PAGE SIX BA BRIE BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA PAINS lilt1ii tilltl li South Simtoe it gouomonowomomonorzzu NEWS OF ELMVALE monoonomonm Iuliu Mills on L0 mil Marilyn St mu some time lgt lilult itilli nthtitled the fun June 17 of his in llsrric left on Monday ning ot Niagaraon napaiiinl by number ulcls limit the BC Junn to Ilulph IKIIDOX litili who were iwtory Aliandale lll lillilt flUlIl Darl ili Suuilny visitors ccii Browning pniiois Mr and Mrs mu lzick lolollio lit li Johnston Min gttill iIdlitks luulx WA iiici it Mrs Stinuii on June The quilt and after the 22ml 21 delicious lunch ill Imtik ircen Leonard iiiiilz llis illil iitli child of tlic iiiwtlng II ciijoyil and dc wiiiivzits vcic served ruilvch lll lltt our itiltllillly invited It liizoii School lnil uii Jliuc 21 in Mid friends good organized sports is mi and oilinlili prizcs will be Shirts zit 12 noon luii picnic zit Brim liil llzillS itll Illlltifih Dont IIii HOUSING IIELI It IiIIIIIANS IS 555700 of gtEl1tlitl issislgincc giv luvcimiiciil to reduce oi liill holdings for veterans $557 per fltll llic Illilllltllll Post states iiilt bmlllt 2015 lllillh in eight tlliltt pioiccts llltlt costs rose SlltlzllSl lSSlillilI Arc you Olll Illilll lilihllltxl Vi lll llt lilll ilciil put ind Iltll IUHI low Ill Lllt out onsull Ihopcs 421539302978 Kttsid ArtLD BEVERAGE tivcuatomoany oi CanadaLtmiieo 0104 Wolf75 HIM0W3 only car in the low priceeldoeng alum inum cylinder heads for aslungperforitiance with economy AoWfazzoygrwry Heres the big news youve been waiting for ow Mercury bringsyou brandnew car priced right down nearthelowest Features include advancedatypeepnglncr fora new smooth level ride new stabilization front lind rear that banish sway aSsists steering and contro1 new oversize selfCentringhydraulic brakes tint Its the Mercury 114companion car to the famous Mercury 118 for 1946and its now on display at your dealers Its big smart capable Froinl gleaming grille to masSive rear bufiipet has thestandout Ister you expect in neycarin Mercury act fast stay silent Inside its revelation of rich quality fab You Canown this nwrne companio to ricsof colorful trirnof roomy convenience thefamouvsercury 118foraiprice thats Heres 93 horsepower for the added right down With the lowest See it now and thrill the eXtra lgetawy the smoother ask yourself uWhy pay more why cruising Mercuryrdwdaivers Heres the satisedwith less MERCURY AND tiNcotN DIVISION FORD MOTORICOMPANY OF CANADAIIMIIED RRISON MOTORSALES MORRISON sttvoumncunv AND lINCOLNDEAIER BRITDTCRD ST PHONE BARBIE am Artificial Hut And Laying Hons years Wuiii of the Emmy iI Dominion Experimental 1211 Service with housing of ig nuns has shown that the of aillfltlnl heat gave no increase in egg pzoduction over that ob honed in moderately insulated lililbc under the severe conditions pltthlillig in the Ottawa Valley Addllluliiil insulation over and above that provided by four inch dcnd air space in the back nod end walls and straw loft ttllillg also brought no increase in production About five pounds of fecal per bird per year was the inmiziiuzn food saving achieved tliiough healing pens It is 3mm mt slates the Division that lay ing liens will product well under tly wide range of temperatures nod conditions of humidity Whisntos lily ROS Innis Farmers Among Top Breeders Llins Sproule was top Innisfil miner Lil the Yorkshire sale held in tlic Burric district lust Sutur duy lIlS sow which thidcd her Clos sold for $205 and Marshall niupbolL 1le of lnnisfil Sold aprom113miml two oivs at it close figure The top figure ill the sale was an all iiiic high of $305 according to rc cords Welcome Home Putty Stroiid and the north llSllILl of for Township of Innisfil will hold iricir next welcome home party for the veterans on Friday even ing An Amateur Night planned may be replaced by some other on ltilitlllllltlll unless more entries llt rcccivcd However full evening of entertainment is proof i2cd for the lads and lossics many of whom were on the last list but lid not receive their gifts