Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 May 1959, p. 1

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VOLT Bush editorial 46537 Examiner Want Ads PA 82414 95th Yea rNo l09 OttawaLVIPs Clown in Version Oi Crusoe in Spring Festival OTTAWA CP Let your seIVes go yelled the master of ceremonies and 5000 pay ing patrons did just that Friday night at the capitals annual springtime party They roared with laughter and applause as group of promi nent Ottawans clowned their way through wideopen version of the Robinson Crusoe story with Opposition Leader Lcsfer Peary son as Crusoe The capacity crowd let them elves go with the pulsating nsic of sevenmember Trini dad steel band and the rhythmic movements of seven Little Carib dancers from Port of Spain INFORMAL DRESS The party bent crowd was logged informally some men were knee length shorts They paid $2 admission and another 50 cents ioi Crusoe footprint to admit them to the bar Party or ganizers were out to raise at least $18000 for the Ottawa Phil harmonic Orchestra Mrf Pearson in tentshaped fur hat andra fur jacket over bulging pantsv stole the show with his swimming entrance on garage mechanics dolly low platform on wheels Friday in this Crusoe versionl was girlblack haired Tobysend out an and ask for Double GetsDouble In Trouble Woods Is Identified lis Rivera NEW YORK AP The two men in atch each other in height weight and even to walrus type moustacheThats what got Samuel Woods into plenty of trouble Woods 26 who already had two robbery offences against himI was picked up last Novem ber for holdups netting $2200 from two Long Island City fi nance companies Woods denied the robberies But our witnesses identified him ajury convicted him andas third offender he faced many years behind bars Earlier this week detectives Martin Dillon and John Yuknes visited Woods in his jail cell They told him his sentence would $9 Dinerstixplor WHOLE FAMILIES Robins Toronto TV performer who wore mink coat over her sarong VHealtb Minister liiontclth was castas vicious pirate captain in wubbling craft with crew oI prominent Ottawans who kid napped Friday ine annual springtime party is sponsored by the Philharmonies womens committee Ella Mr Rattles HBombs Hcis Fifth Of Arms Admits Losses To Be Great But Would Wipe Out West Titanic Emotion WMWWJM CouquDIWSIIwIXGti BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA SATUR Red Equipment AP gross has been told the Soviet House oi Representatives appro priations subcommittee behind public today forces following thorough and wellconccivod plan have com pletely modcrnizcd the cquipmcnt oi their 175 divisions since the war lie continued Their equipment includrs the means for fighting either nuclear or conventional wars anywhere on the Eurasian or Middle East crn land mass Inviilnerability Over Koniev Says LONDON AP Marshal Ivan Konicvloday warned the United States that its day of invulner ability is over The warning came inan article by Koniev in the Red Army newspaper Red Star in connec tion with the 14th anniversary of Germanys defeat Moscow radio quoted the Soviet commander in chief of Warsaw pact forces as saying imperialist states are following an aggres sive line which clearly ignores lessons of the last war Capt Rescunts Wait In Agony VANCOUVER CWThe cap tain ofan explosion shattered Norwegian freighter told Friday night how he and his injured crew waited an agonizing 90 min utes for medical aid because his burning ship was not within Van couvers ci limits cant William Archer of 0510 related his story to coroners jury investigating tbedeath of crew member of the Fernguif hit May by blast in hencngine room told the wireless operator to be lighter if he named his ac complice in the Long island City sticknps Woods got down on his knees Ile wept He said he was not guilty He begged thedetectives to help him Impressed they in spected rogues gallery photos and found dead ringer for Woods even to the walrus mous tache The double is Ralph Riv era also 26 awaiting trial in Manhattan City prison on rob bery charge Rivera confronted by the de tectives readily admitted the ij nance companyholdups When heand Woods met Rivera said Im sorry got you in trouble Woods was Friday pending dismissal of the robbery charges firehoat and doctor boat as we had dying people on the ship and it was burning This was done and the mes sage was received ashore and we were told by the shore station that the fireboat and doctor boat werc on their way COULD NOT MOVE lben there was another mes sagevthat thedoctor boat and firehoat were not coming be cause we were outside thecity limits We couldnt getgtup anchor and could not getthe ship within the city limits to get it available for fire and doctor boats United States Navy crews went to the Femgulfs aid along with private craft Capt Archer said word that fireboat was not comingto the Ferngulfs aid was not from an official source He said it was an unofficial report relayed by ship toshoretelephone to nearby yacht The inquest was calledto in vestigate the death of Magnus Larsen 33 of Ihorshavn in the Faeroe Islands one of six of the trelghters crew burned ATTACH N0 BLAME The jury attached no blame in the death and made no specific recommendations However it suggested system to improve tnordination of various authori ties inaccidents of this nature The 5300 ton Ferngnlf was three miles outside city limits when stricken It was in water under federal goevrnment juris diction Nileit hFor Trapped Bodies CAIRO APDivcrs searched the brown waters of the Nile to day ior bodies trapped in packed excursion boat which sank amid wild confusion with some of Egypts leading agricul tural engineers Police iigures indicated