ETCOULD BUILD ltrrllelti it on Lch one CAN DAS rt WINNER Cetlldlued from page one 31 lull MIDDLINGS $155 per loo lbs BARR FLUtlt MILLS El illiti lnll Ell rrr ltllttl sinizrpld ll SUCCESS lrllll PARTY is assured by serving lax Houre preiiiely line enllee de lights guests because its eiiillziiiis stimulating gutitlness of Clllft Lutiiiltiiclican coffees lllih Wur explained well su lllilti gllall ls lltli tl llt CUll eellrl ltllrl ltrtrl ilrtlllllt leel street are fit lle lo Hours are for rezl old the lireslum Minarr iloose tor the tllli blend the illm lluzl sticlurm War ltr littilll rdllllnl 4li tirrlied and ull lirori riloix ire prepared to make or the matter at the next Monday February SCHOOL BOARD BRIEFS MISERIES 0F Continued rrorn ne rated complete set llfnfyths ofI BestKllown Home Remedy Marl Lands to the school library You Can Use Has Special PenetratingStimulating ction That Works lust Fine WW st ltlllittl With the George llttttll Jorrlpaily to equip the DUI for SUM was approved The cost will include shelves cab illrcts and tables lillr 6Stimillates chest alwibmk SLf lacesirke lined warrrilng poultlce Penetrates dean into bronchial tubes With its snecral medlcmal vapors Homeproved VapoRuhs special pclrctratinglstimulating action starts to work mighty fastarid keeps on workingr for hoursto relieve such miseries of colds as coughing spasrrrs bronchialcongestion muscular tightness When you rub icks VapoRub on throat chest and back and see the resultsyoull know why it is iniin standby in somany millions ofhomcs Grand for children and grownups Try it On motion of Mrs lvarl lcm rlerrs and Capt illoard voted support for propos ed corllirrurrity plllgllllllwld ictrea lrlotiori of Stewart 1ctorrdcd by ll McCullough the the estilrlates lsiftfl towards corirmurrity icercal lion program payable at the rate of 5100 it month towards the salary Wilson the iilllli lloard aside ICKS VAPORUB You will nd beauty qualityand matchless performaFnOecOmbined to delight you inthe new General Electric Radios AttractiVe new cabinets have been desigedibyeraftsmen to harmonize witheveryfdecorative scheme and improved mechanical features haverbeendeveloped by engineers oflong GENERA every room for every needare being made availableTO ensure earlieSt order now from your General Electric Appliance dealer BPSSible delivery it ix if tis1tix OUT filsLsl list iLl3l for Mom 0755 etc is the director Bureau or to Arrange larlow Strilxg EL lltllli Performances lllkl rkilll l0 WILL BE GLAD r=i lfrrter Harrell by 19 ll KlQ Oman it he to of Canadian will to new rude comelcumen Not Too Deep 1r lft311lt it fell the re luau eleven desperate men reared from French penal colony an ere puzzled through ge and lsttefr an by brought deco wiml TRACK Take lxllllt cl Sloans aloha ml the skrltrlr weekend bloans does wonders for the sore ankles and mtlruised spoil liltll appear after the mercise is over Remember ketllat mid which is 10an the rounds can be Jtll 1W inlrallllll the steam from irlass of hot water to which Sloans Liliansilt has been added Sloan has way of being handy in variety of tl lll addition to its celebrated fll clency in relieving the pain from pralils strains and tensenesses JilllrOllNG Iillli ATMOS llllflllf in hundreds of thousand of ltztnlt AIRWICK make If rinucrcssmr to endure lie discom fort of Stale household odors furnishes tlrose wttlls of indoor slulli new lllllCl discredit the elliciency the housekeeper AllillilCK ridx lllf home of cooling smells kills flatimam odors clears out the smell of nrustiness from old rooms keep clothesclown lrlcel Simply an screw corr allow wick come in tOIllrltl refill the air of the worn FOR SOFT lllVY LOOK use HARRY FOUNDATION LO llON under powder This is milky lotion containing slight quantity of oil which is so scientifically treatei that it cannot heroine greasy vet gives base at once flatterinqu smooth and with the line