RIB EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA di40tilllf1l0illi 165 1N BASEBALL tiers SEPTEMBER 19 run but Hockey Stransman Elected President 11 Iztl ll the end if the ESfOiiOnyle Struck Out lOBa NERS Orluns Defeated Owen Soun turnaround Elli7 WI iiuii Bane ililmlut Th BARRI of the Three Big Shows of America making its rst tour of Uiitariolraveling on its own special train of doublelength steel wrysame program as presented at Yiiiieourer Victoria Winnipeg and other cities will be given at Barrie ONE DAY ONLY up 2111 Not aniixal But tilt iltlll ltht tllNU CLYDE BEAITY reed ysizelelmziitedl tiitlirisixi tiiizi awn Ainiii WITH Uill of the 11143 itani explained Lou other mliptul unriperalave systeii and tini HM had been liezuiul lat ulli nptem noun Illliil be able tu sponsor an iiitei iiittlilztv lentil lmiik IN PERSth Util ht lt itftliiie isuliy deposed of 9oiil batters on five nine Viriiin infill tillil litirtiuriizoies under laizie litx key lbw hi the Kits lli llle tiiis uillici in Illlit martini inttllitl flliul liii Ilttll AI Ashanti the Iiit army lion llillit Jlii lltihllltr of the iiiiaiiclal imilli tor the Iloui Hedger moved lliilx with ayior INS4t tlllls read Ilitllw lelmll that the report be itteptell limi sttiiliilttl the motion At pie Ultltllllif and lliiiv pliviil ll be lathe llitiinptuii lira ltillllllu Ifini travelling iiistai brine tziej irlllil 31lli ll itI li il ails itli my lleiiwi Illi Mimi in tin ixtiitie illitl weiw mep litillll rfiiiis lloll iii iiii uetl severi lust liftlfi filri tiiiillefir UiiIZUI s1 Illlt illltl Iltit UlJ iv It Suiq III Ill 51111 141 iil ie II4 liid lllli 1ii 311 izi ixiiiiii club In tllc sum of lilllll balance of $131 tllllilt Hilltul oi hockey equipment Win tintbased and this equlpiiieiit is uadzible for the coiiiliiif With the meal reuivily of sport equipment lil iiniiiasitid debt Iiv were fit 11 It lfliV UltIl truietl Ilirl llllilll ia lainai ion llt 1tlill wlivilii 1A l1ii iii liiziii iilii tum 11le liiiiltuyh ll ti Itttli ilitii til Hri past season iw ttl about the pm effectively Sound chrome jun ir vi i1 Slit 11 iime iiiil if min Airsii uii ilu lii lllv pir that lJli l1 1Iili out Ulll ii11 le Jitil ltlfliAI tialh III 1351 ltliil play no season ri hall It itl llillll ilrtieil I1t tin esi 1I il tiiiioi Illillltll im ll to Sound lllIt ill boil the fifth and seventh Unix lo tle field Alllll and Ntilli tltllllllt llil tl=ii one Illtlilrtl ii ittilltitil limit tiliillliili ill lit 1ill lit1 lltillll iiv eo Alllllllll lacrosse Hulatin liiui iaieiit BOWLING ON THE GREEN tMIDGETS LOST TO COLLINGWOOD Iiie iillsiigzwuutl Midget baseball showed too llrrie Mitigeb mi goods this trrezit itlll to the club lliiouirh season the club received $ltiltiati limpe llll fftlilfl tia1 it the lean inn Inlltli iiieli toy coupli liable III the iiilei Wotth lie lioiiei tlziJtl plaiiiis utll mi Kllllltl It louver and the liiiaii Hal lili1l ltillll Ie ieitei Stan Iliuh iieuly appointed to the eHtitia stated that if Ilillr rie iHi iiiteiideil to have an In Itllllltllitll eir Uillv fiitli unlit Il Ulll Ilit donation from many sources iiieiuiliiitr the team president Sam iceqiiesuleiit trelisiiiei Ilriiiik Iiivlui llllil Ied ilwlss exeeiitive iiieiiibei The meeting adioiiriied at the eoinpletioi of discussion repaid inn llarrie Iloekey tlub entry in lilie oiiA lliehv iHny llll lllll OCALMBASEBALL totalling MHUNTER Henri AT 0R0 an WED SEPT 18 illit lloise belt yauie the out of the iiiiiiiiiie iiihair Stiiiiisiiiiiiil llaiiv lluliiies nettlt llltll anti limit llziiii liinr di wane lilliltS WIN lhi llarrie litthi Howling thib llltltl its Ltllllllul Labor Day nieii liilllllti tuiiiiiaiiieiil afternoon a11iltiiizh the tltllil iltmH Wm Hmwd HR lump inott cancelled the en in VHIit rinks from Allaiidale Midlandi Maw lleettui Aurora lliadfortt and ltiii Mummy in much