THURSDAY IFJJ BARBIE EXAMINER HARRIS ONTARIO CANADK EEBRUARY l946 PAGE EIGHT Erma tAP Darrin POPULATION 30F CHINESE CITY DROPPED FROM It II ti it KI if it tr gt1 IIII AI YDS ALV it it In rtitier ct lrrtllti ll iwi Allllnl lm ttllltt British Railways 5I JnhriIrir llti manor lrn in zlxwp 0mm elm li lflllll 1i rI Sotve Difficult den of Harrie 15 shown 31 It 1er simply low it lH hands with lft2t Minister All Transport Problem IIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII MIII II mm IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII lllst lltltlltllllll llthlsllllf in tr of tlie tit vrrrrrto no In runs out it tfftl liken it the moment he lilllllttl fIr Farm 1eli it tiwlli II IIIIIII II III Mum Ill guutlmss III lllls Sllptll II In II rI II III II Gum In II pk HI IlIl it txf iii in 311 luv XII ilktiff Irish lJnrt rt mtt tiit hull Hm Hl Ll mm tintz mm 3m ul Joint it shown with his wrfe they reins we twin II IIIIII II IIIIII DII rlirrj pr ttnzrr lttlt tnJuIttt1ruazn Vetwrr olrrarrt mule an tr lr le it MW VI HIS Th the lrltllltlt pr or the sectring tlttl trtt on it prut 1m lmli frwnr illlili riay rrrt tron on to hint hr torrlur Sir if it nit litVVtllllarltl tows German thl mv it still of the lttl tlll lltvlltn whom pittr er II HMmur porno worked Without EV bit ev cover from the rain of ltllllaliltli ti gt IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII to thirty aid to the brave vtttllltlrtl Aww Canadians whort ltrlll hell WW lrlt Hi ll y5w MAM tr Itrrlilf ttr if tfalrzidiali Army Photosl vatral rm vwafr new lter ttlz Airman 1rrd thialort to ity iTried Out with Barrie liraeltlrlarll tlly ll lr 11la Nevl tteri John Denney has gone to toronto ilett Farrell wlro was their coach hissed hiin tip This column doesnt know if this was one of the rea orrs why lied subsequently lost ris coaching job to llap Emma out there is no doubt tltat Ross is in The Federation of Agriculture met at Mr arid Mrs Artltiir Dob sons lastMondav night with an at tendance of 28 and very irrtcrcsta rrig discussion was held topic of Grading price of wheat bttt to provide lllugnigi 111 that titrly marketing These things usually start in mild sort of way their teeth grow as the tier old er and the tri trad wolf emerges in the end Well it was tried hilt right from the start for some rea son or other Iomel hint went wrong Russia had to sell wheat and the price it llritish markets tetl Aritetitine lid not seem very anxious ttilnrrjv out her end of the bargain fllitl we were left ptet ty well rlt wi were erreir playiniz the game in was thortrtttt hest Ruth now tltis is titre of the things for thietr we ought to he OF COMMERCE BKRRIE BRANCH CPARSONS Manager market economy and the market in the errtldetermines the 11 Tire Vtttllllf ilain Ex Change has been closed so far as price on the good as inost goaltenders 11110ch company l5 Read and use Examiner Classifieds lie itirttvrrt 1irtillltl ttlli tt rttulin tttrtlt rr tr 1lt1t limit clubs are liritnmmtt 10 lhJie he will take tlllht rtr iiir t1e tr eel trf Sikurrrttltirrrt rtitt trl evil when llllitl iliU imam llnm lSH plumbian ttiieia ttrarrrvti vorre yearmtrr ether hire of production tttrtrm rrrtttrr ill liUllSlllll WllntlI Mrs ilhert MeMaster was in tfli tor ie littrprse of rrtirrtte urine lltrll We earrrrot readlfirarrt Gander lfoss ltlyeurold Nuwlolr Robinson Silllllflilb tlw 31ttrtl artrrrtilura land out nit titeirrre in titlil on the imlrltir ilzlllia itnaltendei telIIiIiliHlf llIK Illinorl 0f lllfllnw lhe elrerrtr eltt Elttttf 5o rlll tit ltlltltz tornther to tlli ollirritwood arid Midland fans F5 lllll 011 lvlfl NJTOUIL gl rt lites lltltli tlrttilirztetl tl1 lllltllllt iltl uherr is htette ale rlt5rltt his pluIFCS Midland ITEIMlIlPIfI lllilIIIIIlrylVKIlII ifan CHI sfvmL 0f eun 3m vr ll ll tilt and re in it to the litl for tierll ttierr that it we had tire liee Press Herald Illfl in Young FillixI pUHIOn our Ingomt 500 llttll nature flll intended it in eharree we touid be in it up to ylillllilll W515 lil fill the best goalie AliI Spam recently returned buomcsuhabu lh wllsumdyuu simple matter like this plarlnllte our ears it latk of opporttrn to appear in Midland thrs