INNISFIL NOTES LMIPliui IKIVILEGES loaisfil ratepayers seem to have on unwritten privilege to use the camping grounds at the park free at charge in past years some local people took ad Iantage of this even to the ex tent of keeping camp rig on space in the camping ground for the summer and spending weekends there However this is now out They will be obliged to future to pay the camping rates as set up in the schedulc The feeling of council in making this ruling answer to request for adccls ion by park superintendent Cars cadden was that very few of the original ratepayers who re paid the park debenture would be among those who would be using the camping grounds hlr Carscaddcn told council of an offer he had from Toronto doctor who uld like to camp in the park Wlth his trailer for the entire season and would pay $75 for the privilege The town ship bylaw limits the use of trailer to 60 days in one place but the doctor would like to make use of his space during the weekends previous to July and August He may be obliged it to move his trailer to comply with the bylaw but the park superintendent was told to ac cept the offer This instance is an example of the need for more reason able trailer bylaw We are driv ing many prospective tourists beyond our borders with the 60lt day limit on trailer residence MUSE FIRES The slogan is prominent right across Canada yet Councillor Mrs Law made complaint that she has to take shovel and go around many parts of the beach to put out fires following the Sunday evening exit of the cot tags owners who have been cleaning up around their cot tages and gone home leaving fire smouldering usually on the ember into building and tire residt she claimed Asking that the tax bills coa notice about leaving fires the councillor felt that people were not familiar with the by law and in requirements regard ing startling fires If it is as bad in other parts as down at our beach there should be some way to let these owners lmow they are violating the bylaw in leaving the fire tin attended before it is finally ex tinguished said Mrs Law cuas VISIT About 60 members of the elghtleth Cub Pack of Kew Beach Unith Church of Toron bovnpent the weekend in Wye bndge They had their meals at The Grange and slept at the community hall Sunday they were guests of the fourth Mid lsnd Cub Pack of St Pauls United Church where they at tended Worship in the morning and had lunch afterwards in the church hall In the after noon they went on sight see ing tour and hike Later both packs took part in an amateur program in the hall The To ronta pack returned home on Monday Mrs David Douglas celebrat ed her 72nd birthday on Sat urday May 18 She entertain ed eleven little girls at party in the afternoon Mr and Mrs Douglas Plumb tree and daughters spent Sun day with friends at Wasaga Beach Mr and Mrs Jack Park and Mary and Mrs Mary Park all of Long Branch were Satur day visitors with Mr and Mrs David Douglas Paul Ernest and Allan Kirk up of London spent the long weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Kirkop Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Roy Eakiey were Mr and Mrs James Cromie and Mr and Mrs Hugh Crymble of Toronto Mrs Robert Luffman enter tained group of little girls at birthday party on Monday for her daughter Wendy John Rankin and friend of Penetanguishene spent the weekend with the farmers grandmother Mrs George Rankin Mrs Collins spent day recently with her parents Mr and Mrs Edwards at Vasey Mrs Elva Ludlow and daugh ters of Toronto visited with relatives here for the weekend Mr and Mrs William Fallis and family visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs William Jackson of Uptergrove Mr and Mm Cleopnas King of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Henry Reynolds on Satur day Mr and Mrs Eric Curry and family visited with Mr and Mrs Robert Luffman on Sun in day Mrnand Mrs William Eakley and Mr and Mrs Jo Eakiey visited with Mr and Mrs Al By 865 it was felt that by the time the tax bills reach the ratepay ers the need for the notice would be past Placing notices in various areas by the police department has been the method inthe past of warning of this danger OUTING BY COUNCIL During tIII afternoon of the regular meeting when rate payer who has the first property on the south Innist ditch came with complaint that the water which drains down from Cherry Creek area was not reaching the new ditch but was flooding across his property at the sug gestion of the reeve the council decidcdrto go and see Leaving the meeting and taking along Joe Olnlski the ratepayer who would otherwise have had to walk back they went down to the third line east of the high way and looked the drain over it