AGE TWELVE luttorum Disease Chicken Killer No 2911311111 hi hi 065 string 11 5341M ll Dom 111 lliE llAltltlE EXAMINER BAltitlE TARIO CANADA 1111111 FOR FARM risrs 1Thee We Reasons 351111 unsumskmr 800d Potatoc or Alberto fWhy Eggs are Good titty as we 151 71 11 1l11111E runs 11 if 1111 ltllt Ill 11111111111 111 15111 111 1111311iv 17111 1111 11111 ILink the ll1111 111 51111 111111211111111 11111 111111 11 111 111311115 111111p1111c 11111111I 111 1111111111 11 1111 c11111 11111117111 If ilflllfltllllhluli 1211 111111151 11111 111111111 111 11111 1f 11 1111111013 111 1111 11 11111 111111111111 11 1o gt1 in 111 1111 11113111 11111 1111111 11111191 111 11118 11 11111 11111 111W 11111 1111 11 of 01111 11 111 1111 111 1111 1E1 11 11011 The pm 11111111 1t1111111i 11111 i1l 1111 f111 1n 111111 11 llitil 1111111 llt111 11111 11 11111 11111 111112101 111111 121111 11 111 1111 11 gt1 ll111 ttii 11111 iiuy 111111 ilny ll 121 11111 11 1111111 11 1111111 111 111111111yv 101 11111111f 111 11 1112111 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practically 511111 the world and is 1111151 encourag ing in 10011111 to the effect of the circulation of the Word 111 1110 l11 East and 11111115 now happily 1101111 liberated T110 0511111115111110111 of the hide Society of India NoV 11101100 21111110 liar 1111111111111111115t of l11k rabbits 11110111 501 free The report 011115 1111111111111113 100111 1111111110 references to new departures 111 1111 S110101v5 1110111 1111110111 for rc Founda fruit trees years 111 1110 111111 many of the new orchards outside threatened with destruction 1leaforl 111111 were pro 11101115 X01115 balmy Mcaford hina 111 Peru wise man who budgets his resources ml construclwn 1111 111111 110111015 111 1111111 also win when Ito uses Smlth Bros of 1110 1111111015 trucks 1111111 dinner guests Growers 211111 grades 1115 given 11111110 Ilall where Mayor Stanley Knight congratulated Cecil Clapp club organizer for the days shoot Cough Drops Black or Menthol to relieve the annoyance or cough due to cold On sale everywhere401 110 and the club ltcbcccan with 1111s report 111 111 After thrilled 111111 it is hoped inspired by the 11111111111511115 so vividly 10 111111 the word skilfully drawn by the author of 1110 report 1110 Rev John Patton 11111 11511111111011 prizes We areenterin nice and Ceylon on parted 1110111105 511 ltllt receives grcat prom and future consequences Evergreen Permanent Pasture No1 Grade MIXED READY TO SUW SAVES TIME AND MONEY 11111111111111 lclllld lastmc Put up in 60 lb cotton bags Nine essential grasses plus Ladino and White Dutch Clovers Orchard Grass Brome Grass Kentucky the 76th ear of the busineSs found Brown in the year 1871 and still carried on by Brown 61 Co 1Maple Products Are 10n Same Price Boris 1A Prevoited in 1945 lv1 111 iplc lilolads al1l Icgulstzois covwing the 1111113 11131 bc le snie as in 19431 1111111c have and Trade 13111111 211112de Innity The 012111 11 111111110 syrup when mid 11101 11 product to urlzultitr 11 per 4111111 for Call Stiii for Collilld Dart for ttzigradcd syrup 11051111 11 one guilo 1310111 1011 t1e 1110111111111 of 231 per 1111 11love the prtce of Canada 12111101011 11gt Canada Fancy Graded fvfilp must be marked as such and the grades 111115 conform to the Federal Department of Agriv cultures calor11nctt1 standard 11110s 11111 bulk maple ngar 111 it 0011114 place if 221 1112 pound tllllt 1110 00111121 price for 31105 11 