Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1946, p. 15

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TRURSORY MARCH 21 M6 BARRII Lions iii Locals Beetillleterboro 1210 In SemiFinals viii TIN DIIIGS 1ND 3STRATHS WIN OPENI tI Alii ttuiitI of world heaters Arum ORILLIA BOMBERS MEET POWASSAN HERE SATURDAY tIrilliu Bombers meet Iuw ussau Hawks in Barrie Arena Huturday night It fl oclock in the first game of their IIIA Intermediate Second gunn ulso may he play ed in Barrie goals to count some time nct Ietk survived llll round in their with lenetang tuuurlicns Af ter being tied in the first two they were ordered in play two more The first one at Barrie List Wednesday be fore over 11300 Idils resulted in Iiilliu winning by in onegoal di tlm renal 1Itltgtl Zine theY wzii tind titltl went tiII dciitlv hr Titiiltit IIgtI hey noted ll tiislitrd ll tittt ilittl tllllt irtlttlllin lioltaaj Illitllllll the second per Limlte to tflt liiu ictiie tilillt iconic out recoizd host Iniiihi lhe playoffs the end If tit extra unit they stIiiL II IIIHIIJII llltl due Itillia hectic group tlittl Itwilxt lII Iietiovl IIltlltl 1h tiltie ltlll itittt with iiud gtlllt usiiu and plenty mime Enid tztllii It only ilet of putwr Iltltl lilies unwind the littlttl It llitt but more umc iziitilelely ttttzttti It all times and after iiiii lties mid lllltllii stiizolls tllitl ted ltttlls by 123 The eiouil rhini unis inucii liet hour to watch with good tltdll fast pridoiiiiiiiiting lpustmits ltlltl discharges the lltAF llttlt Itlltttl It tor the pluyoifs with roster of ioiily ll Illtli and it does them etc there iacli ilittl then the liiwt they could lliitll to lllltl the visitors to their the littllit ttlR Ititlid LtlIIf flitltlli izoztl leteiliuro Iti IIICPI lhis Bombers held as they tied Penttang 1H an Midland on Slttirday last Local fans say the lenetuiig titttltiht It into his own net Lion Ilse til Illtll leud Verlui lioelm lltlt iniiirioinowei lle the nals In 2i fiistci Inst whole ttltllLiI Iai leteilvoio and it Tuesday llittl the bud Vwiiitiintf tenin more convinciqu lead than two undoubtele Hill Drillin ereatetl some of the most exciting hockey of the season hare always been highly rated intermediate offs never flitting to fast team out of the north l1tl1t have llliltlt series squad IeiII ll illtl Iowdssun Iluwks tliiit pluicuinu zuzd lhe Stiiitns they llll giving on lot per cent went all Will and after lieiiiu held two periods lsuperior front hue play and poss ilily their cvtia ltllllllltlS told tlte tiile iiiitl they itititiasied to net three in the lltill lliill Merv nights tttts hockey ilziy lirlug would have Httl chalked up The gtttolll point of the visiting was their defensive svstetii tiiiies outstzmiluiir trtiitl keenii mil tty tlolt Ioi tltlit mill hat collided with final gioiils mm WBARRIE ONTARIO CANADA NDRI to 15nd LII Ie It Steep Mun1i Ill IIIWIN Lil lti Wl Aye loiii ii libth 91 To Nil pilot on ltltl HI llHAe Juliiiwu that in husbaul til leoien Ixitet II Joy Nil of dtiltllst 11 II Buiiti SKELIUN At The loioiito ICI1 General Itopunk mi ililltll Iii Illll 31in oiistnlilo litr lHVltI lll II LiitIs Site ton 3le Langley Ave loiiiutiv ltill mother of llillti IMI Ilarkleyt tliit ltuth ITIIIs llititiesl iloiy Drift tieiitLe iilid liiinbei deiu Ltl ot Ami lemuze and John tiistIi Mr ltiigii ritieilj If flu ltllllLfll St luiues tnunei ronto Mltlth 21 which IZOCAIllllSlu luring memory of stinta Will ho combined freakish tricks lotilli acrobatics to keep out the tililier lient the contest so close Ititrrie niie III cool us he iolilicd several iuvakurtis Iiinet sIiisoii and Shower for NewlyWeds IIiidziy March the immedi ltt neighbors iiid those UINU School Section met at the home of Mi