Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1946, p. 19

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THURSDAY JUNE 20 1046 Last Colored Farmer of Dres Negro Settlement Simeoe bet illcte tltil ICI Iii Toronto Globe vaults County Court House frzsi will ever to we prcbntcfi rlil the county It is tile Will of for egm slave who had no other at first than Georgc For Leslie Illt tlriof ilio al nun leval llc was forced me and so he call1 li rkinail pill a55gilllk ed liiiscif Gelirge lod if the tattered old piece oiirailzvay yellowing paper is lrle of the prireto ililn little tilll pllrtrhlillln of the county and isibeezr gtie only brought out on special Uttd souls It an interesting vill itia Carins touch of pathos but onl lii1 at the danger and tillililrltiorrsloi tilall iiiat would lam lftlll lliS illnl le irarst have outlived The will iir par states In the Iliillll of iod Arireri Ilriikilrai la man of loIoli of theitairadnrrnd Elirllll iri Iowrislrip of tho in the County of District Vince of Canada yeoirrarl Ill iron IILI Iilv lriirly Iill rsple li llle lili lilSi titl lllll to licape ilrli ItIIiIII any lit fall it he had llitll ttlll Never lpeiiwi llillt to tlil Wt asidei laiiliiy tieorge Itllflt irstil uni rifltliiilliit that hill llltl ifiri Ntiiril rialcx il lllt iliriliin IItlt Ill do ltil Uio by the flow rrlzrieill Slllltttt Iiiinl arid and derliise unto Rebelea rily lie he settled down to llttlillA one oil loved wife jointly with rirytwlljtlle more Illiilhlllilll trialis of 1times of the year Negro foliil orild lie rum in ioiiziilirllityt iilotiiii everAmon Northern Wlilir Magnolia Cr PoplarTrees Earliest Known rorrlz after Wttililllllllllll lluaril Stall1 to lllt itiiis oili war heard by tillslaves was the many only from slave States lllill is the month of beautiful ilIthIS in our fields arid gardens in shady woods in swamps and oil luplarld sioplsfand it is hard to irir riizirre time illll they were not one looks at tile iloyal illitiirio Mus eurlr ill llltll the Various kinds of lillants that developed throughout the ages are portrayed one realizes ithat it was only with the approach ilif the ltttlll era that plants and tilrs with the ldOWtlllllf lrztliit 2tt ltualiy came into existence Suih fossil tloras date back about fifty million years these plants appear constantly itool add vanilla and fold in the istiftiy lies would fee that escape tlriy killv tune to start reached and although tariadrl llillll llrorripsoii icendliiit still Works his gtrrrall falrrii expects He has Milliled from llltli illlllibt during the past two years intends to give eep arid killiriii pigs to lake lire it years out till ltillt IISA lmM m3 irlillrzrls in the lJtll stop work iiex yl ar ant shearing rest in striving to make Illlii nearly umum IM thickened stirring whites Iour lilrto large or individual moulds alil chili liiitil firm beaten The Examiner by Tuesday noon MI mum war or rULL SUPPLY met in you summ Nun AYLMHnLlIIYS salami rim running tea slimmesauuiln altars in 19 romanticiwa rliinllrli arises Jessie Allen BROWN Sifzil 53 EREIIL There is something like bit lion to one chance of gettingr four hands in Bridge each consistingI of one still but that is what hap pened recently There was no flrrlrly work because here is what happened The cards were dealt and one of the women said she only haddwelvc cards so the cards were gathered up shuffled dealer could hardly believe her eyes when she found she had thir teen clubs She quickly bid grand and the second hand bid grand slam in hearts the third followed Vithirgrand slam in spades poor fourth with thirteen llam onds in her hand and not even able to bid Naturally there was considerable excitement played Bridge with some of the players the next week and they were still thrilled and excited have played cards all my life and have yet to see even one perfect hand but four all at once is al most unbelievable Save Slice There is not one of us who does not want to help feed the starving people of the world by our own personal contributions One of the best and simplest ways is to use Instead of that extra slice let us try to fill up with something else slice of bread tatseem muc contribution and in itself it rcall isnt but if each person savesa amount to One SIiCe of bread saved by each person ill Canada is enough to increase the ration of 900000 