Geri from Warren Witgar IilUitSIJAY Jl7lxl Eli lHl vclloiv loan and 121 aria Valley llic lllllllil Mrs Myrtfc lrlll LIVER BILE lllliill worn Lzrcy llltSHlllwitl Stieme says two il and ttll$llt of pints daily yet many icd ows bin on and llic uooinsznzin was long broliici oi illt It Ilcid aclcd as usiicr Io his bride thc Ltrooin gave get only 0715 WMAI gold wrist watch to tho mat Um mo helps digest you you ron of honor and tho lll maid sets of lapcl pins and to the food and provides your bodys natural laxalbc lack of bile causes headaches constipation indigestion loss of energy For glowing health tone up yoiiilivcr and get needed bile with proven Fruitallies Canadas largest selling liver labltls blade from fruits and herbs FRUITHIV 55215523 WONWNNIOONOW groomsnuin key cusc buffet lunch wus scivid ut the homo of tho bridcs parcuts ultcr the ceremony The bridcs itioditl wearing tWopicco grey and black crcpc dress and tho guoozns inolhcr wearing turquoisc print od silk crcpcidrcss roccivcd tlic guests Mrs William Cumming and Townshipof Innisfil ANNUAL PICNIC TOWNSHIP PARK Moindav July 11946 SOFTBALL TOURNAMENTOpen to All Entryfcol2i must be in hands of the Committee by 12 oclock noon Prizes lstSSO 2nd$20 Ind$10 No 3rd Prize unless 4391 more teams enter Softball Committee Blythe McConkey and Lockhart OTHER spears Horseshoe Committee Hunter Thos Rcive Prizes $5 $3 and $2 RACES ETC Committee Eldridge and Allan Todd Dancing in Pavilion in Evenin GOOD MUSIC COME AND BRING YOUR LUNCu BASKET DALTCN BANTING Reeve Will you accept contract To vouRchIio THRCUGgcOLLEGEiji your friend at Canada Life HEKNOWS you must have great hopes and plans for that yopngsters future Butvlie wonders if you know how easy it is to start putting those plans into operation right nowwith Canada Life contract Under the Canada Lifenplan which precisely lite your needs you can with small animal investp montlartangeto provide your son or daughter with university education whether you are present at that time or not Why not ask your friend at Canada Life to give you the complete Story caily summci flowcrs foruicd tlic gowncd similarly to the bride but their caizricd pink roses and bachelors Washer attendantSh was frock Brown brother of the bride and limmcs snowballs uid otlici scttuw of prctly vcdding in St loluis lniicd liurclu ilttliltilt whcu Vclniu Sturcy Iiisliop laughl tcr of Mr and Mrs 12 Bishop ilttliltilc bccainc tlic bride of John Wcslcv tlcrow son of Mini and Mrs Sluiilcy icrow lcvcX land om 112 an IIaglcof sit hu liodgius g1ll lllc ici Smith of Toronto vcisity of Toronto guests vcrc rcccivcd by the brides Till llAllRlE EXAMINER ll of of Mr itil llix nl Alli Iliiit rant il doting the lt ilC It li lull zitimic by ioidon Mcllwuin of Sar lxrothcr of tho zroom Mr Iloc and Mr Malcolm iizi louald ml After the licld at wedding rcccplim Anucslcv llall Uni Tiic wedding in notbcr who wore gown of mid ugh blur lace the grooms IIIUl tlcllJlAINIIEEIJNU waiting hridc ilzosc powdir bluc tllltsi urilwr suit wzth lilguk uccsoiics lll lcr icturn lc couplc will livci litltlli ONTARIO NADA PAGE FIV lllIjlIlhlrlil Luis ale 1Allultiflldddl aims ai ml to rcccivc ihc lzucsts in tlic Vtdtllilll trip to llll InitZ Halcs Et Niagara bulls tlic llsllinlll iiicsts utciuliin fromadistancc1 Air and Mrs Smith andl lazily Niagara Falls Mr and illi so istausr numb mini iZXPlrtlU LN ANAIM kulc of white 19 ll Wm taflctz IJlii cc ikilii lltllt imilttc xlaici iztzsil lfliltllr hm foil rldllltltnl doublc rll It mdatc my izloozii Iltiltlltll hi It skii nix lmasl llillouii lbw ircri or iu 31 QHWHSIV My is in HM ml fin lilvllrrl iv ii Ml MAIN MW in but ts llLulIlI gtr ttllittl itn schl ldflll itll ciii allow and wuit up pm and rln carricd cantich inc oi tn lltlc ilissl lll illll liblids wus lcd luv MN 11 Ni tsuid rlJ Hilul illlll HI thi ltllli i3 llliillllk tl VIUUIT in 12 1Hili in rs Till siic litu Hi hwnwmr gtc Trio 11 llAl cf lint ii ti Ifl1 pinion gtllt vain ii Mr mm WNW 7N ii unwind in iciit oi llitl=lilll memoir um son