ini attain EX t1INElt 131111 MStroud Nine teat illicllicoll WINNERS TWICETIB in First Round Copaco Cup OVER BARRIE iiitltbiifii Siillylllzl 111415 tlrtuiinis Witt Pitched By Kiowa 1011111 As Owen Sounders Shellaclied 172 TWO STRAIGHT 12111011 1111111118 il xv zi 11 11 IHJVV 1V V1 VV 1VV VVVVV VVV V1V1 11 11VVV1V1 IV VV VV VV VVV VV 11 Ui 11 VVI IV 1T 111 1111111 11 11111111 111111 111 11 211 it11 1111t 111 VV 1T 11 VV11V1 1H 111V 31 1= 11 11 11 11 rIHT it IV 17 1511 IVVHVAHV VVHV VV VV VlV 11 11 11 1111 1111 11 Ultatt 11 1111111 1111 liT1i iutliil 11 11V HwyV31 111 1131 VV1V VV 13 1mri 1111 111 11111111211 1V VV VVVl VVVVVVV VVV VVVV 111111111 hit =11 1311 1I II II 11111 1311 1V 111 11 111 11111 mii T1 1I it 11 14 113111 1V v1 11 111 VV VV VV 1V1 11 VJ lx Ill 11 11 1111 l11lt 111 11 11 IV V1 VVV 11 11 11 111 Vf Milan lltIIllitTl TONY 1111121 1111111 11 V1V VV1 VV 11 VVV V1 11i11V 11111V111V1 VV VVVVVV VVV1VVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV 11VVVVVVVVVV VVV 1VV VVV VV VV V1 gt 11 11 IV ii 11V MI 1VVV VV 1111 nine 11111 11 11 11 11 VV 31 111 Vll4 l1 11 VtLl VV l1 11111111111ii 11 Utiitci 11 111 lit VV1 11 1V 111 111 11 1V 111121 1111 1111111111 1111 VVV VVV VV VVV VV 11 11 11 111 tlt 11111111 11 11 11iti 1111 1111 1121 in 1111 11V VV iVVtIVI1VVilVI1V lViV AV1TVVVV VV VV 47 VVV 11 ltl 1111 lm t111li Ktll 111V1 11 zm with 11 I1Hl LIV Tully 111 11 11121111 11111 111 the 111115 lictl 11 till ti 11 i1 11111 1111 11 VVV am 11 1D VV 1th milL VV VV VVVVVVVVVL V1V1VVV1VV1VV VVVVIVVVV VVV1 11VVVVVVVVVVV zit11 1111 1111 oldin ltoy has 11 1111 1111111il 11 111 11 1VVVV1VV V11 v1 111VVV111111 11 11 11 111111111 11 11 1111 1111 VVVzac tVl I131 ll LVVV VV VVVV VVVVV 1VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVV 111111 mil total 1111 1111111T 112 21131 1111111 1V ii 11 111 ix11 121111111 1111 llAltllllT 111 11 11111 VV 11 1111 l1 tllwr 1110 11 in 11111 11111 1111 111 111 11 lVVlttin1 ill 11 VlVVlV VVtVVV ilVVVV VVVVVVVV VV VV VV VVV HHHVV AN 111111 1111111 V11VVVV1VVVeVV 11V111VH 1VVVV11V VV1V1V VVV V1VV1 VVV1 111111 V11VV VVVVVVV VVV VVV lli 11 11 11111 1111 111111 and Le Lli It It VVVVV VVVVV VVV1 VVVVVVVVVVVV1T111Tild 1i1111 l1tV1111V liartnal 1111 111I1d 11111111 1111 11V 1111 111111 111 1111111 VV lHMJ 1W lli 11 1111 Vlllilti 31 V1 1111V1V1V1VVV VV 11VVV VVV1V1V VV1 11VVV1 111 1111 la all 111 11111 llpptrim oii lit illIllltit Win 1111 11111 A111 ton ot 1Il 11111 MV 11 Ii1 l191V VVVV1V 11 Lt1tl iils with the llllltllltti 11M1n ti 11111 1111 11 11111 111 tth 112 11111 111 11 11111 taxed 1311113111 let 11 It VVV 11 VVV1V1VVVVVVV VV VV VV VVVVVVVVV V11 V1 V1 VV 1V1V1V11V111V 11A1Vlill Amos t1i 11111111 11 tlt 1111111 111V It 11111 V111 1111 lllillfi e11111111 11 V1 0111111 1111111111 1111 11 HH 111 The coiuiiii1V Unr iiitoriniVint should ltnow onto1 11111 1V1 third tor five run 11 Tun 1111 utccr oiiVsoinc loronto innshnall 111111113 to our report 151 11111 111111 1111 hoin 111 W11 me 11 SIXN VIA1 11 11111111111 to litiil starry hall in the llovoicaiirt 5111111 111 11 111m 111 11111ng V1 VV1VVVV1 TV UV it 111111 titil 11111111 out 1111h1l1111 and 111 111 this week had 1111c stizliinit inmnti that 11 111111 Jenner 1ll 11 V1 witness 1111 11tIttttltlii 111 Mon111W 111111mtmu able to act smith Iim NELSON llUYilX 11171111 111 511 1t 01 111111 and tinrt 1121 tl11t A11 11111 Vtl l7 11 21 111y 11111111 111 3111111 11111 1111to11 iaiitwnitgcr 11 15112411 who had 1111c Ariny iccoid in 1111 11111 111 1111111 tart11 ton tlltiigt siiiiriwichcd bctwccn IV m1 1n 2M llnd VUVIIVEJW weatherman was play1111 llltlilt311ttl With lttiltlt lied Wines and will play for one of 111111 turn 111111 11111 10111111 4111 the safeties McDonald llli111 1VVV1W 11111 17 1111 2V 15 10 17 with clouds and rain tliiztatcntdV111111 this winter Boyce starred for liinmins Seniors winter 1111 11111m111 111 A11 managed to get 1111 511 11111011 Summary Runs batted in Neath thruuuhoutV this ltltlill from overseas DANNY WILKES llairit ltlycrs 111111 1111 11lt1111111 1V3 111111 1111 rm 11111 A111 111111 111 erlVireroHV II VVVItVllelIIVliif mehM leUliS 1111105 Milts lhe iilliaiis with makeshift Jiliilil of last season will remain at home 111 Kirkland Lake this winter 11T mowed Ivy 11111111 11 51x 5111111 IUHAI li iil 1R 111 11m tune llincs lialtiiig Itii1tit llowA lineup showed their power 111 to play senior hockey in the Mines litacne lhc likealile Danny has 1111 1i1T11 tit111 1311 1111111 tiattiiigs Will only three inn ndV AlHllllt and huppllcs tii SliewciiVuk Vllanisay home the first inning when they scored 111111 job in the office at LatteshoreV liiicsVand has no llittnlhiii 111111 11111 1115 1111 star 111 11111 better support NW sin 11 Limited Vlllllb NCliiiVl liVlfltS doubles three times on three hits and 10111 for pro contract GEORGI llAYleot 111111 111111 rs 111111311p 1VV 11m 1111111111 1111 91111511 11101111111110 111111 VtVV VVVl 1111110 1121111113 strikeouts Couse 12 tin31 0111113 They counted VanJtlllNNY SAVICKY of 1111111111011Lloyds gist wmter opponents of liar 111V11 V13 VV 1111V 1111111 11VV 1111111 111111 111 111 1111t11 H1111 11111112 VVVIV V1 Dllthli Iittttily DtalCrS Jonuell walks tonnell double other in the second two in the llycis are headed for the new Strollirll Leanne this month 1j111 V111 VVV 11 11 111 11111 1111 1111111 1111 1111C 151 VVV ltV1111 1i 101 Simcoe County ill1 IItilllllll Hill1511 Nllltii third and three in the filth while 1111110110 and SlMCtilil with money raised for handsome new 11 1V 11V1 113 111 1111111 111 11111 11V 111 1111 11111 111111 11 VVTVVV11 111 1111 it Hepburn it Wtitsuii lliitpiics holding Barrie scoreless 11111115 art stalleti old in their construction due to latl 111 111111111h 1111 111nm V1 In1113 tylth u1 and Milt1 Stan Smith Owen Sound Ell Tiaw 111 the fifth the Packers corcd 1111 the upward swirl 11 building costs They raised Siltltultitl 111 111117 111 to 11111 triple and five fm Ammjnlment Vttlltl Miiiesiiizo their first run Dutch Foster beat 1111 in nine days for memorial arena lint llltll oriental twtirnatcsriiiis 11171111 11 11111111 11151 to out bunt Llitt took second on nor Itliiaiitl $ttl0 for the same 1lllllliiL and have to raise the 3V BASE Remember the extra charge of passed ball lle advanced to third ditioiial cash Both Sinieoe and Peterboro are calling for itllltlgt 1illgt Tl1V1 11111111111131 was BARRIEnlIRPORVI VetVols 111 fxagiinVcrVClassified on SaiVrs infielth outV 11th scorcfanionth and hope to be ready by October 1947 131 eail 31sz counted tour 11 111m 0mm on Vi sons sun0 tie 1Ixtiii 11111 turn mums and r1111 the 1V Storey reached rst on an VerroT DISTRICT lQlTlNGS CLARENCE CLARY lVAYNE tar harts spriiiteiV 111 1111 11151 but was forced by ilare Gilbert rillia hockey player is beinghiven tiyotli by 111gt11ood Volvcr Hi1slio hit 1111tIV and stole all the 1V flied out but Smith siiiitlcd aiidjtnt iacifichfVoast League Clare who played juvenile hockey in 01111111 111111111 1111 paths to count Hare went to second Fosicrjmiior with Ed Wildeys Young Rangers