ii cannon One Hundre By Bishop Of Torontq To very full church earns the Rt Rev Wilkinson Lord Bishop fit Erato bust Sunday night or pesto Rite of the Laying on Handl commonly called Confirmation Presented to the Bishop were one hundred candidate half of whom were adults and also seven aduln to he received into the Anglican Communion Taking part to the service were the Parish Clergy of Trin ity the Rector the Rev Canon Read the Rev Sherring and the Rev New man and Flight Lieutenant the Rev Colley of Edgar The cruciler was William Cole and the Bishops Chaplain was Wil liam Simpson Servers for the service were Bob Lines Bob Blake Bill Baker John Drake Michael Ogden and Arthur Smith The choir was under the di rection of Mrs Roberts and the anthem sung was or propriate for the Service of Con flmiatlon Come Thou lion were arrayed in white Half way from the West the direction of that should not he done and the faith of the Church faith with their blood He told ise to keep Gods Holy Will and Commandments and to walk in the same all the days of our Spirit Come The Bishop welcomed the class into the Communion of the An glican Church He rcnuoded them that this Communion was worldwide communion and has its roots in the British Isles hack to the second century of the Christian era it cherishes the riches of both the Catholic andthe Reformed branches of Christendom As his text the Bishop spoke on Romans 53 God command eth his love toward us In that while we were yet smners Christ died for us exams PROMISES Lflie Bishop careftu explain ed tho three promises made by the candidates to God Promise Ooeto ltenounce the Devil sig nified the choice in life between Christ and the Devil In the early Church all candidates through the service they turned darkness and of evil to the East the direction of the Rising of the Sunand the Resurrection and Light This is what Christians must do daily It is Christs way It is to lookaway from evil to light for the Christian is the redeemed and the sanctified To do this the Christian needs to keep the Vision of Christ ever before his eyes Once Christ is forgotten then things are done things are not done which should be done lbe Second Promise is the ac ceptance of the Articles of the Christian Faith as contained in the Apostles Creed The teach log of the Church is not some thing new and fashioned by man The teaching of the Creed goes back to the second century of Christianity and the simpler form goes right to the first cenlt tury Even withall the divisions of Christianity todayI almost all accept the teaching of the Apost les Creed believe in the Father God who has made me and all the world believe in God the Son who has redeemed me and all mankind believe in God the Holy Ghost whohas sanctified meand all the elect people of Germsis livingGoti IIIi The Bishop told of personal experience in Rome where we visited the scene of the martyr doms of many or the faith They sealed their faith this ofbeing at Durham Cathedral this past year and seeing the place from which missionaries of the Church have gone to the four corners of the earth with this faith All of us need to know more about our faith and the valiant witness of Christians of the Church for nineteen cen turies In thinking of the third prom life the good Bishop told the class of the need to come to God for help to do these things We are all to use the means of Grace that God gives us in Prayer Bible Reading and the Sacraments Religion cant simply be product of gnnd moods There is he maturity in that There must be continual coming to the source of powers What great privilege itwill benfor tlieclassto come to their firstcommunion and re ceive the Broken Body and the CROWN HILL Visitors the weekend with Mr and Mrs Don Vernon weregllfr and Mrs Vcruon otlToronto and Mr and Mrs Jackluroer ofrBairie Mr and Mrs Grehnm Som ipers and family spent Sunday wltb Mr mders Moir at Conkstown Sunday visitors were Mr an Mind Strachan and Debbie at Cecil Dunsmores Mr and Mn arthoiomew and Norman of Mmesing with Mr and wins Norval Caldwell Mrand Mrs Lorne Sommers Horne visitedielaL onto on Sundw La es of the WA and Evening Ministry both to the youth and Binodotanrmnrctoneeiuai the benefitsch Passion And so Iithuugh the third Ermine seems almost too its goal yet God is not Il Hecametoinauasaiiahyln Bethlehan Be itretched out His love when Bis one could not move to coniort the penitent thiefon