flAMillNG 11 UP one week before the Stratlord Shake speareanFestival begins ac tors got the show on the run in 1903 Cadillac being driven in the third annual MadonErighton tour by Osh awn couple Ron Fawcett try ing on fancy helmet and his wife Lydia From left actors are William HuttAnna Reiscr and Eric House Dressiflgehedrsaiiweek gt For Shakespearean Actors STRATFORD Ont June 24 1959 Dress rehearsal weekt Needles are flying to make the costumes ready final licks of point are being applied to the properties in the prop depart ment actors have that abstract ed look In full dress with ligth and music As You Like It will go to the stage for its first runvthrnugh on Thursday evening otliclio the following evening Each play will have further dress rehearsal before the June 29 and so openings when Ihe Morten Puppet thco tre ison view in the Exhibition Hall July II to July 25 two new plays written especially for the Strotford season will be méin features of the program one is The Possopusa Goes West Western comedy for live animal characters and dramatic version of the ancient folk tale Rush Cape in which the origins of Shake spcaroa King Lear may be Seen Rehearsals of the new version of Offenbachs Orpheus in the Underworld began in Strat fords Teachers College this week working toward theduly to opening date in the Avon Theatre Among the principals who reported on duty were Mar tial Singhcr lrcn Jordan John McCollum and Eric House Rob ert Fulford and James Knight the two Torontonians who have written the libretto are expect ranr canopy cocaine With Bed Cherries By IDA BAILEY ALLEN Through the Straits of Mackinac the Chef and crossed by ferry to Mackinac Island site of the oldestmilitary fortification in the United States and famous for its Grand Eotel withthe longest verandah in the world ICEBOUND IN WINTER Doing the winter the popula tion of the island is only 500 per sons for it is icebound except for airplanes But come spring the Vice breaks up and comfortable ferry boats convey summer home owners and tourists to the island until its population zooms to 5000 But Mackinac la never loses its serenity and charm no automobilestere but coaches and horses or bicycle chairs to furnish conveyance MN IN STYLE The big ferry boat had no sooner docked than we wera paged bya ladin colorful farm and conducted to landau drawn by span of horaes tha coachman in red uniform with shiny top hat and shining black boots Up the hill to the crown ing point The Grand Ho buttressed byplateaus of ter raced gardens and overlooking the tops of trees on the plateau Beyond marvelous viewof the fabulous Mackinac Bridge and Lakes Michigan and Huron Tea was being graciously served from samovar intho hotel lobby Dainty sandwiches delicate cakes and petlts fours were passed in elegant tradition of earlier years The menu included foods cit ioyed byladies and gentlemen throughout the past century was especially intrigued with the deliciouscobbler madeof Mlchi ana famous cherries and serve in quaint handled dessert dishesthnt looked for all the worldlike pressed glass skillets Measurements are Javeli recrv beams mushrooms in Cherry Cobbler Grand Hotel Prepare thick canned tart red cherry sauce Spoon into deep glassdessert dishes Chill Top each with round ofbaked French tart or flaky pastry Gar nish with swirl of whipped cream and few choppednut meats Tart Red Cherry Sauce Drain contents lb cans tart writer pack redpitted cherries Reserve liquid In qt saucepan stir together sugar 116 tsp salt and tbsp cornstarch Gradually stir in cherry liquid Cookstir until boiling over me dium heat Slowboil 30 sec ire move Stirio cherries Vi tspnred food prolonging and 15 tsp almond cio ac DnvNERlon ourer in comb norm Meloo Seetions with Lemon Wedges AvocadoSlices Roast Dudr thOlive Sauce Potatoes Rissole Green Peas Tossed Spinach Leaf Lettuce salad Cherry Cobbler Grand Hotel Hot or Icedflouee Tea CHEFS nucx LIVE SAUCE Pour off liquid from duck roast ing pan into glass jar Refriger ate 20 min Add chot water to roasting pan Scrape upbrown residue Remove fat from chilled liquid in jarland add Bring to boil strain There should be If short add enough consommo to make llzc melt tbsp butter in small saucepan stir in tbsp enriched flour and zdrops Ta basco Slowly stir in the duck liquid Cookstir until boiling Add it sliced stuffed green olives and lé sliced canned butter tIES ed to look inon tbeirhandiwork towardtho end ofnext week Jeremy