Law Hull Mead and ill ten ammo deiiar nice ti fizthJr who has flul Plilillitcl nrc grin iuo hotels 111 mm POOIOIIIIIIOIIIIlllllllllllll FORD FERGUSON IMPLEMEle til We have for ilniiirdialc delivery loid Ferguson lfizllllhti lll lie liltdlfii until lock Bang icr in 11 ftiani FLOWS llil1llt and ill of ll 1reoo liznlri or girls of ecer lita llilifmmo iarfnlio hi farm li Fave Powder 11131111 marital dill llHI Mill ill ll Ilhlf WINclue uell lupin or loblqli litlilll loylugl l1 dreamw failure at or lttlilt Elm lilllllt lo llivrfi lfl in shading lliirto lftllltl SlllleillNl ttllllf 1118 CHITTICK ll lilttf liiwirjdcriaii fhiiiili Ford Dealer lionc 1512 Harrie ooltc41rt4ooacclz IMil 11 lll lll impossible to read this book without COOKE Certage Storage Shipping Packing Crating MOVERS We liaVe properly equipped vans and ex pericnced men movingr furniture to and from Barrie to anywlnire in Ontario and Quebec LOADS Olt lAltT LOADS WANTED Phone 3359 43 Essa ltd llAltltll iiiuulit llil lonu veil She carried fl we iigtiiile of ltll first and ulntel sweet lllil lltltllll her wfiil Allwm lrcne Smith in taiiueieuc ieielic and lis llelen lr lhoiii lou 101 001 Wis nailing up now and than The iion Hllrlll ol the bride in torzctv lyellow and coral rose lislltttlHt ili tiltllliill Mitchell brother of the zziooni was liltiiillhlllzlll lhe Nelly Hll llalpii Anderson and lieiveil in blue crepe ensemble Ill SICCIIRI occasions and is lwhile the grooms niotlici was ill lllllllll Mia 13 the llllfiWIl wool crepe lhc llunco tribe TO REMOVE siiiiIAKs Slrciaks on white clothes may be removed by washing them iiiclcaii lwzuer to which little ammonia sup fuming Events for the 100 mm play in the ommunity lliill Fri day night Mrs Bowman spent the week end with friends in Stayuer and New Lowell Mrs Frank ltohcrtson is spend inr two weeks at the home of her daughter Mrs Cooper Colokstown Russell Constable has sold his farm to Mr Brown and is having an auction sale on Friday of this week 0113 ltobcrtson is spend ing few days with her daughter Mrs Cooper and new grandson Jookstown in Welland Sutherland of Maniwaki Alluring curvesi weaving spell Oi subtle beauty round yourloot DORSAY styled 57 the College Toronto spent Sunday with tlicf9rniedenpa re ts Congratulations to Stroud flock cl llubion winning their game on Saturday night in the Barrie ar thobinson and Raymond Jobbittl who were married iniCUllir Strcet Baptist Church Barrie on Satur day March 30 Dr Donald Cowzm and son lluirh of Cleveland Ohio and Bill of Harvard University spentbun day and Monday with Miss Iowan and renewed acquaintance in the eonniity Recent yisitors included Mr and Mrs Wilson Hurst Toronto with Mrs 11 Reynolds Mrs West and 01120110 Mrs Tilley Maple with Milserean Vliiieie lrrvingr Nel riot IN SLEEKLY GLEAMINGCEATENT LEATHER BiggmpNegfgs 310 iiiirv 277 Meeson and Mr and Mrs Em merson Webb Toronto at Fred Webbs Presbyterian WMS svvuo Urwswur rest AGNEWSURPASS omre lieutenantpioneers ri AT5100 mo $609 thoughtprovoking papers Stressing the moments mode in sandals heres number to enthuse aboot In rich and shiningPatin one with faille platform and heel covering its young and gaywith scal loped strap and vamp and perky porthole punchian enjoyed over the teacups lllUllSDAY APRIL 1945 Helps Chase Away tier of licilyfili spent Winler Aches Altllll UNIARIU CAN ADA rice clear ML MOUNT ST LOUIS CHURC St liiii llci fliili is Li$llll iliup luJ at Muir tilt lic iiltil rlzllilllll illf Siayiici Donne llmihlul li iiiltltli llli Johannu his Yatviiii 221 tin Tlis litdiva il iii 11le zpeial 1i winners pat lis 11 ml liiiii gt Karine