per haps 200 persons were missing many of them women and chll tireuin the holiday party oi gov jalrnment workers andtheir fam IES The zoom doubledecker Dani dara rolled over just off shore Friday so fast that it was im possible to determine how many passengers got off Many never had chance Police es tim ate lull were saved but the numer lost may never be known for the outing tickets were sold in family blocks Whole amilies were drowned together no Cause GIVEN government communique gave no clue to the cause of the disaster Agriculture Minister Marci described it as human and economic tragedy because those drowned include the best of lcur agricultural engineers One of the first to reach the scene was President Nasser of the United Arab Republic who personally directed the rescue of some passengers struggling the water The Dnndara was headed for Garden Park picnic grounds at lthe Nile deltaibarrage dam eight miles downstream from Cairo One of the rescued was Ahmed Talaat secretary of the Agricul tural Engineers Syndicate which organized the excursion for the Moslem Friday Sabbath some Army has equipment about as good as that at the United States and five times as much of it The testimony was given closed doors in Marchby Brig Gcn Lincoln deputy chief of staff of logistics and made Lincoln said the Soviet ground Shirley ONeill l8 second from right and an unidentiiicd girl friend givo comfort to iatally injured Albert Kogler 18 as he lies on beach near the Golden Gate Bridge mo ments alter the youth was mauled by big sharia The youth died 29 hours later OTTAWA CPI The govern ment is trying to work out some legal controls over abuses of ad vertlsings powerLandqinfluence informed sourcessay the cab inet still working on anticom bines legislation to be proposed to Parliament at the current ses sion They say concern of combines experts over some of the uses being made of advertising or that might be made of itais the main problem still being worked on by the cabinet as it tries to hammer out acceptable legisla tion Justice Minister Fulton in recent Toronto speech to the As sociation of Canadian Advertisers indicated the governmentis TORONTO CPlTraific acci dents bave decreased about 50 per cent throughout Ontario since the driver demerit system he came effective April says Dep uty Transport Minister Jr Col lins This drop is greater than any one dared hope he said in comment on statement by Pre PreSs Mac Call UK Elections LONDON APJA swing to the right in local voting brought new pressure today on Prime Minis ter Macmillan from Conservative supporters to call general elec tion soon With most of Fridays returns counted the Tories ran up net gain of 181 seats in local govern ment couiicils against net loss of for the Laborites The day Macmillan who earlier had ruled out national election this spring was impressed by his partys showing at the grass roots level Used Sleeper Hold Times on Pupil TORONTO CP Two school action should be takenin the case of young VTemperanceville schoolteacher alleged to have twice madea 10yearold boy student unconscious Friday by demonstratinga sleeper hold on him Robert Brooks 39 King City automobile dealer toldTemper anceville trustees Friday he will notallow his son Donny to return to the school unless teacher Wil liam Mann is removed nd the classroom ls once ein safe Sodium Discount elections are to be completed to boards will meet to decide what from shock and loss of blood studying measures to eliminate misleading advertising Informed sources say the prob lehipartlcularly in mindshere is what to do about so called dis count stores that advertise pro duct at wholesale price when actually it is merely the going re tail price knocked down few cents Thereiare indications that by describing such knockedvdown re tail prices as wholesale prices the discount operator alleviates some of the concern many re tailers have about competitive pricecutting in their sphere liir Fulton indicated another aspect ofthe governments con cern when he saidi There are some indications that massive advertising and pub liner Frost at Brantfordrthatdhe system islproving iLself Mr Collins said when the de merit system was introduced some officials had feared the courts would be jammed with traffic cases but so far the traffic work of the courts has not in creased The sharp dech in accidents showed the psychological impact of the scheme Drivers were more conscious of their driving habits The average driver had improved Under the new system Ontar ios more than 2000000drivers have points charged against them for traffic offences total of 12 demerits results in automatic li cence suspension for three months Points are against drivers for offences rang ing from speeding two points to impaired driving and criminal negligence 12 points lowed up when the ground sud denly and mysteriously co DAY MAY 1959 SHARK MllllLS KILLS YOUTll Beside Shirley who risked an attack by the shark in aiding Kogler is patrolman Harry Paretchan his uniform cover ing the injured youth Plan BarsTo Catch AdVertising Abuses lie relations campaigns combined with or used by dominant power in particular field of activitywcan sometimes corne pretty close to prewenting entry into the field of competition or indeed to becoming threat to the existence of competition NO HINTS BUT He gave no hints as to what industries he might have badin mind But informed sources point out that in agood many cases the prices of products keep going up or holding their levels despite plentiful supplies gt Examples mentioned were the automobile industry certain na tional brands of mens shirk soaps and toothpastes Accidents Decline 150 More Than Expected Until Aug however no