the cross He is the God with us Our Emmanuel in all aspects of life we shall live this Christianity in our lives it begins right in the house it begins at home by be ing thoughtful and considerate and having the Christllke spirit FULL TIME SERVICE For some it will mean life Milli1m service in the Church And the Bishop gave strong apeal to vocations for the Holy to the parents He spoke of strong Christian people in all walla of life who were making their Christian witness telt People in the positions of high est authority and people in the humblest walks of life all living under the power nl the Holy Spirit for God Following the service there was reception for the Bishop and the Candidates and their friends and families in the Por lsh Hall The Trinity Guild served refreshments it was wonderful day The service of Confirmation is one of the most moving experiences that one could ever have CONFIRMATION CLASS John Dunn Baxter Michael George Bell Ronald Alvin Bren neman Roderick James Brown Richard Halg Burton Paul Will inm Howard Dalllmore Robert Franklin Dean Robert Kent Diamond Hugh Malcolm Elliott Robert James Eistub Timothy Donald Fleweiiing George Tar rence Garrow Roger Collie Galllmore Arthur Andrew Gorr ham Allen Wallace Graves Stuart Michael Gray Charles Richard Green David James Hamel Nelson Donald Home John Hunter Kennedy Peter Wayne Megdonnl Richard Fran cis Maughen James Albert Mill lean Reginald Alison Morse William Brian McGihbon Nor man Fraser Snelgrove Joseph George Ogden Roderick Fred erick Osborne Joseph Barry Pahner David Murray Bey nolds Ian Samuel Rouse Lawr ence Albert Buhl Kenneth Syll neï¬ Watson John Rlchard Wolf Cfl ED Rosemary Anne Asquith Mary Mr and Mrs 11 Madch andfamily and Ruth Ann Kit gen visited at Atwood on Sim Mr and Mrs McLean Donald and Stuart visited in Kitchener on Sunday Mr and Mrs Sheardown visited with Mr and Mrs Doan in Elmvele on Sunday Cooke of Toronto spent few days with his parents Mr and Mrs Cooke Mrs Do is anILbeLrnotheLoL Fort Erie were recent visitors withMr and Mrs Bailey Mr and Mrs Partridge and faintly of Oshawa visited at Partridges on Sunday Fdshions new Helen Christina Baxter NIX Iret Anne Baxter Sandra An act Sandra Lee Borbley Val erl JaneBmwn Elizabeth Rosa Donaldson Betty Jean dss Sharon Ann Ellis Fluca Margaret Ferguson Patricia Dorothea Gray Susan Barbara Hardy Patricia Ann Harris Cheryl Dianne liolt Carolyn Anne Kelly Shanon Pat Kelly Patricia Anne Laine Christine Evelyn Larkin Barbara Adele Lows Wendy Anne Lines San dra Lee MecFariane Janet Phyllis Mackenzie Suzanna Kathleen Maughan Gloria Ann Reid Gall Selwood Joan Muriel Smith Jean Helen Spooner tails Ward Donna Gay Wautli er Carroi Balcon Morse Wayne Murray Tburiow Murray Gib son Thurlow Thomas Reginald Smith Dr William John Thomp son Peter Rogerson Baker William Harold Covert Louil Gordon Hoclnldge Lawrence George Last Wilfred Donald Morris Miss Jenn May Archer Mrs Sally Donavon Mrs Dor othy Merle Glenn Mrs Mary Jean Jones Mrs Jenn Winnifred Lnklng Mrs Anne Jane Meg dooal Mrs Lucille Margaret Metcnlfc Mrs Mildred Lilly Osborne Mrs Nora Emmellne Pearce Miss Geraldine Pblppen Mrs Gladys Ellen Richards Mrs Ruth Marilyn Wood Miss Carole Joyce Woodrow Mrs Elsie Florence Faulds Mrs Margaret Jean Baxter Gerald Keith Nult Mrs Elsie Josephine Nutt William Ernest Raycralt Mrs Margaret Mary Baycrafg Wroy Bevelle Mrs Irene Bev clle David Lloyd Jones Sydney George Pappin Joseph Lloyd Thompson Mrs Aldeaoe Mae McNeil Mrs Margaret Thomp son Smith RECEIVED INTO THE CHURCH Mrs Norrcn Jones Mrs Rose Anne Pappln Mrs Joan Tcrresa Thompson Joseph Clarence Mc Neil Arthur Smith Frank Dia mond Mrs Joanne Marla Eve Brundin SHANTY BAY New wi omccns The April meeting oftbe Shanty Bay Womens Institute was held atthe home of Mrs Ii Martin with eleven members present It was decided thattha proceeds of the next card party should be turned over to the Cancer Society Special prizes will be given Mrs Prlssick read an interesting paper on The Balriiiel Feet by Etth Chapman Following the busi ness meeting new officers for the coming year were elected as follows President Mrs Martin vicepresident Mrs secretary Mrs Simpson treasurer Mrs Peterson district representa tive Mrs Prissick fruit and flowers Mrs Hickling Be ports of standing committees were read May meeting ill be at the home of Mrs lievlson Arrangements are being made special speaker lissv The Ladies