consumers of maple ll11 1n or pound blocks 11 330 pcr pound regardlcrs of who make the 110 The necess 1113 11111111101 of Valid sugar prc HIves coupom lllllgti be turned over by 01111511111015 buying in person from producers Because it is 111l to send loose coupons lhrough 1110 111111 purchases made in that 1111111111 1111151 1111 accompanied by purchase vouchers obtained 1hro 111011 Ilation Board Producers 10111111 1111p10gt syrup or maple 5111111 are required to register with the 111011 1111111111 Board Couprm5 11111 other ration documents they acquire must be turned over to their Local 1111111111 Board every 1111111111 111 envelopes provided by 1111 1111111111 Administration Maple products are included in the preserves ration because of the overall shortage of sugar Prices Board officials explained llurintl 1110 11111111 producing sea 11 from March 151 to May 31 each 1111l sngarpreserves coupon 15 good for the purchase of quarts 181 fluid 1111110051 of maple syrup or pounds of maple sugar After Filaylll the coupon value of maple syrup returns to its normal level of 1111 fluid ounces per coupon nupon values for maple sugar re main 1110 5111110 throughout 1110 year pounds per coupon It PUBLIC PROTECTION Edward William Bolt writer and editor had great love for flowers Wasnt he Hollander by birth 11 one occasion he had many beau tiful flowers planted outside that fence of his home Noticing the display the towns 110551111151 warned 11s foolish to plant your flowers beyond the fence People will only stcal 1110111 The undisturbed Bok smiled his reply The next day passcrssby were able to read this message dis played on large sign nailed to the Bok 101100 These flowers are under the pro tection of the public Not one bloom was ever taken l87 1946 ed by the late John Blue Western Rye Crested Wheat Per enrnial Rye Canada Blue Meadow Fes Cue Red Top White Dutch and Ladino Cloter This isa valuable paSture mikture ALrALIA AND RED MIXTURE nMMM INNOCULATIONS tor CLOVERS AND No MAMMOTH BED CLOVER Single cut No ALSIKE and lied EIMAliliTClovcrsTlelylirid Field Corn arcm short supply owrnftothc wet sciason 61 HT We 111111 secureda fair supply of these items as well as white and yellow Blossom Sweet Hardy Westerngrewn Alfalfa Mammoth Clover Timothy Brome Grass Meadow chcuc Orchard Grass Kentucky Blue Canada Blue Red Top Perennial Rye Reed Canary Grass White Dutch and Ladino Clovcrs DONT WAIT UNTIL SPRING TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT HYBRID GARDEN CORN Hybrid Bantam Spancross D25 Bed3 REWLOVER gives Ahead Yield 10L RY STOCK and HOG TONICS Pratts Royal Purple Dr Bells Howards Cdllal and Pellets ROIIAL PURPLE BLATCHFORDS PIONEER BRANDS AJAX NCVARIlER tiiANDr7 WHOLE GRAIN WHEAT OATS BUCKWHEAT BARLEY RYE 3GRAIN SCRATCH MIXTURE ARE RUYERS AND CLEANERS or CLOVERS TIMOTHY AND GRASS SEEDS OY BEANS WMarcross important ee 1111111 Mixed ChopANheat Chop Oat Cho Barle Cho BranShortS and MiddlingSjCilcake lifeal Sgy Concentrates torHogs Poultry an Chick Starter Developinng Mash LayingMash1 Blcitchfordsl Master Pioneer BrownsXXX aster Chick Scratch fGrain Bean Cattle fullOPep tho=Barbi then 81nllower Seeds QWBytlIePak Cidrden Seed Drillsand Cultivators Bulbs and Rose Bushes Flowering ijhitibs Flower Pots PlantBaskets Baskets Apple CATTLEAND HOG MINERAL rEEDING BONEMEAL MEAT MEALHSALT LIME LIMESTONE SULPHUR EPSOM SALTS 115113 117 age Bulk WE snow iBeity Baskets Fruit ultryiSupplies