Tnonsmr FEBRUARY 21 1946 Colts liven Group Beat OwenMSouad Greys 74 remote Met Sarulitltfi it 543C lliiix moi in Ur il Llr It up final win committer aired St tricy did lllt Ii 33 like ml Jllti it purine hi Pitat wt 1110218 1131 v7 tl 111 It tt Ilrrl dicssizigg is il iid litt litcfi if srtzan ili tini tar blow53 tittitltl tii best tiimi to ill tlxllt both tunes 11ler who coutc proiiilc As whole the iltyft it insulti is Burke and yc lrliivt of tlin previous liiicc at met inc Cult 13 season tint olts li Bishop playinr of lilltllliirll ciczj illt iuric since iii ltil Iitlortl lu pzuvcd hiiiistlf tiy titeke ulim lilt Lu though he only sarik negpal 1n iii intiiic iriitch LIfnl tans very clinic iii illitl Ilcttl air ice and when thiylsti was good for nice tally lti ll iiin iuiici llllklll swim tl fast and Li lllii tiii laci of hackchcckiiig prurwl it ticfiutc Enarlachc for Neath The In iiialtcndcr continued in tit uwt player for the litIv thwarted the locals on iiiI tacks For Barrie Dun illlltltrlty uas the most cffcctiw iit with Iloliiusoti and lilllflitll oil his tail IIED FIRST PERIOD In disorganized first itl nuii utcs thc teams managed but mic goal cacti Robinson was the local IltVl won by half this score it mikilmlm 331901 itlulglg assisting tsiop ic it up 2M Mayo mugmmng Ullldtl many shots but he was usually ls lirl play fllllf PIJJTCIIVFLY litllitx has bccii tlit ability is still thcrc iiii iiliittlthlIV they lack that wrldlillllif which oiin comes iistant playiiiit toizctiicr ltd fit this playoff sttics illicit ionkid It be tryinzt to sinniii honors As rcsult tit llilf was list arid the Itttltt that the abilly to gttl up hulkV vice lnnikiiml pli from which someone cisc Sillndu Inc WY hi Wk titl rtill is its aluahlc ts Iltlltlllll twmmdlumy mm Sim in IHH loin 5741 continues to ovtr inc iori tcam with such dccidtd some In be mm Wm 1ihm1 p11 115 mm the club 110 drew the only penalty mi that the red light shone for film pmwd hbh Wkllli them on only seven occasions The Shefeld Opened will tht second by slapping home the rebound off Pillcrs shot at 127 Approximately eight minutes lattr Laughecd guided pass from Gil lioolcy into the Corner where Ncatti wasnt to make it 111 few min utes later the same sniper did it again as Sheffield centred out to his stick The last goal of the stanza went to McWhirtcr of Owen Sound on solo effort Reid combined with Douglas at 106 in the last to bring the Greys within one Of tying it Three minutes later Wysyuski got it back by finally beating Neath Jim Nixon the Sounds rookie from juvenile ranks came throuin at 913 unassisted At the three quarter mark Rocket Loughccd flipped pass to Gilhooley at ccu trc and the centre ice flash went in alone for the best goal of the night Neath was still looking for the rubber when the players skat ed to centre Robinson ended the nights scoring at 1910 as he rap ped in nice counter iitliGitII hooley assisting Morrison of the Greys was the only culprit to go Off in the last period and that for elbowing CAMP BORDEN Command Hockey League DOUBLE HEADERS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT area 25 AT 715 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANAD ln Senior Playoffs Pill YtlINfi itl Kilt linui tits lzullt irifiil cTtt i= lllll=l lititai ll Hi lzt Igutil lutiiriftli ii ii ti ii Itimi timic Ic lit illl in the rt ilits lam sun Iii1c With ltv thtimoii 11 ltltif and circnpzou rltil tll lVil all liit ill the ltti lltlllll 131V tXtttllttl wist and llltVtlll Igt AIS ifli Sliflil litlii tiitw ttl lllt NW pm lli ri llilllll innit the Ivat Lot if any ti hilt vittiviallyl tiZIlIE IJII iii iit 13 wast itt ltitrl II lltliltl two linit uilmriic iiI iizilz and min ll tulttiilts llittir tfltitl lBARRlE llONS OWEN SOUND it Htlltl lttll IOwcn Siiiiint Sitiiluitct Ilzirric Links limiticd wcn Stltttltl illilllltllltl ll ticfciit rt lttwcii Sound Arciii ill Ilunsday night It tit uid lititic txlutii lion Illthtlllt ttiiiti llttllll