it inv5 my hithe llit baseball Jlllllt iii Ill five years If ET iiiiitli tlziss Inst Iliiirsdn lealii Alulitlii Ramon irtlivAnii iwktssm him show Am AND lYDiE BEATTY 9430 shaking OK with Death in the 359 Sin Airnu with 40 of ihe Mon Bloodillimly 3mm Thai Breathe lions and Yiguu of Oppoim Sun EAT SENSATIONAL DE WAVNES windwan Aquila fluviirlly trawler mil RUDY VAIIHS tam Count Revue Hawks DONnod lAllStars 10 of Edgar fans 11114 was lloweiis lilIlzslili inliliiti and other former jiiiiloi plenty of p1ver iiil Mr ltuth Iloui Iiideer anieed with Mr ltuth that the iiiteruieiliaies be stroiie whereas the junior team nuejht be weak lnszdeiit Straiisiiiaii iii very statement leaiii Villi of the outstanding Illllllti of the province uiil ii connection Willi the ho Woiliis Fair llll llllllllll Hli WUEW llttll Sepieiiiber lti different Iiii1ilil of tin tiIIiiiuiiotl pi Hum Show in Wwa MINWIN tellers to Iiii the plate gave Ilziirie iiiosl of their ittii0 thm lliiill In oust lliiriie kids in Many Aime imu WORLD IAMOUS hug Show lilllllt Ill iiiile llarrie team HP eoiiipetetl for lop lliillnilb Competition was keen litlllllllli mnptthree tie gzziiiio iuiiiiiii in the lilill liisi piie three wins Went to Lilly and lint laliiier of lleetoii with score of Tii plus ti second prize for wiiis Altilftmiflill and II Whit toii Ilziiiie sill third prize for three Milloy Aur ora 4h plus pziZe for two wins Sharpe and It lreer Allaiidiile 54 plus prize for one win ll Beclby and Woods Allaiidale 47 ieehedl cultl nil saw an score 10 liiiiidietl elianiploii llolly Hawks win over the Siiiieoe Soccer Lei AllStars at Edgar on Friday night lhc AlIStars did the opposition that the Edgar team lid in the finals ltlll IlUi it we ll llii llltlt tliisrlts wnnhp end for decision for MR5 HARRIETT pfrkcnliht in Lme TWO HCSHLE ltifj 1th oglr VOon ti901 19 llllilt Jennill lvvlll Host titiiltl iiiiii iilid plgilt filSl til Sell iii llie liiuul Stake from lowiiiidut soon There will also be the tonal the UH liii races agricultural Show cliieveiiieiit This year arrangements liavelmwp rm 3k WM IWV lzii illiil llllt Speei llJllllll not provule puwm lolliiigwooti gave up 113 walks between were nicked for only Tail Eiiiiiis handled the iiuliiig arsirziiiiieiil for llarrie aiitl vas bounced for 16 hits by these Tollingwood chap four iuiis llol lleroii iIl llllill lliit illi Sllli iIIlll mild Iiiiiler lllltlil three liilr and the Hawks iiiaigin in the play IlllllliS scored the only goal of the game when he made nice solo play to earn the gttl Ilic AllStars picked from the remaining league used three Edgar players three Rugby players three Oak land llill players Dalston The played for players who were injured during the playoffs iioiilteil on our team will The exeiiptive the team for definite that iio player be paid tiilar uptlltlll l1lliil held urin Elepho in and include tXliiIiv lllliiiil features ins the irh ire tlt1 The hathiv Iiil Iielil tidy it llllL llerziiaii iACIw JOYCE exibility Till FNESI 1116 semi Aiiii lIBERlY HORSE nismvs EVER iANiAsiieAttr NEW AllGlRl PRU King of the Slmk wins Fi and and Day Iiile tiee llll lllltl ll Ia lied Farmer ltfllltl hitting arl struck walked four tolliiimvood swung into an carlv lead by scoring two in the first one ill the second three in the third and four in the fourth before Bar In the last of the coiiibiiied Society and heavy pies OEHELO BY MORIAI EYE OtAUIIIUL four teams of the and ilro four two basses one oclock Return busses will leave Oro Fair Grounds 11 seven oclock This will be the 94th annual lill Exhibition of the ho Agricultural Alex Currie is president Irwin McMahon is secietary treasurer wiii Itie outlipaw lll lJiIllIilttl iiide Speeis pot es and Itll iid two gt1llt reiiiiore Itlt with two iiiles Illlt Wat lllllltl double The final between Alliston and tiiiiiiiieiii ed been made Barrie