tonsirncoe Centre holic gold key fromthe Attorney ATTORNEYGENERAL KELSO ROBERTS QC right presents goldkc 130 George Johnston MPP tor Simone Centre atthe on 191 opening of the new Ontario Provin tnspector John Clar Go ll Key For Lentil1M opening 013 More than 200 people attended thecercmony to mark the official opening of the now Ontariova inciai Polio Headquarters nt trc Seated in ing the mllre entrance to one which was 1a da for vguests and police officers from di dquartersotogelher as near lce it Will nessed George th Wih hr eive sym Genetal Eon Kelsov Roberta QC undicut the ribbonldecorating the main cdoor orneyGeneralétnrecast thatL in atterof week ademerit lay charges rather than issue warnings Hepo ted olit thatinthe thrc years he had heen Attorne Ge eral 298 per cent thep rsons who had been killed had been killed in inglg car accidents acne this once inn critlcls First he felt the name Ontario Proyinclal roilcc should be emblazoned onthe front of the huilding Secondly he re gretted the outside appearance not the building which was purely lunctlonai ahd not all architec turally decorative Judge Mrs Mari lo Hamilton called the occasion the fulï¬llment ob dream which began many yearsago She had nothing but praise for District Inspector John Clarkand the ï¬ne torce under emphay ize the factthnt thé enforce mentot the syslem there was no intention that the epinrcing agen eies should do away with issuing rni gs There was no lnten esé agencies should him Important Function Inspector Clark ga brief particulars of the composi tion of the tnrlo Provincial Police Force He pointed out that attached to this No District Headqunr rsthere were 157 men of all ranks and civiliantstaft of 14 There were 42 mobile un its nndflvehoats The District Inspecto tated thattraffic was one of the most important functions tofvhis force vehicles Rose street in Barrie 1951 his some had had mo driving prosecutionswarned Q70 drivers and cheCKEd 41660 This new Lhead uarters gt something they had all been clai Police District Pleadquarters buildingy pi Highwaynoo next QPRDlstriet nungm ills Cairpeine looking award to for thepssi four years Personal ride Ho 1501 sonal pri in hiing pres this functigl for the reorganiza tion which resulted in the present force happened dnder the gov ernment which he headed He traced vividly the early history whichded to this reorganization tat He leaverhls mic er Cella Hutchinson of Mooll stone threesans Wayne Gary 12 and Eddie 15 an glrter Linda and the ultimate estahi hment of the presentoil They are building up tradi tlon comparable in smaller sphere to that of the RCMP said Mr Drury MTho pson QC Crown Attorney for Simcoe County said that no one in the countyhnd closer association withthepollee force than the Clown Attorney He Had been practising law in Barrie for the past 35 years and re called the handful ofimeh who had their head tersln Ross block and which ha now grown to today He ment on buildingsuch pleasant place rifor the police to workin Eleasnnt environments made for Better work Reeve RossWilliams Allis ton deputlzed for ardenArthur Evans who was una le tobe pro sent He Vreada letter of regret especially he home or from the War and was represented Iby Assistant Commissioner Ward Kennedy when open 146 Burton enue discovered that flow ha been broken ry $10 in change to splendi force or ongratulated the govern Assuming that our Calla Hamltlon North Collegiate gurcs name integral like at thecloaeoi lhe all it clearthl voting throqu as heavy that lbwow the bylaw in particular d1 lose total 717 per ot th eligible voters all line in Ward Five practicallylhe last mturnswerc illlM ratepayers voted tor the bylaw 118d voted againstl As an example of how ose the voting was on this issue twopalli log stations on in Ward One and medgequal numher of vot svor and against thebylaw The greatest 3th two to on ma hr favor of Barrie becnm treet froni Ithc square to Bayflcld Street with cleared oi tniflc at six ococlr this evening for apecll civil Defence pro gram arrangedhby the Vital dom5wardens Thoprov rio collegiate Band no Asianm ol on Flight of aircraft 704 simulate usunl Collegiate Bandl 128 JABCdemonsha management to time sauna my re oithe situation GleeClub Mr Ross reports that he has the Glee Club well nilgamed chieï¬ instructor skirting our The ncreasein our two collegiates this yea stu ms Mr Bowmanhas next and the following years 175 very kclyv registra at the ncrease next He is very pleased with the number who areturning