Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1946, p. 11

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PAGE TWELVE LugW hm M4 onnoumomomonowomozo Dram0118138111119 Ilun Hour11 iiithl 111111 11 11 1111 li111wf 111 tc 1311 811 11111111 11 11 1111111izs11 1111 111 1111 11 111lly 11111111 111111 11111 11 11 11 11111 llll 111111 toil1 31111151 111 Illl E111 the 1111 11 t1 111 1111111111r1 in 1111 fiuish 111111 gt111111l 111 1111 111111111y 2111 last 51111141 111 111 11 ii 11 11= 1111 11i111 Sci 111111111111 7111 11111111121 111 1113 111111 111 1111 11 l111111l 111 111111 tin 4111 1111 11 111 1111111 11n11 1111 I1111 liiv 1=11r Niacinv 111111 1ls1 lulpcil WillIN ttillthtllll 1111211 1i 11 111y 111 111111 by 1111 1111 111 111 1111Iy 11 11 1ult 11 11111 tinv 11 1111111 Anvwav 1111 1111111l 11 111L1i pi111111ii 1111 111f111s1v1 work 1111 11111111 L111 11l 11s1 11 f1 11111 up fvr 1111111 111111 whoever FC1VyxltkkuI11rsl 111111111111 to 111 Knitstun ilhcrc wcrc 23 goals 11111Ei1 1111 111111 1111 1111 1115 111 surl which was very last I1 111111 11111 ilt1c1l 111 11111 11111111111 11111111 rilnlls 111111111111111 Kings ton WingStanford lt 1111111l11111y 1111 Shipbuildcrs looked 1111 prcssive 111111 111111 only 11ki1ss 11111111 111 be lack 11f cohesiondn 1111111111 111111 oppownis 1111l111311t which came with bewildering speed it was 1111 trick 111 111 111 11111 1111 Cullingwood 111fenders out of position I111 l11 111l cven 111 1111 11ly111 11111 when 1111 puck 25111111 1111 unprotected 111111 for 111iy iiul 1111 111111 1111111 each must have 11111111 11t least 1111111 saris but deft11sv1 I11ns1s rust 111111 111111111111 In 1111 1111111 11111111 winch 11 Hwy 111111111s11r of CoilingWood changed his t11c11cs 1111111 tlt1111111 1111111y in defensive Everything went fine 111 the first perml 111111 Shipluihkzs 11111111113111 to get away for the only goal lhly protected then lend well 111 1111 second session and look ed as if they might win but all of sudden Locos 111111111111 111 three Down ll in the 11111 111rind follingwood had to go all out 1lt fatal Kingston struck Westbrooke left ms in 11s 1111111 two 1111111111s for goals 1111dway Kingston won by 112 1111 goals again for goals and 11 without 111fence ion 111 1111 11151 litjllittl 111111 was all pvt1 KINGSTON LOCOS 1111151 111 1111111 w11o no strangers to Barrie Back in 11137 Barrio Cults 111111 gt111t 11f tins1 boys 111 1111 111111111 ii finals notably 11111111 Carrllarris 111111 Kenny l11rtis The former was one 111 the high sum1s 111 the Kingston teams both in 11137 111111 19111 playoffs 11c 1s just back after scrvzng 11s an officer 111 the Navy Two years ago in the Juniorll LIlilllllillS Barrie Cults faced Joe Watts George MacGrcgor and Jack Aitkcn 111111 with Kingston Vics Missing because of illness 111 1he first two games star defenceman and captain 11f Kingston Locos Lilli 11111111cr 11111111111 111 action for the final game The winner 111 1111 Colii11gtv11odK111gsto11 playoff was favored to take the chauipionslnp 111111 11 111gins to look that way as Locos have been disposing of PortColbornc Flycrs 111 1he finals with 11111 the trouble they 111111 against 1111111gw11o1l JACK IJYIII Barrics lone pro hockeyist of the present season arrived 11111111 1111 1111111 lay utter his second winter with St Louis Fiyersof the Annrican League who incidentally finished on the bot tom 115411111 Wc hardly knew Jack hard winter of heavy hitting on the St Louis defence during some 151 games had carved his figure down almost hind the plate could never see the butter or pit Iack DyTe in theAHL and are now in the finals Starring in goal for Buffalo is is 5a very likeable art of