MISS AUDREY WYARD presith of the Venture Club nndona of the leading models ofa private fshlod show held at Community House ht by the Soropttrnist Club and another model Mrs Amy Sar gent president of tha Scrap tlmlst centre talk fashions with tho coaunentator Mrs Hugh Wallace on the right Soroptimist Club Has 16th Spring is in the air everywhere and those who viewed the pri vate fashion show at the sump timist dinner meeting at the Community House last night ogrpcd The meeting celebrated tho 16th birthday of the Barrie Saroptimist Club Seventyï¬ve members and guests had pre view of what will be seen on the fashion scene from April shower time right through humid sumv mertime Colortwas everywhere in ori ent51 prints bold plaids llounds tooth checks Everpopular navy slrnnlungs were shown in jacket ensbmbles empire lines blou son styles and simple shirtwaists Mahy afterfive frocks featured lowscoaped backs and full skirts with sell crinolincs Mrs Amy Sargent president of the Soroptimist Club opened thcj parade wearing printed crepe in blue shades with draped softness and featured the very popular self bow trimming the bodice Miss Marylyn Dyment of the Venture Club was all ready for the warm weather ia cotton shéatirof soft ice blue featuring large pearl buttons and white trim while Miss Mary Colbert wore versatile shirtwaistot candy striped cotton in shades of turquoise and white jacket ensemble of cinnamon brown and white miniature print Birthday was modelled by Miss Flora Mc Gregor lhe coralfitted waist lcngth jacket was trimmed with cinnamon butlons and the plain sheath had matching cinnamon currunerbund and piping on the neckline Petite Kay Yasunaka chose summery frock of tropical green and blue oriental print with low scoop neckline in both front and back and featured tiny hilt tons marching down the front Navy and white were seen in number of eyesappeallng dc signs as the gooverywhere navy blue shantung sheath of pure silk worn by Miss Dorothy Falconer Styled on simple lines tho dress had two small perky bows at the front attractive collar and neckline Dresses modelled were from the Jean Christin Salon Models included the following members of the Venture Club who were guests at the dinner meeting Miss Shirley McKenzie Miss Audrey Halfyard Miss Florinn Gill Miss Maryiyn Dyrncnt Mary Colbert Miss Donna Ga zell Soroptimist models were Mrs Mary Wiseman Mrs Amy Sargent Miss Wilda Colbert Miss Kay Yasunalto Miss Edna West Miss Flora McGregor and Miss Dorothy Falconer Mrs Machines and Miss Kathleen Webb assisted the models and Miss Dorothy Loth provided the backgroundmuslc Execiitivé Réï¬imed Vat Annual Election Meeting The annual election of oli cers was held at the Wednesday night meeting of the Catholic mens League of St Marys Lurch Mrs Corbett was in the chair The executive all re elected with tha exception of the tréasurer are as follows prai dent Mral Corbett 1s vice president Mrs Jerry Coughlin 2nd vicepresident Mrs Mc Cann ard vicepresident Mrs I= Clyne recording secretary Mrs Calvert treasurer Mrs Cliftonijonesponding score talY Mrs Coleman resume of the highlights of the year was given including re ports of thevparishpicnic in Aug flat at Springwater Park the Christmas tea and bake sale fund raising rummage sales with proceeds going to aid Fa lher Labelles mission on Chris tian Island the Redemptoristine Sisters and needy families Six ColleCtor hundred hospital calls were made during the year and Day of Recollection at the Mid land Shrlna in October was at tended by large group of the CWL Members worked for the Save The Children Fund and for the second year won the prize for the largest donation to the Hospital Auxiliary Hostess Night Plans were made for rum mage sale to be held at the IOOF Hall Collier Street in May and also for food shower for the Redemptorist Monastery Mrs Clifton reportedon the Retreatheld at the console Tm ronto OWL members who at tendedlnciudeers McVeigh Mrs Corbett Mrs calvert Mr Clifton Mrs Bron nan Mrs Shaughnessy and Mrs McQuay Refreshments were served by Mrs NBibby and her coin mittee Has Home Filled With Salt and Pepper Shakers OTTAWA CP when you have collection of 250 pairs of salt and pepper shakers dusting is problem am dusting hasnt dampened Mrs Arthur