vay lllY 1114 liz11rsBazbura Blnill Jean Livmg tdell lvlaryAldie William Ken IEll ISAElEtIEI EXAMINER BAlillllC UNIXHUG CANADA WE NEED lHorace Lopp Band NEW RATION BOOKlFeoture at Barrie Arena lOn Saturday Night GRADE XII TO GRADE XIII 511 liallll obtauzcd eas or and 11 watt filial COLLEGIATE PROMOTIONS gage one 111211 tXdllllllizlltlilb kaq gt01 r1ver1n III Slullliorn CasesII of Constipation Thom who lafl Irma ol llllilflfl 1W 11 1W luv ufurr liar instva 111 having it 10111111119111 111i1111111111lnt l1l in1 in 1111111r1II11r 111111111 111 clotlawlrrolvtmlIIvNlooI ooooooo lItIIlCtl 131 vies v1 11h for furn Work tllllllf Mus trldmnnn at I1 l1Illt Custon 122 121rnt lxcnncll Dawdson 1y 1m 111111113 111 fwll lungs gttu1l11t rote the lx11111111ns md are pro full 111 iiiullt XIII litllll l1111v11r1h Malrin Phil Parkdale Lions Club 121511 l11a11v Murgazct Qllllll Sponsonng Horse Show l1llilfl Ell111 Ruth SinatnI MW X1 1111 VIJIlutt rcx xust 11 1111111111 rc 1111 following students are procilgf iflfll3l3llklflmmlihM 11111 Alinr 1111111 111 1111111 x111 11111 thc 111119 0111ErynMR 173 13 II 111=ic1iligtt 12 11 1IilIlIII he MI II next Wednesday afternoon 1lll cv 21mm 111111 113111115111 Pin11111 gfillf Inf 1ij tlligt111lrl Robert Black pun meht Mm Bum 1111 tiopbyc and futurl 1111 SI II 1110 knockdiwnllndutll hltllt Inf vi 11111 21 ll 1w II Final Performance IIII II Iticgt111I1iliIVIIlfIqun llIizlilllilE$3IIo II 9910M HUI III IIiI SCIUCY Hellandalse IlitltilllllIyl Barbara Crawfordl This is tlw lllbl annual 1111151 1111 11s At Everett lune 25 show 5111115 rcd by the club 11111 1l1 1111 11111111 Joan Mt Wu 11MW mummy t11n1l1lclmnntryiGeorgch liillt admlllnncc klll be 1111 111 11n 11 Ituih Elilcn llobcrt llalfyard 1101 11101615110111 YOU NEED M0REEIf LVER Silence says two L11 wt 219 51111111 11 1l111 111113111 1111 11111111ptun Pin Jolly ma Thvugn111l11plargt11 Idllfjitllvf pl1t11l will 111m 111 you 11y ulun 131 tiny only llggrmttv 1111 lf11llli and 11 ill nald lillLleslll Flora floss llis kldtllls and 501 for children lln IfIlIII DI INN use Lizv Illfllllnllv prucccds Will be 115ml to support IOMMFRCIAL DEPARTMENT the Work of thc club 111 pronlotiln lf constipntod 11111 Milllurn 11 GRADE To GRADE xx iyoutlli organrullons and play 111ll1yr lflll nllirlwlrtrls 111411151211 The following students obtained11mm5 WII II 1111111I1131 111 11l Ull lllt tlllIS work II II II II IWI IIIIII IlIlIiiIlilIiIIIlbII IIIII HIIIIII mmin llcincmber thc cxtra charge of 1mm 111 1131 Tilt or ifde 11111 tum xmnilmtiuns mml 1111 111111111 11 121 Toronto Ont llrvn IIil31 lnss ll111111ltlclrv that havr 11 be booked til H11 lruhaln lhcllnu loolc 111111 711111111 Class llonorsmllarbaru 1111lll111 Au1lr1y Dobson Verna Mr rmtnml 11111111 11 cl bile lustserllr5110nI 11111r11ri 111 of may For glowing r1 ricoclcd 121 hib 11mm 11111171111 I12 11 largrll 51111111 11m llllit 11 Made from llllls and 16le 11111 131 111 11l 11f11 110 Sorry v111l1 wux 1113121114 11111H1i by 11 1111121 111111 proph 111 1311 If lll Ball 311111 W31 l111 itlllllllll 11mm 3111111111 liloyd lilkcy Alvin lllonip 11 111v1l 11 11 11111l1 1111151 1131 111111 11 11 1111 711 1iIill ItlHil 111111 11111111 ill 1111l1gtrn 1111111 Brown Lois Southwuod 1l 