will still require an engin eers report and special levy extension to the ditch will join up with the Cherry Creek water which now dumps into the swamp The distance is said to be some 600 feet WANTS FIRE BALL meeting of the representa tives of the four municipalities that make up the police village of Cookstown is called for May 25 when discussion will he giv en the need for new fire hall This will come under the fire levy made by all townships for fire protection in the Cookstown area SHEEP KILLED Mrs McKay who has purchas ed farm on the loth line near the Vine station had two of her 10 sheep killed soon after they were put out to pasture This may have happened about the same time as the marauding dogs did havoc to Tom Bow mans flock which was on pas ture in the same area Mrs McKay notified the pol ice but did not know that township valuator should have been called The two dead sheep were buried before this official bad time to see them She wrote council asking if any consider ation could be shown It may be adjusted when valuator has an opportunity to make re port damn T0 REPAIR ROAD After it was claimed that be caused considerable damage to township road by hauling gravel over it when it was not fit for use and during the half load season Jim Garner Bar rie contractor was notified by registered mail that he should make repairs to the damages done to certain portions En quiries were made in council if TORONTO CPI young dancing with white girl on the Bulfan television program Dance Party Saturday when the station was swamped with protest telephone calls Clayton Johnston 15of To ronto was dancing with school mate Patty Banks when the calls started They and 44 other stu dents had gone to Buffalo accom panied by two chaperoaes to take part in the program Mrs Muriel Schranks one of the adults said master of care monies Pat Fagan told her the switchboard was swamped with calls from angry viewers and asked her to please do some thing to alleviate the situation She said she asked her son Donald an organizer of the trip to speak with Clayton He did so and Clayton walked out of the studio Mr Fagan said the incident was slight misunderstand ing Negro youths often ap peared on the show over WGR TV but never danced with white girls he said The students were angered We lay the blame squarely on the MC said Donald Schraliks He asked for three couples from our group to do the spotlight dance and one of the couples picked included Clayton Leonard Johnston Claytons father said his son felt lousy Clayton left rather than be put in this position Mr Fagan said the station has no polic regarding Negro Buganda Police Get Full Power KAMPALA Uganda Reuters Police tpday were given sweeping powers to deal with campaign for selfgovernment in the king dom of Bugandah part of this British East African protectorate Uganda governor Sir Frederick Buganda disturbed area and giving police power to prohibit epossession of all weapons im pose curtews andcontrol travel to and from the territory Ian Cameron at their cottage at Bluewater Beach on Sunday Uganda to Movement which has been leading the fight for selfgovernment in Buganda on the ditch before the addition Grant Horsey President of SaludahirriffHorsey Ltd turns the first sod for Canadas first Instant Mashed Potato the repairs had been made but there was no deï¬nite assurance in the matter DOES NOT CONFORM Harry Stewart of Leiroy came to council to enquire if any ex ception to the bylaw could be made regarding lot which was on 75yearold registered plan but was of insutiicient size to allow building to be construct cd and conform with the require ments of the distance needed between the building and the boundaries Mr Stewart said that unless the lot could be built on it would not be of any value and would not be worth paying taxes on The lot is 66x66 and the by law requires at lcast 15000 feet square if water is to be provid ed from well on the lot Coun cil moved motion that provid ing the county health unit were in agreement permit to build Negro student was asked to stop th Crawford issued an order naming Crawford also banned ihe may be granted Viewers Swamp Station llsk Negro Stop Dancing With Girl youths Now all this publicity eyre making mountain out of mole hill he said PLANS ND ACTION Van Bueren We de Vries the stations general manager said he did not plan to take any ac tion as result of the incident MrFagan said he is sched uled to go into the colored sec tion of Buffalo next week where am to be honored at Fat Fagan night by members of the hoys club of the Urban League Claytons father who watched the program on TV in Toronto said he will ask the Toronto CPR division of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters