OUR TELEPHONE3 Buslncss and Editor PA 86537 Examiner Want All PA 82414 Locuwrarnrn lunayudwumtodayandw marrow tha light Collin nlng settled For til summary damp an on 95th YearNo 130 inasnwonawmcs re leased by the USAF show how the Air Force hoped to re trieve capsule for Discoverer lll carrying four mice Re covery plane swoops in snags capsule in midair and fin ally pulls it into plane Un fortunately for the mice some thing apparently went amiss and the capsule is believed out of orbit rate or Mice VANDENBERG AFB Calif AP our black mice blasted aloft inuangttnjmpt to return living creature frog satellite apparently didnt ake it The US Air Force wanted them to orbit the earth in sat ellite Discoverer III for 26 hours then parachute in their aircon ditioned capsule However hi went wrong The twostage Thor mis sile roared into space Wednesday as scheduled and sent back radio signals for 13 minutes Then the signals slapped The air force said it hushcard nothing since Six hours after the fir ballistic missile division 53 Based on information avail able it is believed that the Di5lt coverer did notachieve an orbit The 78footlon projectile was presumed to av urned up on Inxbit obswre ireentering the atmosphere It was considered highly unlikely that it could have escaped the earths pull because of speed factors Planes had been poised to try adifficult aerial catch over the Pacific but officials had given them only one chance in 700 of succeeding The mice pick of their breed would have beenthe first cre atures retrieved alive from orbit Two monkeys were fired into space from Cape Canaveral by the army May 28 but their trip covered only 1500 miles They were not intended to go into or bit Information from the launching will be usedin planning the Proj ect Mercury attempt to put man in orbit some two years from now PRESS TIME PLASHES Lloyd Gromyko Discuss Laos GENEVA AP British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko held brief private meeting today to discuss the renewed fighting in Laos TurboProp Sets Record LONDON Reuters Vickers Armstrong Vanguard four engined turboprop airliner flew the 910 miles from London to Rome today in two hours and 20 minutes the companysaid This was one minute less than moans BROKE By PETER SYPNOWICH Canadian Prcss Staff Writer Liberal Leaderggdohn Winter suggested Wednesday night that the QPrngrcssive Con servativesfinanced their Ontario election campaign through gov ernment levy on contractors and public land deal He struck out as Premier Frost and CCF Leader Donald Mac Donald derided the Liberal short age of advertising cash for the June 11 election Ask the contractors of On tario if they werelevled onefifth of one per cent of every govern mentï¬contract in the last four story the record scheduled jet time Aids PC VQte Funds years Mr Wintermeyer said How much did the Conservative party get by that deal inSarnia by which the Indianswere sold out to Dimensional and Hydro He referred to Ontario Hydros purchase of Chippewa Indian land at $6600 an acre after the Toronto firm paid the Indians $2100 an acre The Liberal leader spoke to about 535 persons in Sudburys legion hall while the premier was speaking to shout £50 in high school only block away Mr Frost described the reports of Liberal campaign fund short age as really heartreading observation approaches on Amer HIT Troops Pursue Looters Guns Crackle In City GUAYAQUIL Ecuador AP Machine gun fire cracked through this big port city into the early hours today with troops chasing looters after two nights of rioting blamed by the government on Communists Civilians fought army forces in the streets again Wednesday night and set fire to security police building before the crowd of 10000 was dispersed The re newed rioting grew out of funeral services for six of eight persons killed in clashes between troops and civilians Tuesday night Military authorities ordered prn5 am curfew for the city of 275000 Ecuadors lnrgcst President Camilo Ponce earlier had proclaimed martial law throughout the predominantly in dian nation to save the republic from anarchy and aggression The Communist party openly challenged the martial law de cree and appealed for great front of popular and democratic unity to prevent dictatorship Claim Fighters Near Airliner TOKYO AP Jet planes be lievcd to be Russian mado three lcan airliner over the North Pa cific today more than 200 miles off Soviet territory Northwest Airlines reported The rags AlrFOrcrsaiddtjhad no planes in the area at the time prompting speculation that viet fighters had approaChedlbe Seat tlEltt0TOIWDNDrfllWPst DC7C The plane crew reported that the closest approach came Within two or three mileshut the plane or plana did