season Mm NNNWSI 5mm Cw d1 in good stead when you have the 1110 little hztrrn True there was rty not luck or ine1rrtttion which 2Irltl Um Wildei lllllltlltltlds week with Mr and Mrs Gilbert opportunity to makca soundinvest wasteI of time and elIfort but prevents TI wosmmOFo ngaslfgawlnm FIIIIIIM DNIIIIIY ment or necdfunds in an criter if tris lltiffS reoye trow 59 50 0er 059 IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lIIIIIV IIIIII IfIittlI trillions Iconfml IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII OIImIII and Mm III 5mm TWIMOI Spent gtncy Oran an account with us ltitt wtlttllltlll buying urd selt II II III III Sunday Wm MR and MFSI IMMII now am make pmcmu of not malm the same lllllilli attain 1m W111 WW NH II mm t1lll or years mos as us DIIIIIICII II lor this we ourtht to be t1iirtktuil ill lit Cllll Purl 1110 Sfilsml Lpnmungmnoums rcgllllrly rthtrr lllt Iitrlttl tt lid III II WI JI Dampier Essa TWDI 10m Illllt llllmI rare it lIIW them the better The solution will IIIIIIIII IEOIly IgII 9th StllXlVlIStN Louis lruaxcouncillor IMd lllill 0le ill tllllll come from breaking down hat PM and ll Bell treasurer were in and the tlrrrted state should Eltl milI HM mm 0me new may 5154 d5 miWt mUCh Toronto this week attending the together not exactly to tixthe ll 911111100 Show his 01111 and 000d Roads Convention lt shall bi ticiptd too by lLt wheat is ed for years Whether or not it had value in lllttllt may he arguable but over period of years the open market 5er us Iairer price than lll1 otherwise have been secured lhe thermometer is not responsible for trerrres til Utilitt heat or eoltl nrerety reersters them The Grain lIx does not determine prices it records them The lltlltlllf Barrie Players Make Up Collingw tOritlia NewsLetter While they wear Coilingwood averrters the Shipbtiildcrs actu ttly are more of Barrie team than Wl vitlrother forms of marketing is llllll tratetut Years after that wrtlr their tceeptarree eton CJlliHFIWOOd in lit5 there earne war It was ornie ltlllt are no longer working 1055 11 members or me loirqI war it destroyed great in the WWI rm mm hns no team are either Barrie or exBar deal or rlwIIrIzrain rzrowmu capacity idea or tire tttttlht or thlllS IA 910 boys They are able 10 Play of the continent of Europe The free market lrrttistlles rent mimic ior Collingwood because its the task of pri1inf the food of matting pigr tum tentesl Intermediate squad If the world will he stiff one for rillii lllfl entered thOA series 939 1940 the next tew years it is not only nstead of they would have 194 1942 1943 1944 1945 rad to play here Anyway the players include natty former Colts including the the of Dint Scott Don Bowen ind Bill Long Others are Ab Cirby Harry Livingston Jack Niieclcr Robbie sandell Max lichardson Ken Davie and Roy Brock With all that talenttlie wonder that the County Town didnt enter an Intermediate team of its iwn PerhapsBarrie will be rew entry into the league next Iear question of feeding Europe but the scarcity is quite marked in India China and Japan This story has its lesson when groups ct nations undertake to re strict their production or move in that direction in the trope of con ORIGIN or GAME or Burma INVENIED 40 YEARS AGO CONTRACT BRIDGE IN 1925 till 811010011 ill lllllllllllllll Ctllllllrll 1011 ii fOshawa TimesGazettcl Perhaps the gmeof bridge has passed more weary hours wasted more time created more argu merits given good deal more pleasure and made more friends and enemies than any other gamc SIXTH LINE TECUMSETH Intended for last week Some people say Spring is just that society ns chr indulged in wound the corner but we would radiant complexron must be built from Abouro years ago game call me to know what corner ed bridge was invented irt England Borden Best and JHanison are rery bus cutting Seventh ine Mr and Mrs Wm Watt spent lay in Barrie recently celebrating die latters birttuliiy gt Mrs BrookSand her father McClean are confined to bed Ivith the flucch wish them peedy recovery the inside with correct diet one wood on the The scoring was two points for spade trick four for clubs six for diamonds eight for hearts and 12 orumtLumpJamcura30 