and senior with Owen Sound 1111 first 11111 31111 191511 1111 1611111 llare both connected Neither the rain nor BlitlllDiUll Vvttiiutfk Mohawlts reports to Pittsburgh for training in two weeks The Holly is in the Toronto Maple 11atslior tvco safe liitsT Excelsiors could stop the Barrie smashed hit which in ck 11 down but lcroine block 13 11910 vmi Lm mm mm mm3 male1 wild GUI LOMBARDO Uli dill11M IILIcs Wedneslny 13 AI 11 llOtllntL llaie was 1ttlILl on liltiindit of the Anieiican lower Boat Association ti1inpioiiship on 311 in the Bram ton Boul 41gt the VV 111 tra bVach and thereby scored 111111111 Day 11 Detroit 1th musician drove his boat uroiiiid the 111111301111 L1 11 VV VV bhores posted 1713 win to tutti1 Ollliiii iloillidtd OWI TOUT 1110 on an average of 68128 miles per hour Gibson Bradiield who lookinnml VVV VV 11111143119 1cm 11111 1111144111 in itlic seventh but VCopaco 11111101111111 111 the Barrie races placed second with an average of 56852 1111111 W11 11 11J VVVVVVVVVVVVVV five series llaiii tiirouglithit tin1 another in the ninth trahani 131111 1111410 with Blitz ll also in Barrie placed third although his wer 111V1111VV1V VV VV 11 11111 and 111911 111111 11 101111151 singled Hui Ciill Kill 011 WHO by aste speed was 57858 iiiph Loniburdos tinie UVl 68128Veclipsed hisVown 51V 111 T1 3V were playing caused the dirt floor error Wilson grounded i0 JUI lClLtrltl of 116240 mph for the 00inile course HONORABLE luAltI 1111111 11 to be very muddy and the players ome who tagged Graham ai1d1 ROWE drove his famed pacer Van Riddell to straight heat victory 111 11 slipped and slid their way up andt foiCOd Cull ili SELOlKi IlUKllCUl 11 Dufferin Park on Monday afternoon in the threeyear Canadian down the floor SlllledVillithiUICiV litVlthilCVglVViVU StandardBrrd Society Futurity Goalie lete Anthony in theI 191 $011 1111 11w linty 48 17 llemptUn was plvwm under Ldtiatiliccdwwlllb 01111 tllltlltglylllilli BARR AB and twsmd his ankle me muk WORV or BROKer Miller 11 4V and nine around the goal Bnr Dutch Iostci attain inn 1th for CVVVVVVVVVVI VVVVWS CVVVVVVV VVV VVVLV VVVVVVVVVVLV VVVVVV VVVVVI AU PARIS BL Cppaco 111111 gisVVgrcctchV VichV lVVV1 1V11V111111t T1 T1 211511811 111C game 1111 1311451 lullzlle OR Tedlfllldltlvllllffith tociirb 111111 llmil p11 twmu REBAIHED 77477 tisiiiei VimRel id l1llllt Crooks hurled forThrGrrllers and 11Wep new T1 711 511111i11 2111 11111K1e1m11t Phone 3744 allowed but nine hits as he fanl 1VH11UU1V1VVV 11 20 V11BVVVVH5WVVVVVVV1VVVCVV CVVVVVYCVVVVV VVVVVI we WV V7 ed 11m 11nd walked 0ch VVVVV 1V VVVVVTVVV VV VVVtVV FVVVV VVVVtVV VxVV VVV VV Grim Carma or players II 11611211 litliilcdRTfiielgodhinihlihf Lillilivefl Thdthfe edlfllUIClllcillmiOlltll Tony worsemmws 10W baCk Undlsmaym the Excelsmrq Tatum Iiilrlwr If GllTkmwnx lmy wmlmicmn HUN Fill 1an ll inovdjii lichiiid the 13 and drive with less than mm mm ed the athk and Em Anthony WHEN 2b Gim md wan Hum my co VVVLVInlllVesmr linking wem 10 V111 utes to go bounded behind Pete found the mark after four minutesKiiililpfs in the scoring Anthony in the Brampton net to of play lVhe shot was screened 47 C1111 MudgurFwrm 11111115181V we can alter 01 rebuild aiidHall didnt see the ball 1111111 39 paced thcBramptoii attack with some parts to adapt field replacing Robinson Merv Us Wright replaced Jim Jarrett on fzwe BHVHCV LflmShPlVesV 109 w1m first base In his first trip to the dime Aland 191 End mght he plate Wright hit homer with Wm gave Bfmle glean sweep of two on to score three runs