311 IIH 1911 1111111 11111 lhv following students wrotc 11 if II 11 l1 11111 111 11l 11111 11111111l1finalcxannnaliom11ndarcpro III III IllnlnvZ 1511211111 ll111 12111111 l1111111llotlrndt XI Ji 11Ilf Iill 11 +311 lh ty $111311 1l1l luk lllllllSltlll lcan Dunn Mur Wl111111111 him 311 11 11110 lim 11111 1111111 111u l11m l1llw111 11111 lzlulinc lcM1y 1V 11 lrahanl Mn 11 111 lllui likorul HT mmis ottS 11 11 111111 WW 11 XI 11111 11111 IIII IIIIIII IIIIIV III 111 1311 11111111 111111131111in II1I 1mm HLH 11 11111111111111111IIl1111111Ilolin iIiHIIH WHHHI 131111111 Im 1111 111111411L Any l111w111 11w 111111 and lll11 PM J1 yWHPH Hymn 11111 l1iu1111111vt 11111111111 Im Huh HUMP 11111111111l1l1llllllllli lIl111111 I1l1ll lIllIflt1llll my HM 119th ddicmus 111111 111 lly1flivtlfillt 511111h1 QJ 11 111111111311 Manx The following students obtained dan 1111 11111Rl111 51111 Lulnf 11111 MFMIH Ht my MilM 11m 111 mm years work Wimprmchvg 71 L1 111 11v111p1+1 l1ltt Vflw IIII IIhfjl 111 111111 11l 5111 111111 11111 and were not lqulllCtl to wrltc 211111 1111 TX 31311 ghlwlt 1111111111 v11 1111 W111 11111111 final 1xzmunutl1ms 21mm mg I1VI1z1l 11111 vl1r111 11111 tlltlllrnllhtmy V51111ndl1ss llonorsrillay Scott zlhsps vinegar iv 51 If If li 11 llllll XI lt lllAllli ll bhnlcy Curr blalnc Irwm Mar luphmlg IZII Ii le IM IM 1111 11rlltlllL 51111111111 ol1111c111111 llSIIHNHIil 11111 111 11i11111 11 1111 11111 11 work Ih1 following wrotc final exam 1111 11min Do rot by Willi lmw l11 laton 1111111111 lllIllllgtlll The following havc lmttd conditionally lluria Swan losic llllll Ward GRADE XI TO GRADE XII 1111111111 9111111111 1rpl111 11 ll 11111 NI 11111111 11 1111111 1C 311 SIIIItII 1111111111 Itsthcmuslardthafmakcs111c1litl1r1n1c 1111 in sandwich1 salad1 511111 ill 1111 lv 1111111 llttll pro Icrsiuni 11 11 QUICK DRESSING 511111 11111 11i TRANNEW Muffin Treat spicy and sired but takes no mgm Ntll An enticing nip flavour cooked or raw salads LllICSLI fillings ml gt11r1 It 1111111xl 111111l1 1111 lowtr l111 11111111111 Afl11 112111 1111 111111 gt11vcd 11Htl from 111 11 111111 211111 l1lll 111111l H1 Knd 111 prcnnts li111I1111111111111r11111111ngt 111 t1i1 lluscinaric opcn 1111 1111 Ilmly gifts llu Examiner docs to press Wed nesday th your copy In early 1111111 11111111111111 1111 oplrctta 11 1111111111 by Mistxg lullllst Milo 111111 tlu music tI undcr 1111 ltltdtlklllp of Mrs llarry Silltllllll1 IlIllt llrulu 11111 lul 1tllllI Illtll 1n 1111111111 1111 opcrclta Sandy 71111115 was 111 llllllllc of gt1an dircc 11111 Rose Donntic was makeup supcrviswr assisted by Ilse Aksinl and Vcra ll1Wllll Miss Rhoda Young 111111 11113211115 explaining the plot of the oplrllta 011133113111113101 PRACTISING LAW Joseph llood IofStnyncr was last Friday committh to jail for months for contcmpt of 21 511 prcmc Court ordcr restraining him from practising as solicitor flow cvcr in issuing the order Mr Jus ticc Vclls1it Supreme Court sit in hcrc providcd that the ordcr would not be executed until 8pr tcmbcr lb and if before that time the defendant can show the court that he has purng his contempt he may make application for 11 further stay of Execution The charge was brought by the aw Society of Upper Canada against