Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1959, p. 3

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MONTY NPOloolzrs Field Marshal Viscount Mont gomery stepped out of his plane at London Friday back Buy American Act Altered US To Get Arms In Canada By GEORGE larcitEN Canadlan Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON CF The United States has opened the way for Canadian industrial firms to get larger share of US de fence contracts It exempted Canada from cer tain limitations of the Buy Ameri can Act and put Canadian firm on anfiqual footing with Ameri can companies in bidding on con tracts arising from defence pro grams of mutual interest to the two countries The exemption effective July from his Miscowtrip and apologized for saying in his rcntiiils nor duties shall be dded in evaluating Canadian bids and proposals in slithsprolt grants In addition Canadian compo nents for supplies involving mu tualinterest programs will the considered by US military au thorities to be of domestic origin for the purpose of determining whether domestic source end product is being offered ANOTHER CONCESSION The exemption the product of long diplomatic persuasion by Canada is the second major con cession made to Canada by the provides that neither price dif Review Tariff On Electronics OTTAWA CP The tariff board will embark soon on the first review in 20 years of the duty Canada assesses on radio television and other electronic equipment Last studied in 1939 the duty now varies from zero to rate of 20 per cent of an items value The board announced Friday however that Finance Minister Fleming has asked it to recom mend any changes its investiga tions might indicate are neces only The review requested by vari ous Canadian inns in the indus try was originally ordered in 1957 by the then Liberal finance minister Walter Harris PRESSURE The pressure of other tariff business kept the board from get ting at it however and even now it probably wont delve into the rnaintask until the fall to go ahead as soon as possible witha study of the duty rate on automatic recordchangers and make separate report Board officials said hearing on this aspect likely will begin before summer But other items would not come up until later REVISED SCHEDULE The miniters letters to the board directing that it hold public hearings on the matter said the industry requested revision of tariff items affecting radio tele vision and electronic items to take into account developments since the tariff hoard reported on the radio industry in 1939 If the boards studies should indicate that amendments to the customs tariff are desirable would request the board to pre pare revised schedule of tariff items with recommendations as to rates of duty and to include SWITCH 1N HOTEL cases ron COMMENTS ON USg filmed interview that US leadership was slipping US in the last two days Thurs cmpted Canadian oil from US controls which for nearly two years have limited imports of for cign oil The defence department mado no formal announcement of the Buy American Art waiver pre sumably for fear of arousing Con gressional opposition In recent Congressional discussions of de fencesharing with Canada some congressmen have indicated can care about the effect of Canadian contracts on unemployment in the United States NEW ARRANGEMENTS However copies of the mend ments to defencepurchasing reg ulations under the act which nor mally requires the US firms be given preference in defence or ders were made available at the Pentagon and Canadian Defence Production Minister OHurlcy de tailed the changes before the Commons in Ottawa Penetang Hospital Will Retain Bars ST THOMAS Ontario Health Minister Dymond says bars are to he removed from the windows of the Ontario hospital here and train all other mental hospitals where it is deemed feas ible The announcement came as Dr Dymond neared the end of whirlwind tour of all of the prov inces 13 mental institutions He said the decision had been made because the superintendent and staff of the local hospital feel it is contradiction to have an open door system of therapy and still have bars on windows at exception would be the hos the proposed schedule in its re Mr Fleming asked the board port Mr Fleming wrote pital for the criminally insane at Penetanguisbene BANNED ON HIS HIGHWAY ShrirnpiTrucksCauseRift In US Canada Relations OTTAWA CBA new irrita tion has appeared in Canadian American economic relations this time apparently as result of disgruntled Canadian shrimp suppliers complaint It was disclosed Friday that the United States imposed hen Feb 19 on Western Canadian thlcks using US highways to carry imports of Communist China frozen shrimp and other Chinese funds between British Columbia and eastern provinces Authorities said the ban was imposed against four Canadian trucking firms on grounds such traffic imperilled US national security luformants said Montreal supplier of frozen shrimp asked the US to adhere to its foreign jDoubt lVlorse To Be Censored litter ClareLuce Quit Brazil WASHINGTON APlThe pos sibility appeared remote today of any Senate censure of Demo erat Senator WayncMorse