Elli liarrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd 10 BayfIEld Street Barrio Onmriu PAGE noun meson MAY 1359 lDllOlllAL services Open House Is Family Education This coming Saturday is Army Day It is an occasion when the public has an opportunity of seeing something of what the Canadian Army does under peace time conditions This is comparatively new venture for the armyit started at camp Bar den three years ago Then the Camp was thrown open to the public who were invited to visit various exhibits and demonstrations in rather vast area By the number of visitors that Came it was clear the idea was success but the distance between exhibits was drawback So the next year the Army at Camp Borden concentrated their pro gram in one arena at Vimy Range and without doubt this was an outstand ing occasion This year the saine plan is to be fol lowed but the generalwrogram is even more packed with interest There is everything to be said for these annual days of open House stag ed by the armed forces Too few of us know anything about how thosein the Services live or what theynre doing Too many of us look upon Service per sonnel as race apart Here then is an opportunity for all of us to discover that they are just or dinary people like ourselves doing the very important job of guarding our safetyand doing it well It is an opportunity for the young stersand how they love crawling over tanks and fighting mock battles with an invisible enemyto get acquainted superficially with the service way of life For some it may help to make the ulti mate decision of whether to join the Services or not It is family education day well spent where the best of entertainment tempered with little instruction can be had with no great pressure on the purse Opinions of Other Newspapers SOME BOUQUET Minneapolis Tribune The following lellcr to the editor appeared in The New York Times the oilier day in the discussion on the senate floor con cerning the naiionnl flower may offer sugges lion Every slate of the union has its own flower Would it not be an appropriate gesture to Colin bine all the slate flowers in bouquet lie ll with ribbon and inscribe the ribbon fillineg Pluri bus Unuml This conjures up quite startling piclurc Par ticularly when you bear in mind that among some oi the state flowers are cactus sagebrush sun flower iindplne cone THE RIGHT OF PETITION From the Wall Street Journal Though the British have no written Constitu tion as we do they know very well what the right of petition is all about They also know what to do with it even in this electronic age as be people of Longlord Village showed while back Pan American World All ways had asked permission of the Transport Min istry Io start jet flight in New York at 130 aro every day The residean oi Longford whose harm as are in line with Runway No protested that theyd all be awakened every day at 130 am by the noisy takeoffs The Transport Ministry was sympathetics but the complaints of the residean didnt seem to be getting very far Untilbliatis some student of the unwritten Constitution got the residents of Longford to agree tolbreaten to invoke their unwritten rights The plans for the flight were Junked rather hastily after the people of Longford warned they would exeruse their right of petition by telephon ing all airlineslofficials and Transport Ministry officers every time jet plane woke them up at 180 in the morning EVEN THE HUMBLEST From the Winnipeg Tribune in the case of John Waters 16yearold Scot tish grocery bflyyibe world has had better dem onstration of the Brillsli reuse of justice than in iliousand longwinded speeches on human rights Waters claimed he had been beaten by two policemen in and alleyway in Thurso Scotland When local authorities brushed off the claim it was taken to the House of Commons The Prime Minister appointed special tribun News of Former Years MA 10 1930 Malcolm Morrison former Advance Editor Wm elected president of the Childrens Aid Society at meeting of directors held in the Childrens Shelter He succeeds Frank Ham mond KC in office for 11 years Thomas Sin clair was the new VicePresident treasurer was ReginaldvF Grant secretary Gordon Foster was also superintendent There were three new members on tbeBaard of Directors this year Hon Drury Morrison and John Coleman Many favorite operas dramas and comedies had come out on the screen even then Gilbert and Sullivans Mikado in technicolor Mickey Rooney in Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn Paragraphically Speaking About 180 liabies are born each year on trains of the Nagpur India division of the central Railway SystemPress report One wonders when the occasion arises as it often does it the conductor and flagman toss coins to see who will not as obstetrician our ism no Aulnunzea second elus mail eon Office IDeporhnont 0mm only Simdayl mo amnion asncm excursion was WALLSnGIBOrIJ Mmsler wanna Business Manager mama sham Nam Editor 11 anocxwau Advertising Issuance sinusupon aul by carrier a0o £1560 year 5W WY By mall 1117 Chennai 00 year months 5200 Lbrm manila Canada 00 VIII Officer 44 King Sl oronro thclsl gum in trelll luo wan amuse vn vtr iii lobe of mcnnalsibnuy mw uoi Pu usherrAssomtio Tho ennuin Pro Pm on Audit Eurnu or circulations 111 Canadian PTA ll actual mimums dated Press mi and in urn local news published therein All right republic Una of mecisl dimltubu liere1n reserve Tlle boill Number Editorial Advertising Ind men yamy mar wing Ad PAnywy um al which has now reported lhnt policeman did hit the boy on the nose and that second constable fried to bribe the boys parean in forgot about it The incident may have seemed trivial but the principle involved is no trivial The tradition of law which Canada shsr with Britain demands that every person no mailer what his station in life be given fair hearing and just de cision The Waters case is reminder that this prin ciplle still stands as the basic protection of our rig is ATLANTIC SUBSIDIZERS Atlaan Advocate Our coal must be further subsidized so that it can be sold in our Canadian market in camps lion with imported coal Aedquaie subsidies to that end will cost Canada several million dollars The people of the Atlantic province including the coal miners pay several hundred million dol lars every year to subsidize Canadian industry They do this by paying higher prices because of the proiccicd Canadian market for almost every thing they buyAll we risk is that the same prin ciple be applied to coal and that the subsidy be paid as readily and cheerfully as the miner forks out his subsidy for his cigarets or his automobile when he can afford to own one WATERJET ENGINE LAWNMOWER From the Belleville Intelligencer bunch of rocket wizards down in California have invented new water jet engine which they say will drive boats and ships at almost incred ible speeds An impeller described as smoothing like lawn sprinkler will whirl at terriï¬c speed driving ilieboat forward by spraying water into the air behind it It seems like waste of great invention to restrict the use of this new engine to watercraft We realize that an adequate water supply might prove problem in any attempt to adapt it for use on land but this is just the sort of challenge which inventors should welcome Imagine the wealth that awaits the man who can fit this new waterjet engine on lawn mow er which will cut the grass and water the lawn at the some time Or even more sensational new model auto which will flush the sheets clean as it speeds on its wayWhat Canadian city would not welcome such models come the dirty old Springtime Melvin Douglas and Virginia Bruce in Theres That Woman Again Flash Gordons Trip to Mars new serial Jean Parkers Romance of the Limborlost with Eric Linden and Mar jorie Main Jack Dakie and Lucille Ball in The Affairs of Annabel George OBrien in Law less Valley Joe Penuer in Mr Doodle Kicks 0f and scandal These Three linked Mir iam Hopkins Merle Oberon and Joel McRea Up Gravenliurst way Dr Hazelwood was named PhysicisninChief of Muskoka Hos pital for Consumplives The appointment was confirmed by the Boardof Directors of the National SanitariuniAssociafion He succeeded Dr Kendallfvwbo became ill in 1938 and had first spent several years in banking and insurance before graduation in medicine Early to rise and early to beli Youll have 1855 full but it clearer head speaking of Eddie Fisher and herself Elizabeth Taylor said We haveourselv es to live with That should prove suf ficient punishment for each of them Dontworry unduly over friction be tween the West and the Communist na tions with reference to Berlin Tempta tlonto murder is easily resisted when it also means Suicide We can break Russiasback says high on military official It would hbve been tarvmore reassuring it he had sold instead thrit we could accomplish the break about half dozen vertebrae high er up The marl who said Vegotism is Gods gift to little people was egotistical in that he held the opinion he wasnt little person llt11rushchev has difficult time try ing to follow doctors orderspand often failssaysan industrialist who has en tertained him Press report After all it seems Khrushchev has certain human characteristics KITE FLYING ONiPliBLIfiMIINT HILL BC Industry Is Told Consider Profit Sharing VANCOUVER CP British Columbia industry sorely beset by labor disputes in the last yenr has been told to consider profitsharing us the solution to its troubles The suggesiion was made by two men whose word carries lot of weight in the provinces in dustrisl circles Charles Woodward president of the ex panding department store chain of Woodward Stores Ltd and Bert Huffmeister BC agent general in the United Kingdom Mr Woodward whose company has stores in 30 and Alberta announced banner profit of $3728000 for last year and said $1000000 in anticipated capital gaina recordwas distributed to employees under the corn panys profitsharing policy We believe that any success of the firm should be shared not only by management and share holders but should be shared by employees as well he told the annual meeting Its ruvm It was time that industry and labor leaders thought nilitile less of themselves and little more of the people who work for them or who are guided by them The allernatlvo was in dustrial chaos and more restrict ive labor legislation Mr Hoffmeister former chair man of the board of the giant timber interests of MscMiiian and Blocdel Ltd said at an in dustrial and trade conference at the University of BC profit shoring and incentive plans are lowering costs in Europe and should he considered here The wedge separating BC labor and management is hinder ing cooperation on problems and shaking European confidence in EC he said The United Kingdom and Eur ope were digging in for an eco nomic war and BC should do the same WERE EAGER European laborers were eager to work turned out quality goods and were on excellent ierms with management in the opinion of the British BC bad one of the worst records for strikes and work stoppages Meanwhile Rita Stephens ti secretary of the Union ofPost Office Workers in Glasgow who has studied the Canadian labor movement for seven months said in an interview the majority of Canadian employers regarded tiiemselvosas industrial empire builders who cant afford to ac cept unions That was part of the trouble in Canadian industrial relations Another trouble was too much labor legislation in has found the less legislation the less labor trouble Canadas industrial relations would eventually outgrow the need for legislation She blamed some industrial relation trouble in no on legislation which in Planners WashingMDJmm creased the possibility of stands being taken by either side in dispute from which it was hard to retreat In an answer to Mr Woodward and Mr Holfmeister Pat ONeal secretary of the 100000member QUEENS plum Shaky Seals In 55 Election By DON OHEARN Special Correspondent For Tho Bunfa Bunion TORONTO These are the shaby government seats on 1055 election results seats in which the pluralilies were low Under moo Algoma Maul ioulln plurality 900 member Fullerton Cochran South Spooner 612 Hamilton East Ei lioit 554 Middle Norih563 now held by Stewart Ren lrew South 700 now held by Hon James Maloney Sudbury Mouaghan 980 Tomato Bell woods Yaremkc Dovercouri Kerr 730 St Andrew Grossman 743 St David Price 661 Mus koka Boyer 535 Between 1000 and 2000 Essa South Murdoch 1912 Grey North Phillips 1075 Huron now held by MacNaughton 1505 Burouliruce Hanna 1475 Lon don North Roberts 164 Lamb tcn East anes Nickel Belt Belisle 1915 0n Dy mond 1582 Ottawa East Morin 1102 Perth Edwards 1574 Port Arthur Wardrope 1176 Sauil Ste Marie Lyons 1031 Waterloo South Myers 1155 WeliinglcnDufferin Roof 1651 Woolworth Child 1437 York Centre Graham 1105 York Scorborougli Sultan 1525 Tor onto Beaches Collings 1966 Bracondale Frost 1333 Wood blne Fishleigh 1305 NOT LOSE These Mcdd seats with low pluraliiies are the reason that conservative Conservatives say the party could sink as low as 55 members of course not even the smallest Conservative belleva there is chance in the world of it happening Actually 1000 plurality is good margin unless be riding is exceptionally large such as some of the Yorks And in he seats where govern ment men squeezed through coo dlilons have changed since 1955 Messrs Spconer and Yaremko for instance have both been take loin the cabinet in Bellwoods where Mr Yen emko has had two close shaves his former strong opponent Jo seph Gould has switched to St Andrew And in St Andrew Mr Grossrnsn should have it easier without the presence of Joe Sals berg who held the riding firmly for 12 years LIBERAL WORSE On comparative basis the Liberals are worse off than the governmant members on the 1055 statistim Tile bulk of their seals could be looked on us doubtful The pluralltics under 2000 were Braniford Gordon 372 Bruce Whichcr 1018 Essex North Rename 649 Grey South Oliver 1521 Kenora Wren 12s Kent East Spence 725 Oxford Inner 1053 Wellington South Woftun 1968 Out of their 11 seats eight thus are in the dangerous category And Leader John Winlcrmeyer also is said to have fight in Waterloo North In the CCFs three seals Tom Thomas had 2313 in Oshawa Dou MacDonald 1426 in York South and Reg Gisbom 1049 in Went worth East Monty Says UK Vetoed Plan To OXFORD England CF Field Marshal Viscount Mont gomery says that Britain vetoed US plan to invade Europe in 1042 on the ground that avail able Americans troops werc too green to face the Germans Montgomery said Friday any such invasion that year would have been an Allied disaster He told Oxford University stu denls that early in 1942 military them