Within teaching wresls llogto lohn Vernon and William Sylvester for one of the opening scenu in As You Like It has his greenbeltwin judo from the Hatushita Judo Club in To ronto Proficiency in the old Japanese art is gradcd in belts and green one is mid way between white belt for beginners and black one for experts In England Wilkln studied Olympicstyle wrestling found it too slowI and switched to judo Irene Worth shopping in tho Stratford market of Saturday morning was followed by BEG TV camcramen shooting sound onfilm backgron footage on Stratford to be shown in Eng land on the day the Queen is here The telefilms being shot in number of Canadian cen are designed to show the people of the UK something of the cities to be visited by the Royal Party Robia Howard who operates the Elizabethan Room at Gore Hotel in London Englan has told planning sonsultant Tom Patterson that he plans to be here for opening night June 29 The Elizabethan Room specializes labor and drink of the Shakespearean period serv ed in the atmosphere ofa baron ial dining hall Other visitors duringppening week willbe aayoung Florida couploI Harry and Barbara Hiockloy of Miami Mr and Mrs Hinckley won contest sponsnrad by the Ontario dc partment of travel and publicity Why Would Like to Visit On tario Theyll arrive on June 30 tour the theatre attend that evenings opening of Othello and see the matinee of As You Like It the following day CNSO LCreate Cobbler IAL NOTES Mr and Mrs AlfonFielding Snider of Barrie have an nounced engagement of their daughter Patricia Jean to Michael Henry Cleary son of Mr and Mrs Frederick Michael Cleary of Chilfrome Dorset England The marriage will take place Friday July 17 at First United Church Jamestown Ontario Miss Shirley Geil and Miss Beth Coles left from Malton airport for summer vacation totbe west coast= They will visit Vancouver Penticton Vic toria and Seattle Washington Mrs Bnys daughter and husband Dr and Mrs Juli Ross formerly of Sberhron Quebec yaccompanied by their small son Tony spent few days in Barrie prior to their movrng toColumbia Missouri where Dr Ross is taking pnsf graduate work Prior to Mr and Mrs Warren Wilgars departure on avholiday to New York and Atlantic City Mrs flow and Mrs Chittlck entertained ThuIEdBY at Mrs Boysi summer resi dance Lake Simcoe Mraid Mrs Fred Webb 50 bids street east have returned from five weeks motor trip to the west coast spending two weekswith the farmers sister Mrs Kerr of Camrose Alberta They returned to Bar rie via Jasper and Bantt with Mrs Kerr accompanying them or two weeks visit here Earlier in themonlh the Royal Victoria hospital alumnaeheid an afternoon tea for the 1959 graduating class and their par ents fieneiving the guests at the door were Mlss Marion Wada land Miss Elizabeth Langman Mrs Jaclo iGaernf BVH alum nae president and Miss Mo Kinnon Pouring tea were Mrs Frank Collins Miss Marion Lowe and MrsDonald McLean Assisting the food conveneim Mrsu Ired Rowe were Mrs Leone Handy anero Cun ninahm Nurses Alumnae Recall Old Times Flam year of memori were recalled at areoeat Royal Vim toria Hospital Nurses Alumnae reunion Hospital admlaktrator Helen Shanaban Mm Jack Garvin and Mrs Keith Bean received attha Laldlaw residech more than loo graduate nurses who had graduated between theyears of 19101958 Miss Audrey Mapea and Miss Glenna Douvey presented rose and identification card to each Euest Mrs Garvin welcomed the guests before dinner The ours on sang grace accompanied by pianist hire lraser The class of me was repre sented by Mrs lred Frisch nee Ruth Orchard Rochester NY Mrs Ed Beelby Mary McDon gal SouthPorcupine Mrs Harry Macltinnon tnee Mary Mason Toronto Mrs Charles Vickérs nee Mac lrlell Mrs Donald McLean nee Edna Mc CAMP sonar Eleven young people from Camp Borden were presented for conï¬rmation tothc Sulfragan Bishop of Toronto in an inspir ing service at Trinity Church Sradford Maior Rand sénlor chaplain participated in tba service of confirmation and made the presentation of the Camp Borden candidates re ception was held on the lawn of Trinity Church following tbc ser vice GOLF TOURNAMENT The fourth annual tournament for the Maple Leaf Services golf trophy was played on the Camp Borden Army come recently total of 64 golfers particl pated Tho trophy winner with the lowest net score was Lieut Col Hardman chief in structor at the RCAMC School The winner of the low gross prize was Dr GordonSmodrum Jr of Alliston