Chick Peat Moss ameSway Po tteriforBrooderHouse we beds Barrie gt Hay if 331Y7 and 1111 grade $2911 for Canada HOW TO PASTLLKlZL DAIRY PBODICIS Panamanian 11 applied 1111111 czeam or may try121121311115 to temperature at 1111 all the e1 11 arm disease 191111 1111 mg mum 11011 111 111 11 Errstore 1itltjziL1LLl slows 111 ft cd 11100111 Will be destroyed and 1110 growth of the surviving Ulgnlr pl of lililri and other Lloll pro ducts delays the ulfllig of milk 011 1210 other hand states 110 Farrncrs 13111101111 No 33 on l1s 1curizstion Hf 311115 Cream arid Dairy flyProducts lllEffltlCliti methods of ubltlllllulloll give 1110 public 11150 5011 of MCtllll and those opposed to the lllutlltv The products and shows how it 15 done The bulletin is fully illustrated and may be obtained free on applica 11011 to the Dominion Department of Agriculture Ottawa ism will be restrained Eff101011111 pasteurization flcUifo s1fc supi and improics 1111 flavour and kwp ling quailty of butter 11 1111 10 charged for sHupt form 0110 of 1310 chch 011110111115 by purme of the bulletin is prinmrJ 11y to effect greater efficiency 1111 shunts 11 the pasteurization of dairy by British Puliet 1For Eastern Europe 111 fed hingdmri Mummy 1111101111 L5 111 pfctvn ilvillli gt111 1s considering 11 11s 1111111 day piillvts to Poland 11A 1l the British Chick In the rose of mill and cream ofipmduccrs Association to supply coohng to 1011pcruturc 11 11111011m wimp aim be of the best 51111 1111astly tthudc lzluhd T110 111111 would be flown 111 mm special tcamemturc Hri Send 3111 news when it is news MB You le due to simple anemia You c112 kllil wznui 1111 Buff ti from 13111 11d 10 pairs wnk dragged 1111 111 may be due to 111k 01 iron 11 1111011 try 131111 if llnihunn Companui 1111 151 v1lwldcltl 11011 Monrol 1110111 lunar was to 110111 11111111 uprtd blood 111 111111 can 1111311111115fabletsarconeol the mo 01111110 non wake you can buy JOIOOIININOIONIOIOIINIINIOIIOIII mllllNlONOIIfIOO BARR FURNITURE HOSPITAL What Benet to the 1111111111111 lcha1ring of all Furniture Read and use Examiner Classifieds 111111111111 AirALFA Sweepstakes Bio 2R0m0dclling of all the same 3Chest0rticld Cleaning and Repairs 4Upholstcring chaddfng ctc 5All Materials and Rugs Cleaned AdiThose Frayed Rugs Refringed iFurniturc made to order 8Bulltin Cupboards etc Elwintcrlor finishith in Walnut Mahogany etc etc anything desired such as panelling fireplaces 1078111 Covers made to order when materials are available llFrom Pianos to Toys we do it i111 My FOR FULL INFORMATION 12113111 3600 SOEDONT STALLJUST CALL TUPCltOI ERAND Is RECOGNIZED AS TOPS IN This coin produCes heavy Crops that will stand up to almost any adverse growing conditions We will havethc 11111111111111 varieties Nos64fs 625 606 531 355 279 275 Intlarg flats and largerounds BOOK YOUR ORDER Now and SWEET CLOvERS bres of 0111111 gt White Cap Golden GlowWiSCORSin No7 odyButcher Comptgns Harlin LOngfellow Ii Insecticides11555 Arsenate oLLad andLime 4301 deaux Mixture Bordeauxlllrstittic Ammate Weed Kill 241 Wed Gcirclen andF114de 11111111111 Sheep ManureBone Mfetdlt FIELD CORK 11111111111111111111 Milorqanitea Handsiarezs Dudersnd ClclonchIAd Sstttr BERT BOXALL WlemMWmmJomulemnm PW T6pcrop Hybrid Field c1111 lopcrop Hybrid Corn N9 No G0vt Scaled TIMOTHY and ALSIKE MIXTURE 75 Timothy 25 Alsikei we 6111131111 11111 11 1111111111111 Kibbl Master FOR and Mink IOods Bylhepoundprbaa 45 375 iwmnmwi may