Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1946, p. 5

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OLIJNOIIUUD Lilli BUAlll HAS MLMNLRSHU 01 130 TllLFRSDAY MAY 31 Eli13 1111 111 1E1 11 11 11 11 11111111 1111111 11111l1 111 111111111 tastier Light luscious hot buns if you bake with Fleischmanns Fleischmanns active Fresh Yeast inland gives you full value because its fullstrengthfastacting Bakes better bread tast1cr buns IF YOU BAKEAT HOME order Fleischmanns Fresh Yeast from your grocer today This dependable yeast with the familiar yellow label has been Canadas favorite for over 70 years 113111 1111111111 001111111 ET FOR YOUNG MEN in their late teens and twenties $3000 IN CASH toyour family in event 01 death PREMIUMS PAYABLEVFOR TWENTY YEARS Obaingble WITHOUT EXAMINATION by healthy meh whoor between ugeslS Ond ONLYl swoop In 111111 TO YOU AT AGE 65 11 living rrthus accumdlqtfng 11111155 for oldloge 11121 dpendence LOW pOlicies die new issued on ExcelsiorIifes attractiVe lFlexiblePremiuui ortangement security 1L LAURENCEB GREEN Representative 31 106 Bayfield Street Banana 1111111111 111 swcc 111 1111131 whim 111 11lc111111i 11 11 111 11111 1111 111 11111=1111s1 1111 1=111 111111131 1111 111 1111 11 11111 111111 111 l111111111 11111 111 hits 111111 11111 11114 111 Mr 110111 lhc 211111 111 11=111111 11111111111 11511114 9111117114111111111cm 11111 11111 1111 law 11111111 111111 11111111 1111 511111111111111111111 111 1111111 1111111111 211111 111 121111011 111111111111 of 1111s 5111011 11 1111111 111111 1111ill11 2111 311111111 11111111111v111 111 1111 111111 111 111 1113 111111 gt111111111111111 1111 111 l1l111 111p1 11111 111111 113111111 11111 gt111111111111111111 111 11111111 Lurch gt11i1 11111 11 1111111111111 111 1115131 11111111 11111111 brother of 11111311 1111111 w11 13111111151111111 1111111 Dunn 111r 111 1111 lllltlt playcd 11111 111 1311 1l1 11111l 111111 1111 1111 1111 111111 1111111y11 1111 111 li1111111 117 1111 1111 11 111111 11 111111 1111 1111111l lzi l111111 111 111111 11l 11111 11111 2111 li1111 7111111 11111111 111 11111 11l 3111111 301111411 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Mrs William Rowe wearing short pink crepe dress with pink veilcd hat and carrying bouquet of shaded sweet pegs Mr Beau mont ofPrescott acted as grooms man During the reception at her home the brides mother received the guests including few from To ronto wearing alight blue dress with navy accessories and corsagc of white orchids For wedding trip 171 Florida andSpa IslandGcoriia the bride had chosenaiblui in air force shade withwine trim and Sally Victor wine hat The groom represents Grenville Dundas 1n the Federal House and is whip for the MProgressivc Con servative party He and his bride 131111 livid on their re turn ITSWCHEAPER HERE Drop in the retail price of gaso line in Australia by 112 cents to 452 cents gallon hasbeen an was 51 lcentsa gallon in 194 Because Salad Dressiogmade with Frenchs Mustard has spedal zip and tangand the avour it gives to Summer salads is so euncing youllhave more more encore at every serving QuickEasy Iry it 51 Smooth creamysaldd dressing made in arminute Beat tbsps Frenchs tbsps light cream2 tbsps sugar Ibsps vinegar sad wasp salt 1111119 ether until lightin lliulylfizlcesgr ms Favours 011151151111 111 F1 UNAIl 11111111 111113 yr1 The Pines Greenhouse ASSORTMENT or BOX PLANTS 01381111111113 TOMATOES ETC 29 Eugenia St Phone Barrie 115 1111111111 run AWNING co COMPLETE CANVAS SERVICE lgtlhlll$ 111111II111sir s1 1111111111 AllSINGS 1111131 lil 111111111 1311v Il8lNlILIIII 1111121 lIJNlS 1ltlll1l8 AWNINGS or DISTINCTION MM 1111111131111 11 1111111111 st 4314 iiolmld LARK lropriclot IIIUNI plumb Hm S1111111z1 11111 or lIJ 1111 111111 211 111113 1111 leilll UV 11111 111 1111 1111 11111111 1111111 1111111 Elm 111111 1111111 1111 111111 11111 1111 11 111111 1C11il1 121111 11111 1il11111 my 111111111111 1111111l 11111 11111 by 11111111111111 11 111 1111111 11 11 ll1 11 1111 111113 211111111111111 111 11111l11 121 11111 111111111111 1111111 11111111 11111 l1111111 1111i11 11111 111 1111 1111 11111111111 1311 111111 11111 1111111 M111 31111 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NOW AVAILABLE NEW CROP Ontario Asparagus Ontario Headletluce ATOES 5111221 Limited Quantities Available On 396 VAILAELE IN EACH STORE ARRIVING FRESH DAILY US NO SIZE NEW POT JUICY SUNKIST CALIFORNIA ONE SIZE Sin I76 1111 490 EHSlll AVAILABLE IN $50 STORE 11111011 coupons VALID MEAT 142939 BUTlER R119 SUGAR RESERVES 51 lo 14 111 29c 16 Sun 100 rLoun 23 24111 KEMPIS MIXED sum NUTS 1111 v11ccu1 PACKED m1 55 ciinsoA 111111111 MALT cum wuir lllIlEGAR CLENWOOD ARVIFICIAL VANILLA iiiiirnnirszr231 31151 19c 117161 5111 11oz 39 FLORIDA JUICE 035N635 73c THE NEW IMPROVED PUBETY COOK FLORIDA GREEN PASCAL cutaw srnms NEW SEASONS LCROP CALIIORNIA HELENE ORAN CNOOSE FROM 111 256 1ll 15c QUEEN PINEAPPLE E013 SELECYED NED JUPE commons LEASY Ellis illssszIVrIUSOLmcmn 11111135 GREEN CABBAGE 111111115 111111131111 ONTARIO CROWN nomous TOMATOES emu 01110145 cucungsks XCELLENT I11 voux LOBLAW 111111 11 mm on sucmc nmns 11v smmuss COD HERES 111 35 111111111111 51113 011111111L1111111 58 1111111118 OR AND 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