ldn zit iiir litllllt liiiazew and Miss Noi Toronto 1px flu my until li lxllll Mr is nio ilvlluiamil Mini hi Slur ileltoziiull leiutite lick lsl itlLlilJitili Moria nil lllil and llctt llltllat and 311 leivf Viii albeit at Laws pitcher 3111 iw List lliulfr on the bit ltiilsf mill hi iinl lo licc lllll ll Mo tiltloli lilJllV ier pitlclzt li liclllwitillc Mid 311s tilti and family ttupi with Sir aid drs Leo lltlZlAlilIi Mr and flix Ulftl llreivii For tcu Knox now Mrs lilftx lri Hill llcli found that tlicconiingotwnitcr liriiigsnn liothersome aches and pains doesnt worrv about that because ehe has and Virusted friend to help coiiii as she tells in her letter ziiii iniddlciged country woman and lead at wry activ life on farmworker in addition to household tasks inv limbs achcd and pained tried Kruscheii Salts and got relief in Week Now always keep jilrlll Kruschcn in the house but during the busy summer days forch all lint when winter comes those riches and pains usually start again and then am reminded of my Krusclicu on the lltlm lll ital flulie ho iuciitl so But blu illllcr li ticlul funnlzis llluVlllL lUlllltlt lllil lltllt film Ii ml illrr rst few lows and in about week feel like my 131m llroch llic little Inorniiig dose of K1115 taken as needed helps the selfregulatioii of your svstein Liver kidneys and llUVVfli are stimulated to healthy activity thereby eliminating how waste products and poisons that main endanger the health and give run to aches and pains rustlien Salts is obtainable urull Drug Stores 25c and 75c Librarian paid hlt to the library here on Librarian liiil from the gtlltlto about 50 mulls ttll pzist repairing leehi llfl lluwcr Ioroiio with her mother liv Till llonnelly Alliston and ltonncll loionto with Mr and lloiiiielly with her parents ll Allan with Mr and Mrs ll Al ll Richardson leioizto a1 ll Sloans te lilttlIlIlU this is record not llziaiii li lclnic hie village iili am lilillxl4 iolets daffodils roluiiy near St Paul fliureli when vlaj flowers all in bloom on of the pine trees fell in front of car containing memle of What might have lawn serious lniiivfil toiillcil when they were ioiqeiit ntttllltll on No it High out on roads inspection ly gt UL iin otla wl n1 oiii1 WI Pu WW Elyi rite lnchil ililzicii ilioii is pr lent to fuel fliilfl of do In Limp phi Uh pal ielirir lilifl cemeoflcr iiiiulzir Peioi liili iiiid lithtci 93 Sinniav 1li1 to im Auxmean Ur Mldi llllll liiiiiis fillliltltl home from Saturday tutmin She and Oltl hillh Iillll iin is can gt Ullllllt at lieu liiiiixs linnn loroizlo with lllgt ninthgr llivilih lltll Suit isiloiSi lloiczlci Jon lialtin li still iiiillei the lltllllll care limpiial lluii nulfiiiil relapse and lupin ucic li Walloon Institute lia Palmer for ilie llox omniitvllilllllt Vlililittl or fill Vilcil lini Vonicns Mrs llr= liiiy Taylor l1 liivl llitl icpoiteil at Liane Qlll oii Mar and is no lttl li iav inul to llllltllll lltlil Al tliili aliotit it llzirllcll HM ll llalhcll aiul leiili for the tltliiclas linker and he il ion the iiiinspviit gtqniidrni ht li lilltlllllt spent the liil ll in lliniilloii lilatltilllll ili Janet shell Down VT liermn and the tlilAiis chilityrliyc pith llttl previously iiicieil $30 With these four lti llrtN llil izaiili ii her ilelleliiiotilei uiieinlnnz lfliixlillk in that rim wl liollilx total of 71 1lci the pier illliilittll daint lunch was schi followed by social time rfivi and 89m ll ilk $135 memo lbs BARRIE FLOUR ERIN Fern lilt lii lllilll lot i1 MILLS loll fil alt1 heel brothels llllliiltl and II lleu lgt plane iioiiigt with hr lliltll Alallon lilwoml lI