people 1000 calories day It even each household saved slice day it would amount to $7000 loaves that is 634 barrels of flour or 2800 bushels of wheat So you see that single slice of bread you can save really does amount to something Atippegehtk our family consists of just two and must confess considerable bread was wasted because it got stalcbefore we could finish the Now watch it like cat The bread goes on the table at the last moment and immediately we arethrough the meal Irtke it off the table and wrap c105er ln This carefulness pays becausernow it stays fresh enough and we use it to the last slice We always have put the bread board onthe table and cut the breadias requircd If you alejrroi in the habit of makingMelba Toast try it sometime and see if your family does not enjbyit 1hdsfthe added advantageoflbein out butter Use Boiling Water These are times when we like to get the most for our money Orle way of doing this is to conserve the vitamins inburfoods Doyou always put your vegetables boiling water to cook startgthem in cold Water or even in warm you are wasting your vitamins as thereis greater cook ing loss than if they were popped in to boiling Water Use as little water as possible not need to be drowned as they will cook by theAstcam from small quantity of water just as well It is good trick both 1m flavor and foodsaving to use the Vegetablcwaterto make the gravy Chooolate Cream envelope tablespoons gel atine cups milk squares melted 13 cup sugar fewgra as salt egg yolks teaspoon vanilla eggwhiteil Softem gelotine ina little of the milk Heat the milk sugar salt and melted chocoldte Add soft eriad gelatine and stir until dis solved Beat the egg yolks and add the hot milk slole Cook over very low heatwpr In the double the mixture is slight James Tho son lone descendant of settlement in the r0 for fugitives from slavery in the United States Now 70 years old he still works his small farm but intends retiringnext year Township of Saint John the Govern ment set aside that section of land known as the Township of 010 commencing at Shanty Bay north ward for three concessions Built Own Church Settlement in the district began her of slaves who escaped to Can about 1830 shortly after LtCol OBrien was appointed as the Government home at the present site of Shanty shantics erected by the Negroes Tire town ship was named Oro after an Af community Hc must have homeland In 1820 settlement hoped that his family would follow him but they never appeared and his farm ultimately went to the white man who had shown him kindness George was only one ofa num and redcalt The slam in clubs in the district According to Drury sheriff of the County of Simcoe approx imately 150 Negro families lived iii the district However the farm life did not suit them and gradu ally over the years they drifted to the cities and the towns there is only end descendant left in the district He is James Thomp son age 707 In the early part of the 19th cen tury when thousands of Negroes were attempting to flee their bond age the settlers in Simcoc County prevailed on the Government of Upper Canada to set aside tract of land for these fugitives Most of the settlers in the district were from England and Scotland and were wellsacquainted with Wilberforce zlda and settled agent making There was the Bay named after In fact BEAUTY SOAP PALMOLIVE WHEN AVAILAILE SUPER SUBS HAWES LEMON OIL DB BRAND CLEANING PASTE II14 KURLY KATE POT cLEAilEii will WHEN liming 0XYDOL WHEN AVAILABLE INSECT SPRAY FLYTOXIN wr SHOE POLISH nLAcx ucur TAN lwlx 1AM FURNITURE 23 GIANT the Gold CAKES rican Coast For time the community pros pered Mr Drury claims but with the second and third generations the descendants were attracted to other fields where they obtained work more to their liking How everduring the lime whenthe community was most pitosperous the Negroes constructed their own church which still stands but in very dilapidated condition Mr Drury who lives on farm near the community recalled hear ing stories about the slaves es that was taking place in their caping from like States At certain 23c 24c 25 Today LARGE rzoz tom less bread LARGE 22 antislave agitation 662 0121 HI FLUID OZJOIjL slice then that does considerable Tl 15 OCEDAR CREA MASTER BRAND DOG FOODS SNAPISOltEhlTllllElllull RENNIES LAWN SEED 24D WEED KILLER INVAICO on will AND no mt