Pritcbards enthu siasm for her hobby started rrioreihan two years ago 5With family relatives fricnds all helping to make the collection grow this housewife probably couldnt stop her hobby if she wanted to gt Once in awhile gettired of it all but my husband wontrhear of ending it she told re porter gt The wife of trucker and moihcr of five children ranging in age Jrom eight to 15 Mrs Pritehard said she always has been fascinated by saltnand pep per shakers As result the walls of her living room are lined with all sizes and shapes of shakerss ful array that includes miniature animals vegetables lowers and even unlikebelieve electrical appliances Whenyoutum koohon tinytelevlsinn set for instance out pops the seasonings Theres avenge miniature power lawn wmower thatturns out salt and pepper So far most of the fastngmg rununs coausxrmron by persons rhinslastattoikomldinoooml gunmenmason rlnslst upon POLSONS atyourDrug and collection has come from Canada and the United States Now the Ottawa housewife native of Granville Que hopes to extend her search to foreign countries She already has pair ffDutch shoe alltakers from Hol and gt No matter where the shakers come from theyre to look at not to use Besides saidthe collector havent got the money to fill them all HONORARY MIEMBER STOKEEngland CFOAri llillt yearold grandmother Mrs Mar garetr Farm has joined needle work clnss in this Statiordshire city The education committee is considering making her an hon orary life member rain MUSCLE WNARDS 4snsasagt NT La More serious VCdroérillVonieii Inl BusineSsrWorld Today BORDER NOTE Six famous professional golfers were present when Camp Bob dens Golf Clinic opened this week Al Balding Bob Graythe Finlayson Ted Hogarth George Clifton and Bruce Gray demon strated techniques to resident golfers in the RCAC drill ball special service will be held in Cam bordens nlnlty Chapel on Apr it when members of the chapels councilwlll be of ficially installed in office and presentations made to the noun cils past chairman gift will be presented by Group Capt ii West on behalf of the con gregation of the BCAF chapel in Camp Borden Atr Station to the congregation of the Trinity Chapel and will be dedicated by Major Rand Senior Chop lain gt farewell party was held re cently in the RCAMC Sgls Mess in honor of Sgt Graham and Capt Proudfoot Sgt Gra ham is retiring from service with the army and was presented with gift W0 Harris spoke on behalf of all messmembers in wishing Sgt Graham good luck in the future Capt Proudfoot Seats cx change officer serving with the RCAth will shortly return to England after two years service at the ECAMC school Major Cooper officer in charge of GM spolra of Capt Proudfoots iclency and of his popularity Wants Women To Be Surgeons MONTREAL CmTherein of women in medicine ranging from traditional bedside nursingto performance of latest surgical techniques is being an alyzed as sidellght nttheAmer loanCollege of Surgeons meeting hora thisweek Dr Katherine Russell 29year oid surgeon from New York inlt terary stoutly defended her profaslon Wednesday in an in terview If women areto be let into medicine at all see no reason why they should be limitedito in ternal medicinc she said And of course women have long been accepted as obstetricians and gynecologists sowhy limit the surgical field to thus opera iions Women are heat with their hands lhaystand up well to stressiflheir enduranceism least that of mans except in mus cular activityand there isnt much cf that in surgery she said Dr Russell is 1951 graduate of Birmingham Medical School She came to the United states 15 months ago as surgical resident at New York lntlnnsry 230 bed private hospital founded by women Titanic VPassenger Recalls Disaster yANCOUVEE CP Late on the night of Sunday April 14 1912 aJlZyearold girl who now is Mrs Leslie Marshall was awakened by gentle shaking few moments later she and her mother were in the midst of one of the mast appalling disast ers in the historyqf shipping They were passengers on the cIIANGE rownERSHlP NOW 10E TAKE ouroaoeas also chips PENI my main OliAWA it The bee today std goo tomorrow at floo secretary is giving way to the serious career woman ll twoflttall private when Mrs Helen Atkinson and Mrs Doris Damion dout once