toilieil is lllilhlllg ex iiinave llllpliHilllcllt lrtoie reieiilly purihased from Joe illitclnini llie Lliitlliil floor liciii liupullv iHIlYtlltll inio lllttfltll icroeiay and an up inflate apart went vin have ran dawned llll hurt mp in vii ulier itll Ii ltlfllilif At f1fif info line piltfilff Iiie Inward luv lotion mm vi ma surface ill lie moronic none the filf ilcr ftillilf room fl node to his new loe llllfllillll inn llllllfl his litii illlltolltllill ll llhll tlmt mini MT Sim qullmwm H1 quvndi lanaiam of li iul ll iioilfi HOW TO VRllE il tllszl iip ilies shop in the Ml llli IM tMcUelLind and Stewart No mac allimiptinpy lmii iinice illuil Ll icr what ones age or talents it my pun lhnvhmqq Hwn ll hotel buildinir ltrine iould luis llv WM ll Hlhm llltlt of illfff inspiration to Stephen up Wm cim ml Hun4 huh in and Mrs on llnhnan ltlllllicl lagtt laience liiil llc plliidilli Wilda Hm ll hecner sense of apprecmnon for to horlev llospiizil fli iie itl othch work as well as an inspiration Tweed for further treatment n17 man in llllllllaiiw la llil lath1m dcwpu ones Own 1er am his home While in Holland he spent lI lhe lunh woie hex mothers hi This book must for lwlhvw lllll ll ll liliiltil noun ol eniliiivuleiIlil lllkll pnncrs and proicssionals and also WW mmhc in hump INKUM WI mm MIHNMIH mil flClllllllil Sllldl for 01 of severe injury to one linec in jeep accident His many friend wish for him ii speedy and coml NO illlTTER ION IlEAlIII plctc iccmciy Change of Constables ltailoii linonot Itlll llieir flowers were BMW Rose Cream Mask rcat liositioii as town constable and 14 merit qllCS if the gently bracing and Sllltftfltfl by Leslie Mlsli an ex mlnlarafiug cclmn which carries as =tlllll ll Xlltltclicefl the natural resiilt of increased at cuardian of the lziviphuvnipr been no of rim 51m is particular in member of the military police lliiiee liiilliaiii Alis Mitchell li Hall 75 7le Ilmlly bill100 lf Wml INK 5120 from Shamrock Dinner Beauty Mask dries it gently sets uxipmlillh Th MM Mr the MC brmgulg hashing 910 lSt latrieks dinner and elitcltziiiiv Ill 00 ll linml hm the complefwn Mk ml lineut on March 30 The tables were Bar onslllmm plat eaily decorated with St Patricks ANGF In benefits of WU3 33 colors and hots of shamrock and 104 lm Heme cream Alas IFWW ithc menu was all that could he flee tilili ill to 12 inches in diameter 8mm AWle 7rCafnlcnf 701515 Siwd weie llgttl as money dull 10 llcnlly treatment Ulmh 510 was given by the Alliston Glee last half of the ltlth century by lmcdatc 91099tcWlfL Tluh ship of vote of thanks was extended to tlu artists of the evening lioceeds mounted to $120 $30 Bonds to Each of Four Servieemen public reception was tendered four yuanr men from llecton who overseas These were Sgt lld McMinn of the lth lpr Robert Semple of the 20th ompany of theAtllllfht lli Fred Dale of the lransport Squadron and lte larence llull man of the RCMP who later was engaged in drivinpr convoys as dcspatch rider Dr it McKel lteeve acTed ceremonies The four guests were given seats of honor and introduc ed by Jack Bartlett Each rpccivid 50 Victor bond as slicit to Mrs 11 RUICrtSOl Lyndgn en$ of apprdciation They all ex rcturwl home 3ft week wth pressed their pleasure and thanked ho parents Vhllc Mrs and was the various organizitions vlifLseiit them parcels etc while overseas and also for the llceton World and 501 Olmrt Upper gamma which kept them in touch with home Amonglthosc who gave short HANDBAGS $193 ltlllNlll STYLE zilllc grained with detailing pcd with change purse Cotours brown navy FASHION RIGHT l2NVlCllli STYLE Kc rd ol novelty flap