to protest the action Mr Johnston is porter Stanley Grizzle president of the brotherhood said the matter will be taken up by membership and protest will likely be made to the station Our organization is always apposed to any action that will cause an individual whether Negro or not humiliation or place him in position of infer iority he added ANADA CREDIT no PRESIDENT TUN son FOR liston Attending the official sodturning ceremonies were Flakes plant to be built at Al left to right William Hor ii sey chairman of the board of Salada Shirnif Horsey Ltd Hon Earl Rowe Member of Parliament for DuflerinSimv Ira Ls NEW INDUSTRY IIT ALLIST one Mr Horsey Mayor Mint ford storey of Alliston Town Clerk Lorne Whiteside Staunch Presbyterian Dulles Opinions ngirm By ED GREASE WASHINGTON AP Foster Dulles people who knew him tended to drop the Johnwas man of ironclad moral opinions in his hookhe was staunch Presbyterian and his book was the Biblhblack was black and white was white This undoubtedly gave strength to the convictions of the former secretary of state who died of cancer Sunday at 71 It is for his tory to say whether as some of his critics suggest it also made him too unbeoding and self righteous to see the other sides point of view in international negotiations inflexible was ward often applied to Dulles sometimes in praue and sometimes in blame Nobody denied he had energy CONSTANT COMMITTEE He flew the Atlantic and some times the Pacific the way most people take streetcar He visited 46 countries travelling aboutooohoo miles in the pro gross during his sixfyears as sécretary He worked incredibly long hoursoften in great pain as his fatal illness developed In his state department role he was the original doeityourself man Administrative details he left to his helpers Big foreign pollficy matters he handled him SE He could do this because Prese ident Eisenhower had utmost abnfidence in him The twowere not especially close socially Dulles Was not member of Eis enhowers golf playing setbut the president leaned on Dulles in mattersof state and never failed to declare his faith and affec tion Dulles personality is hard to describe British correspondent once referred to him as pawky chap This Scottish ex pression has two meanings either cunning and sly or saucy and lively in BLOCK l9 BROKE we cameras BENT AND HERE AM WITHOUT CENT one Neither definition tells the whole story Dulles was both blunt and subtle He was in his public days tallish somewhat stooped man ruddy of counte nance white haired and end lessly active If any man was born to be see retory of state Dulles was He was grandson of Gen John Watson Foster civil war soldier who was secretary of state for President Benjamin Harrison He cut his diplomatic teeth at the Hague Convention of 1907 He went there with grandfather Fos ter and saw international law in the making At that time Dulles was junior at Princeton Uni versity He seldom was away from foreign affairs for the rest of his life He was criticized in many quarters for his incessant travels Some people thought he should stay in Washington plan high policy and run the state depart ment instead of gadding off to Paris or Timbuktu AT HOME IN PLANE But Dulles who could put on oldfashioned carpet slippers and be almost as comfortable in °f transatlantic plane as in his own living room wanted to be where the action was And there he went Sometimes he needed time out He headed then straight for his island retreat in Lake Ontario where there wasno telephone to ring He sailed and thought and read and birdwatched and if crisis stormed up he figured he could always be back in Washing ton in time to cope with it WMNERchaRsusms W001 WM comm rsan oarmomma Box Office Opens pm FRET NOT MV JUST HITCH RIP RAT IO Liai iTED 37 DUNLDP STREET PHONE FIJI59 NOR WORRIED BE T0 11cc ï¬iiihwnfll will Adult PLUS CARTOON Show Starts at Dusk FRIEND RIDE Do Yniveaiomhrduoenmt Whether ifaifar car repairs lBE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY MAY 25 l5l JOHN FOSTER DULLES Continued tram four He was in Tokyo at the time the North Korean Communists invaded the republic of South Korea of which he had been spoucr before the UN That was in mid1950 He said at the time that the attack on the little republic came about because the Com munists seem to have felt they could not tolerate this hopeful attractive Asiatic experiment in democracy TRAINEE FOR DIPLOMAT Dulles was born in Washing ton Feb 15 1888 While his par ents lived in Watertnwn NY his mother went to Washington to be with her mother at the time he was born thefirst of five children When Dulles at the age of 15 graduated from high school his grandfather gave him trip to