with the suggestion that mercurial job could be called stopgsp until marriage lts certainly not so tempo rsry especially in Ottawa said Mrs Atkinson who Ll Ottawa president of the Assooiatlon of Administrative Assistant or Pri vate Secretaries With the capl tals large number of wow msrrlage chances are mer Job might be womans sole livelihood Mrs Dominn an association member busy organizing semi nar or office re atlonl had an otber angle CAREEWNSCIOUB Girls today are more career conscious And they conselotu of the fact that they might have to return to work after marriage They also realize that better qua lficatlons mean more secu ritY Both experienced private score tartan and working wives who have no children Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Domlna agreed that Mr and Mrs Cooke In nlsfll Street have rammed by air from Lakeland Florida where they holidade for the past month Mrs Dobsoa Barrio recently attended the funeral of her niece Mrs Edward Bowyer at Desrbora Michigan Laurie Gartrier Perth was recent guest omits mother Mrs Gnrtner Centre Street Laurie is attending course at loroato for the provincial pol lCB trousseau tea will balhold at the homo of Mrs Til Tltanio which hit anioeb and sank with the inertial 1517 Ives Mrs Marshall recently sat with reporter during showing of tho fllrr Night to Remember based onthsloss of the She thought the film over dramatlzed some episodes The ateerago passengers were not locked below in the way the film suggests she said And there was no fighting for boats while was on board the ship KNOW you was THOUGHTFUL m7 69 JOHNSON ST H193 has so SUNDAYS FROM1100 BAREE wrapo er the management of Pittman DIAL 688211 500 In to 10 lTEE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY theoostofllvingandibeneed for two incomes also prompted women tostay atworkorlore branch serves as on inspiration to keep us on our toes said Mn Atkiiuon The association founded in Toronto in 1951 oowhss six Ontario branches Toronto national bud afï¬liate members across Canada and threeyear spacial correspond ence course for private seem rules offered through the Ualvsr pity of Toronto Tatar membership in tha six branches is somewhere under 500 said Mn Atkinson There are our mala members Ottawa has 68 mambars all women IMPROVE STANDARD An eventual aim Is to establish national standards and protes slonal status for private score lattes who often are indispensa ble assistants to an executive in his administration work mcxnborshl qualification is five years es experience This qualification is high for young closer worï¬en so the Ot tawa branch will open student membership this fall Mrs Atkins sonsatd AFR 10 1953 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL lett Jr Willowdale Sunday in honor of brideelect Margaret Redfern Feryne Reynolds daughter of Mr antLMrs Reynolds Toronto Street whose marrlngo will take place at T0 ronto April in Among guests from Barrie will be Mrs Honey Mary Street Mrs Vaughan Perry Street Miss Joanne Reynolds who will be maidioi honor for her sister and Mr and Mrs Roy nolds Dr and Mrs Webb have returned to Cobourg alter spend ing week with the latters mother Mrs Donald Jacobs Hayfield Street 13 and Mrs Webb also visited MrandgtMrs Charles lacobs NEiSJASNL Mr and Mrs HJ Heath Codrlngton Stï¬at have retlun ed from an extensive visit at Lake Worth and Daytona Beach Florida Visiting Mr and Mrs Heath is their daughter Mrs Joseph Coming and son Hugh of Detroit Michigan started yearan the Ottawa branch has members taking the commodore courses With regain meeting special speakers semlnsrs an aewslctter members hoop up on everything from offlu man agement to good design The association ll popular with employers some of whom pay for their secretarys correspond ence courses Whether the cometary is vet eran or newcomer than pert have definite ideas on two subiects that apply to all Draw to be attractive but not to disuact said Mrs Atkinson who wore an attractive tailored dark blue dress for the luncheon interview And try to be ontlma for workits lm rtant said Mrs Domino as hustled back to her office WillPay More For Cosmetics OllAWA CPlThc cost of being beautifulif you need cos metics toiletriesand that sort of thingmay he going up Finance Minister