of Orego for his actions in the controversy that led ClareBoothe Luce toquit as ambassador to Brazil Republican leaders indicated privately they want no part of proposal by Senator Homer Cape Rep lad that theSenaie lly reprimand Morse for inquiring of Mrs Luces physi cian whether she had received psychiatric treatment influential Dcmocrals laughed the Capehart suggestions as just another stanza in the run ning feud between the Indiana Republican and the Oregon Dem ocrat Mrs Luces decision not to ac cent the appointment brought mixed reactiooamong senators of approval and regret storm was touched off fol lowing her Senate confirmation when Mrs Luce said her trau bias with Morse began after the Oregon senator was kicked in the head by horse VicePresident Richard Nixon called Mrs Luccs resignation great loss tothe United States studio the cause of Latin Amcr 1ican friendship and progress trading laws after low priced frozen shrimp from Red China imported at Vancouver began showing up in eastern Canadian markets John Magee executive secre taryof the Canadian Trucking Associations and Ferguson Browne Progressive Conserva tive MP for Vancouver Kings way described the ban as breath of American obligations tinder the mumcountry General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Both pointed to article five of the GATT which says member country must allow freedom of traffic on its territory in the ship ment ofgoods to another mem ber country informed the American ban was imposed under article 21 of the GATT allowing any member to ban traffic in imports it these threatened national security day President Eisenhower ex by doing bit of investigating Mr Browne said he has hecn if Divorce Seeke rs Try HoodWink Ottawa leeway tottiese lady detectives KELLY Canadian sun Writer way says the chairman of the Commons committee that handles divorce bills Robert McCleave PC Hali fax told the House Friday that he detects new switch on the motel and hotel type phase that some years fair or hotel appearing in evi dence of adultery in divorce cases before Parliament in each case the rendezvous bad occured in some young ladys apartment As before the same lawyers and detectives were involved in these cases who connive and contrive at these particular cases have hit upon this new modus operandi to try to pull the wool over the eyes of members ln the other piece Senate and the members of this House of Commons Mr McCleave said that another odor about it and will get par ticular consideration in the pri vate bills committee along with 11 other divorce bills being held up for special consideration NEW TWIST He also regaled the Commons with details of another new twist in the business of parliamentary divorce for applicants from Que provinces without provincial d1 vorce courts Something absolutely new has crept into the divorce practice For the first time so far as am aware we have had the ap pearance of lady detectives be fore parliamentary commit tee These charming creatures were supplementing their income at night and it must he said that they brought their cases to very successful conclusion They managed to put great deal of hearsay evidence on the record of the Senate divorce committee which is charged with recommending on divorce appli cations can only presume that the gentlemen who heard the evi dence were extraordinarily gel lant that day and gave certain MIXING METAPHORS BRISTOL England CWTile story lathe womens section of newspaper here had this sent ence It is snidthatthe proof of the pudding is in the eating and this applies to clothes as well as puddings WORKED TOO LATE An annoyed resident of the Grove StDrury Lane area phoned Berrie police shortly aftlt er midnight and complained that contractor was pounding away on some sort of building opera tion and keeping him awake police car went to the sceneaml the man burning the midnight oil was advised that he would have to stop buildiog operations He acqtnesced and quiet return ed to the neighborhood BREAK SIGNAL LIGHTS Someonewith nothing better to do broke the signal lights on Gordon Sandfords parked truck on Gowan Street late lastnight or early this morning police were advised Many sr CAVEav City Works department men were called out by city police to cavein on Mary St shortly after oclock last night FISHEBMEN GALORE Restaurants and motels in the Stayner area were well popula ted with trout fishermen await ing the rmidnight deadline 0n tario Provincial Police detach ment head CplReg Wilson re ported yesterday CHARGES PENDING Charges are pending against Barrie man following an ac cideht Thursday at Parkside Drive and Dunlop St West Con stable Frank Ligh from the scene of the accident reported the accident as hit and run case license number was obtained and later Bame man was located and informed he arising out of the collision BLANKETS STOLEN lnnisfil Township poiice are investigating reported theft of blankets from summer cabin on the 8th concession of fnnisfil west of Highwayu Chief Stewart Fisher saidthe Toronto owner said the blankets were missing The cottage is thought to have been entered over the past week BICYCLE STOLEN Mrs