baby texture of the most beautiful corilpltxion Du Barry Foundation Lotion is also grand flat terer forlthc neck and throat keeps the skin smooth and white erases tirlv lines which often are the result of lack of care time of his appointlricllt Trustee John Woods member of the provisional committee on communj ity recreation reported that resolution had been adopted at public rlreetinc favoring the intro Iduotion of recreation prugrafri of the director dating from thejfor Barrie and recommending that day experience to ensure superb reception and troubleiafreebentertainment LO ELECTRIC 1LADIOSV ViiLet yollreyes and years decideFmakef your choice a9GEfradio randrenjeyf 179 the nestbf entertainment in your heme selection of styles and sizesJ table mediate consoles and combination radiophOnOgraphsL suitablefor IAN NIAR CAN ADE An EAGUEl THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE NAVY ullvau hum page incl Vulgate Httl Rene Goldblarc hflella Munro ti lulu rm iti ti rlri 14 gt5 in zlll lilvzliltr 61 ornj itvla iml tri illl ill llrllllill tiprr illtul it UH li tt lillt plil llrtlrl llrll Ellie ior filly llriillll liil Shim lilllli Le ElILIttJII litii Htfrllii lltl lslll Hill lltil Sitter ttlrt iadrf Mlle Herb tlpelr to the Star liliy or llillltllttli ptrlo with tllrz rll Ili illltfll it liitiilllr 11 Wild ii it Liilitl llzziil Hllrolll llrlay lor llr trorll school lli Surleoe Virility lliryl iolldrrrarr litllti lililuil Htlrlli lilll ldllt everlts ht rl il ill3l tlll four boys ltlf lli tlllllt illust he oil rll official ttlt lolrrr allli March sttlt llltlllltn rinse enl res pill in llt lulllle ilzllrie lit Sahel torllirrls Illlllllltt litertor he illii1ll pull ill the tilt Hoard veliollled tiller Clowrr ulriel lllli Icter Sinclair Reeve ieo arid Aid James Hart lrltrribcrs of Tourlell discussed toltether estimates scilool budget as finally approved by the board tll be presented at Town Council ilonda night ird tile latter IItillill2 Tile itttl Clark ltllll1 trtistecs itlllull ltlltl rllr BARRIE BRANCH CLOVER Sill AN WHEAT llouuhiric elovcr crops for period of years ltlxperilnerrtal Manitoba has not resulted irl ally worthwhile increase in the yields tlllUlltlL next definitely established that higher yields of wheat can be obtained when sweet clover sod is plouglrgiielover addilu nitrogen to the soil immediately after the removal of 7vs first hay crop than when Read and use Examiner Classieds undcr urccrr sweet No Classified adlets received for lllillltllt Fmm ilooir Wednes tlltelli issue Lifter 70 OIIJS 00 ll 7l5ils l5l5 65 950 as lull llssf vr nun ml to II mu 955 wwAwr fv Ilu trunl uni In In an up W90 350 970 liil ill 50 ww GENERAL us xHEAogorrlcr TORONTO Mr ELECTRIFYyow Farm with FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN lltltI All le illt tllil=tltv out tiltttyi1 ltlitl hora avc you time an lllozl help make life pieaullrter and la let for tctlllt in the family llail now to clertlily your ltitl with barn llrlptormlrllit loan aov lttirllt ll of lire Royal lialll rill ktililtld loans are available to farmers for the purehaw installation or ilrrprchlrierrt of farm electric stttillil lhcst loans can now he made on security of the ctpliplrlcllt itself and ltlilllltlli illlitlltgttl ftllltllltllf llleilllllClltS lleiertriral llttlllllitllt instill hard to getin your district you can make start by doing your pres lirrlillaly wiring Wire switch hoses trailsihrlrrels etc are available in many districts lly starting now you will be ready to put electricity to work on your farm as clpriplllrrrt comes on the market laik your plattsrrvct with tile llallagcr of our nearest luallcll THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA FISHER Manager of wheat However it has been llrollic or western rye grass sod is ploughed The difference in the vrcld may be the result of the cO LlMlTiEDwf inipmll ElylililAliY 14 1940 fE rn