Ivl l1 32 ll it vlv Ileres the better salcr way to get ready cash lor your pm cludc Life Insurance to cover the unpaid loan balance In like of dcillh your family is thus ItIlLLl of all obligation for your loan The cmnplcte balance is automatically paid oil by the insurance company is the only loan company to provide this valuable protec tion Antlthcrc isNO liX IIIA Sl lor this outstanding feature Campbell liinance allow re ay ment terms up to 20 and 2I months loans S300nnd up 20 months are llOWLtllll systematic debt Lt special 100 5132 1170 zoo 19263 3540 300 15305 5311 Evenbodys talking about this rslinclive type ol wall and ceiling decoration which goes tighl over our old walls Anybody can apply and texture with no tinting required as It comes in teddymixed tints of Ivory Bull Blue Green Pink and White Simply add water mix to heavy paste and brush it on SEE DEMONSTRATION IIIIRSIHY FRIDAY 210 ill and NE OATES 82 Ilunlnp St IMIiRlIi Phone 3270 tection Campbell loans in CampbellIiinanccCorporation gt For your greater convenience 111mm IS or oans antri rup This means that you can repay yourvloan in nominal monthly amounts 043 soundly planned basis With the high level of taxes and increased costofliving longer Campbell terms are milst helgtful in InLtion from our many repnymedt plans qualied Campbell ex pert catrltclp you to choose Just theright one to your VMIOIITIILYIJ REPAYMEITIHERE Moilib nlhsl Months Months infill25 35aT umgiicr 44 VA 1862 lARRlT EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA it Kl gt NEW TEXTURE PAINT TEXTURED WALL AND CEILING DECORATION IN COLOUR YPTEX uitl SIIIIAY 70 imbme ms Campbell loan costs are now at tile lowest level in our his tory Only few examplcsnre given here of how practical it is to borrow at ampbcll linance For details on any amount from $20 to 31000 phone orvisit our nearest ollicc Remember Life Insur ance protection is included in all quotations It costs you nothing extra Private interview rooms are always available to allow the greatest freedom for discussion Campbell Finance signature only up to $100 are fast andsimple to get Also IOJIIS ll VJllUllS common ty ES of security require no en or sers From our four kinds of loans youTnn casin select arithauvill till every require them Of all the people in lanada who borrow from Iicensad lenders out of every uses Campbell Finance specialists in personal loans for over 18 years 15 20 501 Toto mum Abvg are only few exam Ies of the many amounts rodloose msPayments shown wt repay loanscompletely tncludtn le Insurance Any loan costs less if atdfaster than planne All gures reect Campbells rate re ucupns Rates on loan 85000 less constdernblybelow legal maximum 44 attics tn 4t CANADIAN am rosr OFFICE SQUARE THEKING BLOCK int tmu rm rw Lifit 12 lit vixtt low illtil lll Mi Illll luv it It uu Ii guiun irilniill pvm the inluaj twinm Ill vll lllll l1 llr ilkUH ltvt ll litwtlvj td rind Iinl Hindi may i3 In ult un Illt llllllvs ilieil dauettxr lIltll llitlnll lt lest lllt flit I5 Illlliit tlt Il Iiilillti Itlnl Ilnrn Iln ll lnd llgt lv lt and family Urn jlnnulr Ilnrrte unl hzts Iillllllllllll Woodstock spirit the lth llll irl and lr Addison loans and Miss Neilly the judge Mrs WM Frank Kell HOnorary Plesltllj widcr choice for orrowcrs Lwitb our different tylof loans Married couples can horrowmoucyquicklywithout entlorscrs Loans on your very interesting mentpryjcginiizes which wasuwon by Mrs Matthews room 2325 cgatcnuasr Ilsliv litany IltllJ Illiil trl snbltj litlt llils tnpitnl rrfii ill Ittgttot Itlhllll tvzit ll mtrxtlnt uli Al tl lt would Blt ttd lt Iletlt Hubs KM ntl lilw III ll tlll gullv 13m uttllll Il llllllrlhlll ll Il Ilsllldtll lllllll 11 iltflll util ttl Kits lln3 Im wt untltw to lll lllitll IIIJIJ Illn ml tlt Il1tllrd tl It letlllt lllt vlv uni ll llt lilul unt utlni liutrlt vent llt LCItil Hll vll tnd li llJll Vitlualz Ialay Lil It IAIHHI llxtl Il zntcd II llll llli hlmtfultl Ilull lull Soilzltl Iltvspllil wkeud IIilrl Iit Ir nuil hit 551 and lr lllll ailingl itlllllll and Mr illill BIN liilrldlllll KlniJ spent tin Ivll itnluluy with kllxl ranz loiunto lr and Mr Iliiltltutz llllll Ilwent IllUl lll lr and Mrs litl llell wre II and Mrs Ilurrty Ilell lrillia llr and Mtgtl Irish Midland and Mr and MINE llaumc Hell and family lllllllllti Hearty Welcome to Serviceman The community gathered May 31 at lllxlillllllt hall where happy 1Illlllf was spent to Welcome our rturntd boys number oi thel boys were Unable to be present but they were all remembered with small gift 215 also were the boys who served in ii uula durng the war The overseas boys wcrtv Alf Wetks Geo Kirton lnck Watson Gerrard mu Gerald Sliuutrhnessy Ray strnm er Hol lis Iieudntan llm Iordun harles and Stanley runs and Maurice Bell Ihere was minute silence to honor George MtNlltt who fell in Italy Bible was presented to his mother Mrs IcNutt to honor his memory