glee Stralgm Snag Stiller use 171SanctxjijledlockJTITT CW 39 Wes filled the shoes of the absent Tom IVV ITEEWeVmaglg 44 my Lambrick on third base and 11 3VVVVinV6V team TT 3ligmerbfylaadli fighting on the brink of elimina early stages of the period but Mailerits TVWSinall bill very fast 6111121eqdi1g 11111191 1111 but tioii battled until the final whistle Brampton recovered and pressed and 19111111 passers lhey continual also Sh ed agmLmL 01711811 The Excelsiors held zidetinite edge into the Barrie zone Barrie ly were tlie spearhead of the in 181111011911 playV but their 511015 Brampton attack VBill Brunskill mg at third base George Storey were unsteady and Teddy Hal in failed to show to any advantage as Rance Jainieson and Luther Vi five goalsVand made many other them to your needs PRECISION MACHINES EXPERT WORKMEN Tmiiiib 111in cngincering problems 17 MULCASTER ST it was behind him At the seven ininute mark Harry Graham scor Vplay better game every tiniel ed for Brampton Luther Vipond out and Friday checked his op aiid Fred Hutton scored for Bar poiieiits to standstill llariy infagdm AnthonyJorjjijainpygiijlralifun Carl and Harvey Miidgett as the period ended Barrie held and Bill Anthonysliowlp hes great edge in the play in the for Brampton Graham and the great tries Steele VBrunskill Graham Anthony Madgett lerri and Garbutt with two counted the other Brampton markers In the only otlieriniiilch of tin night Miiiiico took twogame lead over Piper Bains Owen Sound Georgians by scoring 11 2113 yiiiin the Sound Brampton Ketehined attack by Bramp and Harve Wilson were the pick Vi 0f fthe testers as both pulled an the Blure $031 was hot TheaEx I0 named the 0190 It0 some brmiapt Guam elsm1sspnt4i3hqt0n EMIgoals injhgtirst 10 minutes 111 the WWI 11 method Bldmp WV AB H130 many others hit the post or wentV1111rd period Harvey MudgeuVIITHI aceto standstill ggiiZb VV VV 51019311011119 m1 as Hwy swarmV Carl MadEVthV and VHVVVVVVVVy Graham 1111613 11111113113115111111111111 51111 011 113 NWT brings 190 Jarrett 1b 31 $0111 the Dame end of theVsV0ed ille 11le$61111ggllamirdg VVVthClVVV11VlEVV$S100 18 sevena we 111th SONTHESPOTV reporting from the Kilfllte 11 Teddy Hall in the Barrie twine down the floor and in 116111 of me BramptoiioCxoal Pete Anthony came 111 mm 1111011161 great game Brampton gom was combed by 1w dete11cVeV 1311111115 and 311111551391151131 NH uhex French lfV 0V 1n1101d1ng1he 31101510 nine goab playErSV Reddyssh0t Vent iVVV hm McLean 111gsV HV MudgmeV CV VOV Vor VOVUQ CVVVUVSI iviribcif 1111110 31181 t1me Teddy blocked the referees disallowed the goal 11111dge11 1211TvamV 31813131 31V VV $11013 andrebounds 10 Vsave his claiming VVV had bee SVVV pedV tummesV mVV 11V Robinson rt V3 VlV 193an In the first minute of play Reddy given VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVLDVVVVVVVV FCVVVVVVV V8111 AVVthVVVVy V2VV SteeleV Turnimli he received ahaijd shot flush in the but pete Anthony came 1O 11 BrunskVill Sheppard Larkm if face but aftera brief interval car 0m with 3111 bit of mock111541 BLlVlllVefGOLll Hall defence Lil te ep on or wave Mr crOORS ried 0n Vitirhis sterling perform and stopped the shot With 01in the Vptnd 21 Gllklnsoli centre foreign correspondents of the famous New 4913 15 27 12 19 1111mm lef in Gthe peViiOdV rVu Qifznllva123w Although outplayd andToutshot Je ries and 0rd air score VVT York Times Staff bring the worlds ueWS 2322 A1311 bythe Biiiinpton bby51he Lake Put Bmrie back 311 the lead 97 L321 13giielsm11fggf If $110163 