the season but here the Bisons are now tinyConnie Dion the Asbestos Quebec native young man St Louis had Dion in the early decided to let him go to Buffalo andrlook WE NOTICE that Eddie Cutts Os awa defence star has signed with onnative who stopped ll one sea son with Montieer junio before hitting Oshawa Generals and now the Leafs was quite zipordinary player during theJiOHA Junior season and in fact got practically no notice in the mythical all331 TTeafs picked by varigmxzsports writers PlayerSiike Fogolin of Gait McLean Kelly and andford of St Mikes Joe Lund of Barrie Phil Samis of Oshazg all got higher mangoseasons play than Cutts ayoffs rolled aroundthat was different story He two was ballnf fire in every game Oshawa hadright through to elim ination In four games against Barrie Flyers Eddie Cutts was just an other player out 1m the ice He was also Murray Richardsons oppon ent in that hecticfreeforallat Oshawa and came out visibly second also that Toronto Leafs are going to take up Tod Sloan of St Mikes who is still onlyltb andDon McRae from Winnipeg LToronto MapleLeafs ThisEdna But when the best We notic Monarchs hockey next winter Catnipmes said to have 1051111 lot of money thet fieldagainbecaueltudy Pilons their coach amiltOn Lloyds who finished on the bottom have had coach Eddie Ambois up in Northern Ontario looking for players JERRY LEITCH who teams Up with Bill Kodatsky former Barrie Flyeron one forward line of Port Colborne now in the Intermediate finals against Kingston 13 former Midland junior star BILL SIMPELL Midlandboy who played Junior with Port Colborne before going inthe Army has re Dturned home after season with San Francisco in the Pacific Coast League HESPELER has voted $40000 out of town taxesi for1 new artificialice arena Ijhe community has only about 3000 population mumusiLShort of what isrequired for modern arena resume the balance mpst be coming from private funds BRACEBRIDGE without rink since the fire severalyears ago will rebuild in time for next season although not with an ice plant Money come from toWn debentures and Muskoka residents behind the this season must helm has also been in the West looking over the junior talent II fimmoucnms 1Noyv Due niuriiic somatic31 RITE ONTARIO CANADA Hockey Defeat THE BARRETT EXAMINER EAR 3m De La Sulle Winners Over Barrie Colts Now ln Junior SemiFinals 111111211 11113 DEM RCO GETS CONTRACTING hou 111 incinbcrs of D1 l1 Hullc iaklands club which has 11111 liarric olts in 1ll Junior playoffs tinc1 timcs in Iicturcd from Mt to right ll ck rowAl Iiulmcrt Stanton1lolmny iiroux 1av Neil Bordon Irank lrank Sullivan 11111 and 11111 thc put 37 tll lili goal icorgt llrnlrc captain N1 thruckrnbnsli llrothrr Michael roach lim Kins liirby lion anrpluII xoul crvirc antlm Spccrs lluurzlits lullcn lcd ublctt 111hurting tl11 11111111111 11111 1111111 11111 111 11111 Front roullill Iord Wayne l1 In ulic 111111 1111 Toronto lfrcpchool group 1111111111 51 li1lr11ls Ilnlurs for 1111 honors lhfy disposcd of liarr11 olts in 1111 first round of the Junior piuvdowns by fivc goals tinn 1lc1c1111l SI tubal1111s Masons In three goals the lost their first game to Scarlmro Hangers l3 taki tin itttlltl titur1 to break 1111 Iic incushirts 1111 scrmfmalx 11 11111 1111 1111 but came back to Iluv uill play again Friday night to will mcct Kitclrcncr 1111111 11111 SI 1111111111 1111151 1111113 lr1111111s 111111 1111111111 sunk111111 convinciu 1111141 11 1111111 11111 1111 March The two 1111111s 11111111 tip with super1111111111 lfiiyal 11111 In 1111 finals 1111111 11111s gt gt 1k111p c1111 111 pvt 11111 he111 111111I 1111151111111111111111s1 gt1111111i Barrie Win District 111 the OSS