not cross in front of the airliner The American plane continued on course and reached Tokyo ahead of schedule Its 46 passen mwmmJImeawmawpmmoo BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JUNE 1959 nominee Sc per Copyl Pages NICARAGUA av INVASION mars FAMILIES MOB TICKET sunnrns Three Toronto niEn are mob bed by members of their fam ilies after learning they shared ownership on in sweepstake ticket onParthia winner of head is visible above the the Epsom Derby in England The pool they will share tot als $3000 Harry Crystals West May Agree Cutting Berlin Force Ii GENEVA AP Western offl cials said today the United States Ixle and high the nobman force inWcs Berlin it tlleSoviet III ion agrees to drop its threatfto the city Soviet Foreign MinisterAndrel Grnmyko was reported to have given some signs that Russia may be willing to drop its demand that the Western powers give up their cccdpation rights in Berlin How ever he has made no commit ment Gromylro informants fully fa gers were asleep and apparently unaware of the incident miliar with the talks say has in the last few days shown some Threat Easejd 7v elasticity in his attitude but the highest Western leaders do not know whetherhe ycthas inle has from Soviet Premier Ni kita Khrushchev make firm bargain before this confere ends put under heavy Western pres ore to come up with concessions hat would in effect clear the way to summit meeting U15 State Secretary Christian Herter and British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd both are orted to feel that some pro bretswhas been made It is still Dag Supports Ccqua For UN RoleIn Berlin OTTAWA CP Canada has UN presence on the lines of com one now serving on the Egypt won support from United Nation Secretary General Dag llarn marslijold for its plan for role in Berlin informanu say At the NATO meeting at Wash ington in April Canada proposed that the UN might play use fulvrole inEerlin proVIded fourpower agreement is reached first Prime Minister Diefenhaker said in the Commons April The basic role of the UN might be to verify that all parties were abiding by the termson the agreement An essential part of the agree ment might be Soviet pledge binding itself and its associates to full freedom of access to West Berlin and the acceptance of munication to that cily Ioformants here say that what Canada has in mind is definitely nota UN force similar to the Israel frontier but rather judi cial or appeal body similar to the truce supervisory commissions in Indochina BuyBack Bond Deals Disttloses Link with China Boy Murder MONTREALv CP The buy back deals in stolen bonds re cently brought to light through of ficia1 id and Quebec sources are said to be linked now with murder An informant who declined to give details said Wednesday one phase of themany investigations concerns the slaying of Kenneth wondered what bottomless barrel these people were getting their money from It now appears they were not counting on any thing They were just going ahead in muddle with very expensiVe type of advertising which from reporlsl have heard did more to offend people than to make friends No wonder they went broke It would he the same thing if they ever got into government Mr MacDonald said at Wall and rally of deersoos the Lib erals were pleased with publicity given their appeal for fundsit was news forethe Liberals to go torthe grass roots for campaign money fBut no party can be grass roots overnight They now frankly admit they have lost the support ufcorpnrntions at the top and the economic grass rootsat the bottom obviously the Liberal party is just withering away In Sudbury Mr Wintermeyer said understand Mr Frostis in the midst of speech saying that and the Liberal party have demonstrated inefficiency fi nancing our campaign Either Mr Eros retracts that statement dr explains to the people of On tario where hes getting his money spring Winford fatally shot was foundnn road in the Lauren tian arda north of Montreal He refused to talk before he died ThcSoviet ministerhas been China Boy winrord earlier this womcn At left with wide smile is Dave Hersh Third mailMorrisBmstoelr is hid den from wté No rxcosas ron ranmo TULSA Okla APSeven yearold Karen Cagle says sheJust loves teanhersa nd site has 20 good rea Her par Mr and Mrs John Cagle teach in Tulsa elementary schools In all the parents count 20 relatives brolhers sisters aunts un cles or cousinswho teach Swear In Green External Chief DITAWA CHHoward Graen 63yearoldVancouver lawyer to day was sworn in as External At foirs Minister Mr Greenwho has heenled Halpublic works minister since June 1957will retain that port folio on an actinghasis until his departmental estimates for 1959 60 have been passed