gt THE BARBIE EXAMLNER THURSDAY APRIL 10 SIMCOEV COUNTY NEWS LADES AID The monthly meeting oi Bax tar Ladics Aid was held at the home of hirs Edgar on Wed nesday analnoon April 15 with 10 members and one visitor 11me The meeting was open ed by the president Mrs Calvin with hymn Roll call was answered with verse from vthc Bible containing the word tomb Otterins for Ladies Aid and WMS received and dedi cated by htrs Edgar Bible questions were prepared by Mrs Guuiey Sr An article was also prepared and given by Mrs Denney How Much Do You Need and reading by Mrs Edgar bet them sing and about or joy Lunch was served at the close by Mrs Reddick and Mrs Elli son Mr and Mrs Eendérson and son Bradley spent the weekend win friends at Moa ford Miss Lila Clark Everett is spending few days with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Gauley Sr The members at Baxter LOBA catered to the banquet put on by the Baxter Bowling Club on Friday evening April 17th Cochrane and son Garry spent the weekend with friends at Bracehridge Edgar Mooney Mp Knight and Murphy took bus trip and banquet at Ni agara Falls NIL with Cooks town Masonia Lodge on Satur day Mr and Mrs Ruddlok and sons Steven and Kerry called on friends in the village on Sun day WJ ELECTIONS The Institute meeting washeld at the hall on April 22 withMrs Usher presiding Roll call was an swated with current events Mrs Moey gava report oithe Dist riot Birecture meeting wnlcbdh attended as thlIWas the annual meeting the conveners gavethelr reports which went toshow that the Institute had had very suc cessful year ofï¬cers appointed were Lite members Mrs Armstrong Mrs Andrews Mrs Amey ill Brad horrid PLANT HYDRANGEA1 ror mums Gnome AFRICAN vxomrs PANSY 62mm Mlxnn peas chromium ley and ltlrs hicbeah praident Mrs Usher ist vice Mrs Brown and vice Mrs Smith sectreas Mrs Keith Kneesbaw dlxtrlct director Mrs Amay Alternate director Mrs Smlzer branch dl rectors ltlrs Andrews Mrs Reynolds airs Dixon sick and flower Mrs Harvey pianist Mrs Smith librarian Mrs Bradley agriculture and Cons dian industries Mrs Wm Suth erland citizenship and educa tinn Mrs Hannah historicalre search and current events hirs McLean borne eeonomim and health Mrs Andrews resolu tions Mrs Watt public relay tlona Mrs Bradley auditors Mrs Bntemu Mrs Luderkin After the meeting lunch was served by Mrs Hannah on Mrs Richardson pmuswxcx nAYCAhfl First meeting to orxnnlxe tth years day camp is to be held at Patnswlck school on Monday Mey4atapmAilparehtsoi children who attended day camp last year and who wish to go this year are invited to attend The campiis for nine days under experienced lenders sup plied by Simcoo Recreation Ser Mr and ms Eyerette Job stone and family were ï¬rst the week visitors withhlr Mrs Frank Moreno of Oriiii Mr and Mrs George melt and Russel Fleet of Torontb Alvin Armstrong and Ross mid Rosemarie and Mrs Ball of Orlllla and Mr and liraan Ayerl ot Jarretwerd mm at the week visitors with Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong Mr and Mrs Orville Arm strong attended the Comer Spelrau wedding reception at Mary on Shturday Best Wishes for speedy re covery so to Mrs Ah Johnston oi Orillla formerly nth Carley underwent serious opera tion inlSoldlers Memorial Hos pital inflrlllia the end of the At the time at writing in sun on the critical list Mamorlal services are to be held atlibbart United Church Sunday May 17 at 230 pm Hflie Eadartflarlpy WA mem bers are busy planning the run image sale they are holdin Saturday morning in the Orange Bali inorillla MOUNT ST LOUIS ilhe Glrls 4H Homemaking Club are making arrangements for meeting at the school on Friday evening May monk per oi the Barrie Provincial Pol Ioe will be the speaker Dalé Miller who has finished his year at 0A0Guelpb home for week Mr and Mrs Lawlor Dixie retinned tothelr home Saturday after the long winter Mrs Miller attended teach tarsL meeting at Creighton on Wednesday aiteruoon Mr and Mrs Pomge of Arizona USA are holidaying with Mr and Mrs Ken Pottage Flu Campbell left Sunday for DEW line where he will be stationed lorelght months MissMary Wright Home Eco nomist Barrie visited the Girls 4H Club on Friday evening Miss Wright checked their re cord books and reviewed the course with the girls UTOPIA Players for fourteen tahles hm ï¬ll hand Thursday DIEM lorthe weeklyeuchre Prizes were nwgrded as follows In diesï¬and gents high score to Mr and ltlrs Archie nuctwurth lnnehnndsldm Excel and Gil heithldaster and consolation pflzesers Latlmsr and Allan RnbsonI banana Mrs John nun spent the weekendwiill Jack Frost andgother relatives Diane McMaater entertained Saturday night for her chum the former Ealen Marrow Thornton and Mrs Alex Dempster Collinswood visited with Mrs Dempstar Thursday Mr and Mrs Arthur Dobson the Mervin Dobsons Mrs Mur ray and Maurice Barrie attend ed dedication service New Lowell United Church unday evening Mr andMrs Keith lurnbull and family Baxter were wi the Bruce Millers homers DAY Ssuunav mav so To Say Love YOU glVe her flowers Mom sure to appreolobe your thoughotulness when you send her flowers frond your florist All her Maul blooms for lovely bouquets and acreagesg allproporly wrap pod and carefully delivered any where lnFthéiloltyhor wherever Mother may be FlawersBy Wire HARRIS grtovvru 99DuNLor 512s rAf 45401 BEIIANI Nurseries BLAKE mmmvson srs haze 6591 noss ooox FLOWERfSIIOP is BRADFORD Sr in 84892 853or8V307i reuntrvs Vrtbvvrns 74BLAKES1REET FAB5915 SALE OF toms and sun commons lit Innswt THI$vMEANS GENUINE SAVINGS It is not specially purchased sale merchandise our regular quality suits and coats Many one of akind at savings up to $1000 Beautiful tashionconta have been reduced as much as $1000 Each sale cont clearly marked down from reg ular price with special sale tlelret included in this groupyou will 11ndhoucle the new looped cloths that are so popular flne English Sealslrlns and many other lovely clothe styled for Spring Shop and save $1000 duringhhls mldseason clearanoe sale spscml SALEmick 25910 29 Suns SOME WOMENS HALF SIZES lNCh my better ï¬aï¬néEnglish worsteds tine wool crepe have been reduced $1000 These suits too are markEd with special sale tickets They are clearly marked down from regular price and you can save upto $1000 Why not plan to see these terrific values right away In the group there are few juniors mostly M5585 and Womens halt sizes all beautifully styled and tailored by leading suit manufacturers iitttilEilTllEn no You will find Poplins lJcorded Poplins Tweedy types the very latest floral designs Bright fashion right coats fot Springs April showers look your very best this Spring and save at the same time Choose oneof Sim monsnnd Co attraotive new all weather coats salons sum as CAKCOAFSIFROM 895 DUSTER COATstRQM 1195 passes sorrowrs SHORTIscoAIs fsKIRrsV srrcm SALE RACK orNaw SPRING smrs BEAUTIFUL rAsrsL BLUES MINT GREENS BEIGES mass LOVELY SKlRTS aorutAR SPR No comuas nae215956 spacial rooon mentor swans SOME SIZED TO norm