finals 111111 111 Col lingwond 1111 111ls 1111 1111 11111 of Georgian flay lllgtllltl 1l1111pi1111s by 111feat 1111 M1al1111l 1173111 11111111 sccnud scoics 111111 once of pcnalins but with f1ci 111111111111 11111r1s 11111 for wins this can poss ibly bc 1111111rs111od 111 the 11111111111 1111111 111x l1p1t RCAF again 11111 1111 111811 after suffcrins 11 Westinookc 111111 11111111 l11ilitl 1111pr1ss1vc first ommumq 111111 15 11111111 11111 were not to blame Ivlyllp OWN We ml 111 2111 wihl goings1111 they were often left We mun dwism MEN with 11111 Cvlhi1g11n1i 3111w111 t1 advantage 1111 the attack me RCA 1N5 rm mm together through 1111 playoffs that was sadly lis trans high 111311 111111 in moir March Barrie iun 111111 left111 lhls Tollingwoorl 11111111111 by 1111 huge number of girls 111 However loss must given Mcaforrl little The town lacrosse they have stuck Im played 11 1111111 discharges As i1 was three 1011111 1110111 lls 111111 111 he brought back from distant points 111 complete the loa guc and s11111111111ls Although outplayed the Flyers nulllught trying right 111 the 1111111 111211 to larncy Reid for 111x was 1111 outstanding player on Nesrallah who has been absent the last two g11111es returnv ed and he also gave his best dis Chappci at centre playcd 11 splendid game and as 111 the past 11 must be mentioned that Andrews 111 goal outdid himself This appears to Up habit with the Ilyers not safe to say that he is just about the best Reids efforts were rewarded with 11111 goals and an assist the Ilycrs big rangy dcfcnceman was credited with their only other tally with Evans receiving the as sist The LdSH played hockey which and with ruptcd fers M121 111 play with two L111sk far behind and gained thrcc baskets to M111 quarter up to halt time when 1111 score was 12U 1111 511111111 half 1111 fans 111111055111 basketball really 111111 1111 131 girls worricd when 111 1111 1111 of the third 111114 111 they 11111 1111 score 171 01 returning to 1111 floor Barrie 5111111 torgcd ahead to wind tip with the winning scorc 2790 was closegamc and fine example of girls bask llarrie connnltted the most fouls but thesewore mostly for close checking and there was lit tle roughness 1111 cithcr 1011111 ila for11s sl1o1s wcrc particularly good 1111 Barrie guard 1111 1111 top the Barrio team Forwards 31311131111111 Clarke IcaptT 111 Joyce Elli111 11 Yvonne Bowliey llcicn Smjilh Tiloan McCorkindaIc Pat Gill Louisc Guards Ilclen Storey Mary Newman Lois Allsopp Dor een Richmond Connie Laws Joyce Brown CoachMiss Gore Members of the Meaford team were Forwards Cbra Jobe ll Muriel Holmes Betty Lanktree Colleen Moore Lois Smith Johnston Clarke Phyllis Miller Marcia Bell Iris Maher Barbara Henrys 11111111 1111111 11111111111111 11111i1 111111 first presrdcnt urranr and two first kept fords Bariic 11 Other 11r1 Glcn Kcnnctli 7L Macnab larnaby is secretarytreasurer undecided the club will enter senior 1111 intermediate team tion of the club recalled that in eight years in topno ior lacrosse rillia nevc to make the playoffs Terriers won the national title in 1934 1937 they new on layton were never and were Film Will Mcafom Still wlicthg even things up Forma ch sen to oiled play 111 11110 111 all etball 1935 VIN and 1936 runnersup clubds the first to be organ izcd in rlllia since the towns Senior Ii club was set up in 1941 BarrieCountry Club Ltd Directors are Chosen 1A1 Annual Meeting good season financially so MOVED BY BELL T0 BA IE cialiy andin competitive play was Orillia NewsLeft r1 reported by directors of the Bar rie Country Club Limited at the annual meeting of shareholders at the Council Chamber Wednesday Frank The minder 11nd goalie league