as they liotl not been available Every clcriin is asked to come and bring his friends Pound of Clothing Per Person The quote set for the National Clothing Drive would average 11 pound per person Surely every family can spare sufficient gar 11101115 to make their share with those who need Tie all clean clothing carefully and take to your post office Garments that can be made over are acceptable Dont want Get it ready and send it now The local Womens Institutes tire ready andwilling to assist Protest Meeting at Strand SllOUtl district residents held protest meeting on Friday night to express their dissatisfaction over the method taken to decide on the building of It Township office The meeting was strongly in favorof concerted action to haveithe iiietiiod of taking public opinion Vote changed to choice of twu locations if at all They also were very perturbed when neither of the members of the Council from llllll illeu tinned up at the meet ing 6This Was later explained by the fact that the Reeve had called meeting of the Council to discuss the matter as committee At this meeting it was agreed to re scindthe whole plan of the ques tionnaire The Stroud public meet ing had decided to appoint com mittees to arrange for an interview of the township residents also committee to see the Department of Municipal Affairs Council committee meeting is to be held on the matter soon Not in Favor of Tp Building Quite number of lakeshore rc sidents who have already received questionnaire regarding the build ing of Township office are not in favor of the project Suitable quarters can be rented for less than $100 year Why should they tie up funds and materials now forsome building which in afew years may be obselet is the general opinion of several of these ratepayers The taxes this year have taken general risepand the shore owners are very much per turbed about this One owner who is an inuential official in one of the associations who de sired thathis name be not quot edsaidThe time for formingian taxes we should know where the money is to go dont see put ting bigsum intoan office time of writing week in Toronto weekend with his parents the week with her parents spentica few days with his wife Tonto Tonto Baxters sick list Mrs Trombley number of women attend recently married Mf1ndMrerorduuRutfett Mr and Mrs Wm Adair Parker and Wm May Imnion Sunday improved area of theyybble shore has come If we have topaymore BELLE EWART Mrs Sarah Curtis is quite ill at Miss Elizabeth Keenan spent at Walter Mooreioronto spent the Mrs Robt Taylor Stroud spent FltLt Higgins of Ottawa Mr and 1de Harvey sounders are spending afew weeksjn To Mrs Gaibutt has returned rafter couple of weeks visitvin Toe Mr and MrsWaiter Stephenson spent the weekend atMr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Cole Roches Faint were Sunday visitors with her mother MrseCiutisrwhoiisfon the Mrs Innis and son John and Ron Iromhley Severn Bridge spent Wednesday and Thursday with the shower at the home of Mrs Hunter Churchill in honor of Pie and Mrs Baxter who were Mrs AdamsL Ruthie Wally and Donny Adamser and Mrs Gor don Brooks Patsy and Bonny To mato weraSunday visitors with daughter Pat spent the lockout Marthe formers mother Mrs LeahMoom Mr and Mrs Ed son Ralph vwithllir anew Best Mound Tram lay and totally With Mrs CENTRAL 0R0 MA Oll and il litriil illctolvil tilt VAIKIE Lit in Week lltlly Veinii ltllllllml to fourth lu spend wine lillu with his nuut Melville StuAnon is ltxtltllt slowly tiltr Ii intllt whnl Ulri oration Mr ind Mrs ltulit Iloiistr lnir Suufltlf spent the chhklitl with Mr and Mrl Vicar llle II llt lt Mr and Mix Royce Vtllxll Iiizil jun 11th Miss Jean Bliiligzin loroizto xvirtI to lltrh mm nl Sundiiy lllul iilli ilr mil ilhal Vcitch Sorry to ltlmll tho llzos FOR SALE buliiml to pilot mic tr vvllllillanl vvoz Fletcher is nt picsciit lllltltl the Fifi doctors cure and Wc tisli foi Lilli If speed Imovery liic WMS of ttnlrul ciiuirh imld their June tumult ill Mrs loliii Currics lust yul with pond ill tentiaiicc lrs McArthur govt