In addition to the MLS trophy the winners were presented with hampers oi groceries donated by Ross Har vey acting camp manager for the Maple Leaf Services SUCCESSFUL PICNIC The Trinity Chapel Sunday School and congregational picnic held on June 20 at Blackdown was an unqualified success In spite of the high wind everyone had an enioyablo tima Mrs Matg Harris went home one relish dlshi richer after winning the womens race Corporal John Ferguson took the prize in the mens race and is now the owner of new set of ash trays Handsome prizeswera awarded YOUR HEALTH Gill and Min Lloyd Gunning ham nee Helen Winter Ethel Mathews Tomato was unable to attend This class attended luncheon attho home of Mrs Lloyd Curr ningharn innlslil meet before meeting the other closes at th residence The more rodent class almost completely represented was that 011 consisting of Captain Esta Kiesoo lndonarla Mrs Elgin Looey nee Bessie Smith Langton bin Dougla Arnold Connie Collins Brampton Mia Horb Wilson Doreen Dis hulant Toronto hlrn Jack Me Cann isabella Dawson Utopia Agraduate of 1912 Miss Ethel Aldon California unable to at tend reserved chair in her honor After the dinner social horn was held on the residence lawn About 20 membcrs enjoyed farewell too at the home of Mrs Frank Collins to the winning children from all to years old who competed in the organized games Each member of me under live set wasgiven gifts to take home Popsldes and chocolate milk were served to all participating picalckers SUNDAY SCEOOLS Ell DAY June 21 was the big day for the Sunday School set Being the last session till September the children were on that day giv on the awards they had earned by their proficiency and attend ance during the year Each beginner fourand five years old was given colored picture book to take home Un der the direction of Mrs Tuline they sang with4 gusto and all the appropriate gestures ch favorites as Jesus Love lhasix to eight yearrolds in the primary classes were given bedtime prayer reminders cross inlumlnous material dalt curated each reminder so that any boy or girlwho climbed in to bed without saying prayers would soon be made aware of theirvforgettulness by the glow ing cross on the wall Captaan Gordon present ed the gtawarda to the junior classes aged eight to 12 years old The proficiency awards took the form of books on are hgious theme and handsome leather folders xoon print of Sallmana head of Christ For perfect attendance the children received bronze lapel pin engraved with the word mmt Where Theres Life Theres Always Hope aynEnMAN columns on Never give up hope No mat ter what the diagnosis may be there is always chance re covery even though itmay very remote one Many times doctors must tell either patientor his family that the case is terminal one that it will prove fatal That is our duty WANT THE TRUTH We must be honest when the patient and his family want to be told the truth It might help the patient put his affairs in order and it will prepare better his loved ones for the approach ing tragedy Yet alw slike topoint out to those lav lvedin such cases that you can neyar tell when new drug will he developed that will be lustvdhat is needed UP TO PATIENT Then too muchis up to the patient himself The functional reserves Whichvrnay he called upon unde adverse conditions can somet ry wond rous invite Let meci use published last year in the Maryland Medi cal Journal which points up what maan yA 59yearold spinster school teacher had been told that she was incurany ill with cirrhosis oilthe liver diabetes high blood pressure and heart failure As youmight expect she re tired changed her residence and gave up all mob in completede spair She was frightnedof her illnesses and she was evenafraid of doctors Her previous medical history included hysterectomy for uterine fibroids and at the age of 37 anpdule had been removlt ad from her righthreast in simple mastectomy The nodule hadlocluded asmall early local looti gamete nan armors as Maple Ave himtr open EVENING pa slicer cancer that did notahow signs of spreading She was finally persuaded to cooperatein complete clinical study after she was given reas surance This study myealed fatty tumor that rcouldbecoma cancerous An atlon remov ed it And through medical treat ment she wasable to return from her short retirement and take job with an advertising firm Three years later cancer of the left breastwas discovered This also was removed Later recurrence