teiiiooii tltlJIl lean Will illlll Jinni Hitilss PHILICLRMING ELEPHANTS 90 EL TRANCis HENRY KYES I11 punt Whiwmni of lhe While 101 AND HIS Niw wouotnjAND OTOANTIC RAllROAD BERGER llllltTlllN Scoring two viiis in three iiiaieh es the Barrie lawn bowlers picked up 18 points in the weekly llerger competition last week now lead the summer series by 37 points and if they can stave off any determined rally by the Allaiidzile Club in the remaining three maltIi es will retain the Berger Trophy Tonight the two tiiiue the competition landale greens Barrie Iil and two from tripe tun ilzttl Iul itoiiiil iowaii AllStarIlolly series benefit was two Wire GREAIV OlV RATS Wald Mittmm iie got started the Barrie four walks fielders choice and llel Tloiighleys walk an error and two singles gave Colliiigwood three runs in the fifth but Barrie came back with six runs on six walks on er hit batsman and single another sixth to make the score 1311 but the visitors added singletons in the seventh and eighth to sew up the game The Barrie youngsters were not the team to beat this highly pol Collingwood visitors showed two good pitcher in Fawcclt and Heron and hem exceptionally Heron has lots of staff on the ball 21l ilS just missing the corners most of the time Thrown in against this Coiling wood team the Barrie boys show of baseball savvy IMany of their plays and outs were gifts to the Collingwood team but above all the boys tried TarBush Barrie backstop had tooth badly chipped onaa play at home plate in the fourth but gainer finished out the game Cliff McArthur showed the most promise of the Barrie gang as lit came up with some nice plays at lnens Since prevur days 11 NOTICE Re Junior Hockey The executive the Barrie Flyers Ockey Clubhimm LALOHA have had so many enquiries regarding the purchase of tickets for home garries with Oshawa St Mikes St Cotharines Strat forcl Kitchenerj Galt Hamilton Marl borOS and Young Rangers that they have decided to operate Cesubscribers plan for their suppertersas follows Ilarrie club fourth boys OAT AURORA Lew llayinaii has his Montreal Alouettes at Aurora today and to morrow for training prior to their ripening Senior Big Four football match against Argos at Toronto on Alouettes stopped off at Aurora on their way toTorontolJ QUImi from Wiiiiiipcg where they split even in twogame series with Ab lIulse com pleted arrangements for the stay of the Montreal gridders in Aurora Complete sports coverage in The Barrie Examiner Please send CASH with Classi fied Adlets for The Examiner Sec Classified page charges foul single ulUllllab iiiiis l5uesday lllillll second name will tlri third base without iiiiseue failed to get hit but connected In NINHH 4W1 111 three smashes to the outfield Carl b0 liliiild HI fair drop iiititllly illitlil The names start control on theta llims but the Colliiig ivood batters were good and con Tiectcd for many safeties cceivcd rather many Cases and was not to blame Danny loltiiid iiitficldqr not pitcher came up with OLITTIICCCtIICIlCS in control field and in year or two will be ireal centre fielder Del Cloughlcy hrcehit singles ashed in with the other ColliiigwoodDaiicc r1 Walmslcy 3b Barrett Iackson 55 nor if Fryer cf Morrell 2b Her BarrieArmstrong lb Poland cf Hagan ss McArthur 3b TarBush LgughggdigbL McDonald rf Church by If Einms Zollingvvoo Barrie Hiqi mo ihviiim Install heater NOW for comfort in cold weather Driving BECAUSE OF present conditions with supply shortage wise driver wull WNOW LIMITED SUPPLY and WERE NOT KIDDING ANGERHELD Ivy loiiiorrmv Show clubs will con on the showed urve and lots of mound roi Einnis Barrie DSI Ivy V11 leiiiiett llavis lb Baiitiiie 2b Ieniiei Speers Siewart lenneit ss Ii Creeinoic7771 Young counted in the MAGNIHCENI NEW SUPERPRODUCTIONS AND lktthA ON rv3n9 INTRODUCTORY PAGEANT LARGEST Trained Wild Animal CIRCUS in the WORLD