Magolski of Mulcaster Street reported to Barrie police Bath Mr Browne and Mr Ma gee said they have protested the laction to US embassy authori ties but have not yet had any reply They had been told Wash ington would have to deal with the problem an official protest with the US state department Mr Brownc said lhc Canadian gnVVlnmCDl now is considering in charge of Barries parking that her sons bicycle had been stolen yesterday The bike was described as being small red in color with no fenders and Icarrier on its front lEINDS STOLEN CAB Constable Gard Wilson who is the eyes of Parliament in new may boa weth It seems to me that the people case has rather unpleasant bee and Newfoundland only would be facing three charges The women detectives act has bothered Parliament fort Now instead of the same mo Nancy Robson Etobicoke reeenty chosen the Outdoors Girl of Canada goes after big one as tilc fishing seae son gets underway Fisher mcn hooking big fish this year are eligible for attractive cash prizes in 1ivincelvide tour nament being conducted by Mr McCleave also noted that quite number of these ama Iyusl like men detectives one tourdetetiives appearing to di OflAWA CWSome Pam of them stuck her foot in the door vorce cases do not have licence mm 59 mm Weekend are to the wool over with Mr and Mn Wilmot WIDE pull so could not be closed and 2$rhspirlgaialcgl my also mum in Tab ATTRACTIVE PRIZES the Ontario Federation of An glers and Hunters tion to other prizes Molsons Brewery Ontario Ltd is Tuesday evening with Mrs fffiugfoflflmnizfdfidfgfl clair and Mrs alargarerclan ment by contributing cash awards of over 53000 in addi UsesrBee Ielly In Experiment 0n Mice To Prevent Leukemia dzifiilrllifllihhit 533 GUELPH tCP An Ontario Agricultural College professor is using royal jelly in experiments with mice here in an effort to prevent delay or destroy leu kemln Dr Gordon Townsend year old apiarist said in aninterview Friday an extract of the bee produced jelly has been success ful in preventing the development of leukemia cancer of the blood in the mice LOCAL AND GENERAL front of meter on Collier St yesterday The car 1955 mo del bad iatition keys in it and had been reported stolen from Mattawa Provincial Police were adyised of the recovery of the au ENSURE ROOM Barrie City Council has ap provedthat buildings on the citys new traffic artery from Essa road up Main and Anne streets be set back 85 feet IncludedLots fronting on streets which term inate at Anne or Main Object to ensure room for development of main highway if needed TEE AWFUL MOMENT For time yesterday Bar rie man who had been made custodian of trophy awarded annually to the top team in the was in quandry The trophy had disappeared The man en listedthe aid of Barrie police and gave aidescription of the missing silverware It was found in the Canadian Legion Trophy Room where it had been stored Barrie Mens Bowling League department related to cancer BEE SECRETION within 12 months tion N0 LEUKEMIA of leukemia eased cells His research started four ler Anne Trainer second years ago is being carried out With 3340 Palm9 Hull Hoop in collaboration with Dr captain Oral Mcclnin Morgan of Ottawa biochemis 901 1Em 511 me with we federal hum liven Gordon Bryan Doris But Dr Morgan is using the jelly extract sent from Guelph in ex Beny McClain Ab Drum periments with mice aimed at Hm 7311mm Gertrude Ma stopping three types of timers her consolation Whirlybirds The nontoxic royal jelly is mm secretionfrom glands of worker bees fed to the queen bee It also causes the larvae to turn into figffififififigtfififih Eng queen bee rather than worker Mug Dom high triple The Guelph experiments in Hazel Walkeni high single Lu volve speciallybred strain of rifle Walsh men high Taver whiehao per centdieofleukemia age Tom Sayers high triple We take die that is 10 or Stephenson high triple months old and dying ofthe dis Carlton high average Ab ease said Dr Townsend and take spleen and make solo The solution is injected into young mouse that wouldnt nor When miles be pre mally die of leukemia for four or Will The women Legion five months It dies in lzdays Amm catering Then the extract of the royal jelly is added to the solution Weve found that when we addedthe extractthey wouldnt Ram Swnd Wh he get leukemia at all the apiarist smug mug their my said The seems be thepast couple of months in action from something in the ex PM hm hm tract that prevents development Dr Townsend saidhe is trying to find out new just What in the visited during the weekend at Jelly reacts and destroys the 115 the home of Mr and Mrs Pat Ifwe get breakthrough its XAMINEF SATURDAY MAY Miss Laura Coon who has bccn patient in St Joscbs Hospital Toronto for the past five weeks returned to her home on Wednesday Miss Hester Williams of To ten and Mrs Henderson Mrs Waller Sochaniwsky and baby returned Friday after spending few days in Toronto with friende Lindsay Mr and Mrs Wilson of Ottawa visited for few days with their daughter Mrs stallion and family Charles Walkem and friend spent the weekend with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Walkem Mr and Mrs Fred Halnes Miss