It ttjy ltll lilt will but lhc itch tttxl is hasnt siiicc the Lot tiinc llliltlflll icfcrtctl ll ill 12 pcn llllit wiet cc ltflllllillltl lt worn the it infant two Itlttilltlllfl ltttllll staiiitl litmus no liy lllllltlrf fur ltll itt rcs wind iltlliltlt and drill itllll fiizgli sticks and BMW mm juyvnnfnu duhlvgctil oil inltllltt this point it lil ptiicicdnws lilt gtztziic vs lltldt coached llapiiy lziiuus display 11 Ii It cl clcvcr firstpisiiuatitichthat ii tcrson on thc injustice of pciiitllt had the locals on the run for tho II in iiilt uucii ttlilllll was the first if iiiniutcs Ilic tlltl lctl in il2 tl thc cud of tIic first pcriodl worthy icfiircc must have itSltllOfl and 114 at the cudoi tin second Wm WWW my me if mm lttrtDlt lttlltl penalty for hugging frame before Iliaruoudsa snappcd ushing Hmle AS my mm rm Hm3 mulls was carried into the Gait lone Owen Sound had trouble oigzm glutk and 1cclicii were found ixing potent attacks and thcntlicy lending and were soul to join did uct break rays they were far lilllitl few minutes later lay off the mark with their shontiiii icpy was given minor Sonic or hiastcd lilt puck riiiht at Ilrucc how the officials ncitlcctcd to s00 Kcrr iii the tart ic nils The Horn dcfiuitcly providcd the Diamonds with their toughcst opposition of the season and sliowcd up lllt wcak spots in the local team Twice in tlic first period tlic home team took the lead only to have Barrio owrtakc them They tied the count it 214 early iii the second period but after that the gttll lit in lllllrtli could light pitching than thc cyc their UIlt1 with hay aliulgiu THE BATTLES CONTINUE Gordie Nccdliaur weighing in at 161 in full equipment was in tlic iicxt bout with Uiiiiic and they took 1hr beaten path for tivovminutc grunt was all Barrie with the cx semirice Ily this litltt poor old ccptioii of the bclatcd Diamond Mr Patterson had things get outburst that was ziidcll by scvcral ctimpietcly out of control and any penalties to the Lions thing could have happened In Barrio showed pairol niftytoiic corucr niixup Kewlcy prac iiltackcis in McArlhur and Fra ticuily beheaded McArlhur who Iciin with Pat Iolaud pitnidiiiu rccovcrcd sufficicntly to retaliate plenty of punch on Itlic second with his stick Mitch to Iaydces line On the defence Bruce Gapp disgust he was ordered off along was tower of strength using his with chlcy But things didnt weight to the best advantage Kerr end there In the box McArthur 11 goal had little chance on the who was smarting from his drub shots that beat him and made scv biug tauiitiugly whacked chley lcral fine stops McArthur bagged few times on the head The five goals and Friilcigli came up with three goals and two assists to lead the Lions Barrie Goal Kerr defence Gitpp Emms centre McArthur wings Atuott Fralcigh alternates Hadden Hutton Barber Ball My 1SP0lll Owen Sound Goal Neath and tCoIc defence Gibson Brown centre Long wings Long Thomas alternates Nixon muscles just some damage on his own Needham and Uniac in the box but the two were doing quite well by the time other players joined in the fray Clark who must be bothered by the clothing shortage concentrated on getting Kewlcys sweater rag at time FANS SWARM ON ICE lAriiiIv Battle Features Eliast Period Of Galtw Visit IAIK WHEELER if itlll who iiitlfttv cd illt2 Midland ltgtt ttli wid Siiipliuilduis lot iziii ml trit II 1111 gt and titcir lillt Ilitit lull Willa or pcr titx1 ti iI wlicrt cd liti tr niaii 11 on Itttll iis Muck on the ltllilit snot late in the second fiiiisiicd the 3aiitc lhc talwu to hospital xiay itVtdlltl ii fractur ix ollmttwmaf dcfeiicc at on the Nciniikct mi last scasou and was trips effective such It the tll Bay Iwavue itp until the final of his injury llt was rc lcascd twin sciiicc fcw iiioiitlis pgo thvlct limit in Col Iiiipwwd and played Itltliot OIIA with the Sluplriiildcrs luclph and own In his ciiiisimcnt ill FLYERSTAKE 182 PASTING AT GALT AREN tGalt Ilcportcrl Despite the fact