out to Kettle is again going to act as and we gram every Wed nesday to be held may history depart under 5the guidance of Mr Dryden prepared for us con stitution which outlines step by step our methods of procedure wiii assure us that Life Student Connoii is elected most dem eratic manner complete difference votes cast in this bale lot as 27 0n the question of city status at nopoiling station did thema jority tc against becoming city The biggest majority in in or oi city status was in Wardone where oso voted for and 19 against The turnout of vpters was gratv ilying particularly when it is re membered that the voting was confined to the property owners into item at 4123e1igible wt or 2236 went to the polls On occasions at somepoliing sta ns there were queueswaiting to cast their votes Atthc last municipal election roughly 23 percent oi all ihe voters cast vote Following thc announcement oi cENrRAL cQLLEéiATE STAFF STARTED ONE EACHERSHORT In his monthly reporMo Bar rie District Collegiate Board Bowman principal poi ted out that Central Collegiate opera ed the school year with one teacher short This was due to the fast that the Ontario Department of Edn cation had withdrawn the per mit to teach of Mr MoNeal from Buflaio hecauee lie didnot com collegiate time tables were revised with one teacher fewer The principals repo below inflpart ur registration is reasonably with the following grade totals Grade 1x 318 is given 210 XX 16 XII 167 pirr estimate rangement is ly factory Two classes xJii proval of the chairman committee have been split and early morning cl 95 that worked out well year have pew started agai Theseclasses are conducted by Mr Mitchenv and Mr Thompson hatwoen and am fWe would point out that this chool is operating at aboï¬t its capacity and that accommoda tionshould be providedot the North collegiate for most or the future increases until it reaches in same size ne work during ethe surn We would mention Mr articulariy for hisor gapizatioriof the summer work Starts In Ear made fl Salvation Amy Red vass for Barri which 0mm cost onfMonday Sept 22 lThe RCAF VNéF Whale and the pleasant and conscien tious way he looks afterthis school The new science room provided was first class piece of work The new llghting in lhetyping mornv and library sre appreciated The painting wash ing varnishing and repair work carried out has brought our school up to good standard The property co ittee under the chainnanshipbf Mr Griï¬fen is doing fine job in keeping our building ingood oonditio You have received sum mary of our Upper School re sultanand you will find them above average Fiftythree of our Grade X1 students quali fied for honor graduation di Turn to page twopleae RCAF Parade page Britain sonony AF stationCamp Bo march to the Cenotap this Sunday rm ing to lay wreathsand at nd ser vices jat St Andrews Presbyter5 ian Church and St Marys Church Headed by Ban the parade will leave the Arena at 1015 am Bar Cadets and members of formed As in Barrie will also id by repr sentatives from Stat ns Camp Bord and Edgar and laxinepot The Association will also P139 3mm ayor Wi ard Kmu will take the march past He at young ots wh gave their livestin the lgiit freedo has already been canvassed with veryvgoodlresultsh but the town cavass was leituntil now because of the many other appeals baing made to locaic rzens atthe of thegeneral canvass the resul whichare subject to oliiclai conï¬rmation Mayor iardKinxie we am idoeed happy to see the very important issueql Barrie as suming ty Ilatus ca ed by sud doiinite major feel that the iuiure iorHarrie is very bright snd that advancement in hoth gro andprospcrlty is surcd On thenlore closely contested issue the use oithe old post ot ice square it hastlieen decided to keel all or green are This wiiibc doneand am very beautli is Equmeni pBldg Bafrleflions Club haoeplaus to entertain thon llilierest Mon archs provincial womens oiliball jhvenile chainpiods dinner meeting next Tuesday Comm Rouse The Lions at back toregular meetings after the sunnner recess on Sept9 and husiness discus sions have taken up program time torJIwo weeks The pro and cons of sell the their Equipment were tossed committe IBill Garncr Charlie Read and Joe Longtiniwas appointed toas sess he equipmeri andbuilding oniilil Ijowes property Directo etiesihrnnchrofthe Ontario De partmentjbf Agriculture will of ficially Ian the Centennial ions atCookstown Fair on Friday Mr Lashley is aforaner representative for Wallace in rememb nee of those