kcpt team Members their Mzrlloy were McCuaig Katie Janice the good brand Willkell exhibited throughout the seasimpwith every man workinghard and their well planned team work paid dividends to fliedent of eight goals Wil ill Scuilys teammate on nasty gash over the eye but after first 111111 job was able to return to the fray It was obviousthe pressure was on by the fact that theStraths had seven penalties which is very exceptional for this team Team work was the essence of their win and it would be both difficultand Young they have to sliinncss Softball fans who saw him catching I111 Harmony Grill last summer if they stood be chcr as Jack took up great deal ofithe view7 with his 225 pounds He looks aboutlmy and able to race anybody f111100 yards or arrwe underestirmiting Jack Dyte was one of the very few St Louis players who trained in Bar rie Arena last October still with the club en March came around The Fiycrs had trade or release about every week it seemed Dyte was the only one of six defencemen wbo were in Barrie for their exhibition games against Buffalo Bisons Incidentally thoseBis11ns turned out to be the hottest team hams lice last night Spry presided financialwsl1demlit presented by Currie secre tarrytreasurer that the membership in 1945 had increased by gt12 and the total was the highest inlsome years Gre games the front lmes for A19 have were much better and social been shifted around somewhat and received President The was Guards Betty Irma It was indicated RCD defence In the lasttwo bers increased in numbers FORGETS ICE GAME l11l1 l1 Nthll 5111 1111111111 11 1111 111 111111 111 back 1111 111 1111111111111114 11111 IIIIS 111111 111 1111 1111112 111 01 Junior Girls Honors ORILLIA TERRIERS ARE RETURNING T0 THE BOXLA scans Box lacrosse will return to rillia this reorganized club with Reginald Grant as Frank who managed the firillia Icr ricrs whcn they won the Horn inion title in 1935 is first vice prcsidcnt dents 1111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 1111 truck 111111 111 111 1111111 says A1 111 11111 11 1111n11lf 11111 1111 its still humour 11111 81111 fig vurcd after last scason 111 111 sornc 1111111111111111 11111 no luck This time 1111 1111111111 11111 my foot down Its 1111 111w truck of my own v111c sonic 1111111111111 111 is tennis ilc liltgt 1111 name next 111 111ckcy and low 111 is of how 111 lcarncd oys wood yard ll1111 s111111b111ly 1111111 1111 111111 and gave 111111 1111 111011111 with two strings iccpresi rT 21111 1111111 has four snvs Phelps Ab Still he persisted at 1111 game A1111 finally he 111canto pr111y pro ficicut Maybe not quite 11s pro 11111 11l11 111s111bc1l himself to 1111111111 of Boston sports v1ilcrs 111y711111 fairly proficient atleiolrnl of those sun visorsf erseas has been Barrie by the with Orill Another lacrosse officials air to attempt to pick outstand plavers The fact that only one plagye besides the goaltender didnt receivp credit for goal on an assist emphasized this point and isfurther proof that they will be 131133 heard from inthe finalsMel roy and Mayieach nricdctworgoais with Scully Morris Granger each gathering one Cade Kitson Morris Frey Grangerand Patterson alfcreceived credit for anassist WitFSchettler receiving Currie HR Ne eton were Messrs Spry mith and it appeared to have brokerrup offtheirseorzingpunchrandwe still insist that their former front reelected as direct while Roy line of Erie Sabourin and Lade PlVIe lioute rate with any in the league the bo at present Lamirandenvasgig bit and almost pulled the hat is rum trick off twice being the third man this season to knock off five goals in one game three of them coming in the second period