of the tumor was treated with radiatio PROLONGED LIFE Despite four independent tum ors complicating unusual ne phropathy and chronic hyperten sive cardiovascular disease she lived 11 years after she was told she 3was incurany ill nmetimes there maybe noth ing left but hope Dont lose it QUESTION AND ANSWER Mrs Can you give me some advice on how tobelpa tenyearold child break the habit of thumbsucking gt Answer Thumbsucking is of tea manilestationvol unhapp ness Try to find out what is bo ing the child emotionally then correct the situation if pos sible Earn Extra Moneva Home lolnthe hundreds or hnula wivea sewing cave on ban balls home Apply LANNOM ï¬wnunqozn Vision street PA 411 clrï¬lonlo Gian ma wasnaammn BrownBetlty VTeu lots 49 countmanna an one sooIAL NOTES le IAERBJIIAM SATURDAY 27 mauulumanlhlaodm KNIT THIS LOVELY LADYS CARDiGllN This lace and cable trimmed charming cardigan will bring light note of elegance to your wardrohe pretty garment that will be delightful cover up for your summer dresses and the tops of luxury for vary special gift Instructions THE STARS so By ESTRELLITA Sundays horoscope is good one Aspects especially favor out door activities iravel and ro manoe Most folks should bein congenial mood so group activi ties of any kind should prove highly crijoyablc Fol TEE moron If tomorrow isyour birthday your horoscope indicates that are for size India20 If you would like to obtain the knit ting instructlons simply send stomped selfaddressed eu velopc to the Nccdlccrnll De partment of The Barrie Ex aminer Barrie Dnt request ing Ladys Cardigan Leaflet No CWm Where job and financial matters are concerned the configurations favor the attainment of lrnmedb ate goals in July still further progress between mid October and midNovember also in De cember and in February All of these periods will be propitious for launching new ventures com pleting outstanding affairs and if possible taicing steps to strengthen financial security Do be conservative in this connec tion howeverDant invest in risky propositions Personal relationships will be under excellent influences during will pander especially sand or late October Decembar and May be avoid otioaal scenes bawcvarupeclaily in mldSey tamber and late Novemberor you could otlrct otherwise happy situations look for some good new in December and il you happen to be endowed with creative ability promote it during the same month Ideas launched then could aggro RhLY Proï¬table early in child born on this day will be endowed with all the qualities needed for sucrzesa but may him to curb tendencies toward Jeal oury and superstition DAY AFTER TOMORROW good business trend beglns on Monday It calls for conserva tism however so dont go over board in your enthuiarms Give your best to round and robatair tlnl enterprisesand ruceeedl FOR THE BIRTHDAY Monday in your birthday next month promises definite upland in both jobnnd ï¬nancial matterIit you put forth best cl fortl of course Other good months in thisconnection will be October November and De cember also next February Make the mostoi good influences during these periods since inter mediate months promise nothing very spectacular along such lines Social and domestic relation ships should prosper for most of the yearin fact your personal life will be generally governed by exceptionally generous influences and romanca will be especially favored during August Septem ber October December next March and May Look for opportunities to travel in July and October chance to make gains through personal poplt ularily in April child born on this day will ha 8th emotional and could luc need at dramatic actor or Writer WICKB BEAUTY SALON HAIR STYlING 45 Dnnlop at PA szeao Permanent Specialty $500 to $2000 No Appointmant Necessary REMEMBJER Theres nothing morercnioyable new from lanai1 In an wtuziirau more an ONOilbttwmflhnaaand other deliveries Idfocktbewlndowl link and tub anaoflthcwntorhh Inform your neighbor and tho pollen Tell your newspaper our rier when you will be away and when to resume dolly delivery THEN atartoriand have grand met homewheri yourecway from homol Take advantage of our specioIYACATION OFFER Keop postatlon all the local doingll Call today Dont miss osingle issuel have yourBairie Examiner follow wharavarvyou sol nuns FlLL lN VINFORMATIouarLow Ario my To your castings WHEN iiE COLLECT THIS WEEK lWillha Away On vacation Td ADDRESS Biluieglï¬xuminer eIRcutATlON oceansMerli