Ethel Haines Mrs Myra Weiss Mrs Mary Allen Mr andrhlrs Robert Mitchell all of Toronto visited during the weekend with their brotherin law and sister Mr and Mrs Thomas Barnett Sr Miss Dorothy Ann Wilson Reg of Boston is holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs Tim Wilson Mr and Mrs Harry Rinn of Creemnro visited old friends in town on Sunday last Miss lola Watson Mrs Wal ter Hurlbert Mrs James Hend erson Mrs che Mrs James Town and Mrs canard Abcrnetby dttendcd the Sims coe Presbytery Womens Assoc iation convention in Barrie on Tuesday Mrs McFarland and dan ghter loAnne of Cookstown visited with her grandmother Mrs Henderson on Monday Mrs Wice entertained the senior ladies bridge club Ede Palmer Mrs Helen Sin idge having the highest scores Bowling Results The Tottchham Alley Bowl ing Club bowled its last games of the season on Thursday evening at the Alliston Bowl Winning team with 3340 points is Annie Lauries cap llam Stephenson Esther Bax ler Lucille Walsh third with 3321 points Magpies captain Margaret Clurldge Wilbert captain James Gould Grace Bennett Grace Sayers Ray Baxter Jean R4156 Bill Carl Singles Ladies high aver Orval McClain high single rury The club plats on holding its annual banquet in the Legion Hall on Thursday April 30 Congratulations to Mr and daughter in Chatham Ont Mr and Mrs Brill Carlton to their home after weeks visit with their son William Carlton and family Mrs Bill Tough of Owen Sound on the birth of Miss Sheila Caddell of Barrie NEWS OF TOTlENlldli daughter Heathe e1 Toronto spent Saturday with the form er parents fir nd Mrs Wicc air rs ll faglough len grilled lion from Texas where they lhc winter months hlr and Mrs Earl lrtn of Port Credit spent Sunday with Mrs James Drummond Mr and Mrs Harvey SimP son were recent visitors in Drill with Mr and llrs Jack Mr and Mrs Anderson iSlmpsm spent Sunday with friends in Mr and Mrsl Steve McNaily who have been in Toronto for some time owing to illness are back in town Mr and Mrs Thomas Barnett Sr are spending this week with their family in Toronto Mrs Barnett attended recital on Monday evening In Thistle lown Her granddaughter Nancy Giovanllln took part by giving some piano accordion numbers number of Womens Inst itute memth attended the musical play in Bolton on Frl day evening The play was put on by the Bolton choral group under the direction of Mrs Adt dison The community extends sym pathy to Walter Palmer in the passing of his sister Mrs Clara Cries of Aurora The funeral was held Monday from the Thompson Funeral Home at Aurora The senior ludiea bridge club were entertained at the home of Mrs Wilmer Palmer on Tuesday evening last Prize winners were Mrs Zeta laary Mrs Agnes Keogh and Mrs Harel Walkem LEGION AUXILIARY The euchre and draw spon sored by the Ladiea Legion Auxiliary held in the Legion Hall on Friday evening April 17 was very successful There were tables playing with prizes going to the following Ladies Theresa Keogh Rbene Delany Eva Barnett consola tion Mrs Jackson gents James Tough Bans Deleny Basil Doyle consolation An drew Archibald Door prizes Mabel Rowbotham Bill Carl ton Mary McKenna The draw on 17 prizes were 1st quilt Don Crowley blanket Idl Feeb ely other prizes Ede Palmer AudreyCarlton Mrs Heath of Tomato Mrs Delany Ernie Carlton Parry Sound M11 Jack Elmer Vere Williamson Scbomherg James Reid Phely stun Mrs Akin Beaten Thomas Egan Mrs Akin Beet on John Lennon Alliston In in Barker Tommy Eatton Jr snd Lonnie Crowley The president of the ladies auxiliary Mrs Bolton thanked all who had helped to make the event success Bill Carl ton wae master of ccremonicl Proceeds amounted to an oven $100 Insurance nr you were seasonal servic for rm or crevasse lust Phou John StoveIcon ot PA 85201 or Call It the office so weve Street Stevensons Forestell INSURANCE possible well try it with humans Mr and Mia Jack cheand But theres no indication of that yet It might be three months or year or more MGMS hunter comm HIGHLE HELL BELOW zenow Technicolo ALAN LADD meters for the police department locatcd stolen car parked in Boxyoiffice Qpanl 7V PLUS CARTOON comlndnounhra Inseam PR NCE 30 PIRATES COMMENCING ED Miss liliria of Mr and Mann Allh the bride Barrie son Bari 23 Both at in Junior CA the mm ington Association cers were 60 gt PresidentJ ock vicepre but Mrs secretary Mt responding Delane St Clair at film re Faldmnn wht Demons For Borc CAMP 80R Chapel Younp tion held stration this guests in nth The door Mrs Marion Bundle tifioate dona Digweed Admittance an as guests in box place to date act as models titration Mrs ll ceived shot Miss Helen demonstrating facials were weed one to and one to Mrs manicure Miss Barba ed appreciativ weed and idi oooperation monshation Refresbmer during the el Gro As is it safe trap things left in cause pain or serious disabi 0n nation torian Order largest home joined the dents in the 0115 vain its medical away at cutn dent toll amc able groupti STRESS FILE The main dents is prev tine Livingstt rector in Chi accidents is could have ht Miss Living telview that order and nurses who tact with pen have speck

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