Guild of St lthomas Church met at the home of Mrs Wortley with 12 members present undercover ngenr This seasons fashions dictate new silmness new flimnw Wonderful new Girdle your imamWe by Exquisite Form Foundation will he 7° see how they Junior nylon power net girdle embroidered ny lon niarqulseite front panel with cross stitch satin ribbonlath les tex up and an stretch back Helanca top and bottom for oomtort fin lsh 101 own in MEETDIG east 3150000 The new building will be ed on the site at the rear prment building and will house all the towns facilities There will be shed for machinery is fire hall and garage for the trucks There will be accommo dation for the police and new jail to replace the old brick lockup which now sued next to the fire mu The one big thing Will be that the towns recent will be hour ed in fireproof vault whichis not the case at present The coimcil chambers and thepollca court will have plenty of space as well as the town clerk and other officials The council is hoping to have the heating and approval of citizens in this project They feel that the approval of the Mimlcipal Board can be obtain ed without the mutter going to vote providing the citizens on thuizlme are in support oirthe The old town hall does not lend itself to reconstruction and in the opinion of the experts who have been called in for advice the erection of the new building and the removal of the old one would be the most tisfactory plan Council is of the opinion that by careful management and BETHESDA Donald Boulstau returned to his work with the Department of Lands and Forests at Fort William after spending three weeks with his parents Mr and Mrs Roulston Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Oswald Jones on the birtliot son and to Mr and Mrs Bruce Kneesbaw also EDI Dale Squibb entertained twelve little girls at her ninth birthday Party Mr and Mrs Irving Cooper visited on Sunday with Lue An dason at Shanty Bey Mr and Mrs Morgan and Donald and Mr and Mrs Cornell of Brantford were week and visitors with Mrs George Squibb 9de regulations are complied sdth We should have tour by law empower the fire dud or someone appointed for the Purpose to see that safety reg ulstions are complied Councillor Stewart reported behalf of the lire minim Council agreed that following legal advice the areas ne tionshould be taken The matter of sending fin truekouttofirestnvehlcleson 19 always was discussed There never bin been refusal to send truck but it could be that Bradford might need the equipment at home when it was away on ooaof these calls West Gwllllmbury has refined to acce anymore accounts for into their area Coun cillor Stewart advised eounclt West Gwilllmhury Days standbyfeeasweliasafeoper hour for the use of the equip ment and similar arrange ment is made with King Town ship Most of the fires occur outside the town the councillor advised It was felt that the owner of the vehicle which may have been saved by the fire trucks should be responsible for paying for their servtces and might re claim it from their insurance There was no decision to pro hibit the use of the equipment to calls on the highway DELAY 0N ROAD BITCH The delay in getting an ok on the storm sewer on Barrie Road is athihuted to the dc partments delay in sending back the approved plans which include catch basins etc It was felt that tenders for the work should be obtained before loan or debenture was negotiated so that the amount of the indebted lilies would be available before an Thetowuwlllberequiredto gay the full amount men get ack their grants after the work is completed It has WERE PROUD OF oun SERVICE LETBSBOW YOU WHY KRAMER MOTORS Limited 145 BRADFORD BT is BradfordiPlc1ns CmédianiNeed Confirmed Develop Pride CORDURG OP Canada need national flax and Cons dlans need to develop national pride Andaman Minister Good fella of Ontario said Wednesday Speaking to the newlyfarmed Rice Lake Ind Trent Valley Tour mdAssodJilon Mr Goodfellow if we Canadians have any be setting sin it is that we lack pride in our country We do not yet realize what this Rent land means to or individually He spoke of the great interest American take in their historic old buildings and the steps they take to preserve than Canadians are neglectful he said Unless we are carefulunless we develop national wasqu ness many of curlnndinarks will soon disap STEELES corneas PRENUPHAL SHOWER On Saturday evening