Gen Eisenhower prepared for crosschannel operation He added in my opinion the American plan would have involved the Al lies in disaster which would have prolonged the war for years Churchill and the British chiefs British Columbia Federation pleat ma knew better and uiey Labor CLO said the only fair method of profitsharing would be for employees to have share in determining their wage rates He sold department stores have vig orously resisted union organizalt on We find in the labor move ment that fiveyear pens and 75 year gold watches and sinular gimmicks have cost the employ ees lot of money Strategisltzs Face Changes In Ont Election Campaign TORONTO CP Political strategists have string of new faclors to considerin the cam paign for Ontarios June 11 elec lion There has been change in government at Ottawa The Lib erals have new leader There are new political issues Organ ized labor has increased its pol itical activity Television hasvas sunled more importance One thing hasnt changed since the 1955 electionthe ruling Pro gressive Conservatives again are campaigning from position of strength Led by 63 year old Premier Leslie Frost who likes to be calledOld Man OntarioLhe Con servatives held 03 of the 58 seats in the legislature at dissolution and they have won all 12 Ibyelec uons since the 1955 vote Their is years in office represent record for Ontario Conservatives although Liberals were in power for 30 years from 1874 to 1905 CAMPAIGN steam The government party iscsni paigning under the slogan Pro gtess Ontario Its spokesmen answer accusations of stagnation by pointing to younger men brought into the cabinet during thelast year improved welfare legislation and the new hospital insurance plan New leader of the 11man Liblt eral group in the legislature is Kitchener lawyer John Winter meyer who took over fromFar quhar Oliver year ago after being elected to the Houserin 1955 Liberals hope he will lead them hack to power as did the late Mitchell Hepburn in 1934 starting nine year Liberal reign At 42 Mr Wintermeyer is the youngest party leader He logged 18000 miles in the first six months of his leadership an new has mapped campaign the will take him to more than 60 com munities throughout the province possible handicap could be the disclosure he profited in pipe line stocks along with cabinet ministers But Conservatives dis count ihe importance of ihc gas partys six byeicciion victories since CCF Leader Donald Mac Donald raised it year ago SUPPORTED BY LABOR The CCF with three seats in the legislature for the first time will have full support from or ganized labor as the result of its partnership with the Canadian Labor Congress to form new political party Leaders of the imammember OntarioFederation of Labor hope to raise $25000 for the campaign CCF Leader MacDonald says his party headquarters also will have about $50000 in other contribu tions with constituency organiza tions donating oneï¬fth of their collections In contrastsays the 45year old CCF lender Conservatives will have few million at their disposal Conservative party worker chuckled at Mr MacDon alds suggestion 4and said He has unlimited funds from the un ionswere not in his class The Liberals arent mentioning any figures but they say their election fund has been increased fourfold and so has their full time staff moons ROLE concur Television will play bigger role in the campaign It was first used in the 1055 election but since ilieli the number of stations hasincreased to 15 from 11 and the number of homes with sets to 1200000 from 700000 Party or ganizersplan to spend as much as 60 per cent of their publicity budgets buying limo with private stations All stations have agreed to carry freetime telecasfs of fered by the CBCfive telecosts for the Conservatives four for the Liberals and three for the CCF About 9200000 persons are ex pected to be eligible to vote com pared to 2900000 in 1055 New voters fall into three groupsthose who have reached 21 immigrants who have re ceived citizenship papers and persons who have come to On tario from other provinces Its difficult to assess any of the new factors The Conserva hope to gain two or three seats wbile Liberal Leader Winter meyer says his party will gain at least an seats to form new government CCF Leader MacDonald says have long since come to the were right When the American Army Invade US Troops Green went into battle for the first time in Ilia Eluopenn theatre in North Africa in 1942 one year after they had entered the war the troops were found to be green EJgilyhurcliill and his advisers knew they could never be suffi ciently baidewortby to play their part in Europe against the full might of the German Army in 1042 or even in 1943 Montgomery returned to his theme that American blindness to to dangers of communism cost the West the opportunity of suengthening its positionin Eu rope at the end of the