Illltl Ii David lilkie to honor the bride Ind tziiioni All nud Mrs Newton tend uIi address to them utid mnny piaetiezil shower gifts Andrews losers played Seytiioiii received them ioil splendid tiiiiiie credit for tlIeIZlX lone coal Monday itdnesdny illltl lliurs day niuht of next the semifiuals lhc fiiiiils will be two out of three lfiltllt3 or will the sciiiifinzils Night unsigned Planned by Church Loop To Settle Two finals unve littt Iiluved fine ttltll steiidilv fliiesdiir In top form llis defence iiiude were Ilwiivs played and week will lilltlc IlllitlS lloy AIIEi Hesse and earned most itiiililtj oI tttliltllf vitli riitti olIIIIIsiltL lotwutdis llte host ilml Pmrlll ll llll Illlmll Illllll lllt local attackers were ltlllmd nth und MrArthui lovely and After singing children and school Vgioonis lliey iie Iolly Good Fellows the Indies served lunch CAMP BORDER LEAGUE SEMIFINALS and FINALS Barrie Arena Monday Wednesday Thursday NEXT WEEK ieply For end and use Examiner Classifieds One of the best Church League at Barrie last giiiiics reiizi sciison played Saturday when entiiil Iliintiims met Alliii ii tlhittlltOl tlilttVSCiitS Halfway through the game IIiiitoii scored for Cen biit u=fcw minutes Idler tied the was first of dule ill the tizil Johnston Allandnlc Both Allaiidiile and Central have cause to be proud Inst hockey liibitcd game up for the clean which Illtt boys ex players Outstanding the game were Ieelair Ayrcs iIiii ton Hagan Johnston mid Grunt VVlho second game of this series featured iii is being ii deoi Wife and tornY iuothez liine Iliuzatdis whw paved itt North 21 ill We III not need speeial duy lo brim you to our minds The day We do not ihiiil of you Are very hard to Illltl lcziCeful be thy rest dear mother It is sweet to breathe thy name In life we loved you dearly In deiith we do the some Lovmuly ienieinbered by l2p Iltishiuid Ind Ituiiiily MARIINdn loving memory of dear husband and father Alvey Martin who passed away March 17 1945 Colin and peaceful he is sleeping Sweetest rest that follows pain We who loved him sadly miss him But trust in iil to meet main liovingly remembered by l2b Wife and IIiiIuily MILLSIii loving memory of ii dear wife and mother IauctI Mills Midluust who passed away March III 1941 Five years have passed and one Since one We loved so well Wzis taken front our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell The flowers we place upon her grove May wither and decay But the love for her who sleeps bcnczith dollbleSiizill ncvcr fade away lleildelv Wllh llmlly FCQWECS Illa 12p Illleillltl and Family Ld SH vs 13x DEPOTRCAE RCD vs 2119 CASC TC PRICES AS USUAL nation mg St Marys in night game The night hps not been definitely Tickets will be on sale children thitctcr the outcome of the Bim tum Llricsnmyhclmth teams res for sporlsnuim ship and also feel that although winning the series is one of their objectives playing the game is their main goal set as yet adults free 25c speet ciich other SMITHIn loving memory ofV Sarah Smith who departed this life March 24 1945 Gone but not forgotten MEver remembered by IZb Victor May SMIFIIIn loving memory of Miss South Smithgwho passed iwiiy March 24 1943 Thy will be done seems hard to say Allziiidalc remains undefeated inlwpen me we raved has passed REPAIRS For CCM and other makes round robin Midget playoff series The Combincs have one win and Trinity have lost two games 1011 Friday last Allzmdzile bent Triii ily 91 Playoffs in the Peewec group started last week St Marys tin ished first in the schedule so re ceived bye into thelinals A1 Iandnle and Trinity played on Wednesday in the semifinal Trin nosed out Alltllldllle by CCM BICYCLES MENS $4250 4434359 FOILwEARLY DELIVERY OF LADIES BICYCLES PLEASE LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW PHONE 3874 36 BAYFIELD ST lily just 32 On Saturday morning Trinity created an upset by handing the strong St Marys team 2121 trim As it is twooutofthrce playoff St Matyswill have chance to pull up even nextSat urday morning LADIE ming Ancxcitinggiimblctryiiigto pick tilt ycarliVng that will come in ahead It thc nish ustmc alloin For Instance sab hctc sold for $700 in the Sarah toga sales then became one of the nestracers earning more than $350300 aid winning many of the greatest stakes Erickrrnftdmll cioAkiErTE away Some day perhaps well IllllCllt stand When we meet ogziiuiu that better hind Evei remembered by 12p Alfred ll Bouncy and Family AMOSMr Eiiid Mrs Walt Amos and family wish to expre to their kind friends neighbo and those who so kindly provided cars for their many acts of kind 1855 during their recent illness and death of their beloved son and brother 12p AMOSMTD Allan Amos wish cstOextend her heartfelt thanks and appreciation to her many relo tives friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes 21nd kind thcjossotaudear husband 12b DUCKWORTHMr and Mrs Duckworth wish to thank the people of the Angus community for the lovely Bible pimented to them in loving memory of their son Alan Murray Duckworth 12p HOBSONThe family of the late Mrs Julia Hobson desire to express theiufsincere thanks and appreciation for many expressions of sympathy and floral contribu tions during their recent sad be reavemenl MEETTIMI plied cars lp KENNYWMIQ and Mrs Bert Kenny and family wish to thank their friends and neighboisfor their kindness and help during Mrs Kennys recent illness 12p LUCKMr Luck and family Wis hto thank their many friends and neiborgjog udnessaud sympathy shown during their re cent bereavement 12b SCYTHESMrs Dalton Scythes and family wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for many Ikindncsses cardsof sympathy and beautiful floral Offerings from many friendsand neighbors during the illness and deathofhusband and father 129 WILLOUGHBYMr nd Mrs Howard Willoughby Wish express to the Angus community their ap preciation for the very kind re membrance presented t0 them in II 1g Lloyd ClareN killed in Germany May 1945 12p IN APPRECIATION You take no chance when you choose Winchester CigatenesContinuou smo king satisfactionptovec that youve picked thevwinning cigarette In Win cheziters you enjoy three of thveorlds choicest cigarette tobaccoi Tutlclsh Virginia mid BurleyVBlended Right blended cigarette chester an mes Try this champlo todayl with Mr and Mrs AnIIrOSs Carelgimou can cuiiso RM 80 coroful WRIIGHT1Charles Wright and family wish to thank the lStroud telephone operators and neighbors for the qutck response to an ur gent call while Mr erhts life was endangered under ack 12p lt VVMIDHURST Sgt Mai Smith RCASC Halifox VISIted his sister Mrs Huuhie Andross last week Mr mid Mrs Avcliffe anddauchter Mnrzaret Barrie Spent Sunday rs Robt Mills and Mr and Mus Roberts Weston spent the weekend at Mills Reid and use Exitmlnet Classlttda STRIKES AN SPARES BARBIE BOWLING LEAGUES OrO League HOCKEY Championships Barrie Arena THURS MAR 21 tlllil XXI Ildttle flouting Club Iditil HIM 111 Jhc Gnot AHANNC PACIHC You U4 Hill 10 HIS lull to cum RAIN IISIIVI at HI OW OLD CHEESE 29 ii srnss Ilitikestoiie Lit 73111 sharp tIlltIiIIH ORANGE PEKOE NECTAR TEA Bite RIIEIIIRIIIIII um 30 2511 11 WHEN AVAILABLE DOG BISCUITS Ll TERRIER KIBBLE CAMPBELLS 16 29 23 23 Flg 25 Pkg VQUICK COOKING Pita 5h tllttl Slhlllilx at 831 pm Giant Cake iniiissios Adults itte tliildieii Mb Bagi MASTER VEG Still Vlnllmiim PIIRIIY 5th Pl vl ti 21 poooMICII NEWTON RO IllsthJ vlltllltlt Itltl in at Newton lintziinm 0n NIIlfltstlitV Ilaitii 