flood Mchnnan of Toronto acting as counsel ft the Society referred to an order issued by MrJusticc Urquhart on Octo ber 24 1942 perpetually restraining llood from practising as solicitor in Ontario 1Hc then introduced rrrrr Libbys DeepBrowzzed Beams will please hubby ThatIs right said the litdechef If your husband doesnt agreethat wLibbysDecpBrdwned Beans are the best heirs ever tasted Libbyfs will payiDOUBLEjEYOURQlIQNEY BACK You Iscewc at Libbys have perfected and patented new cobkigmcthod which choks every beaIn several wilncsscctcsho defendant had been carryingL ona legal practice Witnesses testied that the legal work had been done by Joseph Hood and not by his 90year old father who was in the same of flfice and was entitled to practise law The accused was defended by Boys of Barrie In his defence lloodcferred toone piece of cvi dcnce in which he had signed as commissioner for taking affidavits He declared that he had authority to sign affidavits byvirtue 0fhis ofce as clerk of the Tbiwnof Stayner However he admittcd that in other matters he hdczirricd on in contempt of the order issued dw Iut exactly the right temperature uItf deepbrOWnS Ithem clear II through to the centre impartstocachplumprender bean its full shar of richwlsdvoury tomato sauce gives them downhome flavour thats irre sistible when yyouihavc hungry husbandon your haddsgjust reaIIIch for 11 till of Libbys Deep BrowneId Beans Heat and serve them pipinghot in less than 10 minutes21 dish thats guziranteed to please against him Mr Justice Wells saidiit was clear case ofcontempt and he stated 1111 111 11 11111111511111 1111111L til l11x 11111111111 1o wrill 1lllllf111lll luss llllltl Ilfvrrhy llowt 15111 hzunltn lunich 1l11l lluttlllllus lltllll l11111I 11111 Iliclnnond Ililcln 111111 luynnctll Allen 11111151 Illllll IIlcanor Adamson Anne Ilodglru llctly Stillrs Shroud IlliSS IlonorV IIItlclIll Smith Mctvin yrcs Hiltll lilld mun Don M1lllastcrl Marcarctl Ilzlndy llosQ McCuuig Marian Hawl 51m Eluglvs iki nsw Ilonuldl Davies Shirley Walker The follmrinp studcntx left for farm W111th bcfole 1110 final exam inations lhcy lizid obtained 602 or over on the ycars Work DllllYFillllllS W111 lllllClllllStHLI Jos Johnston The following students wrolc finalcxnminzltions and have been promoted to Grade XII Jordan Abercrolnbic Rubi Arm strong Barbara Churchill Ronald Gosney Marian Harris Mac Hat ton Alfred Haughton Robert Hunter Doris Lambert John Mc Lean Donald Maxwell Shirley Paton Muriel PczTrsTilllclcn Scott The following students have been promoted to Grade XII but must repeat the Isubjcts indicated Douglas Allen Algebra Kelly Cameron AlgebrnMWaItcr DchcL Algebra Norman Harris Latin Gwen Hood Algebra Connie Laws History Ronald Mc codtLatin Patterson Algebra John Reeve Latin Ken Roberts Algebra Wm Spanis 11111 Iunl lIil 1111111 Kathlcln Ronald When Skin Torture inalions and are promoted to Grade XII lvrard LaPIlintc Ronald Smith lla111111121Warchzun Edna Woodrow lhc following have been pro inolcd conditionally Josephine DAnlbrossio Arvilla Webb Beatrice Williams Joan llxcll Russell Mowforlh without Shorthand The followilur students of Grade XII will be granted diplomas Freda Astridgc Yvonne Bowhey Norma Briggs