war He said Prime Minister Church ill had fried during the war to get the United States to realize that Russia had become inor tal danger to the free world He failed however be said Chapel Restored On Metz Air Base METZ France CPlA squat stone structure sits firmly among the modern concrete bend quariers buildings of the ROM No Air Division It is Roman Catholic chapel first built 333 years agoAfter surviving few wars few fires and long periods of disuse the chapel today is used by the Cana dians Over the years it has been in and out of French German and American bands The chapel across the road from 50yearold chateau which serves as the Air Division head quarters building was originally of several French families and in 1070 was badly damaged by 1th av cannons It was restored early in the century and passed into German hands during the First World War Between the wars it wasa mainlained by the State of Meiz and in 1940 the Germans took it back The Americans retrieved it in 1944 the French took over in 1946 and the Canadians got it in 1053 when Air Division head quarters was established at Metz For the next two years HCAF conclusion that theres nothing built by French landlord for 995°Elw7kedin we °1dbfld more futile ihsn election predih use by his family and household m3 staff it passed through the bands Material find Human iResourCes Prime Factors In Ont Growth TORONTO CP Ontarios future lies in the development of both her material and human re sources in foster growth expan sion and employment Premier Frost says In proelection radio cam paign be outlined dynamic economic creed involving more people more industry more iobs more wages more oppor tunity andfrom these more pro ductivity and more revenue with mail to do the great jobs in The Progressive Conservative record had kept seasonablo bal ance betpveen the development of human and material resources he said 0n the material side electrical energy has been increased times in the lastifl years and file electrification of rural 0n tario accomplished Natural gas had brought even greater im provementlsnd changed the eco nomic prospects of both Southern andNorthern Ontario On the farm front the govern meat is developing policies in connection with farm marketing audio farm price supports de signed to give farmers decent price fortbeir goods Premier Frest said we must proceed with the undoing of the mistakes of 150 years and clean 11 up our forests and our streams and bring industrial and domes tic water from the Great Lakes system to the heartland of our province wstock issue vintirng to the lives are optimistic and3sav they Great Bakes policy should be initiated to attract the 80000000 people who live around our bor ders to see Ontarios country side Particularly important is the expansion of the iakebead ports as the gateway to the West and the channel of communica tion into thegreat northern and Arctic basin Bed leis To Get UK Guide Sysiem LONDON AP No Soviet jet airliners are to be fitted with Britains Decca navigation con trol systemthe type rejected by tbaAInternational Civil Aviation Organization in favor of an American device The Decca navigation company announced Monday the system will be fitted to two TUllM planes for trial purposes The system consists of chain of radio beacons working in con junction with an unrolling flight log inside the plane The planes position ls constantly marked by pen Britain claims the system is superior to the widely used American VOG device and strongly protested the ICAO ac on AUSSIE POST omen The Australlab Post Office is celebrating its 15001 anniversary in 1055 ing in their spare time to restore its dingy interior They had to straighten out the stone floor that bad sunk about two feet below ground level repair and replace old wooden pews clean up the old Gothic alter and redecorate 14 statues of saints The chapel and the chateau both chipped and cracked from the battles of two world wars are the only French buildings onthe wooded area on which Air Divi sion headquarters was estab lished The chateau occupied by various military forces since 1939 was kept in fairly good shape There was lot of workin volvedvin restoring the chapel says WingCmdr Poirier of New Richmond Que Roman Catholic command chaplain It would have been easier to erect new chapel REWARDING WORK But he says the work had in reward All the work has been finished now and we have chapel with very nice abnor phere He said his parishioners are very fondcf it The little rectangular building holds only 65 people and it is necessary to hold three masses every Sunday Ordinarily says Father Pollier there would be two As you can see it is far too small but dont think anyone would want it replaced by some thing large BIBLE THOUGHT Thy kingdom conic Mnitbew 810 There no use uttering that prayer unless we do something about it ourselves ltwill come little at time