loud luv in ly in tlu lllHle ivcddiiii gown with i1 it null tl gllt llllttll iouplc arc iisidiu lit Stimuli 151 hull Ldlllthtll litillllt cuht llil lilillllils and wore Itlllix i= llt=cisiii wan Hum 13145 Jud ned it Mid litoping ill KRLN1MIN gt PH1 iiCeiiat HI putcl some pm WWW Ling lllmlicll cnoupl lilv 3m My 13 lap 31 MI if Ii It 1431 lllt lilltlt j1$5 phxnh TUHHM id Wylic lc Itlil Willi lililci Aint pm mg mp Mmmi 11 crud ll MAW ll Ilx was lllJitluil honor and the vllfsl ital midi 4212 dress Silo lm Alum will and to toe ui lgtlllil Jud 1410 1mm Kwiun loin it impayil spilllg litmus Ml Mm Dun lllll itll til inc liiuiv iiui Dorothy lc 13 AWN Ill if li lwiii iiiv it mm THUMIEK im liiititk liltilllil iiill Wm ill lllllm WM all Minn mi MW Nth lvillitt bliic cicpc dross and ill mm Hm Ijh lllndml Hl Wt mm UH lwlvi 11an TR irtmnl i1 My ML loiiltosiz of ocs rcvtivcd llzt Tm flitfgcu hm hum iii lint Thin Will Im ludlllli mi will hymn toliiiihwuml 1r NW ilir WW lunch lip ll 12M m5 new in taught bluc Inc gowns warp tic litlliliili is licld at tho If lillIlil liou Midland Illlllt lillll IM Humllld HM Mlilllilv ll lltViliiiitiiiiils Limwl hug bl twat TN Iihioicd with tickling il llltifizllll lrtn ulutc up 1Eill Hll hfl diamond front full liilllltlttl skin bll ud prim floutrs lrs IlsikE 11m MN iid Mt11Jocl Aggpdtl l1llll lwt Jlitilrlii Nil Illl it and cap slccc llitir houddrc oic nosciza ccu tltllli 1M up pm pxtgdllv IlimllhV ind PM illill All and ulovcs wcrc in Illiilllilllt il 1iflc tllll7ll lrs Muicll yum klizfnilllvin In Ihnjillllllll zlrriiiugncgiiiltiiilpvlyvilitlc VIhc lnnicsmaids carried unin ioli slimr with iiiutcliintlj Mrs ll Ilcid wtcr til Yic llUllllleklt ll llsdile in ltylrlllllltlil romldih or Ilmvlfillvvt 1mm mm in mm mm HIHILL pmk it icd ioscs Mi Harold White of Iiiis bllr lralt in mauvc from Iwisiiiilc irlt crisiil lxapuskusini and ll ric was civic and lis liakcr tinl drcssinukcr suit with uncut HQIKHVHIHSHOI t1ioiiisiiiiu and tho ushcrr were brilvH uruiulmotiict in llllltilllil Give US COOKED MIIAIS EGGS MILK and CREAM for bread Icatimc Pastry Flour lb bug 29c Kelloggs Corn Flakcs Robin Hood Flour rv lb bag 25c ppth flier inl it down of lavendcr trope Mr Jack iioiiiui and family ml packagcs 25c liven in marriage by bcr father flfliiltliipilllflsltnlllgli Jmd tllmm lllf Mr and Mrs Maincr Clarks MughIOQIn the brute was charmineg LOWllttl fl 10 lm CdllllliVl lillllllllll Ml llltl HWlHIH so In 100 in louirslccvcd floorlength wbilc iHid bind mtlfwu mm mined Millllv Ml MW Millllv mm with kumwt nwkliwitic nulch guest book After out gnu Mm Mum and mm Gold Medal Floor Wax tight liodlcc shirrcd long torso itllioii llllll trcpaistt thle it 1m My um Mpg jnmwrd can IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 250 was cu am pass waistline and full skirt Iltt we vivm ho Mme no ll lllllhllll All Millrdllw 241 Weed Killop tumortip roll was caught in lltlityi MIR lWSlllll llltklV halo of lilv of tlic valley and she bmlosmmis by lh 51 nd and lrcd Maill Ilurric 402 bmue 31 uslicis Tho Ilcv Long acted ld Iotatocs Al Quality by cuiricd casciulc liouquct or Ain cricun llcautyxroscs and lily of the vallcy lhc bridcsmaids were dresses had short sleeves Miss Margaret Ann lcrow lcvcl land were pink not over taffeta and buttons Miss Ililccn Rowlotham Maple Valley wore blue not over water taffeta and carried yellow roses and lily of the valley Sylvia Bishop sister of the bride actintt as flower girl wore long pink crcpcdechinc dress with short sleeves and carried noscgay of red roses and iilrofthevalley lhc groomsmau was Stanley Gcrowof lioemorc and the ushers were Ralph Shepherd and Don Orr Mrs ll Skinklc played the orl gun and Miss Dorothy Duff sang lccausc To the bride the groom gave fpcarl nccklacc to the ushers and grooinsman sets of tie pins Iliel bride gave the hribcsmaids gold crosses and gold vanity cases and lit the groom silver cigarette case After the ceremony reception was held in the United Church League room where the brides mother in yellow and orange