through the Commons Mr Green who described his new jobas very challenging told reporters after hisappoint ment was announced on the Gov ernment House steps Im not quite sure yet how feel Ive only been the ister about 15 minutes Prime MinisterDiefenbaker dicated there will he nofurther cabinet appointments at least until the end of the session Mr Green will continue as gov ernment house leader in the Com mons but will give uphis post of chairman of the Progressive Con servative party caucus in Parlia ment MANAGUA Nicaragua AP army today in the wake ofihlt vasionJhtusts by opponents of dlctatanresidcnt Luis Samoan The buildup of the armed forces got underway evén ough it was officially announce at the small hand of rebels who vadcd by air during the weekend was fleeing and no longer dan SET The government said it was adding 2000 men to the national guardthe nations army which already nmnhcrtjobont 2000 ac lives in addition 10000 guard rescrvlsls are being called up for training To support its claim that the airborne lnvndcrs were on the run thegovernment was taking foreign correspondents today to the area in south Nicaragua where the rebels landed from Costa Rico The army has said only about 75 rebels landed and that they were on the point of annihilation But in Sa Jose the Costa Bicnn capital Nicaraguan rebel leader Enrique anayo Farfan claimed that strong contingents of farmers were joining the reb cls He said national guard force had been ambushed in Poz ote Canyon anda large amount of military equipment captured rebel radio broadcast said the rebels had suffered no more than six casualties No snocx 1N Us WASHINGTON AP inva sion landings in Nicaragua come Ds something lcssgthan sur prise to gtUSnflicials Reports have been reaching In Living Costs OTTAWA CPLiving costs rose during April following five month decline pushing the can sumer price index up by onetifth of point to 1256 on May from 1254 on April the bureau of statistics reported today Some of the price boost re flected tax increases announced in Finance Minister Flemings April budget the bureau said While some foodpliccs dipped prices rose forcigarets cigaret tobacconliqunr automobile tires theatre admissionsmens hair cutswornens hairdressing along with mens and womens foot wear fresh fruits and vegetables and costs of home ownership Textiles and household supplies also were higher These offset declines for gaso line in Ontario where price wars had occurred in number of cities beef coffee eggs sugar lard somepork cuts and coal The consumer price index is based on 1949 prices equallipg 100 WAGES DOWN Wage figures showed down ward tendency during March The index of average industrial wages and salaries at April 1latest date for which figures are avail Nicaragua began doubling its yo by the tno victory in Cuba would run oktok toppl the Multiple Aclandcslinc radi sia ing action agalns hcardos long ago an Apr Three weeks agoona formant added the Am ambassador at Managua Thomas Whelanscot secrEt report saying there was Cuban supported plot for an armed at tack including assassination of the prmldent Whelnn told an interviewer Wednesday night that reports that the invasion forces are being reinforced Iby three schooner loads of men and arms sailing from Cuba are apparently true He said the invasion appareko has been planned by what he called Cuban mercenaries The Cuban forcign ministry de niedthe reports of the seaborna invasion force Hillsdale Man 73 Is Killed In Blast HILISDALE Ont CPTha body of Cecil Stanley Wylie 73 yearold farmer was found by his wife Wednesday about 10 feet from large stump he had in tended dynamiting on his farm 15 miles north of Barrie It is believed the dynamite egr ploded prematurely Mr Wylie was struck by theforce of Iha masfand large section of the stump Tait Increases Rollect Boosts For Consumer ablewas 1691 based on equalling 100 This was down from 1702 on March but up from 1634 on April last year Bureau offidials said the occin rencc or the Easter holidays dur ing March was factor in the decline The index computed from survey of firms employ ing more than 15 persons and covering wide range of indoo trics represents an auras total wages aid $500000 Blane Levels CPR Sheds CHATHAM CP 5500000 fire levelled the Canadian Pacific Railways andfoot long freight sheds and cartage department in downtown Chatham today Roaring and sputtering with heat so intense windows cracked and paint peeled fr to buildings across the street flames swept through the 50yearold structure from back to front within anlleiir fire wall partially protec the attic Cause of the blaze Chatham largest in nearly three years may never be known Firechief John Brodiésaid sourcefu awtrnmmg do