that Gait Red Wiuits scored 18 times and Bar iic llIicrs twicessa total of 20 goals Mitillllt into the twinequid that young Iimmy Strachzin and Cecil lruhltlic respective iict inindcrs were first class in their puck stopping Saturday nights game in Super park arena was in the eyes of the majority of the 1111 HI uI lt1 and 40 minutes of glorified shin uy and pingpout on ice The Red Wings rattled the hemp seven times in the Opening session twice in thc middle spasm and on nine occasions in the closing period BOIII IN SECOND PERIOD THERES sussrrrurr Fort BRlSK lvc tiicd many 1i brand of tcaliut lvc iicvcrI yct found stilistitiitc for that lively brisk flavour of Lipttins in ch Liptoiis gives you special brige flavour lrv it once Youll tlLVCldlttlflitllilSllllg C11 again because Liptons givcs you fltSlltt livclicr flavour always spiritctl and full bodied iicici flat tor insipid lca cxpcrts agrcc that Lipmiis itll has brisk flavour Change to brill tastingr Liptons today Minesing Beat VBadjVerosr 73 in District Hockey hlittcsing Ilockc tcnm tll up two wins ill the past vccl to litilt firm the inySlltttttl Iraimc ii Fril Miiicsini Wednesday day hol night of Hffilltl plsicc bcnl Nuit tlicIv tool It jeros iiitocaniu by 73 Although DlltltSltlt carricd most of the play at the end of thr first period the scorc was Iladjcros Ill id it Miiiesiiii with nMoorc itillllf two goals laritcl for lflfllillthIH illtgt ll lilltl Roodsized audience the poorcsllloncy one for tho Iattcr This Mil contest of the current seasonabout was ml Mgt7 20 minutes hockey as we know it Badjems iietminder the former and due to hlclloiiald The scctiiitl pcriod saw Mincsini notch thch tallies withV Adams Priest and Maw cach counting for onc In added scored once the third tlircc pcriod more and The goalitcttcrs RIC Miiicsi nu lllltljttttfi it Bum Flym Ckel 10 Mincsini were llarry Adams and two counters in the second periodWR ward who owned hm 1055 Ray Garipr and Danny Wilkes blintziua the red light behind the Cult goaltender Wilkes also pick ed tip an assist The first period although sprinkled with some heavy body CllCCKlntI hiin sticking and board slamming got by without penalty being handed out by Referee Pat terson The second frame was spicy mule lame Red Wing received dish six sinners going to the peri fcw pokes and then set out to lollellIbeWhi Ipmelwh COOk and There Fogolui drawmg livemmth ma wasnt much room to fight with lo 195 for some my kmwme stinging Gariepy McBride and Nccdham had to serve twomin utc sentences BEST IN LAST PERIOD The final 20 minutes was possibly the best hockey of the evening both teams going wide open with than minute and for lladjcins KI llaimon All throuin the itamc Muir Miiicsiugs goalkeeper played his usualIuood form Minesing teams in the GreyltSimcoeilicaituc while BtldelOS are iii the ccilar not having 0ii game BadjcrosGoal Jas defence Bill Gibson Kcilh llzlll forwards Celdcorn Moore Moi non still lcads lllc McDOii Bob Gibsiui and Art McIntyre MinesingGoal fence BeilbyT Johnston Armstrong Cavanaugh forwards Maw Ward Adams Priest Harry Adams Downey IM Priest Harold Adams Muir old Bill lltuuioii dc Reports of meetings and other events should be sent in promptly lSr Marys Minor Bantams iAnd Pcewees Won Return iGames With Holy Name li iltcrntmii twi Iloly Nulllt jiitiiuiiycd to III for ltllllll tll tutiiiuiits with Mai Iccwct and Minor llltltlll Siiict tllt trite uiuiups of liioiito llociwy gut diffcr of lllt liarrti thurch St Marys illltllt had llli ioii In isii 11 iniitucii litllitl viillrylvlflfl it iiit igtliill frst tll Limiic tiic llarric 13cc lvll alter close Richard Delaney not the only goal on pass from Scxtoii ilwtlt uculick Il Istoiil put on In writs out 1tili1it lItrcs what he says At one time suffered for months with sciatic and rheuma tic painsand find to use cane when walked llut after taking Kruscheu fora while could manage without the cane That was four years ago and since then have had in