points will he charged for persons con victed of speeding up to 10 miles an hour over the limit The de lay in assessing points for this oifence resulLs from government plans to raise the present 50 to 55 miles an hour limits by 10 miles an hour on certain divided highways The Canadian bighw safety conference was told week that Ontario has had greater improvement in traffic safety than any other province Mr Collins noted that persons convicted of impaired driving drunken driving and criminal negligence automatically have their licences suspended by pro vincial statute Apart from this group no ii cences have been suspended since the dernerit plan started he said There were 42 persons with nine points Willi Sunny today Sundu harming cloud Ibowerl late for complete summary me three LONDON AptMoscow radio said today that So Premier Khrushchev told ting West German editors cight hydrogen bombs would be enough to put West Germany out of action The broadcast quoted Khrush chev as saying obviously not more would be needed to take care of the rest of western Eult rope Moscow reported the talks be tween the Soviet premier and the German delegation took place Tuesday In the some talk Khrushchev was quoted Friday as telling the ediotrs that the Soviet Union would have losses and great ones in event of war but the Western powers would be liter ally wiped off the face of the earth He said NATOs bomber inrce was out of date and the United States also was lagging behind Hie Soviet Union in rocket tech nology The belated account of Khrush chevs remarks is being released by Moscow almost on the eve of the foreign ministers conference in Geneva REPORTS EXCHANGE The radio reported this ex change took place with the ad itors Khrushchev You probably realize how many nuclear bombs with capacity of 3000000 to 5000000 tons would have to be exploded on the territory of West Germany to put her out of ac tion Edl rG one of the group Eight hydrogen bombs Khrushchev Obviously not more And do you think that we havent eight hydrogen bombs GENEVA AP Big Four day with the Communists in foreign ministers arrive here to Berlin Germany and European West talks opening Monday on confident mood for the East security Western diplomatic cautioned against raising high hopes There were prospects of snarl at the nuLset on the agenda and procedure The Western powers have pre pared package plan The Rus sians want to give priority to Berlin and German peace treaty and object to bringing in Western plans for German unifi cation and European security at the same time More argument may develop on whether outside powers may bodies found Friday night oth orsesvdied ateri Farm owner Martin Murpbyprescued bis son seconds regthe East West Ministers Arrive In Geneva Fear Early Snarls Close San Francisco Beaches SAN FRANCISCO AP San Francch closed its beaches to swimmers in fear of sharks although scientists expressed belief fatal attack such as that on college student Friday probably wouldnt happen again in ion years Recover 40 More Bodies CAIRO AP Diversand navy frogmen today recovered an additionallio bodies from the sunken hull of the riverboat Dandara winch capsized Friday with holiday picnic crowd of about 300 persons aboard These were in addition to 10 5c Ci Copy 12 Page This less vid the hi faithful co Nathan not only in his dail courage to be sinned There ar lives when is righteou in times it timed abou We sometii where cert do would ing to God Allruier succession are electer our own have advis theirheav CAME To The date accepted Wilbur Peloubets When house anr birn rest r1 enemies Nathan thu dwell in the ark o1 curtains king Go heart for 11 Samul That nig came to forbid Dav After Day Lord his temple throne of 11 Samuel DAVmS Now we Davids bad wives thing be fell in It woman Uriah am wife So again at the leader most dam attack wa he killed David in Samuel 11 gtHow din forliiswi saying thi Moscow said Khrushchev then added And how many are neced to put other west European cnun tries out of action Obviously not more Claiming he was threatening nobody Khrushchev said war would end quickly in Soviet victory Riled Britons Urge New Law LONDON AP The hanging of the killer of policeman whipped up nationwide demands today for rewriting the law which dispenses death to some murder ers but not to others Ronald Maiwood 25 was hanged in Pentonville Jail Friday for kniiing policeman at dance There were angry dcm onstrations inside and outside the prison Some legislators are campaign ing for House of Commons de bate on Britains complex homi cide law Laborits Sid ey Silverman long campaigner against the death penalty drafted motion Friday night regretting the bang ing of Marwood and attacking arbitrary categories in the Homicide Act which bear no re latinn to the wickedness of the crime The London Times says the act is bad one It does notconvince laymen that justiceabsolute or relative has been done and to that ex tent it fails one of the tests of hedglthy legislation The Times participate in the first Big on foreign ministers narlev since 1955 17 RUSSIANS Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko was expech to lead the ministers into the town today at the head of 17man dele gation US State Secretary Christian lIerter after stopover in Bonn for conference with West German Chancellor Konrad Ade miner and French Foreign Minis ter Couve de Murville also were due today British Foreign Secretary Sel wyn Lloyd the last of the Big Four is not coming until Sunlt day morning PRESS TIME FLASHES win LIVE lirroflfilis psed beneath them at Bad deck NS farm lays stunned at thebottom of uSigfoot hole horses and harness dis ed

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