wellmade liquippcd change purse and lier resigned his BN2 grain with lur lc her Kcralol attractive Equipj llVCflllltI successful loiiiens very lhe with mirror ouis black black mirror include brown navy erv excellent program leadu heart the efficient lailor under Fine grained Keratol lt $357 lliis beautiful roomy style and an interesting variety of others made of strong lea thergrained Kerntol smart trimmings with mirror and goodsizes change purse Black brown navy tan and alligator recently returned from with equipped PlasticPatent Handbags as soft and pliable as llllCVlCtltllCll of Plastic Patent so shiny you could powder your nose in it Will take lotsof hard wear without cracking Underarm and topliandlc models with zippercrri clasp closings Equipped with mirror and changer purse In blackwonly GLovEsior WellGroomed Hands SMART GLOVES for your or soft durable Pigtexin the lovely suimy honey shade also in lPartIy handsewnr Sizes to We ZellchThrift Pricedim vey master 77L SUPERIOR QUALITY GLOVES Monglo Kid ligtex Cabarctta1istinctivcly Styled 71 IMONGLOl KlD GLOVES designed on those beau tifully simple lines which are distinctive of superior quality EoihdiessauuvyuulLimtlris slimly slick pair in black Spring costume c113 with Scotch Settlement 912 Conirratulations to Miss Alnial black 53237 GLOVES FOR SPRINGTIME ClllCl $198 CommerCiql No AJAX OATS NOBARB and BYNG BARLEY Clover Seed Pasture Mixture Pcas Beans Corn Dutch Sets Multipliers IA jovsure to see these skilfully de signed Gloves fashioned for smart springtime Theyre partleather and part fab ric in popular Slipon style with contrasting Colour Colours black brown navy Pair Colours black brown navy and em ness and comfort stitching natural Pair 5MARr+su1rHATS lthc lrelsbyterian WMS met at Mrs Campbells on Mar 28 with 15 members and two visitors present The study bouk chzlpter taken iirthc form of panel di on witlers Campbell as lea andMrs Ayerst and Mrs loliiiTCtiiivanf briskerng the ques tlon Mrs EJJ Harrison readthc African storyfand Cowan lead two short but inspiring and Foundation KATAHDIN POTATOES GET YOURSEER NOW AT Sty1eas Showerj GhIMdnY Glitters ineryv Department are on tailored lines and delicate veil Wide variety of eiALL DARK AND WINSOME Hats arego iug higher and higher ev5 ery year thats vvhy this the classic sailor is definitely new for Spring 3940 Made of crisp dark straw andrib bun trim with novelty bead decoration in catching colours smear nisriuctr SERVICES BARRIE 4220 malice SQUARE BRANCH 3061 WWW lovely pieced top for quilt was received from Mrs Hun ter Gravenhurst fanner valued member Arrangements were made to quilt it generous donation for the baileywas received fromthe Misses Watson of Lefroy Mrs Sinclair closed with rayer Mrs Ayerst assisted the ostess with the lunch and social hour was These two lovely Feltmodels from Zellcrs Mill typical of th5 fashionright collection designe softened with piquant cows glitteryornaments the femininity of the tailored type version ingto enhance colours FeeIChiysStidlosnee tubes and the cough starts Syrup You will nd it to be dinppointedeegotnr 11 35 ass in CANADA meowmummy wevvsvw 30808110 to Ililn Then comeethu coldWhlclilf notr attendedjtd Immediately shortly work down mtothe bronchial 0n the rst of of cold or cough go tonny drug counter and get ottlo of Dr Woods Norway Pine pleasant and rompt your trouble reliableremedy to help you get nd market for the past 48 aIJon It has been on the experiment with substitute and be Price 350 AbMllthtl tinnin aize 313011123 times much to look for the trade meek 3Pino my new new on union Toronto