rclutn Oftlic complaint nor have lost hiny work lshall never be wit liout Krusclicn and can honestly rccoinmend it to anyone Who sufr lziic display and dcscivcd his shutout In tho second taiiic St Marys Minor Bantams got rcvciigc for titlea taxi wcihs nut in Toronto by Iittttlltltlt tlic Visitors tivE Io land the outstanding player on the iccscorinj fivc itoals md licipintzao set up the sixth which was ncttcd by Ilclancy St Marys lineups were Pee ccstoal Cuciilick defence lauchuck Stubhiugsf Scxtoii lor vards Dclaiicy 10Vay Maloney Icrsiuiii McKinniiii Marion Kenny Minor 811111111115 Goal Sexton defence Fralciith Ilurtibcse La llantc forwards Poland Delaney Beatty Icrsigni Scrvais Read and use Examiner Classifieds some PAIN ghasnt bothered for Four Years now As he is getting on toward middle age this man is especially grateful for the way in which Kruschcu helle his sciatic pains where sciatic and rheumatic gains were substantially relieved saline llOtlthnLftlle taking of Kruschen And isnt it logical to think that this ne old remed may help you too if you are icted in much the same way One month wperhiips lessrvshould prove it Take Krusclien faithfully for the next thirty days Thousands of persons have beneted by taking Krusclien give it chance to help the Red Wings cashing in on most Additional Sporfs in By this time hundreds of fans of lheil SCOtlng Chances C99 Second Section 53 casoir vsivRCD issues 48 cor PRO BAND IN ATTENDANCE fcrs as did Mr Here is one of many examples you too Kruschen is 250 75cvat all drug stores Nixon Neitus Evans McKay Referee Bun White Linesmim Fred Shiith Owen Sound C0 of Strzlhs Stars In and had joined the playerson the ice Gtltltl had 10 be 011 his 1065 many around the box and things became times to keep his dOOFSlep 018111 interesting But events reached of DUCkS as the Flyels Came 01058 sudden climax when couple of to ringing the scoring gong Ray sturdy officers charged with black Gariepy was in sin bin twice for MAKEEVERYIMONNIGHT ARMY HOCKEY NIGHT SUPPORT mmOAMP BURDEN FAVORITES line showed some dazzling skating and stickhandlin The home team was loOkingg forward tOIonly If hockey entrtainment vice Corps icemen were sadly outs THBBeTgiter nearest Branch Mating will be glad to dis cuss your nancial problem with you BANK or NOVASCOTIA On conform Banking hairline mate Ken Davie and goalie Reg Westbrooke The ballot is attached jacks It took just about sevn srconds for those enthusiastic spec tators to retreat Must be the strong Nets as Team Defeats enetang anddiensI influence Of those little black pipes policemen carry After the ice had been scraped off for the second time and misconducts givento McArtlrur 811d Kewley Coach Murray of Gall figuring that he lose by such goings on stated that Penetang Intermediate OHA team played host to the LdSH Camp Borden sextet on Feb and were humbled bye to Llossflt was an outstandinngame from startto finish and kept the fans roaring from three periods Peric tangibanged the twine iiiIthefirst minute of playwhich didnt make things lOOkIIIpromisiug but from then On the JSfraths hit their stride andlnever looked back LLCol F1ankieWhite DSO Officer Commanding the Lord Strathctma Horse was between the uprights and turned in amear professional exhibition Scully and Williams on defence were as hard to pass as specimen cheque Billy May and Lee on the front team would not continue to play Peace was guaranteed by the plac ing of kingsized copper in the penalty box The game had been arrival and with time being wast ed on fights it was midnight be fore play was resumed Bev Scott Becomes Playing Coach For Midland Intermedidtes Bev Scotts firsteffort as play ing coach of Midland Lagion Com Imandos didnt work out ItOOiwetl as his club got trimmed 114by Collingwood Shipbuilders There Was Iclissension in the Midland In termediate team in the early season Then came the resignation of Coach Jack Rutherfotdrwh0 had handled them all through the war years