G11 and Burns was ogzen also Much d1sc ssion took place rey onwthe garding ed may cut par of th golf course The matter was rie team won bSL leftwith the directorsto investi The intertown The club professional is were the first playebetween Or acros Frey and gate back from the war and the mat 11113 and ter of his services and that6 catering wasleft with the diregt Carr1e trrough With two each Theiorm hooley also RCDs TROUNCE A19 After handing the A19 sextet 12 to drubbing in their first the semifinals the Drags staged repeat and this time came out onthc long end 0f to win Similar to 111 game in spitofpatches of very good and exciting hockey feel ing wasvery high and 14 immor and sixmajorpenalties made the game regular Donnybrook Two very unfortunate curred to players which had ra ther dampening affect Craw ford Service CorpsforWard hit the boards in the second period with terrific crash and had to be carried from the ice via streth The duty medical officer feared fracture had resulted but fortunately xrays only proved severe bruises and contusions Gir rd an RCD forward met with an accident in the third period which again necessitateda removal by stretcher and we are sorry to say er also gathere at credit 1131 two assists Garrison BadmintOn Ployers Win Return Maid Frill1 Barrie Garrison Club 1121211111111611 players made clean 1sweep of their home and home matches with ifthe Orillia YMCA Club when theydowned the Orillians by onesidpd score on Monday Mar 25 at Barrie Armourywhre the four accommodated jthje eight visiting teams from Orillia Ladies mens andmixed doub les matches were played all on the basis of theibest twooutof Sue Mulcahy and Kay Perryman won the only Oril Iia victory in the ladies doubles Orillia teams picked up three other points by winning one game three game sets Final total score was 30 to for the Barrie racque meeting 0f Single capies of Examiner cents from local newsdealers Ori HERE AND THERE Tisjreported that rstratford interests have been in western Canada lining up talent for their return to JuniorfA accidents oc by staying or FORD courts Mont eat Toronto and the cher reproof mmme lorahd jury Parking three games as law 115 3159 Anderton and Mrs Walls served Barrie six years 111111f111111 Ii1l 1111 511 11 111 liol11 ww 11111111 incr 1111111s 1111rsl111 111 111111 of 1111 31111111111 i111c111 1111111 12l1 1y 11111111111111111 211 111l T121 11 xas 111111 111 cit1 llc c1111 1111111 1111 win11 1111 11111lsl 1121 lill1 51121111 111111 1111 1111 111st 1111111114 1lr1 11111111i 111133 111 ul if 111 11111111 1111111 11 1111 111 11 5111111 111 111 111 11141 1112111111111111 =111 1111s assisting 111111121 11111 11111 11 1l c1114 and 11 11111111 lieu 11111i 11111 7281 1111 11 mwyiis v111 1111 11111111 1121 tltl1 l1 11111 12111 1111111 111 111 1111 last coin11 l111 1111 111111 111pt 11111 11111111L l3 111111 sides 111111 1111111 fluy 12111111011 1111 lilacs 111 11111111i11 111111111111 11111 19111 on 19111111 111111111 Intel1 11I 111111 111111 11111111 St111tlis 111 1111 first per 11111 11111 1111 111 four 13 1111111111s 111 11111 1111 ll 11111111111115 IlllII 1cc1 111 the ins f1111 1111 Sirtltlis 1111111111511l 111 im 111111111111 for 11111 111 711 11111 from 1111111111 1111 lIli although they 1111 second 1111ils The period 11111 15 111t1l 11111111l 111111 111111 Il 111 1111 last 1111119 skating 11111111111111 111111 illlluoiiy Maurice 11111 1111 11111111 tint11 111 1111 wini 1Iftensrvrtwilkhwgurin 111111lly lIIllHl 111I1111 11111111111 took lilhudcys goal 111111111111111 111111111 l1 1I 1111111 111111 111111111 11111 ininc 11111k111g 111111 111111 111rs had tliist 1111111111s unassisted 111111 back on