1L Iieotile Newtoi lIinioI wits iII Illt lIAStitt ANN PAGE MILK BREAD OVEN FRESH 15 hasnti BINSON tllI tllttili Itt 23 13 17c momowomomt 4843 PI 2401 Lon4e 000 liziil meantI lllll tzillitlItl luiii ltIltl lt thilx IIIown limit ishtId lI llnt the Iliili gt with Ii ititd it 515 llllltllVl sot tolll the Inotmlif lo lilll it lilild suuift 11 hi IiiitlilliI ulterior niize III tie Ilfttltt tlttll stml before dae iiltI llll tlllt lttideis you1 Ii Iit tIistie tllll Wetns llt IIIIIIIIIIIctllltoloollol COMPLETE PAINT JOBS nd HUPS EXPERT BODY and EFENDER REPAIRS FREE tolled II ltitll zIIp iIe Lind Iliii llt ttl stltedtileil Ittl pulpmed Finlay Marti lili Illt whim IiIIltl tlI time and alloy senttilled In It be totitlleltl Iitrke lzirke llh flame of Playoffs tllti Ill ytti III 10 45 23 tl1ttllli tins hilt Leatziie flfldllf TEXAS MARSH SEEDLESS 96 CALIFORNIA NAVELS 3144s CALIFORNIA SUNKIST 3100 CABEAEE TEXASIRESH cam TEXAS CURLY LEAF URANIIES LENle CI TOUC Hatters Iltlillltl Soiteis Shippers llyeis Tickers lIles hiuli single lhoilio iiitt llttilltii Mens liitili siiiiile Archie llioinp on 2th three lired Skiiinci Till iivu SPINACH TEXAS NEW CROP FLORIDA VCELEBY STALIIS FLORIDA SELECTED TOMATOES LETTIIC 133 three iitt TITT lhe Ilariie liXlllllllltl is $200 year and worth IIIIiitiee ALLEN now in their new 10iition at 14 Clopperton 51 Phone Number is now 3533 MO Iliml NNJIINM OWIMONWOWIO eiiiiiIiIiESPiIiNGsTIIVIcr 12 Boyfield St REPAIRING REARCHING COMPLETE STOCK OF GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS Coil Spring ReSelling our Specialty Patent and ite llllilt Strictly iii Cello Packed ApproxVtlb Pkg CALIFORNIA ICEBERG Large Heads 60 HOT HOUSE No Grade lbs 29 IOV HAMMER SODA 15 ltQ Btl IISIIMAIICS we 25 ALTER IttllllWlIIlJ Service Manager DANGERFIELD MOTORS Dodge SJ Desoto Dealers 65 Collier SL Phone 2487 uponounun ARM in1pg MNIOOINOIOOIOIONOW VC MINT WORCEVSTEVR Btl tittitiiEIiITIIITETS 17 BAR ELEANER 25 MAPLE LEAF NRIESBY RELISII HEINZ ASSTD Phone 37400 rPka Btl 25 29 SBIIIS RERNS IMPORTED RED KIDNEY NREIT DINNER i1 2339 NRENTIIIIILIIIILE us cuirso TARATITTP 15 gtooooooo COFFEE AT 82 P00IIEE CUSTOM enouNo VIGOROUS WINEY Bll LD MELLOW olt Bumper Bgiclietsmade for any type of vehicle CORKAN WNWOImIONIONOOOONMIMNOWWNNMM CORKAN PROPS Large Large Pkgs Giant 62 Giant Pkg iSlltllllll Ijtiunqwiie be practical 49 about moneu matters course lmproctlcolobout money motteIS may not understood high finance but om the one Who must budget the home expendilures Its my job to stretch the d01 feed Cindcclotheoxgrowinq family 53 ITS BEST have to be lCIfS to That is why 1001 upon my husbands Life Insurance as joint responsibilityhis and Ull9 If should ever lose him it is the children ondl who would suffer without an income to replace his earnings SiWepiOiTourlfednsurOuce tooethertcrprovfdie on income that we agree would be necessary for me incose Of need Iiisresponsibility is to earn Amine is to see that some OlltitlSVlmCtde available to meetthe premiums OS thesaloll due If had lnotbeen willinqto ploy husband wouldvhove found it impossiblegto provide the Iirion ciolprOtection that Our family needs v1 WVCII two outIv wrunglip Lowmnem ltuu but but con PowerhouseSirloiinb Wingj anjeless Round iiI suit mutt 1011 ITLIITNA 51511 ltlll LElll SILVERBRIGHT VSLICED lb VWV SALMth FILLETS 231 SALMON IllLETS CODIILLI llllnlltltill moriey Cl OMAN It 12 partmv I00O mm 504 gt0 Sx4u 54 RV TtIE PIECE COHOE iFRE$lIV IELETS Esl SISDOESI NORTHERNQVSELIIcrs we lb ACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1327 BRANCH OFFICE 70A DUNLOP STREET wVENSiaIv oVLv VBVltANCH MANAGER Vgut HEAD OFFICE TORONTO CANADA TrsTEII lutltltl0tlO0tmlbl Dmmooolt iao

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