hunt loan or ltaamnuun at moldininmtnteourtenotpenahfl be chuckling these days He hulnentinlemn and with no hear Wiwithudvleeto the fly and ou he hum has lndJ chain menu with will re roles at power ample to industry But Lorduonkten chairman of flidlond Bunk hudonelt tor him wlthorl the Chumllor lnvlnl to turn In our The announcement by Lord Honhtonthnt the Midland Bonk See usfnr new or used tnrp Use bur tarp rentiljservlce tor vochsinnhl or emeri encles AILSizee in Stock nanometre inwnua co Hayï¬eld so ï¬rms There were no hlé goodn axing ot nonmthe Cmdlnn Banhihnvehedfn ye temo nzlior tor yum pend gt But this ll nnewthin¢ in the Uult Kingdom nndlthu taken ï¬nancial ireles hyltorm 315nm miscem gt Behind weuiaund Banks tlon is the lad that in recent weeks most of the ieidinl banks hive beenbuyinz heuvily into the hirepurchase ï¬nance comp Most of thebluer hire purchase ï¬rms Were involved buys leit for the Midland Solt come up with this for Britain trevalutlonory idea lot placing inhibit the dir posal ot the public at rates much lowerUnn those oi the flames companies for the porches of can electrical equipment for the home furniture and other as modlties Already this has anowhnlled The other thanks rare following gult One at the bitgestflnnnce compo eehns reduced its rate of interestto3$ lt iooks Iii ii overyoneisplendini with the public to eornealong andme money Ifld spend it to keep the countrys economyIt high level And the public is responding runningin droves to the Midland Bunk to get some of the any money ntrn low interest rate Chgonellor vAmoryx problem of Sunday Sep flle mamgar autnmotlv sented to Jack Bets Service on behalf of first wstlmonla getting more money int reuln tinn hnsheeu we press rialrigour for Corhmonwe Trade said there We trough ent in Canedetln favor trade with Britain an that in the next fewyenrs there would be it mendous expansion in the censor rnerk Seiziug on this th Express hos came autstrooalyin sup rt raising th levels my preterenoes to st wealth trnde turni the keynote oifthe coming Ice cldenee nwlrs no drum eating 11 Express the v7 London Evening Standard ciune rnmnnmim rm looks out the The ct EasternVSteele gaimized litean rootingnhd tiding Mines Weatheroghtnees for your farm Beth at side and mdhmthisiougï¬téup Vkveepsvontdrivingwindaodnhn riteLup minim right over old wooden shingle or asphalt rooï¬ng without removing thoorlginnl perfect or mopping 111 in adjoining sheen roof ing Each Srih sheet cover full width Esteijteel mumtore several dietinottypeaof metal roomy nod sidingeach designed within diflerent applicatianin mind To help you choose the right covering write today for your 135600py70f Bulletin l40ehowing the best rooling siding and fertile coveringjob you have ininind whennppiyinitostern Sled root iugoniding bevturetoim Preston spin shank ledlied milkthe rooting mail with theieedlealnndemeaththehudwhichplug umvmholewinimmmmmm Eras1min st morniu rs mun new of thy Collier321 outwith special the pegesup piement setting iorth heoppotlt timltlee orfgrcatér Eritnin and ANXIOUS ABOUTICELAND The averageBrrtlsher we have foundzls not very easily by international affairs have ensedrinihe on genes on thevpartot ent of writing nth ad mam The lcelnnd gr saysv the 12 ll be enforcedrand ing essels violuting seized taken into port their éatthes andnetr conï¬scated rand ï¬nes impose The British fgov ernmerg say t0theiishlng boat Captains Go ahead nd torcheraid limit and ignor new Iceland regulation Emotional row oldie JHURIIAN Dunlap of Anna th it 1e Qmï¬io am this chm solved for oucnmun It wumadcolthewéof pl Lee he chorus ml undersmb who steppedinto the leadi role onrlfowhoursnoticel It was eonddered phenomenal thit ghouls zirl mould give so men got WWW flomgnee 99 he om Commonwealth irade Conterenee heA nd the feminine leadmntider the name oi Féleï¬vilt Mel It Lena mymr leading re oree She career Bntshq ought hock Chaoging hername for stage purposes to Toniabee esthrtedngaln at the bottom the chnruawas picked understory to Julie citizens spénd thoiisahds of dol lars on igarnee of chancehent gambling luwev Ilittlee ridltiulous Beryl Foley Wesended whenathey Irnnlre hetting and conducted the de thé WA meetr Our Responsible Service Mr Wall Caldwell lb vo pweu aldiieil conducted he meeting Final pith for th WMIS supper to 1913 gauibllngv legal ior onexweelr nndshy its sin during the other 61 Wetlock Altam olénin WA burinees 72 went SI Pointe nu Intuituerinqton and Mn going rthwith lhcm4 HotnoAxnln rues Dill Ellrrnefe Lillian brim find Nancy union me hey after mending the Ium Toronto spent the weekend with Mr nhdflll walsCIH McConnell Burlington is spending tew days with her husban vet Ernest Ellemer hm 60th blrihde 19 re completed Mrs Gilehnst interesting introduction to the new missionary study hook eern of Continent from tootheme tilNorth American Neighbors Mix Gilchrist rcompnred these neighbors Ins tanrea Wpulltinh fClirlxthn Concerns ind ellglonr By meat map meme Qinpperlon St 1mm room PA 59991 In Sept Insulated by several members had most gout you reliflveiot the 1he Wentlamina run nearend hr Meny useful it showere loyel to were the tielobe they hid memoon SERVICE PA estMW snorewnu us lll 9PM EVERY rmnnr Evgnugo routine deodo