Fielding in his budget speech announced re gulation changes affecting taxa tion on cosmetics toiletries and other pharmacoutlcals from cer tain sources Most affected will be distribu ors who buy these products in liqu and do their own packag flfl Far taxation purposes they will be considered manufactur erslhls will maka the selling price of their packaged products subject to both the llpeMent sales tax and the illpercent ex cisa tax Previously thisappllcd only to such products from actual manu facturcrs some of whom do their awnpackaging Mr Fleming said he decided on the changes because ho was convinced that serious degree of inequity exists at present in application of tax The changes evidently have in view tht fact packaging and ad vcrtislng these products com prise alargo proportion oi the tinalselllng price Consequently tax on the price in bulk is considerably less than if levied onrthesnla rice or manufactaer who one ages and advertises the product himself gt Disk Steele rars waoas SPECIAL Royal Albert Reg 135 cairnrs saucers $110 ENoLIsa cams AND mom can Cor Collier andBuytlcld PA was Danni Six of $700 clash Forks Bauer 512s of $700 each rsssroous rtruler 0053503qu HaveYoioTWives Experts AdviCeIto Explorers Arctic eiplonnTaka taint uawomsnaiaog twlca the Arctic beat blrnback Butu Dr EW vtobpresldent of tho CNR re lated Wednesdalv nub Burns was told the acts tits is int by In Arcticwise womam wise tndlan chief named Ma tonabbee Home retarded the movers nation this way For lslald baï¬gwbeasyll th men are eavy on can neither hunt our travel to any considerable distance And in csss they mg with success in hunting who is to The PiuHébit UNITED NATIONS AP Dont take lot of tranquilizers to keep from worrying Some worry does you good That advice calm RomDr Eduardo itsapt pubs World Health Organization United Nations affiliate Aschiefbf the agency mental health section he writes in the publication World Health certain amouht of worrying about the consequences of our ac tions would seem to be necessary for livinga healthy mental life certain amount of normal an xiety is one of the factors that contribute to cultural progress Too many people eat pep pills and happy pills stimulants and tranquilllzera llkecandy It is being said that at some parties they are handed around like pea nuts and that people even have started to ace their cocktails with Dontglvendamnpllls Ho complains that taking these pills is considered perfectly re spectable by people who would look sskance at somebody who abused alcohol or who took an opiate or smokedmarijuana Doctors he says are being forced by their patients into what can any bocalledthotglm pre scriptions Go woman carry tbs produce ottbeir bort Woman added he were panda for labor One of than can carry or haul asmueh as two men can do lhey also on our tests mead and our clothing keep as warm at night And in fact there is no such thing as travelling any consid erable distance or for any longth of time in this country wlthout their assistance Woman he said again though they do everything are maintained at trifling ax penra for as they always stand cook the very licking of their tlnuniascarcotimesissut Doctor Deeded fielent for their mtenance Commented Dr old dt This is certainly far cry fromthsrolsofwomeninour citt today scream Working at Plant mcasusrt CF Sans Sohsrlsch who says she cant stand the thought of sitting at home looking idly at four walls began her 7an year at the and Boehmer Box com any Miss Scharlach as has no plans for retirement Its better for you if you dont glvs tort she said She is always amen the first each to show up at the mamlng REEVES Jewellers 7s Dunlap at ll manner shoppe as asss avo EVE LENNOX PROP Across from Allandals Hardware ALL wean noun acumen oransroas soar waran nsno son an sasmroos ro Gusnsaraa mar Barron PERMANENT diver maraasr nonunion MATERIALS rosso av APPOINTMENT ONLY OPERATORS $100 more noisï¬ndrmmm to Jon Ploo snow mom Royal Danish luly Malia the worms sunirrruts to sauowmo InMSIINfl KNlVï¬DJNNER or passer size FORKSDIME or nessarr sue msioousfaeouua sun smu oessrrr sro lUllER srresoais corrEEsrooNs 9N5 rooms as ssm em bzaélllerlkzy Enioy the pride in selling your table with beautiful Mairhing Sterling tonight jcacixf new ï¬cthr