Apru 25 number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Russell Dra per Cookstown tohonor Miss Ramona Watt and Dennis Murphy with miscellaneous shower prior to their marriage on May so in St Judes Anglican Church Scarboro The couple opened their many presents an der parasol gay with pink endtwhlle sheamers and ball ooos Both uprused thanks and extendedan invitation to their friends to visit them in their new home at Markham Games were played and lunch was served by the hostess Among those present were friends from Cookstown Scar boro Markham Barrie Town to and Bradford Those from Gllford were Mrs JDale5 Mr and Mrs Earl Dales Mary and Betty Ann and Mrs Eru est Dales Gregg and Scott Brown oi Dalston spent the weekend with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Ernest Koeeshew Sunday visitors at Ernest George Dams CONSTRUCHON LTD Blrrlo pa was TEE BARRIEIXAMINER THURSDAYKAPKIL 55 WYEBRIDGI Mr and Mrs Aberdeen Blair of North Cobalt spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Kenneth liounsnme and Mr and Mrs William Charles Ross Douglas is spending two weeks vacation It his home ere Quite number are sufferin from the flu Mr and Mrs Ross Anderson of Midland visitede Sunday with Mr and Mrs Malcolm MacDonald Mr and Mrs Edward Me Wattera was guests It the Bevislinney wedding in St Pauls United Church Midland on Saturday followed by the reception in Wyebridge Com munityliail Miss Joan Edwards of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Douglas Edwards Mrs Rawn of Barrie visited with Mr and Mrs Rawn and family on Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Jain3i Crumle of Tomato spent the weckmid with Mr and Mn Roy Bailey Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs McWattcn were Mr and Mrs Harold Noble 91 3mm Forest anoint Bert Mardel of mm Mr and Mrs Kauneth Houn some were It home to friends and relatives on Saturday April on the occasion of their twentyilfth wedding Innivers ary Pourtng tea were Mn Wu iiam Charla and Mrs Clifford Gardinerw Tea assistants were Mrs William Crippeo Mrs Lloyd Murday Mn Meredith Guthrie and Mrs Gordon Curr Mrs Lorne Caguthm presided in the kitchen Among those who attended from distance were friendsko North Cobalt Alliston Toronto Elmvala Mld land Wysvals Bradford and Barrie 28 Killed Plane Crashes In Spain MADRID APiA Spanish nir liner with 25 puiengers and three crew aboard crashed near Cuenca Wednesday and all were killed The wreckage was found we miles southwest of Madrid It was iearnedthat Joaquin Biuruo Spains Ehnopean gymn astid champion and his wife were among pesieogeni Dales were Mr auers Bar old Dates and John Toronto On Saturday evening the con mention of Ebenezer United Church met the home of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Kneeshaw and presentd Miss Isabel Kneeshaw with coffee table label in her own gracious wry thanked thcmfor the gift Miss Aileen Gardener visited Miss Alma Coornbcr in Newmar ket last Tuesday Miss Myrna Fairbanks Torlt onto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs George Fairbanks On Sunday she accompanied themtand the family to Little Lake where they were guests of Mr and MrsBob Fairbanks Mirna spas GENERAL CONTRACTORS Homes swam we CAN mane Lune Lows Compare our prices Ind dullfly before buying CALL 339 HAYNEB ONTAFJO JUST winnmvzn ANOTHER The plane twoengined D03 belonged to th government owned lberlavAlrllnea WGES NEIGHBORIJNESS HAMILTON CF Immigra tion Minister Fairclough urgu Canadians to treat immigrants to this country their neighbors Speaking to the Canadian Physio therapy Congress Siniday night she said Canadians often ioui sight of the fact that newcomers are more than statistim more than consumers or producers or importers of capital FortPlay or salami 40 Dunlop at VBBnH 500 11 business Mama The More Yards The More Money You Save FOR EACH franc puvkcuasen AT THE special sacs emce or sis YARD err ONE YARD FOR ONE CENT special sass vane You Buy REGULAR VALUES GREATEST unneeav sass m4meoeeouumr exriut nap gone eeur voids $193 ya Jonahems SYds yet GET THE TEN YARDS FOR TOTAL or ONLY 59 NOW OVER YARDS 45 and 50 INCH MATERIAL Router AND HA screen reruns Museum PLAINS OUTSTA NlniNeAizsreacrs gt to BSAUTiEUL rickets weavss Ann PATIERNS rigrue undue percussion DOZENS or COLORS mo COLOR GOMBINATIONS The More Yordngojou Buy ITlieM ore MoneyYgou Sov GRAHAM stem isio outlineerg it canine