jersey and brown accessories and the grooms mother in navy blue crepe with white accessories received the guests wore turquoise blue dress light fawn coat and blue accessories They will reside in Cleveland GucstsdromOhio Ottawa Mac licrand Barrie attended the cer emony BEELBYBROWN Boon Avenue Baptist Church Toronto on Saturday June was decorated with palms ferns and standards of snapdragons and snowballs for the wedding of Florence Betty Beatrice Brown only daughter of Mr and Mrs JosephBrown Joronto and John iHcrbcrt Beelby son of Mr Beelby Stroud and the late Mrs Beelby The double ring ceremony was performed by Rey William Miller assistcLLby Rev Keith Daniel of Edmonton Alberta Mr Herbertiliven officiated attire or edthersolosuwlhe Lords Prayer and fO Perfect Love Given in marriage by her fath er the bride wore gown of white satin with lace yoke long sleeves tapering to points over the hands and full circular skirt extending into slight train Her fulllength veil was caught to finely pleat ed satin crown and shecarried red roses and lilyofthevalley She wore double strand of pearls the grooms wedding gift Mrs Brown sisterinlaw ofthe bride edin powder blue sheerand wore pink lace mittens Her shoulder lcngth veilwas attached to cor Onet of real flowers which match ed tbe pink carnations and sweet peas other bouquet Mr Parker PeacockofStroud was groomsman the ushers were Messrs McGrath of Bowmanville At the reception held in the Sunday School Halli the guests were received by the brides mother attired in blue crepe with navy blue ace ies assisted by Mrs Co an Barrie sistero the groom in rose w1 acces sories For their motor trip to northern Ontariothe bride Wore gray coat withsquirrelfdrs and these pf printed silk jerseyl and brown ac cessories scorsage of Talisman roses 0ntheir retuinthey will ibeside abCloverdale Farm Stroud ihc Rm formerly mem ber of the teaching staff of Bala hygiene School MtnDVennisfoht out the reception The guests were greatly picturcs which were taken in the newly redecorated lounge room at Anncsley llall For wedding trip to North Bayj and Northern Ontario the bride weekly or Monthly gan andMrDavid Peters renderl is master of ceremonies through intcrcstcd in the wedding For travelling the bride wore turquoise blue stilt with match ing but and navy blue accessories with her gift from the groom breach and earrings of gold and pearls After wedding trip to Ottawa and Algonquin Park Mr and Mrs McIlwuin will live iii Toronto Outoftown guests vcrc pres Ont fromJOttawa Orilliu Salt Laird City Flint MiCllf Gall Owen Sound St Albans Vt Kapuskas ing Parry Sound Sarnia Barriei Gravcnhursl Godcrich Pas Manitoba Please send CASH with Classi fied Adlets for the Examiner Sec Classified page for details charges including the extra costli where adlets are booked BCOKKEEPING and ACCOUNTING SERVICES for retail and wholesale businesses Income tax forms completed Audits INQUIRIES INVITED Oaks 189 Bradford St Barrie Ontario Enquire About unnuuuu huunnnnqpu Advance w13lt1eczsesl ot American Records at BarrieRadio Appliance IllIIllIlIlI 101 oundopst Barrie AUTHORIZED DEALER +a Shaded of Her Blolchl ailinva Heres an Honest Otter Satisfaction or Money Back It YOUR akin has broken out with ugly surface pimples rashes Aeaused by local irritations or if you surterw 17er an externally caused itching burning skin serene go to your druggtst and get small bottle of Moones Emerald 011 and use as directed Soon Youll nd It start right in aid nature clear up the troublep omotlng taster heat ing Use for ten days and if then you are dissatisfiedJ Money Back Stelnleugreaseleasall drugslsts and Lt cup stricken when they see the abund ance offood served and often such quantities left over thn meet ofling is of an indeterminate food remaining as committees in their anxiety to be sure to have enouin ask for more than is rc quircd wiclics are waste bread and we could very well do without them at the present If cake or cookies are supplied in too great quantity they still can be