VIGORO lite WHY Mair Y00 mil JOB MOM OOUILI IOTIt ACYION 25 PKCS 43 101 loaf in log DOMESTIC or EASIFIRST SHORTENING Winn Annual na 19 Homes mam VCUSTAID POWDERS 19 LIBBYS Plkll MUSTARD ion oz in wax paper HEN dbgredlrd idioms leWihout incOma someone must find the means of paying for food c101hinqdnd shelter Often this respon shoulders quitefurifittedito Corry it sibility falls orl palatable witll Bel Cuts $01 65 Life Insurance is sureansw9r 10th problin Of providing continuance of income It enables bread winner to provide out of his current comings for guaranteed monihlylncomo to replace those earn Ings in case of needdf he lives long the some Life Insurance will provide an income forhis retiring yearsi If you ARRIVING FRESH DAILY onraam GROWN There is no substitute for Insurdnce for the marl whovwants socially for his loved ones and for himself Vegetables do CALIFORNIA VALENCIA Emmi 1887 wanli mm commoner Once the Above sizes in Each Store LARGE comm turn scientically immanent Modern 11 Plant ii iFTHEi MANUFACTURERSLi TNsummonConlmm woman innancn omen 70A ll mama chocolate suncmn quau lemmas cmronm PE mi Willi PSTREET cine nrlANcn MANAGER vwvinllnmnr DONOR mow annivmc runner on sunnyourmlo onown HEAD 001 008E TOMATOES RAM II HOT HOUSECU DUNLO GREEN boilen until lCooting Seeds to Simplify Handling increase Germination What is left of the old frame church near Edgar where tllr colored folk of Liro Worn shipped for many years Acmw7iA Epiimlid izlii about the lilllt that thr drip tviil ieil wallowing in the Illllll ll lili oi Alberta or iilliliiiiii Sitti mull or iii oattiell for supremacy oil the Illirli open lltltllt of our sl em iltllll lllliillii llit lilllilst illiimll itiinS ot the present liver tllllliilltiiti liltinll lrulwii areas lelirallllv lUllllll itililiiliiiilii the lillltlliilltl arid poplar Iltivlwlwh4w+tliiiii by llllllii or ittlt iiilllll int the prehistoric landsl iti ltl calm otlilr toriris like to 4h and berth the maple old and lral nut ioiii with tilese tlels tat lies of gtliilllus and small flowers Fililllill in many respects to pit erri day toriirs Mn llire job llillliiilf at the liarrle lllerliiiier Please order your iv lprireriieiits as far ahead as possible Though the IIxttliiilltl is dated lirriida it goes to press Wellnes day afternoon Lots Chat items should reach re 31 I5 gf39c Bnnri Ail Loblcrw Markets are in dposilion to supply your Beef Requirements this week from olchoice grlollillca row NONEATIONED Cnorcnonann Csrnawnnnnms wile Pick of the Finest Areas Patches from the Niagara Burlington Oakville Jolcn Ottomans Slszplldglu 31333 DOZ noz Onto the Above also 1111ch Store AUFORNIA EXTRA 311mm LARGE JUMBO 27s JUMBO EACH an 14c m0 trilltern 19w ONION SPINA ll CAULIILOWERS GARAGE BEETS tillitl in tile llii trim lillIrlllilLtil aliiaiirl yiontli lavi ier Illi pian unlit lilliii ii liiiit itlilillllfl iiiiirezitmi wills out ii liirll tlllllilt tli liialv surmilal print if llIIil iliiilrl lilollillt iriiilli oi iItt iii out plriruiis rreairllerr or lrl face by lliltnaliorl or other olln has lliliillgtl hid iilarii larl illumillilitiw in mind the llepartiiivil of lar non ha under lirlistiliutioir of lll l1llift seal cost collection II black and spruce and luck plirr weds illiii lllth lliil iirmv arid Forest iSoroptirpist President In Miss Lillian Kearns Spies in Strategic Centres Across Co noda illll sgi ilill lacltli 1i =l1lwilizl IIlili arid il lire Maritime Illllitl ltllllllltlli fiilllil iiii longing trillIlltiiihr picking of wines supply tilliorrt iilay with ierrtil ii ltgti lllt rlllliss ol lilllatiiliSi coated seeding by hand or aircraft seed come Ann LOBLAWS BREAD like 156 SALEM can own rmorr GWHSHINGTONS CHEMELO 32 54c QUAKE CORN wits QUAKE pig 17c gun LYONS own man can we 39c r2 nniLsorlrs Jmsnr COCOAJ777iri 19c AYLMER BEEP NOODLE SOUP Will 17c HOMMISK MUSTARD DALTONS LUID OLLYCOOO 02w lliin tilllli Ililtti Ittitlll spy llrtlinlllt ideal only illl Lil tililllt dii cried from the ltlid Illlililgt Hlll ii phi tic 44c xciii 15C election of PAGE RENEW mi jlzli Eilr lil niru ii illitl liivll liltili 1Vli The tilEl ilill lriiila iillils Send Ilottt 4l ll questions iriililr gtril llll1liti riddles livirlril of rill tlll iii the lllllliiil iitvi ll etc lioirld Ilillllllit soon ilu illil lrli Ill Ililljlli til

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