The addresses were very fitting Rev Mr Henderson and Rev Mr Stubbs both spoke very fcelingly GILFORD lmf aul Russell spent the weekend at Frank Steeles Mrs Robinson lollingwuod Visit Grettvex Burns llerrk Wallie gill friends iLglilfmd on liucsdny In 53 Miss Iane Bailey Ottawa spent the weekend with the Ilotltwell family Miss Martha Babony loronto spent the weekend with Inrrie and Isabelle Neilly at their home Party in Honor of Mr and Mrs Lou Neilly very successful party was tend ered Mr and Mrs Louis Neilly on Wednesday last large number of kind friends and neighbors gath ered to wish the yountcr couple happiness and presented them with beautiful ttixlight floor lamp Dancing was enjoyed and lunch served It was very pleasant cmng Enter for Home Improvement Gilford Womens Institute met at Mrs Itmans for its opening meetingglt was decided to join the Home Improvement Contest spott soretl by the Farmers magazine Mrs Frank Kelly to be secretary was presented with Dominion Board pin Mrs Cronun con of Agriculture and Canadian Ind riestookcharge of tilesIQ ting and introduced Mrs Kir who grave splendid and formative talk on potatoes AISIx showed the type to use for see proper cutting and treatment also best meth ods to follow ter planking closing her talk wi ing Mr orritt gave an instructive papc on Fire Prevention giving in warningxagainst careless ess Mrs Cronttn conducted IZhere were327 members and Visitors present Mr and Mrs RegvDrysdale and children Ioronto spent the week end at Moriaritysi Florence Sturgeon Brampton at her home Hambly Mimico at home Ihe members of Ebenezer United beautiful table lamp Mr and Mrs Robt Paisley who zlrhlaler MnikJnl xlrtll flit sttntfni 211 thvlix and 1st tllll IAllu Allll tzttztltlll lltll Itllldl Alll Ii lllllli ll1llll2 of Vnpru gt in mm hutch during the lntu lluut lltwin lsl l1 llllllwv lkli audition Wire linltttainrd for Overseas Bride intiJw litlklld in in Nttlnvlun lllr Imimi ltlltr til ellon ttt Illl Stu md lt Illlll tv gt in Immh luhn Iiumhnll lulollltr wztlz lr Illus Frnwlty It nul It him Jibtumult Ilttlllll ll tttvul utl will Um Retid and use tuxumtner Clasaltlids tl lllllllll bouquet ltHllt nldt llsllctl uul will pitlaill0llit7 mile at inthim gldnrncd My up 1Dluxhtll House has more Ll llll VlllIJLI lullllttl tea ltlltlldelici0us avor unoral itlillttl Vlllllvt4 vtl llJV IllSIr lieMidi IMtrJI 21It llnlllt Hzotnl lilllllil Illltll tlanlt ict ll lll rtvm tiltlt llIf lhm HHH lltt lth lnd tilzl Liv xnl Linnllzni llt WltLtttl lienivy In dltucttun were on display liltby blur HIll Int zit ilk 1II In llull llllll lit llgt Iui llgt lnl lllltli tnd ludtlii Irtlt and null tlll nl Ni mum laturnu Iluntllul ll Vlltinl Sitw Itnl li llll lit uui in lllml lelgti illllll or 1mm in mm Iln lfxunlitur Itltllitd lullIllAllltlullll fulltts IIllIln Cuts grease eiciently film to catch dust before use your srnk or utensil again new product of Swifts youre ready to soap tool Research Laboratories suggestions for cook germs along wi the scum grit and dirt Yourspotless equi mnt looks claimfeels clean it clean Sw Cleanser is clean white in coldrletiveshqsfliment church held so evening and presentation for recent bride daughter of Mr and Mrs Hamblycn Saturday The bride was presented with Ivor Rogers CENTRAL ORO er and Mrs McCuaig vis ited Mr and Mrs Roy Cough CrownrHill Sunday The play Motherinlaw Blues put on lost week by Jarratt Young People 1n thetown hall was very well performed and was enjoyed by all Various dances and songs by some ofthestudentsof SS No with Mrs Smith Campbell at the piano were given between acts and very much enjoyed Mn and Mrs lhos Sturgenor slorotttotlpent the weekend with 9313M Mtg Ingir lluiztlt few min to 1mm startn Look Ill oti 5w ticulars Hf lite l1vtt and pmtanl Mr ltlll ll liltllul Bcrtllce and lion2d stt With Mr and Mrs Am Sluuffvlllr tram ST LOUIS EikiVV Eur smother Vlts IILm Mtllulllllil llti lnlgte li= lllllt Illiitlfnld lllt trill Vtl tn llltllllllnll ullr owl ll thh her parents ltilll Iair Ilnlrie nnd lim llllllllr1illl Mount Ill nut us bled IiiV Futile lluttmfl lllrish priest of Hi Fl Imus II llriollnti Illtll riowd Hll Itu= Zennint May 21 Illrent lsitors lmlllltl Iultllllu Willi rt iMrs Russell trlgttj lliliulaic tvrlth her lllullltl lr ttd Ii and family iemtnny mil Mr and Mrs Ihilltp King ullll tlll in Stllll witp Mrs xlltm xture satisfying hotly be ur tlll All llmvnl uuse it contains choice Thyswicanadidn C90 MINA rlPurveyors of the finesr medits worn filt lllllpcl Toning tar lhlfllil Mr law gnu firmly Weekend ll lit lip x1 tart Krml utitnl lll tll nt llum llli lttue Hlnl itl univ The EXapJncr ctttuliin tltlitt VlllIl Houdini ll LrI GK ltn Zoom merom mm 31511 xvao 6M5 MI rm PROf6fOV roar Viirkm MOWE All37 mm REWARD your family by serving delicious luchlli Wamamwxxmc RADIANT RED GALA Grain 1TConlalncrs lo mulch yourcolour scheme 115E IT Donatith sit use