Eileen Delaney Ray llickling Marion Livingston An ncflil Million Beth Rugman The following students of the Spccial Commercial Class will be granted diplomas Kathleen Lcnnox Beryl Purvis Kathleen Dembcrline Oliveslou Madl Get bottle ofrstainleseapowrful penetrating Moones Emerald Oil The very rst application should give you comforting relief and 161mm treatments convince you that you have at last found the way to overcome the intense itching and distress ltones Emerald Oil is easy and simple to usegrease less stainless economical pro motes healing Ask for Moones Emerald Oil Satisfaction or money baCKgood druggtsts everywhere it wasiessenlial for the protecticn of the public that he be restrained from practise He emphasized that Hood was not being denied they right 10 earn living but he was not to earn his living as solicitor 3WYEBRIDGERJ Mrwand Mrs Allen1 den and baby Qakvillespent the holiday with Mr 11nd MrsC Yreston The Ladies Aid met in the church Wdncsday Mrs Jones presid ing M1sChas Hounsome gave the Scripture reading Next meeting will at the home of Mr Levi Jones Wismr Toronto and his sister Mrs Switzer are visiting their brothers licre MisDowner and daughter lo ronto spent few days with her mother Mrs Preston and brother and sisters Doreen Stacey and friend from loronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Cecil Towns and family Elmvale visited Mr and ME Ellery Sunday Miss Gladys Long lorontowas with Mrs Angus Rawn for the weekend Ms McMuIlen and daughter Midland visited Mrs McRaeIand Miss Nellie Sunlvay Barrie Examiner $200 year and worlbmore andILls of Pep Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills have long record of dependability as regulator of liver and kidneys and bowelsl They quickly arouse these organs to healthful activitychurpen the up petite and help to improve digestion Clean out the poisons with Dr Here are some of the advantages of caliper 30111 gt Mcmkmhrr APPLE SPICE AllORAN MUFFINS cu fl litllcga tnaupoon nnlt Illlrnn 35 cup nlolassca cups milk egg hrutrn cup sifttd flour teaspoon soda mm tmapmn ginle 15 nlicrs raw npplc or nthrr fmit Cinnnmnnnnrlaugnr mixture Add AllBran to mnlnrsos and milk and let soak for 15 minutes Add 1111 Sift flour soda salt and spices to gctbcr combine with AllBran mix KEEILREGULAR 1H mapoonn cinna lurc IIlll lzr111311l muflin plum tun lllllllfl full l1p lpplc slim in rinnn 1111111311g11r 11111111111 111111 pl111 on top llnklin11111111r111nv111lllflnhout 20 minutcs Malus 15 lnufhns Wind lltlthlllV spicy fragrunrc What 11 ltnllcrsoftnsako ttxluril Wimtn luscious flnvorof lipplc spices 11nd tonstcd lllIlHltlfll zllllfran lot Kelloggs Alerfm and try llltS grand nuiflins tomorrow lslw1l forgot Saturday 1x 7111111111 11111 NATURALLY as avjelephonexoperatorz Isteady1elnip10ymentc good salary While learning under friendly guidanceregular increascs oppcrtunities fprpromotionvacationswithpdnyiveand ahaIlfdav Wdrk week fre medical IsupIerI vac wmV $16 WEEK TO START Chases KidneyLiverPills and 161 gain your pep and happiness 35m box Dr Chs leR Pills atmosphere and healthful surrOunditigsg by 21 vision recrcafioilal facilities congenial hot 31nd talk over Come in and see MISS DUNBAR Chief Operator Elizabeth