used as they will keep An organiz ation to which belong has pic supper meeting each June lhel member in chargeof the supperi has told me her plans and they are so good would like to tell you sliced tongue which is meat that cannot will be potato salad and green salad of lettuce and other veget ables available one of which will be home canned green beans One lmade of cells that are elastic and really justlike small balloons As them until they burst1 If they are am often struck with the way Wu By esslc Allen BROWN Lcsscn Refreshments We all enjoy the sociability of of tea aftci Tiuccting but iiany women feel conscience ti almost impossible not to This wastage might be csscned if sandwiches were clim nated completely Leftover sand lbcy take pic lout them She plans to have Then there be shipped small roll will accompany this The dessert will be crushed straw berries served on meringucs lhis meal requires flour for only the roll the only butter used will bex to butter that roll the dessert rcl quires neither butter nor flour and the meat is one which could not be shipped If women really try they can havmygot meals and still save foods whichcan be shipped to hungry people EggWhites When we beat eggwhites we An is enthusiasm cggvihite we beat them we fill them with air and they stretch in size If we beatstbem too long we will stretch to bexheated the heat expands the eellsand ifthey are too full of air they will break When recipe says to beat until stiff but not dry that is exactly what should be done be cause then therc is still room for expansion by heat and the result ing mixture will be lighterthan if beaten until dry Great Waste the same idea seems to turn up several times about the same time Iwas listening to radio program which gaye household hints and one of themrecommended as good household management to prepare the vegetables immediately after breakfastand to allow them to stand in water until time to useI them This advice horrified me be cause many of the minerals and somecf the vitamins are soluble in water and if the vegetables are ut in water for hours these would dissolved and the loss of nut rients would be great day or two afterwards one of my neighbors happened to say she always pre pared her vegetables in theImorm ing because she could go out in the aftemoon and still get dinner ready quickly when she returned told her about the loss Of min erals and vitarninsrand she was ap the Tomato and abpagc Plants bag or any quantity also variety of Flowers sup pliCS gctting short Price Grocery The old West End Fruit and Vegetable Market OPEN EVERY EVENING 43mm beat them too muchln our Elizabeth St West Phone 3513 Your Bednsrfzre good too lady but butwhy spend haurs preparingan cogkipg beans at home when LibbySDCPBrQWiitl Beans take less than 10 minutes rdpreparc And Libbys beans simplymelt in your menthJouscg thyjrcdoked byra patented process EXTRA GOOD BREAD Theres no test action with Fresh Yeastl And lilcisrhnianns fresh Yeast goes right to work linguist its Nicely fresh It gives full delicious bread lliHJlir icndcr smooth texture irrrct fitshuns 1r vou BAKE AT HOME always ask for llcischmanns Iffie rtxii Yum with the faiiiiliarjycllow lahclr HlitilbllIlnflIIICSC111IF itc tor mcr 70 years BE READY FOR THAT NEW CAR Auto Driving Instruction DRIVINEWSECHOOL CAR SUPPLIED Wmmg MADE IN CANADA lr nu Bradford st out 3228 GOBLIN BRITISH PRODUCT VACUUM CLEANER Wih 56750 Attachments MARVELLOUS CLEANER Come in and see this model which has many new features 36 yiield St URRYS Phone 3874 Ba which only Libbys can use It brownsfevery bean right through to thel centre urnsthem outlmealy andtender lika wellbakedpotatodcep and warm in Colour rich in appeteasingaroma and fullbodied satisfying avour Try them and youll never bother gprepafiiig beans at home againf You cdnt lose because if you and your family dont agree that Libbys BeepBrowned Beans are the Host youve ever tasted Libbys will pay DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK 2DBB46 DERJROWNED mus