GENERAL ADMISSIONzAdults eta35 Children7111 General Admission Tickets Available Allandalc Bowen Milne 28 Warlow lelcar Ildgers 16 Pete Hodgson HArmstroiigll field Saturday Barrie Davis Carl ie TI laiitiiip cl GORGious Malcomsoii on rt Milne 221 Perk iis poor Weir 20mm owaii Blue Bombers lmltf Iowan gt8 Warner 2b Tlicrry 11 it Tipping ci tliziliiiei satin 041le 21 110003 tilltlw ti for the defeat outfit The ishcd lulliott 61 Weir 4c VANCOUVERLAC IS RCAF TRACK CHANrial 1946 LAC PhiL Perry captured the individual champion ship rat the annual RCAF track and at Camp Borden contin raiii kept many and slowed the track No records were broken Sports Officer Tiny Thompson planned the day and carried out all the events threatened to halt the proceedings Throughout the winter and spring the RCAF complement of Camp Borden had been low and Tiny jeared that the field day an an nual event for the past 20 years would be cancelled However in the early months of the summer =trainees began to pour in and the field day was carried on as usualu Tiny took time out from master proceedings to win good infield the Barrie 1001lilll wvith Lougliecd IIRTPOWELI was COUNTY Mittsme attack while Tax Included Only on Grounds and pm details Gerry the extra cost including iwherc adlets are booked BARBIE AIRPORT FLYING DAILY Hill in 2b Swit MEAFORD 268 Stayiicr winners month AYNER 01 their lack Dicks Camp Borden Dave llaig Sturgeon Midland Archie Wciisley Barrie Ray Liv Legion Ciandall Or Orillia award was given Jloiiiiic Laliay of Orilligjderthg yoiiiiEESFaiid smallest competitor ingrby 253 BARRii TENT AWNING co COMPLETE CANVAS SERVICE Farm Trailer Covers of good quality waterprool canvas from $500 AWNINGs REPAIRS TO TVARPMAULINS Estimafs Courteonsly Submitted 34 Baylleld St 4314 BARBIE31 PURNITURE HOSPITALL wu paring of anecdote Fawcctt Vespra the first round OASA Intermediate play iio match nine Midland Stan Bruce Barrie Mercer iiigston illia special Mea the second round first game at Meaford 1075777 downs t0 fords VGIC Vancouver classy EXCEPT MONJMHF Visitors Welcome For1nlormation Phone 3498 of Simon County is Arthur Powell ofBar ric llie youthful exRCAF pilot with the best score for holes of the first Champion golfer 13 430 11715 16 4100 451 0011 UmpiresPliilpott and Clark field day held Wednesday August 28 uous drizzle spectators came the 27 lVl tourna Labor rainy windy Country Club It was cold day and Arts 123 was lowvgross to win the Hiram Walker Trophy at small replica of the cup for per inaneut possession and two good golf balls It is hoped to have the tourney inmnal lyagainTamlw Midland tlirough Dave llaig put in bid 1947 event There were 41 entries here on All played nine holes in the morning 18 in the afternoon Kcarsey coursein eNcellentu condition es pecially the greens but notonc golfer from Colliiigwood Midland Orillia or Barrie managed to get ingtlie 30s for any ninehole round Tliiswas due not to lack otabih ity but mostly to the miserable wind drove sand Barrie Day rain although TENTS TARPAULINS Monday PHONE Night or Day Oman Promlettu lmindmg the Pro Charlie had the discus throw During the afternoon agMosquito bomber Lancaster bomber anda Harvard trainer were on display Both bombers had with the including invited to FoinOTiszO 50 smitten SKATERS zocxcmNG ACTS followed by dancing to DAVE WILLIAMS 10 piece band 800pm to the public seen action ioverseas RCAF The spectators many civilians take part in some special novelty events Many youngentlitisigists and older ones too took partini wheelbarrow frace slow bicycle races etc IBarries own Elmer iCNR outfielder now stationed at Borden came second in the runl pning broad jump and third in the standing bread jump During thehfteitnoon Air Vice Marshal ELE Middleton CBE Air Officer =Commanding No ionic3 Command at Trenton flewinto Borden and was rrpresentriat