points and 100 for rubber there being IImDQltllS above therlineflour people played and there was no dummy containing the required vitamins Aand 5fo you lack these vitgmihsyoucarr notenjoy perfect health Your skin will be dry and rough Blemisheswitt heal DAILY long distance telephone calls WhenIyou pla player Thereand then Athey in vented aucmjbridgggpe hand being dummy whEh they took in turnsto play They called it auction bridge and on return ing toEngland one of the trio in troduced thenew game to Crock fords Club which was devoted to card games Rules were drawn up and in course of time the game spread throughout therworld It was not until 1925 only 20 years ago that the first game of contract bridge was played Be coming boredplaying auction when on an ocean liner Harold Vandere bilt thought up the idea or in troducirig penalticsfor losing deg alter the name of the mounted to127000 day And the kdm my vvolumc is still rising ll 6th number of your party THEN when the operator asks if your own telephone number Please avoid unnecessaiy details especially if you know thedistant number If you dont know the distant telc gt phone number please make note Jos Milliganbas beenbusy haul rng wood with his truck also coal when he can get it wit will soon be time to tap the naple trees again So get off of her road for Jack Grayrarid Bill Nestlake Bill Westlake and Ted Culbert iave been digging drain for nciit tile and they report very little Tros II number from around berat Uended thelce Follies ianoronto 1nd had it very enjoyable evening Henry Westlake is busy these as sskldding logs for William Su herland of Bond Head out of bis bush on the SixtlrLine also for Joe Noble of Bond Head with his vitaminsALand taste treat too sparkling withall the colour and flavour Kira of gardenfrcsh tomatoes Bccauscxofwartimc shortages We have not been able to provide the additional circuitsand equipment we nccd Construction now und way will rclicvc that situdtiOIl shortly We must meanwhile continuum ask DOUBLEYOUR noun nick ifyoii dIonthafgree flictLibbys Gentle= Press Tomato Producer4+ Juice Cgtchup uh clared calls and the vulnerability Iteam of sturdy rliorSesh The to Of fml U96 When Yojuliear soup are IIirnposition The innovationcaught goby truck toIArIInotd greedors lelI the operator repeatitI est You YE ever lasted like wildfire and thats what you Saxmfln lk wh td ew mi men is is rict Egame I6 gymsgem own and Pep attendedSha Mllk rIPiIrodtcers rIrIieet Dr ChasesIrKidneyLiver Pills In am 011 1168am gt0 my vo aqlgvgllggggitgage to bridge was have long record of dependability portka very laggut atteftdance The CAN HEIIJ PROTECT LONG ga as regulator of liver and kidneys ypea er was Wi motif of the Ontario Milk Prod tion Gordon Brethet received some high Iprlces for two registered Holstein cows lately which were shipped to the United States IThe Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orllliai had 2323 admissions in 1945 with daily ayergig of 82 patI ients There were 1300 surgical cases and total revenue Nvas $109 768 Operating surplus alterat whist which isfirst mentioned in English records in 1621 It is still pp pularr game in the United Kingdom where theremere prob any as many whist drives as bridge tournaments So we think there must be some thing about this game of which someare devoted to and others just as ardently despise to have withstood the centuries and still retain such popularity ucer Associa andbovvcls The quickly arouse these organs to hen thful activitysharpen the 11 pctite and help to improve digestion Clean out tlieIpoisons with Dr Chases Kidneerivei Pills and re gain your ep andliappincrrn 35ctsa ox Dr Chases olsrAucII Minimums or EVERYBODYSSIERVICE KI SMITH Manager JUICE Kidne lich Pitt low ng or eprecia iori was If LIBBY OF CANADA LIMITED Charlton Ontario Read and use EramItner Classifieds IIfiilflSllil III Lbb Esqnle min tiiiris ligiilvarilliabislirelevlri ll ca 0w in em Press rrtrsr civil servants in remote jookstown CC ry it or Be 1939 018 war broke we 60000 omato lllCC an exec em source 11 get 11 My 30 fourth 95 legliele 0361 COWS re HRSlgivetbeoper ently In 1945 as war ended they had