to take iI11111 Wm 111lt pass for 11 third score 1111113 11111111111 Iaiiicd at 1150 in 11 Hnnrl pnssing play with iiihonlcy 111111 Mauricc Straths finally scorcd at 1121311 when Ircy batted home Mays 111bound but 111 17105 iilhoolcy tal jli11i with Uniac and Maurici both learning pass 111111 111111 tallied ml 11111111 111151 assists Straths were much tougher from sccondframe on They forced the play from the start but couldnt through finally break and 1itl111 Ah 111111111111 111111 1111i11r or lby Lamp1111111 got his sec 111111 unassisch score 111 8111 and Another 11111111 lc111111o will ict 111111111 bats ivhich 1111 carved out of slain from Mcl Thurs ay Night of satUIday AFTERNOO EVENING 83l 1030 USUAL PRICES Lcrnoons tennis put such 1111 tcific cut on the ball 11111111 111111 11 111ops spinning back 1111 11111 1111 play 111111 way all has acquired good tennis racq of now with 1111 required number 11f strings Ile has 11111111 tennis 1cgaiia in fact Except lone With my sclmoz thats one or ticlcI can do without says Abner Friday 830 Intermediate SemiFinalOrillia vs Bobcaygeon Tommy White Orila lacrosse player recently returicd from ov transfcrred to ell Telephone C0 White was 11 of the top scorers juniors back 111 1940 ocal lacrosse star Mer vingyccnzie has been made an off by Mimico Mountaineers ervin spentsevcrai days 111 Mim ico where he was interviewed by Lillian Kearns Mrs Art McKen zie Mrs Little Mrs Fred Following the matches the Bar were hosts 211711 social hour when refreshments were In thepreyious match played in iillia three weeks ago the Bar an 18 to score shuttle matches THURSDAY 111111 191 Championship trathcortas 83 lTfifd IRUII SIIAPIUV APRIL Ill Dc In ccrpIiOIlJl spring urJrlicr 1111 sclson for the Liking of sprtklrtl brown and 14111111111 111111 Ila Haw br 11ivlnc11l and will 11pm Irf 111 Iiril Ill 1111 season for unlityrs QIIIkIer and flu 11ill 1111111 111 1111 usqu 311 H13 13 1111 111111 and Fisheries Department announced 11111 11111111111 1v 1111 11 flit 5111 111111111 111 11111 was lhavmu 111113 1l111111 iii11 iiilnmici c1111 1111111 111I 1111 1111 linrric spt1311=lel 11111111115 DON GILIIUULEY attack and was about the best player 1111 1111 icc goals and two assists 111 figure in five of his teams goals LLCol Frank White DSO Commanding Officer of the Strain conns was in the 111ts for his team and carried star night also as he saved labelled Drags counted twice to go in front shots time and again Allbut one of the clght scores against him Turn to page thirteen plcasc Ho LORD this was more serious injury re sulting in fracture of the upper left leg Crowthe teers The Orillia team consisted of Kay Perryman Sue Mulcahy Lillian vMinTiieiTissir Mtfdred Whiting Mary Town Doris Sin clair Shirley Stewart and Watson Howard Eddington Ron Cooke George Cooke Don Stew Tissington Bartlett and Stan Hall Barrie Garrison players Were Fred Anderton Ken Walls Hollis 111skin Cirantcrsaagranraed Ineson Art More Maurice Park Woods Mrs Angus McNabb Flora McGregor Doris Kearns no higher 21 per perm MAP or town my 1010110111110 Momml 25 to 19 per person No higher 400 lovely rooms with A19 goalie played his best game of the SEasonand was mainly responsible for keeping the score from being much higher Kelly front line sub was just about the mosteffective playerfor the Service Corps and stuck to his job all night Eno for the most rat16 1119 game Farmer Gordon art owlion im provement over his last gamebut lot of time haying hslcal shots with Un the Stonewall on the also spent itll an radio AT ALI GROCERY 113 911111111 DRUG STORES Finals 77 He got three mower honors for the

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