the field day Group Ewart DFC CommandingOfficer ted as refereeinjchief Mthe eveningthe members of The high into rough traps the rain lld cold made it hard iogrip and swing clubs with the usual facility Dyinent strokes behind the cup on weather long deposit of $150 seat chosen under the plan were will the required for each hits and Deposit willpay for seatsior last two home games providing subscriber has picked up or paid for hisfickets for all previous home games or will the applied as payment for tickets not claimedbygsubscriber during season at rate of 75o seat Jig game missmce left on deposit will EeaWEtTgsme 01111 ithe pillow fights thrce lost Bill just and was Powell his last round as he had to take four penalties the second tee he drove out of bounds and repeated the perform ance on the fifth Barrie club champion was off his alLbui stdlldiept in hailing dis tance of Powell untiltthe round The winner played steady gblitlirough the full three rounds VPresident Frank Spry of Barrie gave out the priiiesujigter score kcepeerack Wallacehadvfigurecd the results Roy BiockCgll had lownet of 109 and won fine No iron Jack Rod gers Barrie was second w1t111 and his prize was new golf bag Following Afternoon 18 holeslLo Jim Willis Barrie 2nd John Ma hOney Orillia low gross lst Bill Dyment Barrie 2nd Jack PortJ land Collingwood for low gross five brackets Jim McFadden Barrie George Kennedy Barrie Midland Ken Walls Harry Reid Barrie Ilow net in five brackets Clyde Jack Kennedy Griff Bingham Grillia iRoy Merrick Barrie Melii Barrie For morning nine holes prizes were awarded to the following for best gross and net scores in five different handicap brackets DRve Collingwaod KBOI Dil worth Orillia Bill Gould Barrier Gordon VanAtterf Barrie Miniiikln if one prior game ay foriseat Jim McFadden Admission Adults 50c Children0215c last Failure of subscriber to excercisehis right to his seat or seatson more than two occasions nullifles his privileges as sulicriborl Capta ZRemodeiling of all the same 3eChesterfield Cleaning and Repairs 4Upholstering Repaddlng etc 5All Materials and Rugs Cleaned 6Those Frayed Rugs Refringed fture made to order 9Interior finishings in Walnut Mahogany etc anything desired such as pa etc 10From Pianos to Toys We do it illy FOR FULL TNFORMATTN PHONE manna out ingwoo Sobscrlhersin good standing are guaranteed their seats for all Flyers home randepiayoff games in Battieancnu 17Furn Cpl Denboer da FS Schroder Sgt BakQTSE Corrigan 440 yd dashLAC Perry LAC Pearson Cpl St Amour 880 yd dashLAC Perry FS Schroder iwere Other winners theintros etumg us and STEAMER FARE and TAX Bernie WEDNESDAYS 650 am DST CT liRQM DUCKS TICKETS AND VINEORMAIIIONM BARBIE BUS TERMINAL PHONESITBZ gt Tickets wjll be left at any sellingvagency of the club designated by subscriber nelling fireplaces mileeDoc Savage Sgt Clark W0 dericy miles AC Gloin FB St Louis W0 Wil standing broad jumpAC Gloin SL chLeOd Cpl Minnikin running broad jumpCpl Denboer Cpl Minnlkirt AC PBzowy skip and jumpCpl cuboer AC Bzowy ACGloih7high jumpSL1 McLeod LAC Perry pole vaultLAC Perry LAC Stra der FS Robertson shot putSgt Taylor FL Kachuk FS Schroder distillerID SilhompSOn SL McLeod FS Slimmer javglinJSgt Clarke SLMCLOOCI FO Lowry ChampionLAC Perry 18 points 913113 wion by sec 59 AC Kuglin INCLUDINGB Tickets to be picked up at the agency by subscriber hot later than pmon night of game or at BMW Arena later kins in BuSses Leave SUNDAYS 720 am DST RETURN SERVICE DIRE Doug Haig Barrie $41111 The Flyers executive earnestly solicits thelasslstance zeoOperatiou and suppont 01 all lBarrle citizens scription to the plan is tangible evidence of your help Pick Out YouFSeolsee Contgct Chas Chnstie cloEmms Electric 47 Elizabeth St Bernie any time between mm and com Tumour 4333 hop 360 Johnson Barrie Barrie AC Gloin SO DONT is Taylor nQOs Tr points