p1ayed carefm merosse The G101 and CariV cf 10 izVimpton con ii1ue V01y ant to eyery Wilson 21 11 36 V3 Whmlhey gttlheiiwil snare rewarded wlthV goalat V1119 1121965431111 Barnard nd GTE Mall And this extra coverage of World LougheeVd 3b made $le them WheVrePST BIYBTEV flVelnlrfum mark 0f me 135tp9d Madsen St Catharines StoreyV Vlf V0 V1 tVonVTwerenotVVopportugists ii he Cary Madge scored on B111 An 7V VVVV 0739 Ofthe ms Ygu may HareV SS V1 V1 VVIllVVldl moments rof gamet thonygVpassV Play ranged back RQFVVSV 9f meewtmgg and Other Shores gave ail great protection WW1 WM imm iitite Gilbert 11 11 13 events should be sent in promptly SmithV rf VV V54 21V and nally the lastwhistle endV mark Harry Graham picked up All the world and local new ear e58 lt1 Fo er 47 Edthegame loosecball in front of his own goal df St Mp Th pe as close and really travelled down the floor editorials Complete nancial an arm ngws 40 26 checking affair with neither team to drive snot past Teddy Hall Welbck trimmerof and 1tithe score Both teams three full pages of sports three womeiis pages of fashions foodrecipes and Other who played great gameVgoing batted ball Summary Runs Batted In both ways took Lou Viponds pass Wilson Foster Jarrett Wright out from the corner and blazed the Barriezone On Barrie rush neededanoal foVWin and Bianip ton once more forged into the gn ousehOId news Plus 21 score0ffeatres Jerome French 3Kane2 Lar ball into the Bramptonnet atthe Lloyd Gair tipped Al Jeffries shot grpeople fail to 11660 ii Home Runwit ht Tr to thieefminute mark The Excel into the Bram ton twine but Gair to please everyone in amt km Tip genome of bad back Larkin DoublesFrench Jarrett VSlOlS returned Vand in less than was Vruledin the crease and the The 11th he VV wed At the other es Wic ii an wmgea Aletfo wsdisllo Larkm Left on Bases 111113 13 minute Jr at tight is ay are budenou hundreause great EVus Barrier11 StrikeoutsCrooksv into the clear and beat Teddy and of the Vfloor Flash McLean ring but wk of the backache Foster WalksLeroks hFoster Hall with aphard shotVFor nineV scored goal for che Brampton and 18 cause of itnu is the dis Double PlayJerometo Payne minutes neither team scored but gang but was puled the crease ordered kidneys crying out wanIV UmpiresfJohnston ofOrilliawaiigl Briiinpton had manchhanVces At Ont Barrie 1215211 301ny ngsVeVn ing lmugh 1116 Buck PhilpottofBarrie the 13minuteVmark ony Worsen cro swung ow ac an V4V Orillia V3142 030 40013 15 croft drove floorlength pass to which sneaked under Pete An cryAfgfleig tlzbigktithgsgmg Barrie 0011 011 001 99 Vince Ready who smacked in his thotllsstick intot11e net This Get box 31 Don Kidney PM my Tye yepca ended 1m me edge and BIG MARSH SPUD wit arrie ea ins Bug on 0I They arevgrowing big potatoes The second peiiiod opened with Luther Vipond played one of his klllgsam ut in on Bradford Marsthhe biggest great Barrie push The Shores better games for Barrie as he not among 16 box 31111 M10 reported to the witness is 31 rattled home three goals in the ted two goals and wasVa power mark 33 Maple VLVVM V0 VV ounce Katahdin rindthe next first two minutes of play and on defence Vince Reddym went wrappen 1V VV 100Brddtbrd511BARRIE Chipman spud of 3012 ounces lookedto have thegamewell under Well up front while Fred Hutton Refusalbamutem detlimuu One eightquart basket of 16 110 control Reddy Worsencroft and and Tony Worsencroft steadied the tatoeg weighed 181115 Luther Vipond got the oals detence Walter Hatton seems to mum 1441 Toyoan