including the 194041 championship with most of the same players After two easy openingwins over the Weak Orillia Army team Mid land dropped fixtures to Orillia Bombegstand Penetang Gahadiens both Btams ahdhad little stic cess with Collingwood There was criticism then over theIcoaching from the fans and evidently some players Rutherford quit and Bev Scott was made playing coach Bruce Holt formeroblueline star handles the team in practice ses sions But Rutherford is remaining with the club as vicepresident dian Legldn gold watch has and says he holds no hard ifeeling been donated for the winner for the players vilho dissentedfrom his ideas Tottenham Business Mens Asa sociation has membership Of20Read and use Examiner Clagglftpdn strenuous practice but their ideas weresoon changed and although they could never catch the chargI ing Straths they never gave up which resulted ina fineevenings A719 CASCTC VS MIDLAND Another command team journey ed out to cross sticks with an In termediate team at Midland but did not fare so well The Ser classed and aftera bruising battle Werewforced toaccept 140 defeat DINI ISCOTT LEADS VOTE ThejmOsLyaluable playerff con test which will be decided by C014 lingwoqd hockey fans has brought flOOd of votes to club Officials and to date Barries Dint Scott ace winger of the Shipbuilders holds slightlead over his Wing to the programs sponsored by the Collingwoird branch of the Cana Ovcr strenuous defensive work The game got underway at 840 scramble at the goal mouth when Billy Adamo scored Goaler SItrach on was clipped over the eye by stick causing LdelaLti 15 min utes for the youngster to be given medical attention It was reported three stiches were required to close the wound Thevisiting kid 11 threestar er throughout the even though beaten 18 times Another Itl minutes was necissaryr in the delayed OVBI hour by Galts laleifinal session for repair job on the Barrie goalers pads These timeouts along with the necessary stoppages carried the game to 1115 Freddie Glover gave no punch es took no punches as he did against St Mikes but stuck strictly to the task at hand of scoring Igoalsrsix of them blazing from his Shooting iron along with three to their seats and at 1313 of the period in unless such actions wetelmlted his gamely returned to actidn and put nice assists for nine healthy points After young IStrachanRay Gar ipy Murray Fife DannyWilkeS andDon Clark looked best for the Barrie crew Joe Lurid and Jaydee McArthur for some rea sonwere used very sparingly Gor don Neetham looked good at times For the Red Wings Freddy Glov er Billy Adamo and Cecil Gruhl were the standouts for the night with the rest of the lineup giving Of their best in game that didnt meana thing unless it was to add scoring points to the seasons re cord If that Was the case the ob jectiveofrthefboys wasrmoreithan reached Barrie fired 13 Shots at Gruhl in the first for no goals 10 in the second for two counters and 14 dead on for zero matkin the third 37 shots in all The Gait boys levelled 18 blows for seven goals in the Opener and another 18 in the second Strach an was really smart for only two counters but in the grand finale tallied nine times for 19 tries total of 55 shots on the visitors 1100 CHAMPION OF CIGARETTES With Winchester Cigarettes there is difference right from thestarc that makes you say This is winner Its the blending that makes the difference cigarette II and Winchester blended cigarette Confess non can an0 am 80 cordial at Cliurchil combine Turkish Virginia and Barley ihree of the worlds choicestcignretie tobaccos Blended Right Smoke one package then another thosewtirscdays tell in taste why year after year Wincheste ranks as the champion Brcd to be tomorroivs champion This youngstcr has the keen eager look of tlic thoroughbred If he onl inherits the qualities of his sire an dam he may one da wenzhcwrczth of roses Downs or more into the Vwinncrs circle on Prca 1155 Day Inches IcnoarisnssV