it fine pzipci from the study book also 10 ti gummy ilwrc trucks writ pupuid in rliltrlilli lo ziilnl School convention truck is to liti if It ltlltltl lfitll iiLlitl ltilll ml Ktlnld llilit lo Lc Iozii iiiixiiy vw My siuiiiid in oils of ioihuly mile idol unit of itli vniilw tilIlgt ii 17 RN lriinlliiLit iri tlflltll nitign of 31704 in Wig rl ppiiiiriilv ruliic illtJnJitlliiLl of hurt liivcstiiuitioi iiiltictc tlt it in impokyililo in iiiiilc llti lltltih in tho toimd ll I=vd plnnt ylllzilil cziml iii iiin illl llidl titllll ittticivn piuyioiniin Congratulations to Mr iiid Mrs lIiiivcy Ltmuu on tlic arrival of ti daughter in Alliston Hospital Bliss lcimic Icukius uiivcd home from Alliston llospitzil iftcr Spelltllllt three months there titli liic iiiiiwrniiiu to lii mid to am idiialii unit of luvclvc trucki not piliil it lizt tltil lFlll lli mil Lc sold cx loitiiiwi iiliy rulii Wuhan3 lllllJIli Ilusc titicltx vill lm oEd in ii ix tlcit is ll in lllvis lH illitlizcii liilll Lt ittillllillltfl by tiil ltl tlziilllt or in tllult Ill llic oluc of It oi llic oils Mimic liliilll lix War Sitlh uiiioziilioir ll lILc oflci iticptcd ilzt pturn cc lilill foitvnid ccrlilicil lILlIlIt Hi hull tliol liii ilw lilllliltl pinii li titlivczy ltlll lillti Mr unil Mrs tiny Lemon loi ronlo Mi und Mrs ICIirI Lcniou Mr nudMni liliic Suiinidzilc Turners Visited lr unil Ill 15 ltulit Death of Itolil rosliic Dculh ciiiiic lzllllcl uiicxpcctctlly to 11 very highly rcspcilcd citiZtii of Alliston formcrly of Everett in the Imp9 ht lillll Wu tl toipointiiii EtMthr llic llilll ll iccciii Hi ltjtl tllllullbifillllltltnlftitlicuilyaye ziiv ollcix in ltllLlllll tlicqiics or llllilt limits ill iic With it lieiirt condition he was very Mi bright and cheerful vcn till the lost two or three days To the licrcuvcil family we cxtmid syiiipiitliy llic puitlm tl rlmil lzmi iiilivtiy of lllt tlllllt illl iiiiiti iii olycd lli liix olfci Willlll lllill ili toiiipliiioii of llv to him by lni chls illjiviliillilil it llllllttl iliod vlimc tilliis zic ltlftlttl Offers to purchase will be rccrivcd until FRIDAY JULY 19 1948 by llll Spcciiil Siilcs Division War Assets oiptirlltioiL No ECBTRTWE Otto limiin is on the sick lust We hope to see him well zigziin soon Mr and Mrs Clizipmziu spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Scott Bicntwood Mr and Mrs Thus lIill Illllllll ton spent couple of weeks with the lzittcrs parents Herb Griffcn and Kenneth of St Marys were visitors lll Wilfrch Biolleys on Saturday lcmporiiry Building Lyon Strcct Ultimo Uni NtllII llic icioil tllllw price to any consumer to whom tiic trucks may be sold by lllt original illltllilHl tlll lic ilmi pricc fixed by tiic Waiitimc llicts uid lindc liooiti lliis ictuil ccil lug plltc txclusivc of freight and scrviciiiz clioipcs liltli iic also fixcd by tho Vuiliiiic lriccs ind Tldtli llonld is Siflili for clizissis ziutl iili llSntilllllttl from the innitrial ollcrid fiir mic and fitted llll four iiics If the mntciiul offcrcd for snlc is utilized to producc vchiclu differing in specifications from llllll tlcsctihctl and for which it was produced tlic rclnil plltt might iltcr WAR ASSETS conroRAnor Sault Ste Marie Willi the formcrs sister Mrs Tlios Workman ind SPECIAL SALES DIVISION NO Mr and Mrs Ray Dawson Mix TEMPORARY BUILDING OTTAWA ONT and Mrs Dun Taylor Toronto with Mr and Mrs Bellamy NAIDNALDIDTHINC OllEchtiN JUN51 Millions in Wartorn lantls Need Clothing Blunkets Boots 729 maremm 5M mar um mm MILLIONS in Europe and Asia are wear ing the samejew garments day in day out the only clothing they have They give each other what help they can but you can give so much more For while longer the ordinary people those who caught the brunt of the war depend on you In hos pitalsih sick are lying on straw Every single garment each pair of shoes each blanket or sheet that you can spare means hope for them Go throughyuurcupboards now Give mimic oflclothing you dont really IIde momma collection JUNE l7 To 29 Sponsored by CANADIAN ALLIED RELIEF FORD TGN TRUCKS in v4 iii RG