wmson 3511 D10 Suncoe Street King Block Barri Money to Loan FUNERAL DIRECTORS Telephone 2293 AMBULANCE seems VHours 912am 25 pm 1111111311111 DIRECTOR W1DMINN1KIN AmbulanccSarvlce Rhine 3435 2121113111 TEACHER or PIANO smorna Church Gold Medalist Toronto Con of Toronto 113 Worslcy St Tel 2215 57