Lsusanne Switzerland to study French That was to help pre pare him for the diplomatic ca reer he wanted the youth to follow He remained there for six months then received private tutoring in Washington to per mit his entrance to Princeton Despite his youth and his state ment that he leafed he was valedictorlan of the class at 1908 and Phi Beta Kappa BEADED NEW YORK FIRM Dulles eompleéeed three year aw course at orge Washing ton University in Washington in and daughter two yearshe Worked hard to DEEP RELIGIOUS make up the year he had spent One of the sons Avery was in Europe Thug is the most converted to the Roman Catholt valuable thing in life and lie faith while serving in tho didnt want to waste it he ex Navy during World War ii and plained he became Jesuit priest In 1957 President Eisenhower PHUQS daughter Mrs Lillias congratulated Dulles on the soil Hmshnw was graduated in 1953 anniversary of his calen ln in at the age of 43 from Union ternational affairs He predicted Theological Seminary and limit that history Would acclaim him Ed fflrward toward career in as one of our greatest Secre the PIBSbyterion ministry Her tarles of State hmband Robert Binshaw was Eisenhower reviewed in public relations executive and personal letter to Dear Foster Quaker The were the par gat latters long list of contrihu Hits of four ildren ans to the waging of peace and gaggeng My personal appreciation of your extraordinary 81mm has trip to tlieOrient in 193d WWI We Sim fit£iiliinsdl 33 me Slat Japan was inevitable 1953 Dallas observed the occasion ï¬t 32 aï¬ï¬‚ï¬gfl by working as usual philosophical analysis of the OWEN TARGET causes of war which was one 0F CRITICISM of the books ordered burned by He had not spent the entire Mall Hitler half centuryin diploman work His SECDnd book War 01 but during distinguished ca Pence published in the spring reer as an international lawyer 1550 gave 81 side View cl had periodically held important many World Emblems he WM diplomatic assignments familiar with and some general Eisenhowers appraisal or recommendations for keeping Dulles was not shared mam the warld from another shooting mously either at home or War abroad He often was the tarch He said thatSovietcommun sharp cricism in congress ism had invented twilight tonal and foreign circles zone between war and peace in Dulles despite criticism and which to carry on aggression the grave world issues he faced Fm 95 Dulles Visitatl he sometimes alleviated tensions Lake Ontario refmat III 300 with display of good humor acre refuge know as Main Once when he was undu par Duck Island on the Canadian eavy fixe he recalled side of the boundary Than he hen he was graduated led semiprimitive existence inceion he was nndecfd The place had no gas an elec ed what he wanted to do in life trinity no stores and took year off to make my decisions suppose he added some people wish would take year off to make all my decisions Dulles said he never worried about adverse criticism As matter of fact he told an inter viewer dont read all that stuff about me very much What good Would it do it would only make me mad and that would interfere with my work AGAINST POLITICS IN RELIGION Dalia came to the belittt that substantial progress toward peace could come only when more persons brought Christian precepts to bear on international problems While he believed that the churches could exercise deci sive influence in determining the pattern of the future he ope posed poliucs in religion The mission of churches ha contend ed was toget Christians to use Christian qualities in their lives as citizens Dulles aptitude for law was demonstrated betore he got his license to practice When he took his bar examination be skipped several questions so as not to be late for dinner en gagement with Miss Janet Pom eroy Avery whom he married latch Despite the answers ha omitted he passed the test He and Miss Avery were mar ried in 1912 They had two sons NOTICE TO SEPARATE SCHOOL SUPPORTEIE ormomornannmannwrrnm psmsnnmr Enrolment for kindergarten and first grade for school term commencing Sept T959 WILL TAKE PLACEIN seams mm mil weusoou as oxen AND ROILING now 51 MARYS SCHOOL CODRINGTON 51 51 JOHN VlANNEY SCHOOL BALDWIN LANE ST MONICAS scHOOL STEEL 51 ON WEDNESDAY MAY 21 FROM 130 pm To pm To BE ELIGELE FOR KINDERGARTEN POPE MUST BE YEARS OF AGE BEFORE 31 DEC 1959 FOI First Grade pupil must he prior to 31 Dec 1953 Proof of Age Must Be Furnished Trustees of mo Separate Schools of Barrie THEMORALQ PLAIN FOR Auio seas AND HOW WHEI YOU NEED CASH or mother gaodreasm when yoonmd cash Call caddy im Imns Oneida its ms qflï¬MhTgï¬cmlstyon Mignon sing to $2500 or more TakedptoZOothmonths xv depending oaths plan yonchoose is